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Equipping, empowering, connecting, and celebrating the churches of the Michigan Conference

Part-Time is PLENTY Event (in-person OR Zoom)

Research shows many congregations have cut costs dramatically and increased vitality at the same time.  They do it by redesigning how pastors and laypeople work together.  Join the Michigan Conference UCC as we engage in conversation with Rev. G. Jeffrey MacDonald to help equip local churches living into new forms of ministry.

Saturday September 30, 2023

10:00am - 2:00pm

St John's UCC Owosso, MI

REGISTER HERE for $10.00

* Registration includes lunch and a copy of the book for in-person participants, and video access to the event for 1 month for all registered participants. Online participants will be sent a unique Zoom link before the event. Bring a team from your local church!! Maximum cost of $25 for 3+ attendees.

Register for September 30

Leadership Lunch with Lillian Daniel

This monthly Zoom is a new offering to clergy, volunteers, and church leaders of the Michigan Conference. Join on the first Wednesday of every month 12noon - 12:45 PM to discuss important issues facing the church today.

Oct 4 2023 Church Safety & Vandalism

Nov 1 2023 Advent Preaching Inspiration

Dec 3 2023 Gifts You Can’t Buy In a Spiritual Season

Register for Leadership Lunch

Conference Funding for Michigan Churches in small towns

Grants from the Bertha C. Dayton Fund are available to aide and assist rural, small town or village churches in the state of Michigan - and in the support of their pastors and families.

Grant requests are due to the Vital Growth Mission Area Team by September 15, 2023

Application Form can be found on the Conference Website

Online Boundary Training

Offered on Zoom by Associate Conference Minister Cheryl Burke

September 19


Training is organized around the Ministerial Code of Ethics and is relevant for MIDs, Authorized, and Retired Clergy.

Register for September 19

Exciting Opportunities to Serve on the Board of Directors

The Michigan Conference Board of Directors (BOD) is seeking to fill four open positions.

The key role of Treasurer to serve as the CFO of the Conference is open.  The new Treasurer should have significant previous experience serving a church or non-profit in a financial role.  Additional experience and credentialing as a financial professional would be valuable. 

There are two positions open for At Large representation on the Board of Directors.  At Large reps must hold local UCC church membership in the Michigan Conference.  There is also an opening for a Liaison role that requires holding local church membership in the Grand West Association. 

The BOD is committed to inclusion and charged with a balance of representation across a diverse intersection of demographics.  Lay persons are strongly encouraged to apply. 

If you are interested in learning more about being considered for nomination for one of these positions please contact Rev. Liz Larrivee, Nominating Committee Chair, Vice President BOD at lizlarrivee@gmail.com.

If selected by the Nominating Committee, your name will be presented for a vote at the October 28 Annual Meeting to join the Board of Directors.

Thank you for your generous consideration of ministry service to the wider church in a BOD leadership position! We'd love to have you as part of the team!!

Michigan Conference October 28, 2023 Annual Meeting

"Annual Meeting of the Michigan Conference United Church of Christ will be held on Saturday, October 28 2023 at Plymouth United Church of Christ in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It will be a perfect venue for us to connect in person and celebrate the covenant that makes us stronger together. " Call to Meeting Letter


Video invitation from the Annual Meeting Planning Team

Michigan Church Stories

IMAGE CREDIT 06.21.23. Julie Seraphinoff for ELi

Edgewood United UCC - A Faith Based Approach to Reparations

submitted by Heidi Thornley

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, after years of study, discussion, book reads, panels, films, community connections, community involvement, and discernment, Edgewood United UCC, East Lansing, voted unanimously to support the Justice League of Greater Lansing Michigan with a significant contribution from our endowment. The Justice League is a faith- based approach to repairing the breach caused by the historical damage of slavery and its aftermath.


IMAGE CREDIT Rev. Sheri Nelson MN Conf UCC

Great Lakes Collaborative Retreat

submitted by Rev. Sheri Nelson, Program Director Outdoor Ministries, Minnesota Conference

Six UCC Conferences were represented at this first in-person meeting. Participants mapped out action plans and discussed calendar events that we could all do simultaneously from our respected locations, such as worship services, cleanup around our lakes and rivers, and advocacy at our state capitals.

It is the hope that our promotion and documentation of these events will spur action around all the conferences of the United Church of Christ and beyond. 


To get involved in the Michigan Conference contact Rev. Mike Mulberry

We Want to Hear from YOU!

Use THIS FORM to share news with the Michigan Conference UCC!

Local Events

Registration due by

September 8, 2023

Open to anyone who would like to learn more about any of these topics

Online Registration

Registration due by

September 10, 2023

Contact Shari Hoppe with questions

Download Registration Flyer
Find Out More
Order Tickets

Conference Office News

The Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel, Michigan Conference Minister

2023 Preaching Schedule & Worship Visits


3rd:   OFF

10th:  Preach - Community Congregational UCC, Pinckney, MI

17th:  Preach - First Congregational UCC, Cadillac, MI

24th:  Preach - First Congregational UCC, Ypsilanti, MI


1st:   Preach - First Congregational UCC, Manistee

8th:   Preach - Congregational Church of Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, MI

15th:  Preach - First Congregational Church, Rochester

22nd: Chidester Lecture - Sylvania, Ohio

27th-28th:  Michigan Conference UCC Annual Gathering 


Contact Lisa@michucc.org to schedule

Relying on the Holy Spirit, the Michigan Conference is seeking an Associate Conference Minister of Church Vitality and Transition to facilitate the search and call process between congregations and pastors, provide spiritual care and practical guidance to congregations at key points of transition, including legacy, revitalization, new church starts and opportunities for shared and cooperative ministry between congregations. 

Job Posting

Conference Transitions

Searching Churches

  • First Congregational UCC in Onekama is searching for a full time pastor. Details
  • Clinton UCC and Saline St. Paul UCC are searching together for a full time pastor to serve both churches. Details
  • First Congregational UCC of Charlotte is searching for a pastor. Details
  • For a complete list of searching UCC churches in Michigan click here

New Calls

  • The Rev. Bill Dodge has been called as Pastor at Federated Church of Grass Lake effective August 8.
  • The Rev. Dr. Jonathan White has been called as Pastor at Bostwick Lake Congregational UCC in Rockford.
  • The Rev. Richard Hotchkin began his call as Interim Pastor at First Congregational UCC in Alpena on September 1.


  • St. Paul's UCC in Watervliet will celebrate the Installation Service for Rev. Mike Mulberry on Sunday, September 10 at 3 PM.
  • First Congregational UCC of Lowell will celebrate the Installation Service for Rev. Shannon Jammal-Hollemans on Sunday, September 24 at 1 PM.

The Conference Transitions feature will now appear in the monthly Michigan Conference Newsletter. Please share your transition information, including church anniversaries, with commmunications@michucc.org

National UCC News and Events

National UCC Grants for Individuals and Churches


The 2023 Justice and Local Church Ministry Common Application is NOW OPEN. Individuals and local churches who may be interested in applying for Operational support in grants from Neighbors in Need, CASA New and Renewing Church, and Pension Board New Church Start Benefit Support grants can now complete process with one application.

Common Application Form

This convenient link allows applicants to either print the application or start filling out the common application for any of our four grant offerings. Please note that all applications will require a reference from the Conference Minister.

Resources for JUST PEACE Sunday

Sunday September 17, 2023 

Just Peace is a call for UCC churches to address systemic injustice using non-violence and Just Peace practices. Together, we affirm with prophetic hope that “Peace is possible.”


Resources for World Communion Sunday

Sunday October 1, 2023

Global Ministries invites you to use any of these resources in your virtual or in-person worship.


5 Ways to Make an Impact: Understanding the Hope of Our Donors to Create Change

September 27, 2023

7:30pm - 8:30pm EST

Andrew Warner will talk about five basic ways donors look to create change and how that can impact your church community.


2023 Stewardship Theme Materials Available

2023 stewardship materials feature this year's slogan, “Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives” drawing the connection between donor generosity and the ministry and mission of your congregation.


Lay Leader Online Learning Resources

The Damascus Project offers online professional development opportunities for UCC clergy and theological study and leadership training for lay people.

Click to learn more about course offerings and to register

Anti-Racism Facilitator Training

NOWCYM (National Organization of Wider-Church Youth Ministry) is seeking to develop a pool of sixteen facilitators to help lead Crossroads Anti-Racism Ministry Training in the UCC. The training audience is youth leaders, faith formation leaders, and clergy. 

Click to learn more and express interest in becoming a facilitator

General Synod 35

Kansas City, Missouri

July 11-15, 2025

Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on news, events, jobs, classifieds and more.
