Message from the President . . . . .
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Greetings CVOA members,
Are you ready to make the transition? Sure, there are some fine summer days ahead, but we’re headed towards activities that take place inland from the beaches and harbors. For me, Sugarloaf Homecoming has been the initial event in the seasonal reset. For others it may be the beginning of school the hunting season or the changing leaf colors.
So back to Homecoming. It takes place on the weekend of October 7-9. There are many activities planned for Sugarloafers by community groups and the Mountain. But, everyone understands that most of the what happens is focused on individuals. Do the boots still fit, how should we clear out the flies this year, does the hot water heater still work, are the bike trails in good shape? What’s new on the Mountain? Can I get a tee time? Which restaurants are open and can we find a seat? Should we buy one of those prints of Sugarloaf? Will the so-and-so’s be up for this weekend?
CVOA adds to the possibilities with these activities:
- Our CVOA Homecoming table at the Base Lodge downstairs across from Guest Services both Saturday and Sunday. You can drop by to just say “hello”. Our table teams can also handle joining or renewing your CVOA membership, and you can learn about activities planned for the weekend and the coming winter season.
- CVOA is inviting you to a BBQ at the Range on Sunday from 11am-2pm. There are more details later in this Newsletter.
I hope you’ll consider coming to Sugarloaf Homecoming this fall. It’s always interesting.
Thom Johnston
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September 2023
September 2 - 5 Stand Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 3 - Trap Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 9 - Coastal Bike Ride 1:00 at Trueworthy's
September 9 - 5 Stand Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 10 -Trap Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 16 - 5 Stand Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 17 - Trap Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 19-21 New England Outdoor Center in Millinocket
Trip Coordinator: Margie Roberts
September 23 - 5 Stand Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 24 - Trap Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
September 30 - 5 Stand Shoot 9:00 - 12:00
Check out the CVOA 2023-24 EVENTS CALENDAR
Click here: CVOA Calendar
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Whistler British Columbia
March 2-March 9
The Whistler Ski Trip is to a wonderful diverse ski area and large Village complex. There is plenty of space available so join other CVOA members for a memorable trip to British Columbia.
Sign up in the next few weeks
More participants are needed to assure we can run this trip as planned.
Trip Brochure Above
Click on the brochure above for details and the application. Be sure to scroll thru the multipage brochure.
We encourage you to send in your deposits and registration forms asap.
For questions please contact:
Trip Leaders Lee & John Goss
(207) 542-9361
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Val Gardena Italy
January 24-February 3, 2024
The Val Gardena trip is full, and there are six couples on the wait list. If you want to find out how to add your name to the wait list please contact:
Trip Leader Mike Parker for details.
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Heavenly, Lake Tahoe
February 27-March 5, 2024
The Heavenly trip is full. If you want to find out how to add your name to the wait list please contact:
Trip Leader Bonnie Farrar for details.
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March 18-March 22, 2024
An interesting resort town associated with a ski area is a nice amenity. But occasionally there are pairings where both the town and the resort are top notch. One of these unique associations is Quebec City and its surrounding ski areas, Stoneham, Mont Ste Anne and Le Massif. Add the feel of France, a wide scenic river and great restaurants, and you have the makings of great ski week.
CVOA is offering this unique experience to ski Quebec this winter on March 18-22, 2024. Whether it is your first time or a return trip, our Quebec trip is a great late winter experience. No planes, no transfers, no lost bags, just an interesting drive of 3 ½ hours from Sugarloaf with leg room. Our hotel is Le Hotel Manoir Victoria in the old City. Just up the hill is the famous Chateau Frontenac that overlooks the St. Lawrence River, and below it is the Old City. This trip is one that both skiers and non-skiers can enjoy.
We’ll ski a day at Stoneham, Mont Ste Anne and Le Massif which offer a great variety of trails and views. With the March snowpack, higher sun angle and longer days, this is a prime time to explore these great ski areas.
The price includes four nights at the hotel with full breakfast, and three days of lift tickets for $885 US per person based on double occupancy. If you wish to sign up for this trip, fill out the Reservation form found in the Trip Brochure, enclose $25 per person as a non-refundable deposit and mail it on or after September 18, 2023 to Trip Leader Thom Johnston.
If you have questions, call or email trip leader Thom Johnston at 207-852-3595 or
Click here or on the brochure below for details and the application. Click Here
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🚴♂️ Coastal Bike Ride - Brunswick 🚴♀️
Saturday, September 9, Rain Date September 10
Join Linda & Paul Trueworthy for a leisurely scenic ride around the Town of Brunswick.This ride is approximately 18 miles of flat riding.
The ride will start at Linda and Paul's house on 7 Wenger Lane at 1:00 PM and continue thru some quiet neighborhoods on the way to Paul's Marina where there will be a stop for icecream (optional) and views of the water, boats and islands.The ride will continue thru the former Brunswick Naval Air Station, the Bowdoin College Campus and back to the Trueworthy's house.
After the ride we will enjoy happy hour and burgers. Please BYOB and an app, side or dessert to share.
RSVP to: or text 207-208-7305.
Directions to 7 Wenger Lane
From Interstate 295, take Exit 28 Brunswick. This will put you on Pleasant St. Go to the 3rd set of lights (police station and laundromat on corners) and turn right onto Stanwood St. Go over the RR tracks and turn right onto Hennessey Ave. Drive past 8-9 houses on your left and turn left at the 2nd yellow fire hydrant onto Wenger Lane. Trueworthy's House is first on left.
Help Wanted at our Homecoming Booth
Homecoming Weekend at Sugarloaf
October 7th and 8th
CVOA is looking for some friendly volunteers to help at our booth on Homecoming Weekend.
This is a great chance to see old friends, share your great CVOA outdoor experiences, talk about the many social events throughout the winter, renew memberships and sign up new members.
The booth is open from 10 am to 4 pm Saturday and Sunday
Open time slots are:
2:00-4:00 _____________________
If you are willing to volunteer a couple hours please contact Thom Johnston - 207-852-3595.
THANK YOU for helping to promote CVOA
Homecoming Weekend
Meet 'n Greet
Saturday October 7th at 4:00 p.m.
Meet ‘n Greet Garage/Driveway Party at Mike and Jeannette Parker’s
Saturday, October 7th at 4:00
A - Appetizer
B - Beverage
C - Chair
Address: 1022 Poplar Stream Road
Due to the kindness of our neighbors, you can pretty much park anywhere, however, carpooling is encouraged.
NOTE: This is an outdoor party. In the event of rain, the party will be cancelled
Alaskan Cruise 2024
May 31-June 7
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We now have 22 CVOA members signed up for the Alaskan Dream Cruise trip
May 31-June 7th, 2024. I was excited to learn from Kip Files, the “sometimes
captain of the very ship, that Chichagof Dream has been named by Forbes Magazine as the Best Small Ship Alaska Cruise!
Also this month I heard from fellow CVOA member Barbara Briggs and her husband Bob who wrote, “We did this cruise 5 years ago, exactly the same time frame & small ship. Of the numerous trips (too many now to recall) we have taken, we both list the Alaskan cruise on the Chicagof as the most memorable. The crew were exceptional, and our captain (not Kip) was extremely knowledgeable and entertaining with his extreme adventures.” Thanks for sharing, Barb.
There are 14 cabins still available for anyone wishing to go on this adventure. Full cruise details have been in the last few newsletters. If you wish additional information, visit their website at: or email Bonnie Farrar, trip “coordinator” at
Reservations cannot be made online, but by calling “Donna” at (815)345-4113 and mentioning CVOA to get discounts.
Travelers have begun making flight arrangements based on the days and times they wish to travel. Two one-way flights (Bos-Juneau and Sitka-Bos) begin at around $580/pp. This is not a CVOA packaged trip, so cruise and travel/hotel arrangements are made by the individual members.
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Hello Range and CVOA Members,
Weekly 5 Stand Shoots every Saturday 9am to noon and Wednesday 4pm to 6pm, rain or shine. Trap Shoots every Sunday 9am to noon, weather permitting. I will post Trap cancelations due to weather on our Facebook page, CVOA Shooting Range, and our website, Come early to get a spot! The public and guests are welcome. These are a non-competitive shoots for fun and practice. If you are new to these sports, this is a perfect way to learn!
The new Electric Gate is functioning! The code is the same, just add # to the end of the code. Also, the gate stays open for 12 seconds. Please only enter one car at a time. If the gate comes down, it will not stop for your car and damage will occur. An underground sensor will open the gate when you leave. Please approach the gate slowly.
We are looking for volunteers to help out with the Home Coming BBQ on Sunday, October 8th, from 11am to 2pm. Would you be able to help with the grill or table set up? Also, I have youth bows for folks to play with for an activity, but I need folks to help supervise at the archery range.
As always, your help and participation is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Diane Stone
Range Secretary
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To foster and promote the conservation of our natural resources
and the creation of recreational opportunities in our region.
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- President Thom Johnston:
- Vice President Stephen Smith:
- Treasurer Sam Hudspath:
- Secretary Tracy Goller:
- Range Chair Ray Stone:
- Range Secretary Diane Stone:
- Social Activities: Nancy Makin: & Jeannette Parker:
- Newsletter Editors: Elaine & Steve Smith:
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Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association
Valley Crossing #6
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
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