Volume 23 | Sep 2020
September 2020 Spiritual Message
Suzanne Hunt, Clairvoyant, Healer, Spiritual Teacher
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Sometimes we are trying to make a decision or get a spiritual answer about something important and . . . nothing happens. We may begin to feel stuck, lose trust in ourselves and even feel isolated from our own intuitive wisdom. Don't feel alone as this is actually pretty common.

The first thing to look at when this happens is, am I running some judgement about the issue, the question, some other situation in my life that is happening at the same time? Self-judgement is a pretty pervasive energy. Once it starts, it seems to spread like a smoldering wild fire. I might be criticizing myself because I've gained five pounds during Covid-19 and then suddenly, I'm doubting the approach I've taken on a certain project at work. This can expand into a feeling that any choice I make won't be right.

It has to do with the way we feel about ourselves. If I feel like I'm wrong in some way, on an unconscious level I'm not going to like or trust myself enough to make a good decision. And I may not be able to hear or see the intuitive information coming from spirit anyway, because I'm too busy trying to put out the fire of self-judgement.

One of the problems with self-judgement is that we tend to wrestle with it. We might be punishing ourselves because we don't like this or that, but at the same time the wounded part of ourselves tries to answer it. We don't like all that pain we are heaping on ourselves and we want to feel better. So the internal argument begins. We wrestle with ourselves in the cycle of judgement and justification which tends to happen as that constant mental chatter. I want you to know there is an easier way out of this constant and troublesome cycle!

Compassion opens our hearts to receive. Why not decide to forgive what went wrong, befriend ourselves during a time of pain, and show ourselves the kindness and humanity we would offer a loved one? This one step begins to turn the cycle around and create an opening for growth and change. With a little compassion, the pain begins to soften and the need to defend ourselves dissipates too.

A second step in healing this kind of wound is to begin to appreciate ourselves. Even in the most troubling time, when it feels like the world is tumbling down, we can find one small aspect of ourselves to appreciate. Something we did, a characteristic that made us feel proud, an ability we feel confident to perform, the joy we brought someone else. Appreciation dissolves judgement! The more appreciation you can find for yourself, the better you will feel.

Your world will start looking a little better. Learning to like ourselves better is a wondrous piece of magic that brings aid into any situation. Life is tough enough without the struggle of the internal argument. With self-appreciation, we find more peace and contentment, feel more grounded and centered, and more ability to listen to our own internal wisdom and clarity.

You might start giving to yourself more. Maybe find the time for those activities that invite you to go inward and seek the solace and nurturing kindness you need. Things like your meditation, walking, bicycling, singing, gardening or painting. When we find time for these non-goal oriented activities, we momentarily turn are heads away from those "problems", we release the stress of the wrestling with ourselves and over and over again, and suddenly . . .

. . . the answers appear.

Blessings to each of you and your loved ones,
Exciting events coming up Sept 2020!
Emerge Into Your Brilliant Future in Denver!
Body Mind Spirit Celebration is back and better than ever! BMSE brings together the finest psychics, healers and holistic lifestyle teachers to create an incredible event for you. ALL readings and healings are just $25 for 20 minutes. Come browse creative jewelry, fun clothing, magical crystals, spiritual books, aura photos and much much more! There will be inspiring presentations on every topic you can imagine, on every hour. The one hour workshops are included FREE with your entry ticket!

Body Mind Spirit Expo - Denver
Sept 25-27, 2020
Opening Hours
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Admission - $7
Note: I won't have a booth at the Denver fall fair this year.

New location!!!
Crown Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center,
15500 E 40th Ave,
Denver, CO.
Life as a Clairvoyant with Debra Lynne Katz and Suzanne Hunt
Live on YouTube, September 23 at 11:00 am MT

What a powerhouse! Next Wednesday, at 11:00 am MT, Lisa Gunshore will interview Debra Lynne Katz and Suzanne Hunt on Buddhist Biohacker YouTube channel. 

Debra Katz is a professional clairvoyant, healer and parapsychologist, as well as the author of "You are Psychic", a book I recommend to my students. Lisa M. Gunshore is a Channel, Functional Ayurveda Coach, author of "Enlightenment Pie" and the documentary, "Awakened Grace". She is the incredible visionary and host for the 2020 One Heart One Earth spiritual events this year and the wonderful uplifting videos on Buddhist Biohacker YouTube channel.

I am honored to join be a part of this exciting discussion and story telling session with two amazing women!
I am available to schedule clairvoyant reading and healing sessions. Click on the scheduling link below.

Read more information about services at www.EnergeticHealingArts.com
call/text 720.351.3492