September 2023
Job Posting for CSA Administrative Assistant

The Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) is seeking an energetic, motivated and organized individual to join us in our Calgary office. Core responsibilities are administrative assistance to CSA management team, administration; and support to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF), membership customer service and data entry support as well as assistance to the CSA programs coordinator for communication through social media, email and website. 
The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills (verbal and written), and will be expected to become proficient in computer/data entry and organized with the ability to multi-task and prioritize responsibilities. We want someone who can work independently and within a team. Knowledge of the cattle industry is an asset but not a necessity. 
He/she will: (These duties will include but not be limited to)
  • Provide support to the CSA Management team (General Manager and Office Manager)
  • Administration of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation
  • Provide support to membership and registry staff through customer service and data entry. Willingness to learn a specific registry computer system and bylaws, policies and procedures of the CSA.
  • Provide support to programs coordinator for membership communications through social media, website and email.
  • Assist administration, marketing, IT and breed improvement with special data inputting or data management programs along with other miscellaneous projects as assigned.  
  • Work effectively as part of the CSA team. This will be done with professionalism and in a manner which is positive to the Association, its directors and staff.
  • Provide monthly timesheets and weekly activity reports to management team.
Abilities & Experience:
  • Preference of 3 years of experience in the agriculture industry and in particular strong knowledge of the beef cattle industry
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work as part of a team and/or independently.
  • Preference of experience in management and leadership roles, including strong practical familiarity with board governance.
  • Program administration skills including financial management, budget preparation and reporting.
  • Ability to multitask, work quickly and efficiently in a fast-paced and priority- changing environment.
  • Strong working knowledge of computer programs, social media tools and willingness to use all applications.
  • Highly detail oriented with strong organizational, analytical, planning and time management skills are essential.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Conducts themselves in a professional manner, and able to respect confidentiality.
Along with your resume please include:
  • Description of past employment experience 
  • Explanation of abilities and resources available to meet the responsibilities.
  • Salary expectations
Please submit all resumes by email by September 18, 2023, to Bruce Holmquist, CSA General Manager, at or Barb Judd, CSA Office Manager, at
All applications will remain confidential and only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Olds College is reaching out to let you know about the Cattle Artificial Insemination course that Continuing Education & Corporate Training at Olds College is offering. The course is offered for four days from October 24 to October 30, 2023. This course will be held in-person on the Olds College campus where there will be a blend of classroom learning and hands-on experience. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a Continuing Education certificate.
If you would be interested in this course, please use the attached link for further information and registration. Please feel free to reach out to me directly to Meagan Lovett, Programmer - Agriculture and Environment at if you have any questions.

Fall Data Collection

As you wean calves please remember that it is very important to report on all calves in a contemporary group, in order to give fair credit to all calves (particularly the best ones). As well, weaning is an excellent time to consider collecting docility scores on calves, and weights and body condition scores on cows. The weight and body condition can also assist in planning for winter feeding programs given the high price of feed.

The herd letter for 2023 is “L”

Lab Testing 
CSA would like to remind its members to allow a one-month turnaround time for all lab test results to ensure your animals can be registered in time for your shows and sales. This is providing there is no issues during testing.
Viewing SNP/DNA Results Using the Internet 
We would like to remind our members that they can inquire about the status of DNA tests that are being conducted for their animals by using either the Online System or the Pedigree / Animal Search function on the CSA website.
Depending on the animal that you are wanting to inquire about, Online Simmental users can obtain this information by logging into their system and navigating to:
My Herd
               My Lab
               My Lab Test Results
               Locate the Animal you wish to access results, select view on the right side of the list,
               Once the animal details appear, click on the tab titled - Lab Results               
Alternatively, if you opt to use the Pedigree / Animal Search option on the CSA website, enter the Tattoo of the animal (without spaces) in the search entry-box. Once the animal details appear, click on the tab titled - Lab Results.
If you should have any questions regarding the results or if you require another copy of a Lab Summary Report for an animal, please call the CSA office at 403.250.7979 and we will be happy to assist you.

CSA Mail Out 
All active CSA members will receive their fall package shortly from our office. Included are 2024 female enrollment forms for THE participants, instructions for online users, and registration forms for non-THE (registration only) members.
Online users do not receive female enrollment forms and THE participants are required to submit enrollments through their online program. Deadline for 2024 female enrollment submission at the regular fee is December 15, 2023.
If you are not a THE participant but wish to join the program, please call our office today. 
** Members with credit cards on file with CSA, THE fees will be applied at time of billing.
** Members without credit cards on file, payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
Please note that in the event an enrolled cow is shipped or sold between installment billings, the second installment is still due and payable by the member who enrolled the cow. For further information/instructions on Total Herd Enrollment, please go to under Registry | Total Herd Enrollment (THE).
Please ensure your credit card information is current in the office. If your card expires or has changed numbers, please contact the office so your work can be processed with no delays. users are required to keep a valid working credit card on file with the CSA.
The CSA accepts e-transfers. Use “Canadian Simmental Association” for Recipient and email address Include CSA account number AND security answer on e-transfer message to ensure we can accept it and deposit funds to correct account. Alternatively send separate email to Barb Judd at with security answer and CSA account number. .   
Membership Information
Please ensure your membership information is current by calling our office or checking the CSA website under CSA Registry Search/Member. This includes your address, phone number, and email address.
Scholarship Application Deadline - September 30, 2023

The YCSA would like to thank all the sponsors, volunteers, exhibitors and families along with the OSA and OYSA for a great 2023 National Classic in Ancaster, Ontario. The board looks forward to holding elections in the coming weeks and having the new director at large, Heidi McFadden, and a few other new faces join this year. The National YCSA Board will dive into planning the coming years events.

For more information, please contact Crystal Fisk YCSA Programs Coordinator at
Check out our events page for a listing of all the upcoming bull sales
Have any member announcements? Please send to
This months Simmental photo of the month was submitted by: Hayley LaBatte - Keeping Cool
If you would like to submit a photo for the photo of the month the photos must include the following:
·    Have a Simmental influence
·    A caption or description if you have one
·    All photos submitted maybe used in future Simmental marketing material
Please submit all photos to 
Monday- October 9th- Thanksgiving
Monday- December 25th - Christmas
Tuesday - December 26th - in lieu of Remembrance Day