Hi all

Welcome to those who are subscribers as well as those who are reading my newsletter for the first time. If you missed the information about the current Uranus retrograde you can read that here conta.cc/3Pcobv0 and if you missed the August 2023, Part Three newsletter about the current Mercury Retrogrades, you can read that here conta.cc/3YBZoDJ.
Please excuse any typos or mistakes below. Feel free to notify me if you find any.

Scroll down for information about Venus direct and Jupiter retrograde on the same day, September 4th; In Part Two of this newsletter, I will discuss Mercury stationing direct on September 15. Remember until then we still have the six planet retrograde parade, so do not be alarmed or panic if things go slower than usual.

Indian astrology classes will continue this fall. I am currently preparing the schedule. If you are interested in intermediate or advanced Jyotisa classes please let me know and I will add you to the mailing list. If you wish to be prepared for the intermediate class but may not be at that level yet, you can purchase my Fundamentals of Jyotisa class at ronniedreyer.com/schedule. Email me if you have any questions about classes.

Since locality astrology is having a Renaissance, here is the link to my 30 minute interview with Joni Patry from a few months ago in preparation for the lecture I gave on Astro*Carto*Graphy for her conference. I talk about meeting Jim Lewis, who popularized the technique, and provide some background information that might be interesting. Enjoy.

As many of you know my book Venus: The Evolution of the Goddess and her Planet was published in 1993 and while it has been out of print for a while, it is still available on used book sites. The book, which was published by HarperCollins, was very well-received and went into a second printing, but a book will only stay in print with a major publisher for a certain period of time. I have wanted to revise the book and bring it up to date for a while, and finally have been able to begin that process. I am working hard to finish those revisions within the next six months and publish it again. Of course it might take longer than that and I have already received grants from the New York NCGR and the Urania Trust to help the project along. So watch out for my Kickstarter campaign which I will let you all know about as soon as I get it up and running, and I hope you will support it with a small donation.

This month's lunations occur with the New Moon on September 15, 2023, 1:39 AM GMT, Tropical 21° Virgo 58’. Sidereal 27° Leo 53’ uttaraphalgunīand the Full Moon on September 29, 2023, 9:57 AM GMT, Tropical 6° Aries 0’. Sidereal 11° Pisces 55’ uttarabhadrapadā. If you have any planets, points, or angles around those degrees (I would take a one degree orb) then whatever is represented by that planet, point or angle, will be prominent and important until the next lunation, meaning that if something in your chart is conjunct this month's New Moon on September 15, 2023, it will be prominent until the next New Moon, which is also a solar eclipse on October 14, 2023, and if something in your chart is conjunct this month's Full Moon on September 29, 2023, it will be prominent until the next Full Moon, which is also a lunar eclipse on October 28, 2023. The New Moon represents beginnings and can help you to institute a change you have been thinking about while the Full Moon is an accomplishment or culmination and gives the push to continue on that path.

If your birthday is between September 14-16, 2023, then the New Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala) or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning a change is bound to happen, so work on that change. It could be a physical move, job change, relationship change, or simply working on yourself to integrate new patterns and habits into your life. Expect a great deal of transformative experiences that will make you want to change or take a step in a different direction. Take your time but do head in that direction, since otherwise it will happen to you whether you initiate it or not.

If your birthday is between September 28-30, 2023, then the Full Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala) or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning that it may be year when things you have been working on will manifest, or feel like they are moving in the right direction, so continue with whatever is fulfilling you. (Scroll down for more Celestial Events.)

You can get notices from me through social media. Sign up through Facebook (facebook.com/ronnie.dreyer), Instagram (instagram.com/rgdreyer) and Twitter (twitter.com/ronniedreyer) though I am on Twitter less and less. And if you know someone who wants to subscribe to this newsletter they can go to my Website and sign up.

Please remember that by staying subscribed to this newsletter, in addition to monthly newsletters about planetary weather, you will also get separate newsletters about horoscope sales, classes, webinars, etc. like this one, so if you are not interested in learning astrology, but do want to read the news each month, please do not unsubscribe, just delete the advertisements when they arrive.

All good wishes
Venus Stations Direct on September 4, 2023

Rather than repeat the significance of the Venus cycle, please read the July 2023 News and Views here for the significance of Venus Retrograde conta.cc/46DF7kJ. Below is what to expect now that Venus is direct but not yet at the end of the Retrograde Arc or shadow, meaning you may still be affected by Venus's journey. Below are the dates of the retrograde stations and retrograde arc of Venus, which stations direct on September 4, 2023.

Venus enters Retrograde Arc or Shadow. June 19, 2023. Tropical. 12°Leo 12'. Sidereal. 18°Cancer 06'. āśleṣā
Venus Stations Retrograde. July 23, 2023. Tropical 28°Leo 36'. Sidereal. 04° Leo 30' maghā
Sun-Venus Inferior Conjunction. August 13, 2023. Tropical. 20°Leo 28’. Sidereal 26°Cancer 22’. āśleṣā  (The conjunction is
midway through the retrograde cycle, and when Venus rises as a Morning Star a few days after the conjunction.)
Venus Stations Direct. September 4, 2023. Tropical. 12°Leo 12' Sidereal. 18°Cancer 06'. āśleṣā
Venus leaves Retrograde Arc or Shadow. October 7, 2023. Tropical 28°Leo 36'. Sidereal. 04°Leo 30' maghā

Venus stations direct on September 4th and even though it is regaining speed and moving forward, it will still conjoin the degrees in between their retrograde and direct stations until it leaves the retrograde arc on October 7, 2023. If you look at the list above, and as I have consistently pointed out about the retrograde motion of Venus, and all retrogrades, the degrees in between the retrograde and direct stations are hot degrees. The degree where the planet enters the retrograde arc (shadow) is the degree where the planet eventually stations direct. The degree where the planet leaves the retrograde arc is the degree where the planet stationed retrograde.

Since the degrees in between the retrograde and direct stations are hot, if you have a planet, point, or angle between Tropical. 12°Leo 12'-28°Leo 36' or Sidereal. 18° Cancer 06'-04° Leo 30', Venus will conjoin it one more time between September 4th and October 7th so it is important to think about what that planet, point, or angle means to you and how it may have impacted your attitudes towards money, relationships, creativity, confidence, etc. beginning around June 19th, when Venus entered the retrograde arc or shadow, and what you have discovered, and how you plan to forge ahead. This should now be a time of relief and awareness but the difference between now and the last six weeks since Venus retrograded on July 23, is that your energy is renewed to finally make some of those changes, and embrace new things regarding what Venus stands for in general-love, prosperity, self-confidence, creativity, etc. and whatever the planet, point, or angle that Venus conjoins represents. Remember that you now have time to move things forward and enjoy Venus regaining its regular motion. If you have had relationship or financial snafus, which Venus represents, you will be able to finally move forward and beginning the process of making changes you have been thinking about. Of course since there are still six planets retrograde since Jupiter will retrograde on September 4th, and Mercury retrogrades until September 15th, things are still materializing slow but steady. Venus may no longer be retrograde after the 4th, but there still may be things that you have had to rethink in the last couple months, and now finally everything you have been contemplating will bring clarity.

Take advantage of the clarity you will start to feel now as Venus goes direct, and remember that retrogrades are an excellent time to review projects and decisions that have to be made but not necessarily the best time to make those decisions. If you have put off making decisions about love, finance, starting a new job, entering into mediation or negotiations, wait until Venus goes direct to do the legwork and wait another week or two until Venus regains its speed, to pursue them fully. What makes Venus retrograde periods productive are the time and space they offer for planning strategies related to Venus generally, and when Venus goes direct you can act on them. Think about everything you may have reviewed and revised when it comes to Venus and hopefully things will move forward with positivity.

In addition to the degrees that Venus may affect in your chart for a final time, the planet still travels through one sign (Leo in tropical astrology) and two signs (Cancer-Leo) for a much longer time than usual, making those areas of the chart stand out as places to transform and strengthen especially when it comes to maximizing harmony in an area of your life where you might have experienced more discord and conflict than usual through this summer. Rather than going through a sign in about a month, Venus will be in tropical Leo for four months and sidereal Cancer and Leo for five months. This will lengthen the influence Venus has in those signs in your chart, and will cause you to pay more attention to those areas in your chart. And while Venus does represent love, money, harmony, and happiness, when it travels through the signs where it retrogrades, it causes it to act more like an outer planet, meaning that Venus wants those areas of the chart to be happy, and will be forced to make changes, and eliminate unpleasantries in order to achieve that goal. So during this time, look at any planets, points, or angles Venus conjoins during this period, but also look at the houses that encompass tropical Leo, and sidereal Cancer and Leo since those areas will need to be looked at, examined, tweaked, and ultimately changed even a little if you want to achieve the harmony that Venus enjoys. (Scroll down for more information about Venus influencing the houses.) This is the time period for Venus through tropical Leo and sidereal Cancer/Leo.

Tropical Venus Ingresses during the retrograde. Venus enters tropical Leo June 5, 2023; Venus enters Virgo October 9, 2023. 
4 months in one sign.

Sidereal Venus Ingresses during the retrograde. Venus enters sidereal Cancer May 30, 2023; Venus enters sidereal Leo July 6, 2023; Venus retrograde re-enters Cancer August 7, 2023; Venus direct re-enters Leo October 1, 2023; Venus enters Virgo November 2, 2023. 5 months between the two signs Cancer and Leo.

Read if you use sidereal Indian astrology. If you have a planet, point or angle in your chart between Sidereal 18° Cancer 06'- 04° Leo 30' then you will get the final transit of Venus, now direct, conjoining it, and finally you can harmonize whatever that planet, point, or angle means in the chart. If it is a planet that is getting the final effect of Venus, then also scroll down to see the description which house that planet rules. This is what may be accentuated, examined, and transformed by Venus:

Sun. power, vigor; Moon. maternal, mind; Mars. strength, courage; Mercury. speech, learning; Jupiter.  knowledge, wealth; Venus. love, happiness; Saturn. sorrow, fear; Rāhu (North Node). intensity, compulsion; Ketu (South Node). extremes, spirituality; Lagna (Ascendant). destiny, vitality. If you want to use Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the angles you can look below at tropical Western astrology for their keywords.

If you do not know which houses sidereal Cancer-Leo occupy, look at your ascendant, or Moon, or even your Sun (only if you do not know your ascendant of Moon), and just count from there. These houses are the areas that will be harmonized and transformed in these last months of Venus moving direct through them. General descriptions for bhavas (houses) are as follows: 

1. appearance, destiny, temperament, personality, constitution; 2. Money, family life, food, speech, early childhood; 3. Siblings, Fine arts, courage, desires; 4. Mother, happiness, real estate, vehicles; 5. Children, romance, investments, speculation; 6. Open enemies, work, competition, obstacles, illness; 7. Marriage, partners, contracts, passion; 8. Life and death cycle, research, accidents, other's money, inheritance; 9. Father, teacher (guru), religion, higher learning, opportunity; 10. Career, status, public recognition, reputation; 11. Profits, rewards, gains from work, awards, older siblings; 12. spiritual practice, secret enemies, foreign travel, debt, confinement.

Read if you use tropical Western astrology. If you have a planet, point or angle in your chart between Tropical 12° Leo 12’- 28° Leo 36' then you will get the final transit of Venus, now direct, conjoining it, and finally you can harmonize whatever that planet, point, or angle means in the chart. If it is a planet that is getting the final effect of Venus, then scroll down to see the description of which house that planet rules. This is what may be accentuated, examined, and transformed by Venus:

Sun.  vitality, individuality, ego; Moon.  emotions, habits, conditioning; Mercury.  communication, intelligence; Venus.  love, beauty, creativity; Mars.  physical energy, aggression, courage; Jupiter.  expansion, abundance; Saturn.  limitation, disciplined, fear; Uranus.  originality, independent, rebellious; Neptune.  spiritual, immaterial, imagination; Pluto.  intensity, power; North Node. power, place where you must strive; South Node. place where it is easy, habits; Ascendant. personality, destiny; IC. home, family, mother; Descendant. partnerships, contracts; Midheaven. career, father

If you do not know which house tropical Leo occupies, look at your ascendant, or Sun, and just count from there. General descriptions for houses are as follows:  

1. personality, body, appearance; 2. finances, possessions, values. 3. communication, siblings, short journeys, learning; 4. family, mother, home; 5. children, recreation, entertainment; 6. health, service, pets; 7. marriage, contracts, partnership; 8. business transactions, sexuality, life and death matters; 9. higher education, travel abroad, publishing, law; 10. profession, status, father; 11. gains, friendships, hopes, dreams; 12. compassion, spirituality, limitations, solitude.
Jupiter Stations Retrograde on September 4, 2023.

September 4, 2023. Jupiter stations retrograde. Tropical. 15° Taurus 34’. Sidereal. 21° Aries 29'. bharaṇī
November 3, 2023. Sun opposite Jupiter. Tropical. 10° Scorpio-Taurus 30’. Sidereal. 16° Libra-Aries 25’. svāti-bharaṇī
December 31, 2023. Jupiter stations direct. Tropical. 5° Taurus 34’. Sidereal. 11° Aries 29'. aśvinī

Retrogradation (You can scroll down to Jupiter retrograde if you have read this before). 
The phenomenon of retrogradation takes place when a planet appears to reduce the speed by which it travels, stops (stations retrograde) at a particular degree (September 4, 2023), and, as a result, “appears” to move backwards for a fixed amount of time, causing it to linger longer than usual in a portion of the zodiac. At some point in the retrograde cycle, as it moves “backwards” through the zodiac, the planet slows once more, stops once more (stations direct) at a particular degree (December 31, 2023), and then moves forward again. Midway through the retrograde cycle, the inferior planets (Mercury and Venus) form a conjunction with the Sun as they are closest to the earth, and the superior planets (Mars through Pluto) form an opposition with the Sun. Both inferior and superior planets seem closest to the earth. The superior planets can only be retrograde when they oppose the Sun. Of course this is all from the standpoint of the observer on Earth. We can see above that the Sun-Jupiter opposition will be exact on November 3, 2023.

Planetary stations (the degree where the planet stations retrograde and direct) are among the most powerful degrees and the retrograde journey of the planets is always fascinating to watch. If you look at the table above you will note that Jupiter only travels ten degrees between the direct and planetary stations, and because it is already a slow-moving planet, unlike Mercury through Mars, we can see that Jupiter has been 30 minutes from its retrograde station since about August 17, so for all intents and purposes, Jupiter has already started to "slow up and station." We can interpret it as having already weakened in terms of its effect to increase, provide beneficence, and expansion. Jupiter always retrogrades for approximately 120 days and each year it advances one month. So this year it retrogrades from September 4 through December 31, 2023, and in 2024, it will retrograde from October 9, 2024 to February 4, 2025.

The degrees above where it stations, and where it also has its opposition, are sensitive and will be affected by Jupiter especially if it is the degree of a planet, point, or angle in your chart. You can scroll down to the end to see what areas may be affected if you do have a planet, point, or angle within about one degree of these sensitive placements or the houses where it travels. Since Jupiter will be in one sign this is the area in your chart that you need to watch and think about. If you use the tropical zodiac, Jupiter is in Taurus from May 16, 2023 to May 25, 2024. If you use the sidereal zodiac, Jupiter is in Aries from April 21, 2023 to April 30, 2024.

Jupiter Retrograde. Jupiter loves to expand and whenever it retrogrades, it is forced to slow down, which is against the nature of Jupiter. Often it means that you will not profit as much as you would during the eight months of the year when Jupiter is direct. If you can help it, normally it is not good to sell a house, car, etc., during Jupiter’s retrograde cycle, since you will earn less. However, it will be a good time to buy since prices normally go down. Again, this is general and we need to look at other mitigating factors especially the real world, where interest rates, which expanded during direct Jupiter, may not allow Jupiter's message to work in that way. However, Jupiter retrograde could give a reversal of expansion which could even mean that inflation will actually go down rather than up, due to Jupiter slowing up, but it also means that returns on investments may be slower over the next few months.

Jupiter retrograde is a time to rethink, slow down, or change something you have been working on that you may have done too quickly or think that you must get it finished because you want to move on to something else. Don’t worry if something gets delayed when Jupiter begins to retrograde since it does not mean things are finished, but that you have to go back to the drawing board. If you are up for a promotion, or job, or are working on writing a book, starting a company, or working on a project that will net you more money, things may just take slower than usual, but it might actually happen once Jupiter goes direct especially if you have done some reorganizing.

When Jupiter is retrograde be realistic and do not aim too high for something that you expect to happen immediately or for the time it retrogrades but take this time to plan for when Jupiter stations direct and you can aim high. Like all retrograde periods, this is the time to rethink and revise. You can plan ahead but do not take risks or be frustrated if things take a detour, or you do not get that opportunity you thought would happen, or that house sale you planned on does not sell, or that promotion you were hoping for did not yet get decided. It may still occur but during the retrograde is a time to review some of your plans, projects, and goals, since you might just have to take more time to complete something, or switch midstream. And that will be all right. Retrogrades are a great time to review and restructure. Look at the area it transits and planets it conjoins or aspects.

The areas of your chart that are affected by Jupiter’s “slow down” are where tropical Taurus and sidereal Aries are located. If you have a planet, point, or angle in your chart between Tropical 05° Taurus 34’-15° Taurus 34' or Sidereal 11° Aries 29'-21° Aries 29', Jupiter will cross it three times (direct, retrograde, and direct) and reviewing or rearranging of plans will emphasize whatever that represents in the chart. If the stationary degree falls on a planet, point, or angle, it will only hit it twice, but will be intense because it will sit on the station for a while. Read below for the zodiac you use.

Read if you use tropical Western astrology. If you have any planets, points, or angles between Tropical 05° Taurus 34’-15° Taurus 34', Jupiter will hit those degrees three times when Jupiter is direct, retrograde, and direct between June 11, 2023 and March 23, 2024, though you can add a few days before the first date and after the last date since planets have a one degree orb. If you have something on one of the stationary degrees, it will be there twice with the station being very potent.  Below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets, angles, and houses.

Sun.  vitality, individuality, ego; Moon.  emotions, habits, conditioning; Mercury.  communication, intelligence; Venus.  love, beauty, creativity; Mars.  physical energy, aggression, courage; Jupiter.  expansion, abundance; Saturn.  limitation, disciplined, fear; Uranus.  originality, independent, rebellious; Neptune.  spiritual, immaterial, imagination; Pluto.  intensity, power; North Node. power, place where you must strive; South Node. place where it is easy, habits; Ascendant. personality, destiny; IC. home, family, mother; Descendant. partnerships, contracts; Midheaven. career, father
Jupiter will expand, contract, retreat, and then move forward with a vengeance in the house that Taurus occupies. If you do not know which house that is, look at your ascendant, or Sun, and just count from there. General descriptions for houses are as follows:  

1. personality, body, appearance; 2. finances, possessions, values. 3. communication, siblings, short journeys, learning; 4. family, mother, home; 5. children, recreation, entertainment; 6. health, service, pets; 7. marriage, contracts, partnership; 8. business transactions, sexuality, life and death matters; 9. higher education, travel abroad, publishing, law; 10. profession, status, father; 11. gains, friendships, hopes, dreams; 12. compassion, spirituality, limitations, solitude.

Read if you use sidereal Indian astrology. If you have any planets, points, or angles between 11° Aries 29'-21° Aries 29', Jupiter will hit those degrees three times when Jupiter is direct, retrograde, and direct between June 11, 2023 and March 23, 2024, though you can add a few days before the first date and after the last date since planets have a one degree orb. If you have something on one of the stationary degrees, it will be there twice with the station being very potent.  Below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets, angles, and houses.

Sun.  power, vigor; Moon. maternal, mind; Mars. strength, courage; Mercury. speech, learning; Jupiter.  knowledge, wealth; Venus. love, happiness; Saturn. sorrow, fear; Rāhu (North Node). intensity, compulsion; Ketu (South Node). extremes, spirituality; Lagna (Ascendant). destiny, vitality. If you want to use Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the angles you can look above at tropical Western astrology for their keywords.

Jupiter will expand, contract, retreat, and then move forward with a vengeance in the house that Aries occupies. If you do not know which house that is, look at your ascendant, or Moon, or even your Sun (only if you do not know your ascendant of Moon), and just count from there. General descriptions for bhavas (houses) are as follows:   

1. appearance, destiny, temperament, personality, constitution; 2. Money, family life, food, speech, early childhood; 3. Siblings, Fine arts, courage, desires; 4. Mother, happiness, real estate, vehicles; 5. Children, romance, investments, speculation; 6. Open enemies, work, competition, obstacles, illness; 7. Marriage, partners, contracts, passion; 8. Life and death cycle, research, accidents, other's money, inheritance; 9. Father, teacher (guru), religion, higher learning, opportunity; 10. Career, status, public recognition, reputation; 11. Profits, rewards, gains from work, awards, older siblings; 12. spiritual practice, secret enemies, foreign travel, debt, confinement. 
Horoscope Consultations

I am available for consultations via phone or video chat (I will send a link for gotomeeting, which is like zoom), and tutoring sessions at the prices below. I am no longer doing in-person consultations in New York City for the immediate future. I record the consultation with a digital recorder, and email you the mp3 and mp4 file, which you can easily download onto your computer or device and listen to it. If you wish to give a horoscope reading as a gift, please make sure the person you are gifting would like to have one done before purchasing. If you would like to purchase a reading for yourself or someone else, please make payment at www.ronniedreyer.com/services and I will reach out to you within 24-48 hours with available dates and times. I accept paypal account, credit cards, or checking account with the paypal invoice that is on my website as well as venmo and installment payments for paypal. If you prefer zelle, you can send payment to ronniegaledreyer@gmail.com.

. Phone or Video Initial Consultation. $320 (up to 90 minutes with opportunity for questions after).
. Phone or Video Update for the year ahead. $225 (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This reading is for those who have already consulted with me.
. Additional people you want to look at in the context of your reading. $40 for each additional chart.
. Compatibility reading for an hour. $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after).This is NOT an individual reading but a look at the relationship and timing for the relationship.
. Choosing an Auspicious Date for an event. $225 for research and consultation.
. Astro*Carto*Graphy or locality readings or "Where in the World?" $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after)Finding the right location and best timing for work, love, finances, health, etc. You must provide places that you are interested in.
. Combination of initial reading and Astro*Carto*Graphy reading. $375. (120 minutes with opportunity for questions after).
. Answering one specific question or examining one topic or area. $185. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT a horary chart but an examination of only one specific area or question. Only for people who have had an initial reading. 
One hour Tutoring sessions in Indian Astrology or Astro*Carto*Graphy. $100 for one session. $275 for 3 sessions.