September 1, 2024

Dear D101,

Toastmasters is so much more than just a platform for honing communication and leadership skills. Sure, those benefits are well-documented, but what about the little gems we pick up along the way? The ones we might not even notice until we stop and reflect on our journey. Let me share a few from my own experience.

Effective Introductions: Remember those first meetings? Back in 2018, my introduction was just, "My name is Raji and I work for the XYZ team. Glad to be here." Sounds basic, right? But after countless repetitions, this simple act has evolved into something more memorable. Now I can effortlessly toss in a fun fact, maybe something quirky, and it feels natural. It’s a small thing, but it makes a big difference!

Nudge to Extraversion: Initiating conversations with strangers, for some of us, is a real challenge. I still remember walking into my first Toastmasters meeting, absolutely petrified. But all it took was one warm smile and a quick introduction from the other side to break the ice. Fast forward to the Toastmasters convention, and guess what? I was chatting up district leaders from every corner of the globe! I couldn’t believe it either. Toastmasters has this magical way of gently nudging us out of our shells and pushing us toward extraversion. Suddenly, stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t feel so scary—it feels empowering!

Working with Diverse Teammates: Here’s something I used to take for granted—the diversity within Toastmasters. During our District conference, I worked alongside an executive assistant, an entrepreneur, an engineer, a stay-at-home mom, and an author. Each person brought something unique to the table, and it was incredible to see how differently we all approached the same tasks. This kind of diversity doesn’t just teach you to work in a team; it teaches you to appreciate different perspectives, manage varying viewpoints, and lead with empathy.

These nuanced lessons are the unsung heroes of our Toastmasters journey. They shape us into more than just better communicators and leaders—they make us more adaptable, socially aware, and empathetic humans.

I urge you to take a moment to reflect on your own Toastmasters experience. What little nuggets of wisdom have you picked up along the way? Share them with us and with your club members, because your story matters and it deserves to be heard.

And if you haven’t yet renewed your membership, now is the perfect time to do so. By renewing, you’re committing to furthering your growth, supporting your fellow members, and continuing to reap the benefits that Toastmasters has to offer. 

Let’s keep this journey going—together!

Raji Bandanapudi, DTM

District Director, 2024-25

District 101 Toastmasters