Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia Remarks from
2023 Internet Data Privacy Conference
Privacy, Communications, and the Law
We wanted to share with everybody the comments Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia gave at the 2023 Internet Data Privacy Conference "Privacy, Communications, and the Law" on Feb. 24th.
Sen. Warner is a proponent of internet and technology innovation and is focused on data privacy policy -- especially relating to the proliferation of TikTok, its associated privacy issues and its impact on youth.
Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia. Interview on Face the Nation followed by remarks given at the Dialogue on Diversity 2023 Internet Data Privacy Conference, Feb. 24th, 2023
Additionally, we would love feedback from you on the conference itself. Please take a few minutes to respond to our survey, as your feedback is valuable to us in planning future events and greatly appreciated.
Dialogue on Diversity depends on both corporate and private support. Your contributions help to keep our annual cycle of educational
and policy programs going.
Dialogue on Diversity: Founded in 1991, Dialogue on Diversity, a §501(c)3 non-profit, is an international network of women, and men, entrepreneurs and professionals, NGO executives and staff, a non-profit civil society organization bringing together Latino and other diverse cultural traditions, for exploring Internet Privacy, Women’s History, Health Care, Immigration, and other essential social and policy questions that are illuminated at the interface of the varied mind-sets and values and styles of our diverse audience of friends and members.
Dialogue on Diversity, Inc. 1629 K Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006
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Dialogue on Diversity, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Organization, Contributions are tax-deductible.