It's only September, but start thinking about the NAPs -- coming in October. Click on the links below for all the dates and other info. And enjoy fall bridge as the weather turns cooler, maybe, but bridge stays hot.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Dave Kresge
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
I am back from a great week at the Syracuse Regional. Mary Miller (U112) and her Tournament Committee ran a great tournament with incredible hospitality. Many Syracusans apparently read my August 4Spot article where I talked about my experiences 45 years ago with a long gone Syracuse tradition - the Snowflake Bakery. In the Hospitality suite, I had the opportunity to reminisce with partners, teammates and many other players who also had fond memories of Snowflake.
Kinnan (U112) surprised the heck out of me when she appeared at the tournament with about 40 black and white cookies that were made using the Snowflake recipe. Annmarie knew a baker who used to work at Snowflake and I have to tell you that the cookies were as delicious as I remembered. I begrudgingly shared some of the cookies and the verdict was unanimous - they were great. Thank you so much Annmarie. Here is a picture of me and the cookies. In case you do not know me, I am to the left of the cookies.
Congratulations to Sam Amer, honorary U190 member, whose U26 team made it to the quarterfinals of the World Youth Championships in China. Sam is a great guy and a great player who grew up in D4 and all of D4 is proud of his accomplishments - even if he is now living in New York City. Also, congratulations to May Sakr (U141), who had a second place (Mitchell Mixed Board-a-Match) and a third place finish (0 - 10K Mixed Swiss) in national events at the Atlanta North American Bridge Championships (NABC).
Three of our four D4 Grand National Teams (GNT) teams made it to the second day round of 16, which is no small accomplishment. Unfortunately, none of the teams made it to the round of 8. I guess my new cheerleading outfit was not as lucky as I hoped it would be.
After assuming office as D4 President, I established three committees to look at issues I felt were vital to the future of D4 Bridge. All three committees have published reports that you can read
on the D4 website. Allison Brandt's (U141) Tournament Committee report, which you can read
, is an impressive, encyclopedic and landmark work detailing the history, makeup, current state, and the recommended future direction of all D4 tournaments - Sectionals, Regionals and Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STAC). The report addresses many important topics. I strongly recommend you read the Mission Statement section that lays out D4's 10 enablers for achieving D4's most
important goal:
to provide the highest quality and most enjoyable experience possible for all of our players
However, the topic I want to briefly address today is the large number of tournaments in D4. The number of D4 tournaments is increasing even though the player population is both decreasing and aging. More and more tournaments (especially STACs) are carving up more and more of a smaller, tired pie. Look at the D4 calendar this month - there are Sectionals in Wilmington and Philadelphia (25 miles or so apart) in successive weeks. It seems to me that these tournaments are hurting each other - many players seem to choose to attend one but not both of these tournaments. Attendance at D4 tournaments is declining significantly even though the D4 decline is less than the ACBL wide decline. Allison, in her role as Chair of the D4 Tournament Committee, and the D4 Tournament Coordinator, Elaine Weintraub (U141), have developed procedures, polices and recommendations for reducing both internal (within D4) and external (neighboring Districts and their Units) competition in the D4 Tournament Schedule. The full D4 Board approved one of their most important recommendations at the full D4 Board meeting at the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge. Starting in 2019, the District will assume control of all STACs and will run four STACs a year. Units will receive proportionate compensation from the District based upon table counts from each Unit participating in the District STACs. Units are no longer allowed to schedule STACs at will and this will reduce the number of weeks during the year that D4 Units participate in STACs that compete with other D4 Tournaments.
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is
and my cell is 856.986.5109.
From the District Director
This month, Joann announces the 2019 District 4 appointments to the Charity and Goodwill committees.
Charity Committee
Sally Hill: Webster, NY
Gwen Ritter: Nazareth, PA
Goodwill Committee
Sara Gainey: Allentown, PA
Joan and Bill Goldstein: Philadelphia, PA
Cheryl Holcomb: Newark, NY
Click here to read more about (and view pictures of) these worthy appointees. Congratulations and thanks to them all.
October 13
October 13-14
October 27
October 29-November 4
December 10-16
Just a reminder that District 4 maintains an up-to-date website that is chock full of useful information. Need to know the full 2018 schedule of events? Want to know where you stand on the Mini-McKenney or Ace of Clubs races? Trying to get in touch with the District Recorder? Need to look at past board minutes or issues of the 4Spot? All that and much, much more can be found at the D4 website. Click here to get there and bookmark it for future reference.
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center
by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
The ABC of Bridge
Dave Wachsman
The main pillar of the ABC of Bridge is Always Be Counting, which translates to reconstructing all four hands as if you were seeing the hand in your newspaper's bridge column. The importance of visualizing all four hands was recently reinforced when I retrieved an old bridge book from my library when there was nothing of interest on TV.
The book, published in the early 1980s, presented "BOLS" tips from many of the days' experts. Two bridge tips struck a chord with me. Robert Hamman's tip was: "If you are ever to amount to anything in this game, you must build up a picture of the unseen hands." Bobby Wolff's tip was: "Do not be content to work out the high cards a defender is likely to hold: try to assess his distribution as well." *
Wow - I think putting both tips into practice is what Counting is all about. So much of what we do in bridge is done by habit. It is time to establish the Counting habit. Every time you play, think in terms of discovering the HCP location as well how the suits are distributed. Process the information of bids made, bids not made, opening leads made, opening leads not made, discards made, etc. Now let's practice with a hand played by Janis and me in a social game at our condo.
Dealer: South
N/S Vulnerable
S Q1098
H A54
D A8
C AK98
S 5
S 74
H 83
D 96432
D QJ10
C 3
S AKJ632
D K75
C 1076
Janis's 2NT is our forcing major suit raise which requires the opener to initiate cue bidding of first round controls. Following East's bid of 3H, I bid 3S to deny any outside first round control while showing at least a 6 card suit. Janis then bid 4H which asked me to bid 6S if I had second round control or bid 7S with a void in H. Janis went to 7S thinking I must have points elsewhere.
Now it was up to me to not disappoint my lovely wife. So I played the AH when West led the 8H and ruffed a heart at trick 2 with AS. Here I learned that hearts were 7-2 with East having the length. Next I played two rounds of spades ending in dummy as I learned that East began with two spades. That left East with 4 cards in the minors. A priori, West was a favorite to hold the club honors. A few diamond tricks followed and I recognized that I was dealt the 10C for a reason (LOL). Double hooking in clubs brought home the slam.
Remember the first step in counting is to subtract your HCP from 40 and realize the difference is held by the remaining players. Now process the information from the bidding to develop a picture of the four hands. Bottom line is to discipline your thought process to COUNT on every hand and make it a HABIT! By doing so, you will elevate your game dramatically.
* "Bridge Tips from the Masters" Edited by Terrence Reese
Crown Publishers, Inc. New York 1980
Hamman - page 13
Wolff - page 65
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Monty Python fans, alert! This month's problem is for you (and spam lovers and bridge lovers, too).
click here to read the analysis of this month's problem.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Unit 112 Sectional
September 8-9: Cicero
Unit 112 Sectional
September 29-30: Utica
Unit 112 Sectional
October 20-21: Binghamton
Unit 112 Sectional
November 10-11: Waterloo
to our Unit 112 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Junior Master
Frank Farmer, Cooperstown
Carol Hunter, Potsdam
Neil Weiller, Cooperstown
Club Master
James Perry, Cazenovia
Sectional Master
Elizabeth Patton, Pittsford
Gloria Young, Syracuse
Regional Master
Paula Matteson, Cooperstown
Advanced NABC Master
Barbara McIver, Rochester
Bronze Life Master
Tom Aridgides, Manilus
Ruby Life Master
Steven Shiffrin, Ithaca
Looking for
Join us in September for our Sectionals!
Syracuse Fall Sectional
Cicero Fire Hall - Corner of Routes 31 & 11 - Cicero, New York
Tournament ChairBob Simard - 315-656-3204
Saturday - Sept 8th - Open Pairs Two Sessions 10:30 & 2:30
299er Stratified Open Pairs 10:30 and 2:30
Sunday - Sept 9th - Stratified Swiss Teams 10:30 Play Through
Stratified by Average - A 1500, B 500 - 1500, C 0-500
Mohawk Valley Sectional
N Utica Senior Center - 50 Riverside Drive - Utica, New York
Tournament Chair Billie Ohlbaum - paulbillie1@roadrunner.com
Saturday - Sept 30th - Open Pairs Two Sessions 10:30 & 2:30
299er Stratified Open Pairs 10:30 and 2:30
Free Lunch on Saturday
Sunday - Sept 30th - Stratified Swiss Teams 10:30 Play Through
Open and 299ers
Pizza available on Sunday 2 slices & drink $5
Thanks for participating in our Regional in August!
Special Thanks to Mary Miller and her Committee
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Unit 120 Sectional
October 5-7
The Architzel Memorial Game is just around the corner and you only have a few more days to get your reservations in. A full write up was in the August 4 SPOT, but the cost is $25.00 for one or two sessions and a full course dinner. The date is September 9th at the Central House Resort in Beach Lake and game time is 12 noon. The annual meeting will be held before the game begins. Please email me with your partners name also at
skingp31@aol.com or call me at 610-442-0742. RESERVATIONS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 5th.
Several players came back from the Regional in Syracuse with Gold and Red points.
Heading the pack for Unit 120 were Steve and George Mansour who came home with a total of 14.39 points. In the Saturday Mid-flight pairs, they were 6/B and 4/C for 9.60 Gold. In the Fri/Sat Bracketed Knockouts they got 0.58. Evening Fast Game on Saturday, they got 2.45 Red. Sunday in the Swiss Team they got 1.76 Red.
Just behind them were JoAnn Mauger and Bill Burns with 8.32 points. They were 6/B and 4/C In the Saturday Mid-flight pairs for 4.87 Gold and also teamed up with Carole McCallum and Gwen Ritter for 2.70 Gold in the Wed-Thurs KO, tying for third place. Bill and JoAnn also took 5/B and 3/C in Tuesday morning open pairs for 0.75 points.
Stan and Diane Berkowitz placed 6/B and 4/C in the Open Pairs on Wednesday for 4.06 Gold.
Fay Pacchioli with a pickup partner from Canada tied for 4/B and 3/C in Monday evenings pairs game for 1.21 points.
Joan Winters and Mary Tragis picked up a couple to play on the Monday Swiss Team game and came home with 0.33 Red.
At the Hunt Valley Regional, David Forth and Gillian Chase came home with 8.63 points which was the top Unit award. Playing with Gary and Elyse Grossman, they came in first in the Swiss Team on Sunday afternoon for 6.42 Gold and also earned 2.21 Red playing in the morning session with 4/C.
Jean Olcese, Joan Benedict, Beth Travis and Candace Osborne came home with .54 Red playing in the Thursday Swiss Team.
Helen Tanski, Pam Rothenberger, Pat Rosenthal and Fran Hofherr earned 0.38 Red playing in the Sunday Swiss.
At the Atlanta Summer National, Al Shrive came home with a total of 63.47 points. In the Educational Foundation KO Team game, his team came in first for 21.84 Gold.
In the Truscott Senior Swiss, his team got 20.00 Platinum.
In the Freeman Board A Match Team, his team got 0.89 Platinum.
In the Thursday Daylight A/X/Y, his team got 7.46 Gold.
Playing with Dave Meyer in the Bruce Life Master Pairs, they got 13.28 Gold/Red.
Tom Henson also came home from Atlanta with some points - 27.57 points.
In the B Bracketed Swiss on Sunday the team got 0.23 Red.
Friday-Saturday KO the team got 10.02 Gold.
Thursday Evening Swiss the team got .25 Red.
Tuesday-Wednesday Compact KO the team got 0.71 Red.
Wednesday-Thursday KO Teams - the team came in Third and got 6.36 Gold.
We are quite willing to list obituaries in the 4Spot and it is always distressing to read in the ACBL bulletin that one of our Unit members has passed and the services are long over and we did not list it in the Unit news. We all live in different towns and get different newspapers so it is up to the Unit members to notify your Column editor when one of our members passes or is extremely ill. I was very sorry that we did not make mention of two of our longtime players from the Stroudsburg area.
Joan "Jo" McNally passed away on February 11, 2018. Jo was a dedicated and zealous duplicate player and helped many new players learn this complicated game. I do not believe Jo missed a single Architzel Memorial Game since I have been running it and that is over 20 years. She also was one of the first to make a reservation every year.
Jessie Barrett passed away on January 10, 2018. Jessie learned to play bridge as a child from her parents, who were avid duplicate players, and continued on to make Silver Life Master. I can tell you from experience that Jessie was a serious contender at the bridge table.
I thank Jacqui James for the overdue report. Jacqui partnered with both Jo and Jessie and has sadly retired their Convention Cards.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
December 21
The Annual Doris Sheeder Memorial Picnic and Unit Game was held Saturday August 18 at Sacred Heart Villa. Good food and bridge were enjoyed by all. Two pairs tied for 1st and 2nd: Greta Dolinski & Dorothy McCormick, Bob Hepp & Doug Chaney.
Our next 0-500 Sectional Tournament will be held Friday December 21 at Sacred Heart Villa. More information can be found
Sue Wessner is hosting an Atlantic City trip October 17-19. The trip includes two sanctioned bridge games.
for more information.
Sue Wessner is hosting a bridge cruise May 9-18, 2019.
for more information.
Congratulations to the following for their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Club Master-- Maureen Brumbach
Advanced NABC Master - Keith Ordemann
Bronze Life Master - Elaine S Van Briggle
Link to the unit website
Unit 133 Sectional
October 19-21
We regret to announce the passing of Thomas Komline. A decorated Vietnam veteran, Tom besides being an accomplished bridge player and a vintage car enthusiast, gave generously of his time and energy volunteering for myriad worthwhile causes. We extend our condolences to family and friends.
Charity Unit Game,
September 22, Open and 499er.
LVAL, Allentown at 10:00 AM-enhanced masterpoint awards.
The following players recently attained higher bridge masterpoint ranking:
Junior Master
: Nancy Riegel, Lee Stanley, Joanne Yakel;
Club Master
: William Bentrim, Mary Leonhardt;
Sectional Master
: Sunny Kline, Bryan Snapp, David Sullivan;
Regional Master
: Jon Clemens, Michael Dopera, Lauren Dougherty, Karen Myers;
Bronze Life Master
: Kay Hays
Eighteen pairs competed in the Unit Game of August 25. Unfortunately, the NLM bracket had to be merged with the Open game since we did not have seven pairs in the 0-500 bracket. We hope that in the future newer players will be able to participate in bigger numbers. The winners were Valerie Barber and Thomas Kriz.
Several members of the Unit participated in the recently concluded North American Bridge Championships in Atlanta. The top masterpoint winners were:
Rhoda Prager-73.40 masterpoints
Mary Lee-27.76 masterpoints
Miriam Harris-Botzum-23.47 masterpoints
John Botzum-21.84 masterpoints
Congratulations to all our achievers.
September 21-23
Have you ever eaten lunch and played bridge at a National Historic Landmark? The next Unit 141 Sectional will be September 21-23 at historical Germantown Cricket Club. GCC is the second-oldest surviving cricket club in the United States today. Its part in the sport during the 19th century was of international rank. In the 20th century, the club has played an important role in the history of tennis and squash. Manheim, the present 14-acre site of the club was secured in 1890. The stately clubhouse was designed by the renowned architectural firm of McKim, Meade, and White and gained National Historic Landmark status in 1987. Come and check out the site and the delectable lunches while playing at the Philadelphia Sectional there. Come join us with friends and fun times at this new location! For more information, check out the link above.
Clubhouse of the Germantown Cricket Club in 1893 |
Present Clubhouse of the Germantown Cricket Club |
Unit 141 congratulates its New Life Masters and all those who reached new designation levels.
New Life Masters Joseph Delikat
Marianne Beezer
Judith Cary
Millie Ellerson
John Ferranti
Allan Kobernick
Ruth Orth
Thomas Suman
Sapphire Life Master Ed Craig
Gold Life Master Bonnie Glass Linsk
Ruby Life Master Don Smolen
Silver Life Master
Regina Brooks Cecilia Dupont Carolyn Per Bronze Life Master Mimi Lapat Millie Ellerson Fred Long Sheila Seidner A special shout out to Bobbie Gomer and Everett Young, both Unit 141 board members. They qualified with a 71.47% game to compete for $20,000 in China in the World Wide Bridge Contest. Well done, Bobbie and Everett.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
We will be open on Labor Day (Monday, September 3) for the morning game only. Game time is 11:30am.
A Wednesday morning game has been added, with a start time of 11:30am. The game is FREE for all Club members ($2 for non-members). The game is handicapped, so that partnerships with fewer masterpoints receive additional matchpoints added to their scores to improve their chances to win.
The ACBL-Wide International Fund Game will take place on Thursday, 9/13 at 12:15pm, entry fee - $9. This game awards red and black points! Hand records and detailed analysis of the suggested bid and play will be available.
Our next Member Appreciation Game is Tuesday evening, September 18, 7pm. This game is FREE to all Club members, and is our way of saying thanks for your support and participation.
The Unit 168 North American Pairs Final, a 2-session event (pre-qualification required), will take place on 9/22 beginning at 10:30am. The cost, which includes your entry fee and lunch, is just $5 for pairs who register in advance. A link to the registration form can be found on our website.
Monthly special games this month include:
- Brunch and Bridge, 9/1 at 11 am (food at 10:30am)
- Open Pairs Wine and Cheese, 9/5 at 6:30pm
- Senior Mentor Game, 9/5 at 6:30pm
- Open and 0-1000 Swiss Teams, 9/12 at 6:30pm (dinner at 5:45)
- Continental Breakfast and Bridge, 9/15 at 11am (food at 10:30)
- Junior Mentor Game, 9/20 at 6:30pm
There WILL be a game on Labor Day in Lancaster at Maple Grove! Regular start time of 12:15pm.
It's not too early to circle dates on your calendar for October!
- 10/1 - Unit Game - extra points!
- 10/8 - Club Appreciation Team Game - triple points! Pre-registration required. 5% GOLD points!
- 10/9 - 10/12 - All Club Appreciation Pairs Games! Triple points!
- 10/15 - Club Appreciation Pairs Game
- 10/25 - NLM SECTIONAL !!!!! At Maple Grove! All SILVER points. Pre-registration required. Contact Andie Sheaffer at 717-581-1003.
to these Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Club Master:
Jeffrey Osman, Nancy Myer
Sectional Master:
Diana Thompson, George Hope
Silver Life Master:
Lewis Maddock
Gold Life Master:
Frank Carden
Wacky Hands & Gadgets -
by Dave Bort
Transfer Lebensohl After Reverses
In a recent club game, Board 28 was red-on-white (aka us vul, opponents non-vul), our opponents held::
West: AKJ T9652 5 T532 East: Q64 K87 T9742
while partner's and my hands were:
North: T53 None AKJ8 AKQJ74 South: 9872 AQJ43 Q63 6
The bidding proceeded (after dealer West's initial pass, opponents silent throughout):
(me) South
1C(1) 1H
2D(2 3D(3)
4C(4) Pass(5)
(1) With a 4-loser hand, I avoid opening 2C, unless I'm worried about partner passing. In this case, planning to reverse seems an apt description of the hand.
(2) Opener's reverse, implying a 5-loser hand or better.
(3) Transfer to Hearts, implying a suit of 5+ cards, and an invitational hand or better (in the context of the auction). As with regular (non-transfer) Lebensohl, responder's 2N bid would relay to opener's 3C, after which responder would either pass (with Clubs), or bid their long suit, which would be to play (opener must pass, unless much stronger). Unlike regular Lebensohl, the three-level bids are transfers, and are not game-forcing, but are always invitational or better.
(4) Showing my extra strength by spurning responder's transfer (to my void - involuntary shudder!) and rebidding my Clubs (since, in general, bidding a 6-4 hand as the 6-, 4-, then 6-card suits shows greater strength than bidding the 6-, 6-, then 4-card suits). Using Western Cue (3S, to ask responder to bid 3N with a Spade stopper) didn't appeal to me with this hand.
(5) Partner is neither excited nor amused, and since the phrase "game-forcing" generally means "forcing to at least 3N or 4 of a minor", partner is entitled to pass.
Result: Making 5C (an overtrick, compared to double-dummy play). And, as it turned out, it actually does make 4N, but only because all the outstanding high Spades (such as the A, K, Q, and J!) split 3-3. Only one pair (of 11) bid 3N, and they failed to make an extra double-dummy trick, while several pairs went down in Diamonds, and another pair overbid (and went down) by blasting to 6C. Oh well, partner and I have the consolation of knowing we bid to the highest apparent making contract (small comfort though it may be). Onward and upward! Tomorrow is another day! (or something)
References include:
(but note that this is not a Transfer version, and I recommend ignoring the "puppet/relay" bid distinction)
Two Clubs/Two Hearts Bust with P0D1 Over Interference
In a pairs game the trenches of Reston, Board 8 was white-on-white), and our opponents held:
West: T KQT65 T765 T72 East: Q87642 7 J842 J8
while partner's and my hands were:
North: KJ9 A83 KQ3 AKQ6 South: A53 J942 A9 9543
The bidding proceeded (after dealer West's initial pass):
West North(me) East South
Pass 2C(1) 2S X(2)
Pass Pass!(3) Pass(4)
(1) With a four-loser hand, I avoid opening 2C, unless (a) I'm worried about partner passing, or (b) I have a rebid to show an even bigger, balanced hand. In particular, with a strong two-suiter, or a strongly distributional hand, it's often best to begin describing your hand (i.e., identifying your suits) as early as possible. Not so, here.
(2) Partner and I were playing Two Hearts Bust, where 2D = game force, showing at least an Ace, a King, or two Queens, 2H = denies holding any of those honors, and 2N = three (3) Kings, with systems on (including transfers, because we likely want the hand with 3 Kings to receive the opening lead). In particular, we do NOT want responder showing their 5-card suit as a first rebid; neither do we want to use up valuable bidding space showing steps for either controls or points. Over interference, we play P0D1 (pronounced pod-ee, the opposite of the D0P1 convention that many play over interference with slam bidding); here, partner's Pass = I would have bid 2H, partner (the "zero" holding, showing the bust hand), and X = I would have bid 2D, partner (the "one" holding, showing the game-forcing hand).
(3) I'm willing to bet we can get a better score by leaving them in 2SX than with us in a non-vulnerable game, partner (and I'm willing to think we don't have slam), so let's see if we can get them for a number! As in a "telephone number", as in a 4-digit penalty - something like, say, a nice 1100?
Result: 2SX, down 4, non-vulnerable, for the desired 1100! (wait for it) At least, that's what should have happened! In the real world, we struggled with our defense and let them escape only down 2, but it turned out to be a good board anyway, because although N/S can make 5N, or 4SN, or 5C, double-dummy, it must be hard to either bid or make. Bottom line was the system still worked, even if the execution was less than ideal.
Reference: I'd give you a reference, but the two-hearts approach is played so many ways by different folks that it seems appropriate to leave you with the explanation provided above. You're free to surf the net yourself, of course (I suggest the phrase "bridge convention two hearts bust"), but be prepared for a long night).
Stay tuned next month, for more wacky hands & gadgets.
September 14-16
299er Sectional Pairs
September 29
Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 27-31
The DSBA Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, September 15 at 2:00 and between the morning and afternoon sessions of the Diamond State Sectional at the Bridge Studio. Please plan to attend and "fill two needs with one deed." Elect the DSBA Board while you feast on a delectable FREE LUNCH.
September 29th - Unit 190's 299er Sectional at Ocean View Presbyterian Church
Two fun sessions of relaxed bridge at 10 and 1:30. Pre-registration is required with
Dini Romito at
or Anna Delapo at anna7nt@gmail.com.
On August 25th, in lovely Ocean View FR, Dini Romito hosted and directed this special game with 26 pairs participating. It was a fun filled day with a light but competitive atmosphere. The participants received a reduced entry cost if they brought a covered dish to the game and there were plenty of takers. The participants enjoyed an abundance of delicious foods to sample or feast on.
At the end of the day the top three pairs from each direction were recognized with Plaques to take home as a mementos of their success. Dini also provided all the participants with an "I make a difference" lapel pin which was well received by all the players. All in all a terrific day for Bridge in Delaware.
First Place Winners Marilyn Haskins, Rusty Vilk, Barbara Lappin, and Tammy Holm
Second place finishers John Faber and Howard Stevens (Missing Mike Moore and Mary Boyd) |
Third place finishers Patricia Brown, Billie Grieb, Dorothy Hand, and Diana Erney |
Kay R. Bonney, George Dellinger, and Irene C. Niessen
Tom Bason
Michael Vogel
Duke Lohr and Debbie Schenkel
Mary Jo Chandler and Barbara A. Fedor
Anthony J. Cardinal, Angela T. Jones, and Marie Steiner
Anthony J. Cardinal
What did one tectonic plate say when bumped?
This is all your fault!
For news and results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217 Sectional
September 21-23
Check back next month for a Unit 217 report.
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4Spot | September 2018 | Editor: Allison Brandt | allisonrbrandt@gmail.com