Marketing and Sales Executives of Detroit
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Monthly News & Updates

September 2023

This month's newsletter is sponsored by:

MSE Detroit Lunch Seminar

"Overcoming the Noes"

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023


SSDM Office

850 Stephenson Highway #700, Troy

Speakers:  Alejandra Juarez , Juarez & Juarez Well-Being Consulting

and Dana McAllister Armenteros, The W Buchanan Group

New! Lower ticket prices thanks to a sponsorship by Crispelli's!

Tickets: $40/MSE Detroit members;

$50/non-members, guests;

$130/ticket + MSE Detroit Basic Membership

Ticket includes lunch

As marketing and sales professionals, it can be tough to face rejection. However, there are strategies we can use to overcome it and stay motivated in our work. Let's explore some of those strategies together.

To register, please click HERE.

Fall "Meet & Greet"

Thursday, Sept. 28th, 2023


Shield's Pizza of Troy

1476 W. Maple Rd., Troy

Please plan to join us for pizza, beer, and networking!

Cost: $15/MSE Detroit members;

$30/non-members, guests

Note: MSED members can bring guests at the member price!

To register, please click HERE.

Save the Date!

MSE Detroit Lunch Seminar


Tuesday, October 10th, 2023


MSU Management Education Ctr.

811 W. Square Lake Road, Troy

Speakers: Matt Stephens,

Alana Nicol, and Greg Coyne

Gerry Weinberg & Associates

AI won’t replace sales people, but sales people who leverage AI will replace those who don’t!


Uncover how AI and Machine learning can help you revolutionize your sales approach!


We will explore topics such as deal intelligence, lead scoring, predictions of personality types and deal mapping of both decision makers and influencers.


Stay ahead of industry trends and learn how to leverage AI in your sales process by joining us at the event.


#chatgpt #AIPrompts #AIinsales #AI #sales #sandler #GWAstuffworks #detroit #michigan #comfortzone

Watch for registration information coming soon!


are available for all MSE Detroit Programs.

Check out our sponsorships HERE.

Looking for a customized sponsorship?

Call us at 248-643-6590 or


Check out these friends of MSE Detroit

Ideal Group

IPS Technology Services

Concierge Cryptocurrency


Archangel & Associates

Meller Marketing

Fulkerson Group

Evolution IT Services


Sales Coaches' Corner

Reliance One

Focal Point Coaching



Gravitas Detroit



Lindsay Exhibit Group

Gerry Weinberg & Associates

Demp Coaching

Royal Park Hotel

Search Consulting Network

Tracy Katz LLC

A Message from the President

"Why are Bananas Berries,

but Strawberries aren't?"

Glad we are all now in back-to-school mode……I have a lot to learn.

I don’t know about you, but reading this article on bananas & strawberries last month kind of blew my mind. How many more things do we take for granted that are totally wrong? How well do you know Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit? We have evolved over the years. If you have not attended since before COVID...come join us and experience the difference. You will notice a huge change at our Meet & Greets. They are not the typical networking type of event…you certainly get to know people BUT you also walk away with valuable knowledge. Come join us on September 28th and learn for yourself.

In the meantime…..What are you doing on September 12th? We are meeting for lunch versus the typical dinner. Do you know everything you need to know about “Overcoming the Noes”? As marketing and sales professionals, it can be tough to face rejection. Join us at this luncheon to find out how to make the loss less devastating and propel you to move forward.

Hope you will join us:

"Overcoming the Noes"

Tuesday, September 12th, 11AM-1PM

SSDM Office

850 Stephenson Highway #700, Troy

Fall Meet & Greet

Thursday, Sept. 28th, 5:30-7:30PM

Shield's Pizza of Troy

1476 W. Maple Road

Hope you had a very enjoyable summer – come share with your colleagues “how you spent your summer vacation” on September 12th and 28th.

Ann K. Bruttell

MSE Detroit President

Owner, Meeting Coordinators, Inc.


Suggested Reading

for Sales & Marketing Practitioners

from our last "Meet & Greet"

"How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age"

by Dale Carnegie

"The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success"

by Darren Hardy

Friend of MSE Detroit:

Archangel & Associates, LLC

Priscilla Archangel and Archangel & Associates have been long time friends of MSE Detroit.

You can read Priscilla's blog HERE.

MSE Detroit Members

Would you be willing to be our "Member Spotlight"?

Do you have a career accomplishment or press release to share?

Have you read a book on leadership/sales/marketing that you think others would benefit from?

We would love to hear from you at

Quick Links



Upcoming Events

Career Board

Webinar On-Demand Video Library

Did you also know…?

Hope you have visited our redesigned and user-friendly website,

The Career Center is live on our website. Please share this with your colleagues and friends. This site is open for employers to post and for those in need of work to reference.

Please connect with us on our MSE Detroit LinkedIn page.

Let us know what is going on in your business world and submit press releases for publication in this newsletter at

MSE Detroit Membership

To renew your membership or join MSE Detroit, visit:

MSE Detroit 2023 Membership Rates



$100 - Basic Membership – Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/program/On-Demand Videos. May submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter.


$300 - Premium Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos.. May submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series priority access. This membership includes a $50 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a sponsor.


$25 - Student Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos.. Students may also request a mentor. (Must provide proof of student status; copy of a school schedule or letter from college/advisor needed.)


$125 - Retired Membership - Receives monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos. Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series priority access. This membership includes a $50 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a sponsor.


$1,250 – Corporate Membership – Includes up to 5 memberships at the Premium Membership level. Each will receive the monthly newsletter and all event notifications. Zoom webinar events are currently FREE for members; may register at member discounted rate for other MSE Detroit events/programs/On-Demand Videos. The corporation may submit press releases for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. They will have priority access to the Executive Leadership Program Speaker Series. This membership includes a $250 donation towards the MSE Detroit Scholarship Fund and will be listed in promotional material as a corporate sponsor.

Marketing & Sales Executives of Detroit (MSED)
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