The herd letter for 2023 is “L”
Lab Testing
CSA would like to remind its members to allow a one-month turnaround time for all lab test results to ensure your animals can be registered in time for your shows and sales. This is providing there is no issues during testing.
Viewing SNP/DNA Results Using the Internet
We would like to remind our members that they can inquire about the status of DNA tests that are being conducted for their animals by using either the Online System or the Pedigree / Animal Search function on the CSA website.
Depending on the animal that you are wanting to inquire about, Online Simmental users can obtain this information by logging into their system and navigating to:
My Herd
My Lab
My Lab Test Results
Locate the Animal you wish to access results, select view on the right side of the list,
Once the animal details appear, click on the tab titled - Lab Results
Alternatively, if you opt to use the Pedigree / Animal Search option on the CSA website, enter the Tattoo of the animal (without spaces) in the search entry-box. Once the animal details appear, click on the tab titled - Lab Results.
If you should have any questions regarding the results or if you require another copy of a Lab Summary Report for an animal, please call the CSA office at 403.250.7979 and we will be happy to assist you.
CSA Mail Out
All active CSA members will receive their fall package shortly from our office. Included are 2024 female enrollment forms for THE participants, instructions for online users, and registration forms for non-THE (registration only) members.
Online users do not receive female enrollment forms and THE participants are required to submit enrollments through their online program. Deadline for 2024 female enrollment submission at the regular fee is December 15, 2023.
If you are not a THE participant but wish to join the program, please call our office today.
** Members with credit cards on file with CSA, THE fees will be applied at time of billing.
** Members without credit cards on file, payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
Please note that in the event an enrolled cow is shipped or sold between installment billings, the second installment is still due and payable by the member who enrolled the cow. For further information/instructions on Total Herd Enrollment, please go to under Registry | Total Herd Enrollment (THE).
Please ensure your credit card information is current in the office. If your card expires or has changed numbers, please contact the office so your work can be processed with no delays. users are required to keep a valid working credit card on file with the CSA.
The CSA accepts e-transfers. Use “Canadian Simmental Association” for Recipient and email address Include CSA account number AND security answer on e-transfer message to ensure we can accept it and deposit funds to correct account. Alternatively send separate email to Barb Judd at with security answer and CSA account number. .
Membership Information
Please ensure your membership information is current by calling our office or checking the CSA website under CSA Registry Search/Member. This includes your address, phone number, and email address.