Colon Hydrotherapy, Nutritional Counseling, Detox Programs, School
520-325-9686  4427 E 5 St Tucson AZ 85711
Intestinal Health Newsletter September 2012Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook View our profile on LinkedIn
picture of Nightblooming Cereus Cactus
Nightblooming Cereus My Garden!

I am on a rant about Metabolic Syndrome. Many people say, "What is that?" Yet it is epidemic in our culture. Why am I on a rant? I have been reading about it everywhere plus many of my clients have it. And, it's very serious! Metabolic Syndrome leads to the whole catastrophe: diabetes, overweight, obesity, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and cancer. I'll list a few of the major symptoms: overweight, obesity, abdominal girth, abdominal visceral fat, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, high LDL's, pre-diabetes and diabetes, high blood glucose and insulin. Do you have any one or more of those conditions? That is Metabolic Syndrome. Prediabetes is another name some give to Metabolic Syndrome.


The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) focus this year is Metabolic-Cardiovascular Events. The IFM is all about getting to the root cause of a problem rather than medicate the symptom. MD's, DO's, DC's and NMD's under the IFM umbrella employ natural methods to bring about healing or balance. 


One piece of metabolic syndrome relates to the liver. Those who consume high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other added and refined sugars, listen up. HFCS metabolizes in the liver. The fructose sugar is converted to fat, creating fat in the liver or fatty liver. The liver then exports extra fat to the cells. When the cells fill up with fat they cannot metabolize glucose. Read insulin resistance. Insulin is a fat-storing hormone! Fats from the liver also go into your abdominal orperitoneal cavity, a fluid-filled gap between the walls of the abdomen and the organs in the abdomen. That fat may surround your kidneys, liver, gall bladder, intestines, spleen, stomach, pancreas, heart and lungs. Not a pretty picture nor is it healthy!


Another piece of the metabolic syndrome pie is cognitive impairment. According to the latest research, (find article), one of the symptoms of prediabetes or metabolic syndrome is Minor Cognitive Impairment. The results of added sugar metabolism create inability to learn and remember, brain fog and mental confusion. Cognitive Impairment is the name given to the symptom in the diabetic progression. Alzheimer's is now being called Diabetes 3. Added sugars and grains cause in some people cognitive impairment leading ultimately to Alzheimer's. Be aware of what added sugar and grain is doing to your mind.


I hear people say: I am gaining a few pounds every year, I gained a few pounds but I'm not able to take the pounds off any more, I am constantly having to rein myself in on the sugar, I'm hungry all the time, every time I see food, I have to eat it. People are suffering from the 'sugar addiction.' The sugar addiction creates the sugar diseases.


It used to be easy to gain a few pounds and then lose them. Not so anymore. Overtime, the added sugars and grains have damaged the metabolism, destroyed some of the insulin-secreting beta cells of the pancreas, inflamed the gut walls, created fat in the liver, cells and around the organs for starts. You have to reverse the damage and lose the weight! You have your work cut out for you.


What are the first things you can do to stop the 'sugar disease' spiral?

  • Hydrate well - keep high quality sugar-free fluids going such as water, herb teas, sparkling water. Raw juices count however mainly vegetables with high chlorophyll content.
  • Read labels on products you buy in bags, boxes, cans, jars and wrappers for all grains, added sugars, additives, chemicals and preservatives
  • Avoid processed sugars and grains. Use honey, dates, nuts and seeds
  • Reduce to zero additives, chemicals and preservatives
  • Avoid GMO's, eat organic and local
  • Do some form of movement every day. Some authorities are now suggesting that 60-90 minutes daily is optimal. I can hear you now! Start with what you can beginning with 10-15 minutes and build up.
  • Detox your body starting with your intestines. Receive colon hydrotherapy accompanied by a GI, liver/gall bladder, kidney or parasite cleanse
  • Register for and take our Pre-Diabetic Workshop Pilot Project


Prediabetic Workshop Pilot Project

September 10, 17, 24, October 1

Ann Baldwin PhD, Alice Adams and I have designed a very fun, educational and healthy gourmet workshop for Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. The dates for our first trial run are chosen: Mondays, 5:30-7:30PM, September 10, 17, 24 and Oct 1. We need 3 more people for the Pilot Project. The fee is $50 for all 4 sessions. Please contact me by email or phone 520-325-9686 to register. Feel free to pass this on to someone you know that would benefit greatly. PDF of flyer


Sheila Shea, Director
Special of the Month 1

3 Colonics with the 7-Day GI Cleanse


3 Colonics                                               $229


7-Day Cleanse Kit from Arise & Shine    $94


Total                                                         $323


We are offering you 15% off for           $275!


3 Colonics with Guided Liver/Gall Bladder Cleanse by Erin Schumacher

September 10, Monday - September 16, Sunday


3 Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions              $229


The Guided Liver Flush with Erin             $49


Total                                                          $278


We are offering you 15% off for           $233**


**If you sign up, as a special gift to you, Erin will include her 10 minute "Yoga For Detox" video and her 7 Favorite Smoothie Recipes! What a deal!**


To contact Erin: 815-403-5249


To contact Sheila: 520-325-9686

Next Guided Liver Flush
September 10, Monday - September 16, Sunday

It's easy to fit into any schedule!


Erin Schumacher, host of the next Guided Liver Flush in Tucson AZ, is a Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, yoga instructor, raw food chef and international retreat facilitator.

Expiry: September 30, 2012
Special of the Month 2

Get Your Energy Moving!

Acupuncture and Colon Hydrotherapy Team Up!


Jennifer Parks of Jade Star Acupuncture and Sheila Shea of the Intestinal Health Institute Help You Calm and Clear Your GI tract. Many of you will benefit from acupuncture to balance your GI system and colon hydrotherapy to clear your large intestine. We are offering 15% off our sessions.



Colon Hydrotherapy               $80         (1 hour)


Acupuncture                           $60         (1.5 hours)


Total                                        $140


With 15% discount                $119       (your special price!)


On Saturday, September 15, 22 and 29 from 9 AM to 6 PM we are scheduling patients to experience both acupuncture and colon hydrotherapy for optimal intestinal health. First, you will have your 1.5 hour acupuncture session with Jennifer at Jade Star Acupuncture then come to the Intestinal Health Institute for your colon hydrotherapy session with Sheila. Our offices are 5 minutes from each other.


You make appointments for both of us through Jennifer by calling her at 520-881-0827 or emailing

According to Chinese medicine, symptoms of small intestine imbalance are lower abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, dark, burning urine or blood in the urine. Food is digested and absorbed in the small intestine then passed to the large intestine for elimination. The large intestine absorbs water and minerals from the by-products of digestion while forming stools. A disruption in this function can lead to diarrhea (too much fluid) or constipation (insufficient fluid).

Expiry: September 27, 2012
Upcoming Events!
 Raw Food and Pampered Chef Event!
October 13, Saturday, 1:30-3:30PM
Prickly Pear Cactus
Prickly Pear Cactus Harvest


The Pampered Chef Event with a raw food menu and buffet will be held at my home. Join us once again this year, as Maria Puig and I hostess another super event with Pampered Chef kitchenware and a raw food menu!


We are planning a small buffet and social in conclusion. Put this on your calendar! More info to follow! Recipes provided. Event free. Chach Jackson, Pampered Chef par excellence, will be showing us some of the latest fall collection plus wonderful and convenient ways to help us return to the kitchen!


RSVP Sheila Shea 520-325-9686 or



Calming the Nervous System, Finding Peace Within, Meditation


Many have asked me about meditation. I became interested in a meditation practice in 1981 and shortly thereafter received the techniques of the Knowledge. I practice daily and it is something that I look forward to. I've included a description from The Words of Peace Global website so that you know more about the Knowledge.


Exploring The Keys 


Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji, offers a way to discover peace within, four practical techniques which enable anyone to turn their attention inside in order to experience the feeling that resides there. He calls these techniques Knowledge: the know-how to go within.


The Keys are specially designed by Maharaji to help clarify key points of understanding. There are six Keys. The first five consist of video presentations with various supporting videos that build on each Key's theme. Watching these helps a person develop the necessary understanding to comprehend what's being offered and to enjoy Knowledge to the fullest. The sixth Key is shown during a special session in which Maharaji teaches the techniques of Knowledge via a video presentation. Such sessions take place throughout the year all over the world. It is a gift from Maharaji to anyone who requests it.

Enjoy and be in touch,
Sheila Shea, Director
In This Issue
Special of the Month
Special of the Month 2
Raw Food and Pampered Chef Event
Go Within, Feel Peace
Coupon 20% Off
Hot Links Cool Sites
Colon Hydrotherapy

Nutritional Counseling
Detox Programs
Diagnostic Testing
Save 20%
Intestinal Health Institute is offering a 20% discount on Gas Relief, an excellent enzyme formula designed specifically for those of you with excessive gas. Gas Relief is a product from Advanced Naturals an outstanding company dealing with intestinal health. The regular price is $18.99 and for a limited time you are able to purchase this for $15. The bottle contains 60 capsules. Present this coupon with your request.  The coupon is transferable.
Offer Expires: September 30, 2012