Volume 9 | September 17, 2021
Remembering Matt Smith...

Make a Difference
The first time we met Matt was a sunny morning back in 2012. Him and Erin walked through the doors of our church. Being that we went to college with Erin, we walked up, greeted her and she introduced us to her fiancé at the time. From there we developed a great friendship enjoying many weekends hiking, studying the Bible, and young adult parties at our home. I (Jennifer) still remember the time that Matt and Erin invited us over for some games and Brad was there. Matt asked me, how old do you think I am, and I said 20ish and then he asked me how old I thought Brad was, I said two years older. That gave everyone a laugh as I quickly found out they were twins.

Through the years our families continued to form a bond and eventually Matt convinced Mike, after a year of persisting, that he should join SFG. We are so grateful for that very moment where Mike signed that line and Matt put his name to that paper. Not only did he assure us a future of financial freedom, but of an opportunity to leave our children with a legacy. We are forever grateful to both Matt and Brad for all that they have done in our lives. We will always carry Matt’s memory with us. We will be sure to continue to love his family as our own. 

Here is what we can do: We can make a difference in someone’s life that we normally don’t say much to. We can share our appreciation for people that may already know, but don’t hear it often from our lips. We can hug our children and kiss our loved ones. We can protect that family and protect our own. We can keep living and building this business. And we can lead others to this same opportunity. Let’s make an impact.

Women's Retreat

-Colburn 120 Call - Friday, October 15 @ 11:00 am (cst)

  • Owners Circle – Direct to Consumer & Recruiting Funnel
  • Power Dialer
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Virtual Mentor
  • New DFL tools
  • Daily Lead Allocations in Most States

on hitting your promotion!
Your hard work does not go unnoticed. We appreciate every one of you.

Get ready for the next conference!

---Leadership Hub---
This is where we do all of our leadership training and development.
This month's toolkit is Go to the Source. The Leadership Hub has many training resources for you to dig into this toolkit and grow as a person and a leader in all areas of your life.

If you would like to try it out, use the code FREEMONTH to get your first month free!
Monthly Leaderboards

Let's celebrate the Monthly Leaderboards for August!
Great job!

Let's make sure we reach out and congratulate our new writers. Great work! We value each one of you!
Net-Placed Numbers
Great job getting your business issued!
Yearly Leaderboards - 2020
What an amazing year! Congratulations to all on the Leaderboards this past year! You are changing people's lives and building a strong business. Great work!