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September 2017
 Working Together, Building Together 
Carlos Bell, President
The ACPE Board of Directors met with Donna Dunn, Tecker International Consultant, to discuss a strategic plan taking into consideration feedback from the membership during the 2016 Annual Conference, Organizational Design Work Group, and Regional Meetings at the 2017 Annual Conference. The Board approved the 2017 ACPE Strategic Plan and authorized the President to appoint an International Accreditation Task Force to pursue outside accreditation. The goal is to provide more ACPE training/certification/instruction without jeopardizing our current accreditation with the U.S. Department of Education. The Board approved application for recognition through the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) The timeline to complete this project is September 2017 to December 2018.

Hurricane Harvey Relief Resources
The destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey is unfathomable, and we cannot even begin to imagine its enormity. ACPE is holding in thought and prayer our colleagues, friends, and everyone impacted by the storm.

For our colleagues directly impacted, we pray for your strength and courage as you endure this crisis and provide spiritual and pastoral care to all who find themselves in the throes of this catastrophe. We know you to be a person who has the gifts and graces that will help others find strength and hope in these days. Please know that ACPE stands ready to assist you in any way that we are able.

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Certification Update
Mary Stewart Hall, Certification Chair
I am excited about our New Certification Process that is taking shape. As you read in the Monday Briefing, we have a page on the ACPE Website devoted to the New Process and are posting videos and materials that will further clarify implementation as it begins January 1, 2018. We look forward to sharing more information with you as it is developed.

As ACPE's overall and current regional structures shift, the Certification Commission will also be going through some changes. Starting in January, the Commission will shrink in size and will be comprised of those currently known as regional chairs and will also include public members and a practitioner member.
ACPE Accreditation Commission Seeks Nominations for Public Members Beginning in 2018
The ACPE Accreditation Commission values the engagement of members outside of ACPE. The Commission meets twice yearly and is seeking two individuals as representatives of public/outside interests on the Commission. Persons involved with ACPE accreditation work must have sufficient knowledge and expertise to permit competent assessment of programs of clinical pastoral education.

A public member must have one or more of the following qualifications:
Melissa Walker-Luckett, Chair,  2017 Annual Campaign
In the August 21st Monday Briefing, Trace embedded a poem by Ellen Bass entitled "The World Has Need of You." If you missed it, I recommend it to you. Amid unsettling times, more than ever, the world needs clergy trained in the care of souls in distress - clergywomen and men who bear the imprint of ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education.

This month we celebrate five of ACPE's accomplishments in the 1980's and 1990's, including all certified or joining ACPE during these years. The Decade's Competition Champions for this time are Don Ledbetter (1980's) and Kathleen Gallivan & George Grant (1990's). Those in the 1990's are currently still in first place, with those in the 1980's in a close second!
Just as the world around us was changing so was the ACPE.

You can make a significant gift to ACPE that costs you nothing now, and will keep on giving for years to come. Your gift can also memorialize a loved one. Here's how: 

A gift in your will is one way you can secure your estate and create an impactful legacy with ACPE. A gift in your will has many advantages:
Have you registered for your regional meeting yet?

Registration is now open for the East Central, Eastern, Mid-Atlantic, Pacific, South Central, Southeast and Southwest regional meetings with early bird deadlines quickly approaching. Please contact Tiffany Kindred at the ACPE National Office if you need assistance. 

Learn more 
The leading organizations in the field of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care have come together to offer a joint symposium "Partners in Strengthening the Future of Spiritual Care."  This symposium will cover a range of information including partnerships, collaboration and research pertinent for those in the field of Spiritual Care.  In addition, attendees will qualify for 4.5 hours of applicable Continuing Education credits towards their respective certifications. 


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