Please, be advised of the following FMS COVID policy:
1. Quarantine is no longer recommended for people who are exposed to COVID-19. People who are exposed to COVID-19 must wear a well-fitting mask (ages 2 and up) at school for 10 days regardless of vaccination status or previous infections and get tested. Keep masks on hand for your child (ages 2 and up).
2. Anyone infected with COVID is prohibited from attending school and must isolate for at least 5 days. Isolation may be ended after 5 days if the following criteria are fully met: fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication AND symptoms have improved. Continue to wear a mask at school through day 10.
3. Students or staff who come to school with COVID symptoms or develop COVID symptoms while at school will be asked to wear a well-fitting mask while in the building, be sent home, and encouraged to get tested. Persons with the following symptoms are STRICTLY PROHIBITED from attending school: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.