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eNEWS - Sept 2, 2024


Man using laptop computer

New Church Website Coming Soon!

Take a sneak peak today and learn what's new.

Exciting news: We're about to go live with a refreshed church website! The web address will stay the same – – but the navigation and content is getting a new look and feel. We'll send an email once we go live (date is still being determined). That email will include a link to an overview to help you find all of your favorite pages. Be on the lookout for more info soon!

Become a Sunday School Teacher

We need 12 more volunteers to help with our kids!

Calling all current or retired teachers, social workers, anyone with a heart for kids: Benefit from intergenerational dialogue and connection!

Sunday School starts immediately following A Time With Children – it's just a 35 minute commitment, and our goal is to get enough volunteers that you'll help just once a month. Materials and lesson plans are provided, so you get to focus on interacting with the kids.

Email Rev. Brittany if you'd like to work with our phenomenal children and youth.


Volunteer: Cherokee Point Back-to-School BBQ

Help Cherokee Point Elementary families kick off the school year!

We're seeking volunteers to help at this fun event:

Prep Work: Wed. Sept. 4 | Church Kitchen | 1:30 - 3:30 PM

Transporting Items & Supplies: Wed. Sept. 4 | Church Kitchen | 3:30 - 4:30 PM

BBQ: Wed. Sept. 4 | Cherokee Point Elementary | 5 - 8 PM

If you'd like to help in any of these areas, please sign up!

Register Now: Our Money Story

Available in person & on Zoom! Register By Sept. 6

We all have a money story, whether we recognize it or not. And we often want to avoid talking about money. But money and possessions are one of the most common topics in scripture, and Jesus talked about money more than faith and prayer. Our money story, therefore, is a spiritual story.

During this year's stewardship season, join Jason Tucker and Rev. Dr. Hannah Ka in an exploration of your own money story and how that can impact our lives and our expressions of faith in the world.

This 4-week class will help you reflect on your own money story and compare it with God’s Money Story as told through the scriptures we’ll be exploring in worship. Join in person Sunday mornings at 10:15 AM in the Lower Sanctuary Meeting Room (Library), or via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7 PM. 

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This Sunday: All Church Gathering

Sun. Sept. 8 | 12 - 2 PM | Linder Hall | Potluck

You're invited to gather with your church family for a potluck, fellowship, and celebration of our upcoming season of Perspectives Pastors Podcast!

As our first season wraps up, we'll hear from the pastors about their favorite podcast moments, see some behind-the-scenes bloopers, and learn what's coming up for season 2. Bring a dish to share and all the questions you wanted to ask while watching or listening to the first season of Perspectives!

Seeking event volunteers: We're looking for some volunteers to help with potluck set up and clean up, as well as individuals who can help during the program. If you'd like to help with one of these three areas, please sign up!

Unable to join in person? We'll also livestream the event online.

Children's & Youth Back to Music Meeting

Save the date: Sun. Sept. 8 | 10:05 AM | The Cove

Join us as we kick off our 2024-25 Children & Youth Music Program! We'll go over the fall calendar, updates, expectations, and answer any questions. Rehearsals for all ensembles will follow.

Fall 2024 Children's & Youth Music Schedule:

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

  • Primary Choir (Grades K-5) – Middle School Room (The Cove) with Ms. Dana
  • Secondary Voices (Grades 5/6-12) – Children's Choir Room (Lower Sanctuary) with Mr. Brian

Sundays, 11-11:45 AM

  • Youth Chimes Ensemble (Grades 5-12) – Children's Choir Room (Lower Sanctuary) with Ms. Dana

If your kids would like to join one or more groups, please register here: 

NASA earth rise

SDSCS 2024-25 Series: Time To Register

Join us as we explore "Loving God's Environmental Creations"

The San Diego School of Christian Studies is excited to announce its 2024-25 schedule of events! Join them for five Saturdays throughout the year as they bring in outside experts to explore what we can do to be better caretakers of Earth. Visit to view the full schedule and register for upcoming events.

The first lecture takes place Saturday, September 21 and features Dr. Cherry Robinson, The Climate Reality Project San Diego Chapter Chair. Get the full details and register today.


woman in nature with book

Reflect, Learn, Discuss: Grow in 2024

Join us each week as we uncover new understandings of scripture, theology, and life. We hope you join us! Please Note: Convergence is taking a break for the summer months. We'll resume the group discussions in the fall!

REFLECT: Tapestry Worship Service | Sundays in Trotter Chapel. Gain a fresh perspective as you question, listen, and see God through non-traditional and interactive worship.

LEARN: Perspectives Podcast | Mondays

Featuring two of our pastors talking theology, life, and faith.

Listen Now

Prayers of the People

Pray for one another and prayer requests

Wednesdays, 9:30 AM

In-person & Zoom

Email Rev. Brittany


1st Friday of the month

8 AM | Zoom

Speaker & Fellowship

Register for Zoom

Heart of Christianity


11 AM | Zoom

Book Study

Register for Zoom


paper bags

Migrant Lunches Update

We are overwhelmed with the support for sack lunches for migrants waiting at the airport – thank all of you who donated or have helped out! We plan to make 100 lunches every Sunday (except 9/1) through the middle of December in Linder Hall 5. To do this, we will continue to need funding and sandwich makers. If you would like to support this project, contact Beryl Flom at

Showers of Blessings

Showers of Blessings

2nd Saturday: Sept. 14 | St. Paul's Cathedral Courtyard | 2728 Sixth Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 


You're invited to prepare a dish and serve OR drop off donations for brown bag lunch pack. Sign up as a group to take a month! For more information, contact Katherine Stone.


Donations can be dropped off at coffee bar on Sundays or during regular office hours (9 AM - 4 PM): Oatmeal, pancake syrup, brown sugar, raisins, protein bars, juice (apple, grape, cranberry), hot sauce, brown lunch sacks, individual apple sauce. 

Trip to Dominican Republic

Informational session: Tues. Sept. 24 | 5:30-6:30 PM | Beth Israel

Join Rabbi Nevarez and Rev. Hannah for an informational session about a special service-learning trip to live and work in the village of La Guama in the northwest region of the Dominican Republic. All 9-12 graders and their families are invited to attend this informational session! If you plan to attend, RSVP to Rev. Hannah.

We are partnering with Bridges to Community to support their mission to alleviate poverty in one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean. We invite you fully immerse yourself in the daily life of the Dominican people, while helping to empower a community in need.

  • Informational Session: Sept. 24, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Beth Israel, 9001 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego CA 92122
  • Trip: Feb. 14-22, 2025

Everyone A Reader

Volunteer as a reading tutor at Cherokee Point!

Enjoy working with kids? Here is a fun way to help support our friends at Cherokee Point Elementary School. Sign up to become a reading tutor. Volunteer orientation is on September 26 from 8 AM to 10 AM. Get the full details and sign up online.

Samaritan Store Donations

Food supplies are dwindling! 

Here are some staples we need: Peanut butter, pudding cups (any flavor), applesauce, Chef Boyardee (any flavor), Spaghettio's (any flavor), fruit cups, granola bars, tuna (cans and packets), soups (any flavor), vienna sausages, and Nutri Grain Bars (any flavor).

When donating canned foods, please look for cans with pull-tab tops.


Get to know your church neighbors!

North Park / South Park / University Heights / Normal Heights / Kensington

Wed. Sept. 9 | 6 PM | Lazy Dog Restaurant 1202 Camino del Rio North, San Diego, CA 923108 | RSVP Richard or Laurie Willis at or 619-370-9080

Senior Singles Fellowship Group

Fridays | 12 - 3:30 PM | Linder Lounge

Potluck lunch followed by games! You may bring a food contribution serving 6. No RSVPs needed. No charge. Questions, call Karen, 619-263-3743 (no texts).


Childcare for infants to preschool is available during all services.

Reverend Trudy Robinson delivering a Sunday message

Senior Pastor

Rev. Trudy Robinson

Traditional Worship

Sundays | 9 AM | Sanctuary

Our Money Story: Remember

Scripture: Exodus 16:11-18

Altar Flowers: Given by Inger Huffman in honor of William Huffman’s life and for his heavenly birthday on September 11.  

Join us in person or watch our Livestream

For our online viewers: Consecrated elements for communion are available for pick up Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM, or can be mailed upon request.

Watch Live Page
Sermon Archive


Sundays | 11 AM | Trotter Chapel

Money Makes The World Go Round: Remember

Scripture: Exodus 16:11-18

Let’s gather together to check out the resources of hope at our disposal and create a safe space with others to rest in that hope.

Altar Flowers  
Donating altar flowers on Sunday is a way to recognize significant events in your family’s life.  Bouquets are $65 each and anyone can donate one or two bouquets. If you are interested, please contact Demmie Divine in the church office about available dates. 


Children and Youth Ministries Sunday Schedule

PRE-K, INFANTS, AND TODDLERS | Sundays 8:40 AM - 12 PM

This program offers a loving and nurturing environment in the Multipurpose Room located in the Children's Growing Center.

Kids First

Sunday School Back In Session!

Kids in grades K-5 are invited to join us.

We're back from summer break! We'll start in the Sanctuary and then leave as a group immediately following A Time With Children. Parents pick up kids from The Cove immediately following service.

Middle School and High School students are invited to stay in the Sanctuary to worship with their family.

ACOLYTES | Grades 4-12

Sign up to assist in Sanctuary worship service! Contact Demmie Divine.


Deaths: Check our website for weekly updates regarding deaths, memorial services, and funerals.

Request a Prayer

Donate Birthday Cards

Bring cards to church office to help Caring Hearts ministry!

Our Caring Hearts group is seeking birthday cards to send to our church members as they turn 80+ (what an achievement!). Please bring new cards to the church office.

Would you like someone to talk to?

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. You'll meet privately—by phone, video chat, or in person—for care and support. Contact Rev. Brittany for more information.

Prayers & Squares Quilt Prep & Fellowship

1st Sat. & 3rd Thurs. of the month: No meeting on Sept. 7! Join us Sept. 19 | 9 AM - 12 PM | Linder 4

Learn more about the Prayers & Squares Quilt Ministry or request a quilt for another person. To sponsor a prayer quilt for someone in need of prayer, be sure to ask for their agreement to be a recipient. 

Request a Prayer Quilt
Alzheimers Assoc

Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group

3rd Thursday of the month: Sept. 19 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Free | RSVP

Providing care for someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementia can have severe emotional and psychological impacts. If you're a caregiver, we offer you a place to feel heard, connected and empowered with those who understand this unique struggle.


Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM

Office closed Sept. 2 for Labor Day

Memorial Garden Hours
Monday - Friday - 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - 8 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday - 8 AM - 4 PM

Giving: How to Give

  1. Deposit your gift in the offering plate during worship.
  2. Give online using your credit/debit card or ACH transfer from your checking account. Gifts can be one time or automatically recurring each week or month.
  3. TEXT to Give. Just text MYCHURCHGIFT to 73256 and see how easy it can be!
  4. Mail your check directly to the church via US postal service: First United Methodist Church of San Diego, 2111 Camino del Rio S., San Diego, CA 92108.

Contact Jason Tucker with your questions about giving and tithing to First Church.

Weekly Attendance

8/25/24, Sunday in-person services (9 & 11 AM)

Combined number of attendees: 284

8/25/24, livestreamed services

Unique viewers: 255

Avg. watch-time: 23:42

First Church YouTube subscribers: 2,701

To subscribe, log in to your Gmail account, go to First Church YouTube channel, click the subscribe button. You can choose to be notified when we livestream.

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2111 Camino del Rio South,

San Diego, CA 92108

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