September 2022
This month's song comes from Davis Guitar Orchestra Level 2 Director Matthew Grasso's Pandemic Prelude suite. The song, "Polymetric," is the second song in the suite and features 3 guitars tuned to different pitches and timbres while playing in exotic meters.

The song is performed by Grasso himself, along with his wife, Aya, and son, Miyan.

Click the video above to play the song, or click the button below to read the complete story behind the song and suite.
New Orchestra Rehearsal Times
Don't forget that this month marks the beginning of new rehearsal times for the Sacramento Orchestras!

Starting Sunday, September 18th: The Advanced Orchestra will meet from 12:30pm - 2:30pm, followed by the Intermediate Orchestra from 2:30pm - 4:30pm. These will be the meeting times for October and November's rehearsals, too.

And if you ever forget, the Events Calendar on our website is there to remind you!
Keep the Music Going
Have you been enjoying watching or participating in the Virtual Guitar Orchestra concerts? The Sacramento Guitar Society's Community Guitar Orchestras are funded by the Artists in Communities grant from the California Arts Council.

This grant requires matching funds in order for us to maintain eligibility, so please consider making a donation. The grant helps us offer the Virtual Guitar Orchestra program and will and ensure that the in-person orchestras return when the pandemic is over. Your donations are tax-deductible.
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Sacramento Guitar Society | (916) 572-7464 |