Peter Buffington, CPO/LPO
Peter says, " Osseointegration..."

At the AOPA National Assembly in Boston last week, I had a chance to speak at length with Cindy, a recent osseointegration patient.

It's an amazing story. More to come on this in upcoming newsletters!

Questions for Peter?
Vacuum Assisted Sockets
We love doing vacuum assisted sockets. This system has many attributes that rectify the common, persistent design flaws associated with traditional sockets.

Watch these videos and see for yourself! 
Wyatt is Working Hard!

Check out our patient Wyatt who is working hard to walk again.

This is not an easy task for a bilateral transfemoral (above knee) amputee. We love his tenacity and his work ethic. He will succeed because he will not give up.


Watch the video.
Documentation Corner

The "
Amputee Mobility Predictor" is an excellent tool to use as an assessment for your patients functional potential.

 It is best when it is performed and scored by a patient's physical therapist . Contact our office if you need a copy of the test.
Call us at 201-785-9944

Email us
November 8-11, 2016
Atlantic City, NJ

Prosthetics & Orthotics for Therapists ™
Continuing Education Series

The purpose of our Prosthetics and Orthotics for Therapists™ continuing education course series is to provide continuing education credits for therapists in New Jersey by presenting courses on various aspects of upper and lower extremity prosthetics. Cost Effective. There is no cost. You can't get more cost effective than that!
Need to schedule your next course? Call the office at 201-785-9944
Here's what some of our attendees had to say...
Lower Extremity Prosthetics Functional Level Prediction and Outcome Measurement
Instructor Peter Buffington, CPO, LPO
"Excellent Presentation!"
Transtibial Prosthetics
Instructor Peter Buffington, CPO, LPO
"Contained both experience and research."  02/11/2016
Prosthetic Overview
Instructor Peter Buffington, CPO, LPO
"Excellent class."

Prosthetic Overview
Instructor Peter Buffington, CPO, LPO
"Thank you - can't wait for the next one!" 01/07/2016
Prosthetic Series  
1. Prosthetic Overview  
2. Transtibial Prosthetics  
3. Transfemoral Prosthetics
4. Lower Extremity Prosthetic Functional Level Prediction & Outcomes Measurement
5. Upper Extremity Prosthetics
6. Lower Extremity Prosthetic Gait Training
7. Lower Extremity Prosthetic Gait Deviations
8. Partial Foot / Symes / Knee Disarticulation / Hip Disarticulation
9. Microprocessor Controlled Knees
10. Prosthetics & Dermatology
11. Upper Limb Prosthetic Outcomes
Orthotic Series
1. Lower Extremity Orthotics Overview: Part One
2. Lower Extremity Orthotics Overview: Part Two
3. Upper Extremity Orthotics Overview
4. Spinal Orthotics Overview
5. Orthotic Clinical Decision Making: Ankle Foot Orthoses
6. Pediatric Orthoses
  Email us
Peter Buffington, CPO/LPO | Achilles Prosthetics & Orthotics | 201.785.9944 | Email | Website

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