Camp McDowell 

Senior Session

Participant Information


Dear friends,


I am so very excited about Senior Camp this summer! It is my favorite session. I only went to Camp as a senior camper so it has always been special to me. I still have lots of friends from that time in my life, and it helped shape me into the person that I am today. I hope that Senior Camp will be the same for you. The theme for this year’s session, which will be from July 6th – July 15th, is “Shine Your Light”! Through talks in our big groups and discussions in our small groups we will shine the lighton things that may not always be true even though that is the way it seems. We will learn our strengths, stretch our comfort zones, and gain new perspectives on bible stories and cultural clichés. Our hope for the program this summer is to better understand ourselves as individuals, in relationship with God, and in relationship with one another. We will also experience some spiritual practices, and of course there will be all the many things that make Camp so special! My hope is that everyone comes to Camp ready to meet new people and to experience the love of God through fellowship and worship together.


The Camp and Session Staff look forward to welcoming you to camp on Saturday, July 6th. Plan to arrive for camp registration between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. We will not be able to accommodate early arrivals, so please make plans to arrive during the designated times. Camp pick up is Monday, July 15th. Campers should be out of their cabin by 10:00 a.m. Parents are welcome to join us at 9 a.m. at St. Francis Chapel for the closing Eucharist. Registration runs more smoothly if you make all your payments before arriving at camp so please check out the registration portal online to pay a remaining balance. Please remember that drugs, alcohol, weapons, any kind of smoking device, or tobacco will not be tolerated. Also, please leave behind other items that will distract you from fully participating in camp such as ipads, cell phones, etc. For more information about what to pack, camp’s policies and procedures, and camp-life, please visit the website. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions. As we look forward to being at camp together, know that the staff is holding you in prayer and I ask that you hold the camp and staff in your prayers as well.

Grace and Peace,


The Reverend Corey M. Jones


Senior Camp is a summer camp session designed for rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade campers. This session is designed to gather children together for classic camp fun and christian fellowship. The campers stay engaged all session long with exciting activities while our enthusiastic staff and volunteers take care of the details. 

All campers stay together in lower camp cabins (Camp on Clear Creek). We cannot predict the weather for the session, so please prepare your camper with clothing for wet or dry summer weather! A college-aged cabin counselor (Camp McDowell Summer Staff) will be taking care of all your camper’s needs throughout the session and runs your camper’s cabin. Summer camp is a wonderful and rare opportunity for children to spend time unplugged, connect with new friends, and experience the joy of fellowship in a camp community. Come join us in “God’s backyard,” You will be glad you did!

Each morning, campers begin their day with worship after breakfast, singing songs, and having small group discussion about the program presented by the Session Director and Program Staff. After the morning program, your camper has four opportunities throughout the day to participate in a variety of activities that camp offers. Classic afternoon activities include canoeing, hiking, arts & crafts, farm time, field sports, and more. Each night, we participate in a unique camp-wide activity or game. A camp favorite night activity is the Pasture Party: for dinner we grill hamburgers and hot dogs, play field games, do face-painting, and even go on an old-school hayride! Each night comes to a close with group worship in the Chapel down the hill. Many campers find this peaceful end to a fun-filled day to be among their most cherished memories of Camp McDowell. 

We will also have a few optional dress-up days this year! You will find these located in the packing list. Feel free to bring something wacky to dress up in, and if you don’t have anything on hand you can always borrow something from our costumes closet at camp. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

On closing day, we will have Holy Eucharist (church with communion) in St Francis Chapel just past the Welcome Center. If your camper is not a part of the Episcopal Church or familiar with Episcopal tradition, please do not feel intimidated by this service! All campers are welcome to the service and table for communion, and the chaplain will explain how to receive communion for anyone who may be unfamiliar. Campers may be picked up by their parents or guardian after this service.


DATE/TIME: Saturday, July 6th 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm 

LOCATION: Camp Store

105 DeLong Road

Nauvoo, AL 35578 

When you arrive at Camp, continue on DeLong Road for about a mile. The Camp Store will be the first building on your left. Check-in will be right before the store where you will see a tent set up. Check-in will begin promptly at 3 o'clock. Please stop, stay in your car and wait for a staff member to get your cabin assignment. After that you will drop off meds at the Health Hut and move into your cabin.  The store will be open if you want to stop in!

Important: campers are NOT permitted to drive themselves to the session. To ensure the safety of all campers, we ask that they be dropped off and picked up. Campers who drive themselves will be sent home and can return once they are dropped off by an adult.

CHECK OUT DATE/TIME: Monday, July 15th by 10:00am. Camper check-out will take place after closing worship outside of St. Francis Chapel. You are welcome to stop at the Camp Store to shop before leaving Camp McDowell! 

**Reminder: household pets are not allowed at Camp McDowell for ANY length of time.**


The registration fee for Senior Camp is $720 per camper. Please submit payments in your online account, over the phone, or by post mail 10 days prior to opening day. Scholarships are given on an as-needed basis and are available upon request; simply email Clear Creek Coordinator, A.G. Passey, at

Online payments may be made in your Camp McDowell camper account. Access your camper account through

NOTE: If you have misplaced your password, you may request a new one on the login page.

COMMUNICATION (cell phone, email, device policy)

We try very hard to be “the way the world could be". Part of this goal is getting totally unplugged for a short time and being present with the community during this session. We ask that you not send a phone with your camper. If your camper does bring their cell phone, it will be collected for safekeeping until closing day. 

Urgent: Should you need to reach anyone while at Camp, please call 205.387.1806, (Ext. 102 for Catherine Poellnitz, Summer Camp Director, and Ext. 112 for A.G. Passey, Clear Creek Coordinator)


Opening Day

3:00 Camper Check-in at Eppes dining Hall

5:00 End check-in

5:30 Cabin Meeting

6:15 Porch Songs at Eppes

6:30 Dinner

7:15 Evening group activity

8:30 Canteen

9:15 Review Covenant and Boundaries

9:45 Evening worship

10:15 Free Time: Eppes Hall, After Chapel Music, Stargazing

11:30 Curfew

12:00 Lights Out

Regular Full Day

7:30 Wake up

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Return to cabins

9:30 Program

10:15 Lemonade

10:30 Morning pool or rec hall time

11:30 Return to cabins before lunch

12:00 Lunch

12:45 Rest Time

2:00 Afternoon activity

3:30 Canteen

4:00 Afternoon pool or rec hall time

5:30 Cabin Time

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Evening group activity

8:30 Canteen

9:15 Evening worship

9:45 Free Time: Eppes Hall, After Chapel Music, Star Gazing

11:30 Curfew

12:00 Lights Out

Closing Day

7:30 Wake up

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Return to cabins

9:00 Closing Eucharist church service at St. Francis Chapel

10:00 Conclude Eucharist and the session


Campers will be housed in dorm-style cabins. Beds are twin sized. Suggested containers for clothes include a large suitcase, trunk, or plastic container that can go at the end of the bed. Also suggested is a basket or bag for dirty laundry and a toiletry bag or shower caddy. All cabins have heat and air conditioning with ionizer air filtration systems. PLEASE LABEL IMPORTANT BELONGINGS WITH CAMPER NAME. Lost and found items IF FOUND may be mailed back to campers for a fee with possible delays.

  • Comfortable, casual clothes that can get dirty ( t-shirts, shorts, jeans). Lightweight, loose-fitting clothes are best.
  • Socks and sturdy, closed-toe shoes for working, playing, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Flip flops are only allowed in cabins. If bringing sandals, please bring sandals with a heel strap.
  • Light rain jacket or coat
  • Comfortable, appropriate swimwear (tankinis, one-pieces, or a bikini with shirt over top, swim trunks)
  • Clothing appropriate for the weather
  • Bedding and pillow for a twin bed
  • Towels for bathing
  • Towels for swimming
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Repellent
  • Toiletries: Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, brush/comb
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Sleepwear
  • Flashlight
  • Fan (preferably one with a clip) and extension cord if needed. 
  • Reusable water bottle – to be filled during hydration breaks at the various activity sites each day. NOTE: Our Camp Store has sturdy, 32 oz water bottles available for purchase.
  • Outfits for dress-up themed meals (optional)
  • July 8th: Neon/Rave
  • July 9th: Jersey Day 
  • July 10th: Sophomores dress as babies, Juniors dress as adults, Seniors dress as senior citizens
  • July 11th: Dynamic duo 
  • July 13th: Pasture Party (overalls, plaid, bandanas, etc.) 
  • July 14th: Dinner Flex (wear clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable!) 
  • Options for suggested quiet time each day: Bible, book to read, journal, writing supplies, pre-addressed and stamped envelopes for writing home, art supplies
  • Musical instruments for free time and assisting with worship
  • Any prescriptions and over the counter meds should be ready to turn in to the nurse upon check-in. See below for more information. 

Things NOT to bring:

  • Alcohol, illegal drugs, or weapons of any kind; Fireworks or any explosive devices
  • Youth may not bring tobacco, tobacco products, or electronic cigarettes (including JUULS)
  • Snacks ARE allowed, but MUST BE IN AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS and they CANNOT CONTAIN ANY NUTS or NUT PRODUCTS. Many of our campers have nut allergies. Crumbs will attract insects in our cabins. Thank you in advance for keeping our campers with allergies safe and the cabins as bug-free as possible!

Additional Money (Optional): 

  • The fee for the session includes canteen costs. There is no need to submit extra money for canteen. Campers get two snacks each at canteen Saturday
  • We will collect an offering at our closing worship service for the Camper Scholarship Fund. Please consider making a contribution. 
  • The Camp Store will be open during check-out if you would like to purchase any camp gear including shirts, water bottles, toiletries, candy and more. To create care packages for your camper please order ahead of your session via the website and follow these instructions at checkout: 

If you are ordering a Care Package for a summer camp session, choose "In-store Pickup."

Specify in the COMMENTS on the following page this information:

  1. First and last name of camper
  2. Session the care package is for (i.e. Middler, Junior High 2, etc.)
  3. Day you want the care package delivered (note that care packages are NOT delivered on opening or closing days of sessions)
  4. How should the package be signed? (i.e. Love, Nana)

**MEDICATIONS NOTE: For safety and per Camp’s liability, all medications must be kept in the Health Hut. Camp’s liability does not allow medications to be stored where children are housed. Thank you in advance for understanding. 

Covenant of Common Life

This is a copy of the community covenant all campers signed when registering.


As a camper, I agree to live by the standards set for the event. 

I understand there is no use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes including JUULs, illegal drugs, firearms, lighters, explosives, or weapons of any kind. 

I understand that inappropriate sexual behavior is not tolerated. In order to respect all participants' privacy, at no time may a male enter a female housing area or a female enter a male housing area. Common areas for males and females to gather in the same spaces will be stated during the schedule. 

If I choose to violate the above standards or am knowingly in the presence of others violating these standards, I will be sent home immediately at my own expense.

I will respect camp, respect myself, and respect others while at Camp McDowell. I respect the policy of zero tolerance of physical, verbal, or emotional bullying. 

In addition, I understand that camp is one of the rare places where I can get "unplugged" and have a true "camp" experience; in order to make this kind of experience a reality for me and the other participants, cell phones, other communication devices and other electronics are not allowed in my possession during the event. 

I understand that I will be able to use the camp phone in case of an emergency. I agree to honor the "no cell phone" policy and my own experience by either leaving my cell phone (or other electronic device) at home or give it to a staff member at check-in for safekeeping during the event. I plan to participate fully in the program, worship, and activities offered during this event.

Health and Safety Response to COVID-19

This is a copy of the waiver you should complete online via your 

CampBrain registration account before your session begins. 


Health and Safety Protocols  At Camp McDowell, we remain committed to providing a safe, clean, and healthy environment for our staff and campers. As we plan we are consulting multiple resources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), ACA, and ECCC to review and adapt our health and safety practices and procedures in response to COVID-19. The safety of each staff member and summer camper depends on your family’s compliance with these procedures. We ask all summer camp participants to abide by these protocols to help ensure the safest possible summer at Camp McDowell: 

  • Should any camper test above 100.4 degrees at any point they will be taken to the nurse and their guardian will be notified immediately to come pick up the camper. The camper may only return to their session if 48 hours have passed without high temperature readings or symptoms appearing.
  • I understand that if my camper exhibits symptoms of Covid-19 or receives a temperature read of 100.4 degrees or higher I will be notified immediately and my camper will stay in quarantine until they can be picked up by a legal guardian and taken for testing. I understand that transportation and testing will be my responsibility.
  • I promise not to bring my camper if they have exhibited symptoms of Covid-19 or had a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher in the last 48hrs. 
  • I promise to notify Camp McDowell if my camper has traveled out of the country in the last 7 days.
  • I understand there is no guarantee my camper won’t be exposed to Covid-19 while at Camp McDowell, and I agree that Camp McDowell and its affiliates will not be held liable if my camper develops a case of Covid-19 during or after their session.

Food Allergies & Dietary Restrictions

At this time, our kitchens can only accommodate the following food allergies and dietary restrictions: vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, nut allergy, and dairy free. Our kitchens cannot accommodate celiacs at this time due to the risk of cross contamination. 

If you have a food allergy or dietary restriction that cannot be accommodated, you may bring your own food from home. There will be a refrigerator and a microwave on the back porch of Eppes dining hall for any meals to be stored and heated by your camper's cabin counselor. Please send meals that can be easily prepared (nothing that requires an oven). To arrange to bring your own food for your camper, or ask any questions about this policy, please contact A.G. Passey at

Episcopal Diocese of Alabama: Welcome Statement

The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama welcomes and affirms all because God welcomes and affirms all, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, ability, financial means, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. For us, welcome means ensuring that each person’s dignity is honored and affirmation means safeguarding all persons as unconditional and equal members of the body of Christ.