Christ Church is open for worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. The live stream of the 10:00 a.m. service can be found on our You Tube channel! You can watch it in real time or at your convenience. Find it here.
Fun fact: Crayons and mini coloring books for kids are now available in the rear of the church - check them out!
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Dear family and friends of Christ Church,
Earlier this week, I gathered the staff together to look through the next several months of worship and events here at Christ Church. As we began praying our evening devotion, I was struck by the decades of faithful service present around the table. What a blessing to have such dedicated leaders helping shape and guide our community offerings. I drove home filled with gratitude for each of them, and excitement for the myriad opportunities we will be offering to help deepen our connections to God and one another.
I feel a particular energy around the start of our Sunday School program this year. Later this week, some of us will be gathering to contribute some “sweat equity” into cleaning and preparing our classrooms for a much-needed facelift. Thank you in advance to all who will be helping us get our space ready to receive our kids!
On Sunday, September 8th, we will hold a Blessing of the Backpacks during our 10:00 a.m. service. All kids and youth are invited to bring their school backpacks to church. The following Sunday, September 15th, marks the official beginning of our church school year, including the first day of classes and the first rehearsal for our Junior Choir.
So many hands and hearts give of themselves to make the faith formation of our children and youth such a vibrant offering of this community. And, of course, this is just one of the many, many teams actively serving Christ and sharing the Good News in and through this special place.
On Sunday, September 22nd, we’ll gather for our first Parish Breakfast of the season and hold our annual Ministry Fair to highlight the different ways you can use the resources of this parish to develop and deepen your faith in Christ. I hope you will use this exciting, energizing month of September to resume a familiar faith routine or to begin practicing your faith in a new way.
Know that my prayers, and the prayers of this church, are with you as you discern where God is calling you in this new program year!
See you in church! Blessings and peace,
The Rev. Chris Streeter
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Blessing of the Backpacks &
Sunday School Registration
We're going back to school at Christ Church! Get your backpack blessed at the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday, September 8th!
And don't forget to register those adorable tykes for Sunday School!
Classes begin on September 15th.
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Parish Breakfast & Ministry Fair
Want to help out at Christ Church? Join us for breakfast on Sunday, September 22nd, 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. and check out all the ways you can use your talents to further our mission of being Christ's presence in our community, from joining the choir to feeding our neighbors to helping out on the altar. We need you!
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Join the Junior Choir!
Children in grades 1 - 6 are invited to join the Junior Choir! The ensemble rehearses during coffee hour, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service and typically sings 1 - 2 times per month, as well as for special feast days during the year. We are always looking to expand our wonderful group of singers. Rehearsals begin Sunday, September 15th. Contact Debbie Mello, 973-670-4556 or with questions.
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Contemplative Prayer Group Starts Next Month
Contemplative Prayer develops and deepens our relationship with Christ by resting in and opening to God’s transformative presence. It provides a time and space for silence, stillness, prayer, meditation, and reflection.
This group will be a simple devotional experience with a focus on contemplative prayer practices including centering prayer, lectio and visio divina, meditation, and scripture reading. These practices can be a doorway through which we experience an abiding and sustaining relationship with Christ. Also, in our meeting together, we support one another in our individual faith journeys.
An information session on this new offering will be held in the Parlor, Sunday, September 29th, 11:45 a.m., immediately following the 10:00 a.m. services.
Please contact Diana Greene if interested or for further information:
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Thursday Worship Returns in October
Join Father Chris in the parlor on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. beginning October 3rd for worship and discussion.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
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Christian Education for All Ages on Sundays! |
Nursery Care
Nursery care for young children is available, 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. during the 10:00 a.m. service.
Sunday School
Christian education for children in grades preschool - fifth grade will return on Sunday, September 8th. We will be using the "Big Faith" curriculum to explore important stories in the Bible. Got questions? Contact Susie Mittelstadt, 973-600-7725 or by email,
Journey Youth Group
The Journey Youth Group for students in grades 6 - 12 will be pursuing monthly service opportunities for students this fall. Stay tuned! Contact Randy Parks, 862-266-0513 or, with questions. See you soon!
Adult Bible Study, 9:00 a.m.
Want to reflect more on the day’s scripture lessons? Join a group in Holley Hall at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday – we’d love to see you!
New Members Class
Father Chris will be holding a class for new members, Episcopal 101, on Wednesday evenings, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., beginning October 23rd. Learn the basics of the Episcopal tradition and find out why we do what we do!
Confirmation is Coming!
Interested in officially joining the Episcopal faith? Get confirmed! Beginning in February 2025, Father Chris will be holding classes in preparation for the May 10th Rite of Confirmation. All ages welcome!
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The next meeting and potluck lunch for Christ Church Women will be held Thursday, September 19th, at 11:30 a.m. in Holley Hall. If you would like to be receive emails about CCW activities, please contact Diana Greene at This is a “read only” email group with news and information regarding all CCW activities.
We hope to see you there!
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The Christ Church Book Club will meet on Wednesday, September 25th, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom to discuss "Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese.
Got questions? Contact Lori Parks at 862-266-3059 or
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Those who have volunteered to serve as Ushers, Acolytes, Crucifers, Altar Guild members, Coffee Hour Hosts, or Brunch in a Bag Sandwich Slingers can check their schedule on the Christ Church website. | |
Christ Church provides volunteers to Manna House at the First Presbyterian Church of Newton on the 4th Wednesday of each month. The next volunteer opportunity is September 25th.
The First Presbyterian Church of Newton will host a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for Manna House, Tuesday, September 10th, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Cost for adults, $5, children 5 - 12, $3. Children under 3 years of age are free.
Those interested in volunteering are invited to call Laura Booker, 973-383-7635 or email
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Christ Church in Stitches |
The Christ Church in Stitches group will meet on Monday, September 23rd, at 1:00 p.m. in Holley Hall. If you like to knit, crochet, or sew - or you would like to learn - we hope you will join our merry tribe!
If you have unused, full skeins of yarn, please contact Johanna Osborne 201-788-6361 or at
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Altar Guild News
Wanted: Volunteers who are willing to devote a few hours a month to "fussy, but gratifying work" (to quote our own Alex Zander) to help care for the altar linens. You do NOT need to be a current member of the Altar Guild. All that is needed is a good quality steam iron. Contact Alex at 862-268-5416.
Parishioners are encouraged to contribute toward the purchase of the flowers on the altar in order to commemorate a special occasion or loved one; Sanctuary Lights or Candles, $20; Altar Flowers, $50. Contact Alex Zander at or contact the church office to offer flowers or to make a monetary donation.
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Faith Community Nurse Available |
Christ Church has its very own Faith Community Nurse! Beth Batastini is available to assist you with healthcare issues, personal visits, and other concerns.
Call the church office or contact Beth at or 973-876-5579.
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Did you know that Christ Church feeds a bagged lunch to more than 60 people EVERY Sunday? We could use your help! Join a team of your fellow parishioners to make sandwiches and stuff bags with fruit, water, and snacks on Sunday morning and then help distribute them in the church immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service. Teams serve on a rotating basis approximately every 7 weeks. To volunteer, contact Geordie Compton, or call the church office, 973-383-2245.
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Got a kid in college? We want to send them a care package in October! We need:
- Student's Name
- Parents' Name(s), Email & Phone Number
- College or University Name
- Student's Mailing Address
Please contact Randy Parks, 862-266-0513 or, or call the church office, 973-383-2245, with the information and let us know if you can help!
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Well Done, Good & Faithful Servants!
- Geri Livengood for hosting the August CCW gathering at her home.
- Nick and Lisa Pachnos, Mike and Denise Streeter, Trish and Kurt Lutz, Pauline Josephs, Caroline Silva, and all those who helped with setting up, cleaning up, and preparing food for the annual Summer Party. A special shout out to John Pachnos and his trio for their performance.
- Our summer soloists! Thank you for your memorable contributions to our services while the Junior and Senior Choirs were on hiatus.
- Al Greene and the members of the Christ Church Property Committee who are working hard to identify areas that need repair in our facility and beginning to address them.
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Blessing of the Animals, Sunday, October 6th, 2:00 p.m. on the patio.
Stewardship Sunday, October 20th.
"Episcopal 101" New Members' Class, starts October 23rd.
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Stay up-to-date with the events at Christ Church by checking out the calendar on our website .
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