September 2021
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Highlights of this newsletter:
  • Vaccine Duties
  • Vaccine Mandates & Exemptions
  • New Attacks on Life in the Womb
  • The Miracle of Life (From Conception to Birth)
  • Upcoming Respect Life Month Activities
Dear Friends for Life,

Welcome back—to the newsletter, to a new school year, to workplaces—and many new challenges.

First, I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in some way with our first celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Although we did not have a lot of time to prepare, many parishes rose to the occasion and recognized the treasure of our grandparents and seniors and their relationships with family and community. It was inspiring to see the outpouring of love in the hundreds and hundreds of gift bags, the many pictures of families sharing their Catholic Faith, and the comments we received about the resources on the accompanying microsite: Over the course of the year, I hope you will visit here regularly for ways to connect the generations and grow in faith and holiness. We look forward to expanding these activities for next July and welcome your ideas (and help!).


Although there is a restlessness to return to pre-pandemic times, there is, unfortunately, little, if any, resemblance to normalcy. As COVID-19 vaccines have come on the horizon, so too, have many questions about the science, bioethics, civil liberties, conscience, common good, etc. Most disheartening is the discord that has erupted—in the name of charity, so many have become uncharitable! And that goes on either side of any of these debates, no matter the topic. In this, it is important to remember that the Catholic Church permits but does not oblige one to receive the COVID-19 vaccines currently available (that is because of the perceived gravity of a pandemic and that there are no morally irreproachable vaccine options). Conversely, it is equally important to remember that the Catholic Church permits but does not oblige one to decline the COVID-19 vaccines. It is through a thorough consideration of one’s own circumstances with a well-formed conscience (and with one’s medical practitioner) that an individual determines the course of action for his or her own particular situation. It is his conscience, guided by religious principles, that determines this decision.

In addition, there are two often forgotten aspects of each of these positions.

  1. If one receives the vaccine in good conscience, there is a moral obligation to express objection to the vaccine manufacturers regarding the methods of testing, development and/or production of the vaccines which used cell lines derived from aborted human fetal tissue. This may be accomplished with template letters you can find here.
  2. If one declines the vaccine in good conscience, there is a moral duty to take appropriate measures to protect others and this may include inconvenient accommodations such as testing or modified roles at school or work. (It is duly noted that with imperfect vaccine effectiveness, precautionary measures should be followed by everyone.) Read more
Conception to birth -- visualized | Alexander Tsiaras
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Th. 5:17 
A Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life
Dearest St. Joseph,
at the word of an angel, 
you lovingly took Mary into your home.
As God’s humble servant, you guided
the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem,

welcomed Jesus as your own son
in the shelter of a manger,
and fled far from your homeland
for the safety of both Mother and Child.

We praise God that as their faithful protector,
you never hesitated to sacrifice
for those entrusted to you.
May your example inspire us also
to welcome, cherish, and safeguard
God’s most precious gift of life.
Help us to faithfully commit ourselves 
to the service and defense of human life 
—especially where it is 
vulnerable or threatened.
Obtain for us the grace
to do the will of God in all things.

Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
God Creates and Sustains Life
By Fr Patrick Whitney, St Francis de Sales
The Bible for Christians and Jews is the Book of Life. It states in the beginning of Genesis that all of creation has its origin in God. God created life and sustains it. The harmony between God and mankind was broken by man’s attempt to become the equal of God. However, God did not give up on us. He promised a Redeemer.

Throughout their long history, Jewish people come to know a God who forgave, loved them and guided them. He revealed Himself to the Patriarchs and Prophets. The ten commandments given to Moses would be their guide. God finally revealed Himself in Jesus. When asked what is at the core of the Law, He replied: 1. Love God above all things. 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. These two commands are at the core of every Christian life. Jesus, Himself lived this out by His response to the Father, by giving His life for us and by the way he treated people, especially the poor, sinner and the outcast. 

We are all called to do the same, love God with our whole being and love and respect one another and God’s creation. The challenges are evident throughout history: war, murder, hatred, discrimination, and abortion to name a few. All of these are part of the Right to Life movement. We cannot leave out any of them if we are Christian. The Church has taken a strong stand on all of these issues. Unfortunately, the Church has wounded herself recently and struggles to make herself heard.  Read more

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. In this short video Luke recounts his personal experience with suicide and helps us better understand its intimate connection to assisted suicide.
Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be

Our faith teaches us that each moment of our lives is a gift from God. Even in the face of suffering or limited ability, life is always meaningful. Our human dignity and value never diminish. The practice of assisted suicide tragically rejects the truth that every life is worth living. 

Asking to die is a cry for help. People considering suicide want to escape what they perceive to be an intolerable situation, inaccurately believing that death is their only way out. A person requesting assisted suicide is often asking, “Does anyone want me to be alive, or care enough to talk me out of this and support me through this difficult time?”

While the practice of assisted suicide is often the result of misguided mercy, laws permitting assisted suicide erroneously communicate the idea that, under difficult circumstances, some lives are not worth living. Sadly, this tragically false message will be heard not only by those with a terminal illness, but by any person struggling with the temptation to end his or her life.

The dying process is a sacred time—a final season to seek closure in this life and prepare for the next in the hope of sharing in Christ's Resurrection. We are called to accompany those entering this season of life, surrounding them with life-affirming love, support, and compassion.

(Choose one.)
  • Offer the prayer “Every Life is Worth Living” for this month’s intention (  
  • Learn about the concrete ways you can help accompany a loved one who is nearing the end of life:
  • Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.

One Step Further

“Holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” Tit. 1:9
A Bit of Bioethics
Vaccine Mandates and Catholic Colleges

Take action on legislative issues through the No Taxpayer Abortion Website

Take action on public policy matters in New York State through the New York State Catholic Conference's Catholic Action Network (CAN) .
See below for a list of current issues for you to learn more and to take action.
Take action on legislative issues through the The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA)
“All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Col. 3:17  
Join our 2021 Fall Campaign of Prayer and Fasting!
Your prayers can save lives and change hearts. 40 Days for Life is a life-saving prayer campaign that will take place throughout our Diocese across Long Island starting on September 22 and concluding October 31. 40 Days for Life is a peaceful initiative consisting of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and educational outreach with the goal of protecting mothers and their children from abortion. More than 18,000 unborn children have been saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life campaigns. To learn more about the 40 Days for Life campaign, in your area visit:  Sign up for hours for each campaign.
Hempstead: Thomas Upshur (PBFL) (516) 410-5983;;

Smithtown: Paul Rorke (631) 514-5104;

West Islip: Paul Arena (516) 848-1562;

Patchogue: Bob Williams (631)-615-1735;
Saturday, September 18th at 9:00am 
Holy Mass St Ladislaus, RCC
18 Richardson Pl
Hempstead, NY 11550

Fr. Liam McDonald, Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR,  Fr. Mariusz Gorazd
Rosary Procession to Vigil Location to follow

Planned Parenthood
Public right-of-way outside
540 Fulton Ave Hempstead, NY 11550
Sunday, September 19th at 5:00pm 
Holy Mass St Patrick’s, RCC
280 East Main St
Smithtown, NY 11787

Celebrant: Msgr Walden
Planned Parenthood
Public right-of-way outside
70 Maple Ave, Smithtown NY 11787

West Islip:

No Official Kick Off

Planned Parenthood Public right-of-way outside 180 Sunrise Hwy West Islip, NY
Patchogue: NEW SITE

Saturday September. 18th 8AM
Holy Mass Chapel at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
495 No. Ocean Ave, Patchogue, NY 11772

Procession at 9AM from Home Depot Parking Lot,
10 Gateway Blvd to Vigil Location
Planned Parenthood 450 Waverly Avenue, Patchogue
Monday thru Saturday 8AM-7PM
Short Video and Bishop Barre’s letter about 40 Days for Life:

23rd Annual Stand Up For Life
Sunday, October 3, 2020, 2:00-3:30 PM
(rain or shine)
Two locations:
Along Route 110 and Route 25, Huntington
LIE, Exit 70S, County Rd. 111, Manorville
In Manorville, please park as directed by SUFL Captains
We are two of over 1500 sites throughout the
US and Canada on this day!

All are welcome!
Signs are provided along the route at each site. Only approved signs permitted.
We do not march, but stand united along these busy roads in a peaceful,
prayerful witness to the sanctity of life!

Bring your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and join us for the largest
annual pro-life event on Long Island!
Your presence sends a positive message
Sponsored by: Long Island Coalition for Life, Inc
P.O. Box 223, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
For further information call 631-243-1435

"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' Mt 25:40
Ask a Fertility Educator
Jamey Hutchinson BSN CFCP
Women's Health Nurse, FertilityCare Practitioner
Question: Is Postpartem Depression and Anxiety Real?

Response: Postpartum Depression & Anxiety are REAL

You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help you will get better. (Postpartum Resource Center of NY)
As many as 70% of women experience the baby blues which will resolve within two weeks after delivery, but postpartum depression & anxiety are different. It is a condition that 1 in 8 women have, however, we suspect that this number is greater since many cases go unreported.

"The symptoms of PPD can vary from woman to woman. Symptoms of postpartum depression are similar but more persistent (lasting throughout the day and longer than two weeks) than those of the baby blues.
They usually develop a few weeks after delivery but can occur at any time during the first year after childbirth. Symptoms may include frequent crying, sleep disturbances, feelings of anger/irritability, suicidal thoughts, and sometimes anxiety or panic attacks. The new mom may feel overwhelmed, inadequate, and unable to cope. Although exhausted, she is usually unable to sleep. She may worry obsessively about the baby’s health, while feeling guilty about not bonding emotionally to her child. Many women are ashamed of their feelings and often do not seek help. Early recognition and proper treatment are important.

The Gianna Centers treat postpartum depression with hormonal support, medications & supplements. The circle of hope is a free, virtual 8 week support group. It is available to every mom pregnant or postpartum that needs support. Do not need to be a current patient to join.

Gianna Center: 631-376-3232 * Please indicate you need appt asap for postpartum depression
Circle of Hope:(631) 376-4444

Couples Stories
Experience a new approach to women’s health care
The Gianna Center is a medical practice dedicated to empowering women with a restorative, scientifically based method for treating, monitoring, and maintaining their health.
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual cycle abnormalities
  • Endometriosis and painful periods
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Hormonal abnormalities
  • Menopausal therapy
  • Creighton Model FertilityCare System™
  • (Natural family planning)
  • NaProTECHNOLOGY™ medical
  • and surgical consultations
  • General gynecological care
  • Women’s general medical care
Gianna Center of Long Island
661 Deer Park Avenue
Babylon, NY 11702

The Gianna Center, Rockville Centre
1000 North Village Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Gianna Center of New York City
15 East 40th Street, Suite 101
New York, NY 10016
Project Rachel Hope After Abortion
Do you know someone who is suffering after an abortion experience?

Project Rachel is a ministry about finding hope and healing after abortion.

It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness.

You are not alone…
Our Hearts Are Restless
If I could change anything about my life it would be to never have aborted my two children. But I did it, and there is no turning back.

Since facing my abortions, my life had been a nightmare, but also a wake up call. I had no other choice but to take the opportunity to take a closer look at myself and the way I was living my life. I was desperate and had to do something. My life was in danger because of the depression I was living in.

That’s when I was blessed to come across Lumina while browsing on the web looking for support. I emailed the site and got a call right away. For the first time, I felt understood and comforted. I was also a bit puzzled that a stranger would read into me so well and would help me more than my loved ones.
As much as I was touched to have found someone that offered me genuine help, I was also wondering why a stranger would be so concerned and care so much for me. What did she want in return? Was it a trick to bring me back to faith? At the time I didn’t need any religion to know that I killed my two babies and I was convinced that turning to God would just make it worse.

Theresa kept calling me even when I wasn’t returning her calls or when I wasn’t responding to what she had to offer. She kept caring for me unconditionally while I thought I wasn’t worth so much attention and support.

It finally took me a lot of courage to attend the Entering Canaan Day of Hope & Healing for post-abortive women in the Bronx developed by Theresa & the Sisters of Life. I did all I could within myself to avoid going, but my despair was greater than my fear, so I finally went. That’s when everything began to change. Read more
Please Contact Us For Information
About The Next Day Of Prayer And Healing!
First Time Spanish Healing Retreat
Project Rachel confidential phoneline:  1-516-766-2538 (se habla espanol)
Toll Free number: 1-888-456-HOPE
En Español:
If you need help please call our help line and someone will be happy to give some counsel over the phone to calm any fears or anxieties.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Contact Us
Lisa A. Honkanen, M.D. – Director, 516-678-5800 Ext. 381
Donna Crean – Assistant Director/Project Rachel Coordinator, 516 678 5800 Ext. 626

Jamey Hutchinson BSN CFCP CFCE Educational Liaison to
Gianna Center for Women's Health & Fertility
50 North Park Ave. Rockville Ctr., NY 11570
Additional Informational Websites