St. Rita School inspires students in Pre-Kindergarten through grade eight to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing and faith-filled Catholic environment.

We prepare students to be morally responsible, innovative thinkers who, in today’s technology-guided global community, live and share the Love of Christ.

From the Desk of Mrs. Tiezzi

Dear St. Rita Parents/Guardians,

Congratulations to our newly married 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Erika Salsbury DiRenzo. Erika and her husband, JP, were married last Saturday at Blessed Sacrament Church surrounded by many of her current and past students and their families. May God bless them with many happy and healthy years together.

We continue to ask parents to closely monitor your child’s cell phone usage. We are finding that many students are taking and posting picture of peers without their knowledge which causes major drama within the school day. This is interrupting your child’s learning could potentially pose a safety issue for others. 

This weekend all Catholic parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Hartford will undertake the H.O.P.E.S. (Help Our Parish Elementary Schools) collection. The monies received from this collection will go specifically to our Catholic schools to help fund some important initiatives. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Next Wednesday, September 27, three members of our St. Rita School community will be recognized at the H.O.P.E.S. ( Help Our Parish Elementary Schools) dinner for their volunteer efforts on behalf of Catholic education. Mrs. Kathy Halloran, Mrs. Patty Landino and Mrs. Maria Testa have been named the 2023 St. John Neumann award winners. We are grateful that they have shared and continue to share their time, talent and treasure with our students and school community.

Please be on the lookout over the next few days for an email from your child’s teacher regarding the upcoming parent-teacher conferences scheduled for October 12 from 3:00-6:15 and October 13 from 1:00-3:15. Both these days are early dismissal days. Parents must register for conferences using the link provided by the teachers. All parents are strongly advised to sign-up for a conference to review their child’s NEWA MAP assessments, learn more about their child as a learner, and have any of your questions or concerns addressed midway through the first marking period.

Next Thursday, September 28, St. Rita School will be closed for a district-wide teaching and learning conference. Teachers from throughout the Archdiocese will be together at St. Paul High School in Bristol for a day of learning.

On Monday, October 2 we will switch over to the winter uniform. Parents are asked to please review the dress code with your child/ren as shorts and sneakers are no longer allowed with the winter uniform. Teachers will be sending home dress code violation forms to those students who continually are not in compliance. We do understand that Dennis Uniform Company continues to experience issues with order fulfillment, so we ask parents to please check the uniform swap located on the stage in the gym for additional uniform pieces. If on occasion your child is not in proper uniform, please send a note to the teacher informing her/him of the reason. Should the weather during the first part of October continue to be warm the students may continue to wear the gym shorts on gym days only.

 Thank you for entrusting your child/ren to our care. Be sure to get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall-like weather.  

God Bless,

Mrs. Tiezzi


Notice to all parents, teachers, and

employees of St.Rita School

From Mrs. Patricia Tiezzi, Principal

In compliance with AHERA regulations, we are required to inform all the above mentioned individuals associated with St. Rita School of the asbestos inspection reports and management plan.

This report/plan is on file in the school office and is available for review by any parents, teachers, etc.,

during normal business hours of the school.

Please make your request for reviewing this file to

Mrs. Patricia Tiezzi, Principal

Parking at Drop-off and Dismissal

Please observe the “NO PARKING” signs on Gillies Road, Edgemere Road, and Dessa Drive. Your willingness to observe the NO PARKING signs will ensure the safety of our students and school neighbors. Please share this with grandparents, caregivers, and anyone else who may pick up your child at dismissal. The Police Department has been issuing warnings and will be ticketing those drivers who disregard the no parking signs. Please see the provided map for no parking areas, and available parking lots. Areas marked in red are no parking areas.

Click HERE to sign up for Before/After Care
Click HERE to sign up for Hot Lunch

Uniform Swap

New items have been donated to the Uniform Swap! If you are still in need of uniforms please visit the swap located in the gym before and after school every day.


Home/School Association

Click HERE to Download the Order Form
Click HERE to Order Online
Click HERE to download the order form


Trunk or Treat

Friday, October 27

Nurse's Corner

Welcome Back to School! I hope everyone had a healthy and relaxing summer. Just a few reminders from the health office as we begin a new year.

COVID: We have seen a few cases of COVID in our school. If your child has a case of COVID in their classroom you will receive a notice. We ask that you then monitor your child for symptoms for 5 days. Please notify the school if your child develops COVID. The CDC guidelines have not changed. If you develop a case of COVID you must quarantine for 5 days, the first onset of symptoms is day 0. Your child can return to school on day 6 with a mask until day 10. Any questions please call the nurse.

Grade 6 physicals: All students in Grade 6 are required by the state to have a physical in order to enter Grade 7. This physical needs to be dated after May 30, 2023. Please send in a copy of your child's physical and immunization record once they have had their physical. 

Illness and protocol: If your child is sick with a fever and or vomiting they should stay home until symptoms have resolved for 24 hours. If your child has excessive coughing and or runny nose please keep them home. This will help keep everyone around them safe. If your child does not look "right" to you , follow your intuition and keep them home. Sometimes they just need a day of rest to prevent an illness from spreading. 

Prek students and The Flu shot: All students in PreK 3 and 4 are required by the state to have a flu shot before Jan 1, 2024. Please send in documentation once your child has gotten their shot. Students who have not received a flu shot by Jan 1 will not be allowed to return to school until this is completed. 

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year please do not hesitate to call me. I can be reached in the health office M-F from 8:00am -3:00pm

St. Rita School
1601 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: (203) 248.3114
Fax: (203) 248.1016
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