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September 2020 E-News
Looking Inward, Moving Outward
“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks.
Listen to your heart, it knows.”

-Native American Proverb-

Breathe, Look Around, Reflect
Doug Wysockey-Johnson
Check out our exciting Fall program - Scroll down to "Upcoming Events."
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Take a Chance—Change the World

These days, lots of us are pretty worried about problems we never imagined we’d see. The push-and-pull between our inner and outer journeys is ramping up. In my case, my pesky internal spiritual coach is reminding me that democracy is a team sport.

I often wonder—how can I possibly have an impact on this or that issue? The answer is that there are grassroots groups all around us—big and small—who are literally trying to change the world. The good they do happens because others see what they’re doing and decide to take a chance. Despite the discomforts (but also with a hint of excitement), we go to our first meeting or send that first e-mail. Next thing we know, we’re tossed into a community (often kind of messy) where a whole lot of people are working to change history—sometimes in small local ways, sometimes in gigantic national ways.

Here's one current example. A group of folks who think voting is a good idea created a simple way for people to help get-out-the-vote. (www.votefwd.org). Their goal was to get 10 million letters, encouraging others to vote, out before November election—all because many individuals each send out a small batch of letters. As of today, they’re at 7.6 million letters and going strong.

No matter what issue you’re interested in, there are volunteer groups—local, state and national—working on the problems before us. Sure, for many of us, it's uncomfortable to jump in. But at least in my experience, more often than not, one meets exceptional people with whom one can find restorative common cause. It's therapeutic, not always fun, but always puts a smile on my face.

Our hope is that our upcoming Sacred Conversations series, and our other fall programming, might encourage you to take some new chances. Find your team. They need you. We need you.

Dan Quinlan
Reflection Question
Have you ever felt conflicted, not knowing which way to go?
Upcoming Events
Online Series
"Sacred Conversations"

A 6-Part Series on
Connecting Our Spiritual Lives with Our Work in the World
Led by Rev Dale Davis
Weekly on Tuesdays beginning October 6th, 7-8 pm ET

To learn more, click here.
Online Retreat
"Crossing the River"

Finding Resiliency in Times of Change
Led by Doug Wysockey-Johnson
September 26th, 9 am -12 pm ET

To learn more, click here.
"PT for the Soul"

Self-Care and Resiliency Tools
Led by Doug Wysockey-Johnson
October 2nd, 7-8:30 pm ET

To learn more, click here.
Monthly Book Club
"Women Becoming"

Stories of Women Becoming Their Authentic Selves
Led by Becca Perry-Hill
Group Intro on October 7th, 11-12 pm ET
Future Dates TBD

To learn more, click here.
"In Praise of the Earth"

Thoughts from a Reluctant Activist
Led by Dan Quinlan
October 15th, 7-8:30 pm ET

To learn more, click here.
Online Series
"Using Your Dreams to Enhance Health and Wholeness"

A Series of 4 Dream Work Group Sessions
Led by Betsy Perry
October 21 & 28
November 4 & 11, 1-2:30 pm ET

To learn more, click here.
Online Retreat
"Let Your Life Speak"

Connecting Role and Soul
Led by Doug Wysockey-Johnson
October 24th, 9 am-12 pm ET

To learn more, click here.
Have you considered a monthly donation?
Click the donate button to make a single donation
or set-up monthly giving. If planned giving is of interest, please contact dan@lumunos.org about planned giving options.
Keep in Touch
Let us know what we can do for you.

Doug Wysockey-Johnson doug@lumunos.org    
Dan Quinlan dan@lumunos.org 
Rebecca Perry-Hill becca@lumunos.org
Alice Barbera alice@lumunos.org