In This Issue...
From Our Director...
BC From July 9-11, the National Right to Life Convention took place in the heart of New Orleans. The convention was a resounding success with more than 1,000 people attending throughout the three days!


Thank you to all attendees, volunteers, and staff who worked tirelessly to make the event possible. We also appreciate the hard work of National Right to Life in putting on a powerful convention. Many people have shared with me how the convention positively impacted them. They told me they are more motivated than ever to be a voice for the voiceless!


On behalf of our Board of Directors and staff, we were honored to host the 2015 National Right to Life Convention. We look forward to the fruits of the convention leading to more lives saved here in Louisiana and across our nation!


For a Pro-Life Louisiana,   
Benjamin Clapper
Raising Awareness
Body Parts Sign

LARTL and Students Raise Awareness on PP Harvesting of Organs

This morning, LSU students stood outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Baton Rouge to raise awareness to the heinous practice of selling baby body parts. This evening, Tulane Students for Life will be at the PP construction site in New Orleans to do the same thing.


Clapper interviewed today by WDSU in NOLA 


Benjamin Clapper of Louisiana Right to Life was interviewed by WDSU News in New Orleans to be featured on the 4 and 5 PM broadcasts. Deanna Wallace, LARTL Legislative Director, will appear on the NBC 33 Baton Rouge newscast at 5 PM. 

Abortion Pill Reversal

Dr. Delgado Presents on  Abortion Pill Reversal

Among the many powerful speakers at the National Right to Life Convention, Dr. George Delgado wowed and inspired the audience with his presentation on his breakthrough development of the "Abortion Pill Reversal" (APR).


APR is a treatment that allows the possibility of reversing the RU-486 abortion pill in the days immediately following it being administered by an abortion facility. Dr. Delgado shared that more than 100 babies have been born after mothers regretted their abortion decision and called APR to initiate treatment.




Baby Born After APR
Baby Born After APR


Watch Dr. Delgado's Presentation at the Convention. 


Watch this News Story about APR 

Pro-Life News Trending
Pro-Life Related Stories Trending in the U.S.

(click on blue to read more)

* On the heels of a shocking video showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies, a new expose' from a group that monitors corporations that finance the abortion giant reveals the United Way is a major donor. The consumer advocacy organization 2nd Vote has informed of the release of the Pro-Life Guide to United Way, a new guide that lists the over 1,200 United Way affiliates across the United States and specifies the organizations that contribute to the world's largest abortion company.


* Congressional Republicans have again stood firm on the pro-life issue. On a day when the Planned Parenthood abortion business is getting international attention for selling the body parts of aborted babies, House Republicans took another step to ensure taxpayer dollars don't flow to the abortion business. Tuesday afternoon the House Republican leadership cancelled a vote scheduled today on H.R. 2722, the Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act, a measure that would have poured up to $4,750,000 into the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a major donor to Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion company.


* On July 13, pro-life Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker officially announced that he would be running for president of the United States. The governor said in a video announcement, "It's time to take the successes we have created in Wisconsin and apply them to Washington. It's time to restore the values that made our nation great."

Now it has been reported that since Walker's announcement, someone has purchased the domain "" and redirected it to Planned Parenthood's Action Fund website. Of course, Planned Parenthood has been adamantly opposed to Walker's pro-life views and has already started speaking against him on their website.


* In 2002, doctors told Chastity Phillips that she had an incurable form of bone cancer called chondrosarcoma and needed to undergo a risky surgery to prolong her life. If she refused surgery, the cancer would continue to affect her heart, spinal cord and ribs. Phillips decided to go through with the operation because she said there wasn't anything she wasn't willing to do to have one more day with her daughter. Now, 13 years later, she's still alive and sharing about her experience with terminal cancer. She said, "There's a certain freedom that comes with dying. You really don't have to deal with your annoying cousin. You really don't have to go on that family trip. You can eat ice cream for breakfast." Additionally, Phillips is speaking out against physician-assisted suicide for terminal patients because it doesn't give them the opportunity to find comfort in their condition.


* At a recent event in Tennessee, Tim Tebow said that Christians need to stand up for Judeo-Christian values in America. He said, "What's amazing when you get up and do something is what God does in your life. We just have to get up and do something. When your identity is found in Christ, your identity never changes. You are always a child of God. That's why I always say I don't have to live the roller coaster that the rest of the world lives ..."


* The Obama administration is reviving the controversial "death panels" that former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin famously lambasted and that have been condemned by pro-life groups as targeting disabled and elderly patients. After years of debate about whether the government should be paying doctors to encourage so-callled end of life planning, which could involve pushing patients to seeking assisted suicide or give up basic medical care or lifesaving medical treatment, the Obama administration is reviving the idea. The Obama administration is pushing a proposal to pay doctors for "advance care planning" in Medicare.


* Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has ceremoniously signed House Bill 3994 into law. HB 3994 represents a major Pro-Life victory in the Texas legislature. The law protects minors seeking secret abortions from the predatory tactics of Big Abortion, ensuring proper reporting of abuse and advocating for the right of Texas parents to be involved in the Life-altering abortion decisions of their young daughters.


* With votes lining up against the measure, California's controversial assisted death bill was pulled from the Assembly Health Committee schedule for the second time in two weeks and appears done for the year.  

Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies
Official Videotaped Discussing Practice  


By Deanna Wallace, LARTL Legislative Director




Construction has started again at 4636 Claiborne Ave. in New Orleans on the 7,000-square-foot Planned Parenthood abortion facility that plans to sell 2,844 additional abortions to the New Orleans community upon completion.


Construction continues at the New Orleans Planned Parenthood site.

Let's face it, for Planned Parenthood abortion is a business, a very lucrative business. In 2012, Planned Parenthood made an estimated $150 million in revenue from abortions, which represents approximately 30 percent of its clinic based revenue and 10 percent of its total revenue (including massive amounts of federal funding).


But apparently $150 million is not enough for Planned Parenthood. On Tuesday the Center for Medical Progress released video footage and documentation showing that Planned Parenthood affiliates have been illegally selling body parts of aborted babies to medical research companies.


In the video, Planned Parenthood's Senior Director of Medical Services (who is also a practicing abortion provider) Deborah Nucatola is seen confirming that affiliates have been partnering with medical research companies to provide them with "specimens" at $30-100 apiece.


Nucatola also admits that Planned Parenthood's attorneys had legal concerns with this practice in light of federal laws prohibiting both the sale of fetal remains and the practice of partial-birth abortion (the procedure used to harvest the body parts). Nucatola is seen clearly brushing these concerns off, stating that "laws are up to interpretation," and "behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates."


In light of these allegations, Gov. Bobby Jindal has already called for an FBI investigation into these potentially illegal activities. But beyond inspiring the need for investigations, these evil and unethical practices should cause the citizens of New Orleans and the entire state to ask ourselves: Is this what New Orleans needs?


Do we want an organization in our community that not only profits off of women's fears and desperation, but also profits off the broken bodies of their unborn children? I believe the answer is no. New Orleans does not need more abortions, and it definitely does not need a facility involved in the selling of baby parts after abortion. New Orleans needs hope. New Orleans needs love. New Orleans needs peace, not the violence of Planned Parenthood.



 On Tuesday, Gov. Bobby Jindal announced he has directed the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to launch an investigation into Planned Parenthood.


"(Tuesday's) video of a Planned Parenthood official discussing the systematic harvesting and trafficking of human body parts is shocking and gruesome.This same organization is seeking to open an abortion clinic in New Orleans. I have instructed Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals to conduct an immediate investigation into this alleged evil and illegal activity and to not issue any licenses until this investigation is complete. I am also asking the FBI to assist DHH in investigating this alleged criminal activity by this organization," Jindal said in a release.


Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast operates two facilities in Louisiana - one in Baton Rouge and one in New Orleans. Currently, neither do abortions, but the new New Orleans facility, once built, plans to do so.


In a statement to The Advocate, Jindal press spokesman Doug Cain said DHH will investigate Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast - the affiliate that plans to build an abortion clinic in New Orleans. "We are asking the FBI to assist us, as some of the information may not be available to us or in our jurisdiction," Cain said.


Cain said the video indicates affiliates around the U.S. are engaging in the practice. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast covers Louisiana and Texas. Texas facilities offer abortions.


"It is important DHH investigates the current activities of the affiliate along with its planned activities for the facility to ensure it is not currently engaging in illegal practices or planning to do so," he said.


Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Ben Clapper issued the following statement following Jindal's announcement: "There has long been suspicion that Planned Parenthood is involved in the selling of body parts after an abortion. Now, the proof has been caught on video in Planned Parenthood's own words. This revelation is just one more piece of evidence that Planned Parenthood is a profit-driven abortion business looking to sell more abortions in our nation.

"We are appreciative of Gov. Jindal's leadership in directing the launch of this investigation. We do not need this type of illegal business in our state. If this is what Planned Parenthood intends to do at its abortion facility in New Orleans, Louisiana does not want any part in it."


Today, Speaker John Boehner announced that committees in the House of Representatives will take a look at the grisly practice of Planned Parenthood selling body parts of aborted babies.

"Nothing is more precious than life, especially an unborn child. When anyone diminishes an unborn child, we are all hurt, irreversibly so. When an organization monetizes an unborn child - and with the cavalier attitude portrayed in this horrific  video - we must all act. As a start, I have asked our relevant committees to look into this matter. I am also calling on President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell to denounce, and stop, these gruesome practices."


Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana said, "Respect for life is not just a conservative value - it is an American value that unites us all. The gruesome practices described by a top Planned Parenthood official represent a disregard for human life that is completely unacceptable and has no place in our society. I urge my House colleagues on both sides of the aisle to aggressively investigate this matter so the American people can know the truth, to take action to hold the abortion industry accountable and to stop this horrifying practice."


The statements came just hours before members of Congress held a press conference also calling for a Congressional investigation. Representatives Chris Smith (NJ-04), Sean Duffy (WI-07) and Ann Wagner (MO-02) hosted a press conference calling for further investigation into the evidence presented in undercover video.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has also joined Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal in launching investigations in their states.


(Information from



Click here to read Planned Parenthood's statement defending the doctor and the practice. 

Reflecting on the
NRL Convention in New Orleans
By Dave Andrusko, National Right to Life


Given the jam-packed schedule that makes the annual NRLC Convention so enjoyable and extraordinary, there were many fewer posts than usual last week. A small price to pay to hear the tremendous speakers who graced us with their presence and geared us up for the 2016 presidential election.


I've attended NRLC conventions since 1981 in Omaha, Neb. I have never been a part of one that was not a delight in every sense. But this year's three-day education fest in New Orleans has to rank near the very top. If you weren't there, you'd naturally ask why. What made it especially enjoyable?


I could list a dozen different reasons, but there are just three. And before I forget, click here to view the general sessions!


No. 1. The attendance was not only huge, the people who came to the New Orleans packed the workshops. You expect that in the general sessions, the Prayer Breakfast, and the closing Banquet. But in my workshop - like all the other ones - the room was filled with people, young and old, male and female. I'm fumbling for the just the right word, and I'll settle on keenly attentive. Their eyes were fixed on the speakers, and the follow-up questions were so thoughtful it was obvious they had latched onto every word.


toast No. 2. The hospitality and generosity of our host - Louisiana Right to Life. They went out of their way to make our stay memorable. Thursday night's Mardi Gras-style "Festival of Life: A Taste of Louisiana" - complete with costumes, beads, jazz band, and a colorful entry by pro-life Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal who delivered a great speech - is one that I'm guessing no one will ever forget. But everything, including the fabulous food and the wonderful conversations that took place in the hallways between workshops, make you appreciate that Louisiana had set a high bar for future NRLC conventions.


No. 3. Chemistry. It helped (obviously) that we had speaker after speaker who delivered powerful messages of love and hope and anticipation for brighter days ahead. Four presidential contenders (in addition to Gov. Jindal the night before) addressed the convention at the Friday morning Presidential forum - Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rick Santorum and Gov. Rick Perry - and two others delivered video remarks, Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Jeb Bush.  


Here are snippets from their comments:

  • Gov. Jeb Bush: "When we devalue life, whether it's at the beginning of life or at the end, we devalue our society, we devalue our culture. This is a value...that is hugely important: that we need to protect innocent life in every aspect."
  • Dr. Ben Carson: "It is up to us the people, to stand up for what we believe in, and what I believe in is life, and using the talent that God has provided to give life."
  • Sen. Ted Cruz: "There is no more precious, more fundamental right than the right to life. Our founders had the foreknowledge to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in that order. Without life, there is no liberty. Without life, there is no pursuit of happiness."
  • Gov. Bobby Jindal: "We can't declare victory until every life, the unborn, as well as the elderly, the disabled; every human life is welcomed and celebrated in our country, in our culture."
  • Gov. Rick Perry: "As long as Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, the only way to stop abortion is one pregnancy at a time, one woman at a time, one heart at time. ...We leave here as an army...of love, of compassion, of tolerance, of healing."
  • Sen. Marco Rubio: "The goal of reclaiming the American dream, which is, itself, about defending the potential of every human being; this goal can never be complete if we do not succeed in defending the basic right of every human life to exist."
  • Sen. Rick Santorum: "I do not believe life begins at conception. I know life begins at conception. This is not a matter of debate. This is not a matter of faith. It's not a matter of belief."
Want to read more reports from the convention?

Click here! 


Were you unable to attend all or parts of the convention? You can watch online. 

* The Prayer Breakfast, featuring Duck Dynasty's "Miss Kay," Alan and Lisa Robertson

* The Festival of Life 

* The Festival's keynote address by Gov. Bobby Jindal

* The presidential candidates' talks on YouTube

* More photos from the convention 

Upcoming Events

Aug. 20: NOLA 40 Days for Life Pre-Launch Party

Sept. 23: 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign Begins 

Oct. 13:  Chers Bebes: Acadiana's Soiree for Life  

Oct. 24: Louisiana Elections (Governor, Legislature, etc)

Nov. 1: 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign Closes 

Nov. 21: Louisiana Run-Off Elections 

Jan. 23, 2016: Louisiana Life March North & South 

Louisiana Right to Life | Lighting the Way to a Pro-Life Louisiana Since 1970 | 1.866.463.5433 |

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