In This Issue

Letter from the President

Letter from the Director of Training

Letter from the Candidate President

NPSI Society News

Regional and International News

NPSI Member and Candidate News

Next Issue Deadline
Selected Facts
Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic
Society and Institute

Spring/Summer 2022

Welcome to the spring/summer 2022 edition of Selected Facts: Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.
This issue includes letters from President Barbara Sewell, Director of Training Dave Parnes, and Candidate President Ambre Lane. We offer professional updates under NPSI Member and Candidate News and welcome two new psychoanalyst members, Joanne della Penta and Danny Gellersen.
In Regional and International News, NAPsaC Secretary Carolyn Steinberg fills us in on the activities at NAPsaC and CIPS President Maureen Murphy reports on upcoming projects at CIPS.

We highlight the upcoming Thirteenth International Evolving British Object Relations (EBOR) Conference on ‘Truth and Lies’ featuring plenary presentations by Nicola Abel-Hirsch and Avner Bergstein.

If you have questions or comments about the articles we publish or have a topic you would like to see addressed in an upcoming issue, please email me at We need a Copy Editor as well as reporters for NPSI Full Member and Community Member news. If any of these positions are of interest, please let me know. Finally, please feel free to share our newsletter with colleagues. Forwarding directions are at the bottom of every issue.

Peggy Swenson
Managing Editor 
NPSI Board of Directors
President: Barbara Sewell
Director of Training: Dave Parnes
Secretary: JoAnn Mills
Treasurer: Eileen Fletcher
Community Member Director: Michael Dougherty
Director: Caron Harrang
Director: Alison Kneisl
Director: Carolyn Steinberg
Administrator/Recording Secretary: Peggy Swenson (non-voting) 
Candidate Representative: Dina Maugeri (non-voting)
Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to educational and scientific activities based in Seattle, Washington. The organization's primary mission is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists.

The organization also supports the ongoing professional growth and development of our psychoanalysts, analysts-in-training, and community members. In so doing, the organization aims to contribute to the current regional, national, and international psychoanalytic understanding of mental life and the emotional health, creativity, and well-being of those treated through the practice of psychoanalysis.
Letter from the President
Finding Endurance
Dear Colleagues,

The legendary ship Endurance was found more than a century after sinking in Antarctic waters. The famed polar explorer Ernest Shackleton's ship, which sank in 1915, was located in the Weddell Sea off the coast of Antarctica on March 9, 2022. Intrigued for years by Shackleton’s leadership qualities, I’ve been reflecting on the importance of endurance, fortitude, flexibility, and hope for us in these times.

It isn’t just the pandemic and the fallout from it that challenges us, but many other dramas as well. Russia invaded Ukraine, and the U.S. supports Ukraine financially while avoiding going to war with Russia. We wrestle with decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court on women’s issues and on environmental protection. The violence in society catches up with us as we feel the tension between holding space for listening to different voices and the need for more action-oriented social activism. The NPSI Board of Directors voted to acknowledge the indigenous peoples on whose land we live and work and the need for an anti-racist statement on our website. There is much cause for consternation in the great swirl unfolding politically. In this climate we strive to keep our hearts and minds open and continue listening to one another and to our patients.

Against this backdrop, NPSI strides on. We have completed another academic year. One group of candidates has completed their didactic courses and we have accepted another group to begin training in September. Several senior candidates are diligently working on their graduation papers which we look forward to hearing presented at their graduation ceremony. We have had two psychoanalysts join us as Full Members: Joanne della Penta and Danny Gellersen. And two of our long-time members, Oscar Romero and Kenneth King, have retired from clinical practice and become Emeritus members.

We are once again sponsoring our International Evolving British Object Relations Conference this fall online, which is new for us. The conference theme is ‘Truth and Lies’. Bion observes that truth is to the mind what food is to the body. When emotional truth cannot be faced, meaning is lost. In our pre-EBOR Scientific Meetings, we gathered online to discuss truth and lies, striving to make sense of the world we live in and in our consulting rooms. What is the patient’s experience of the world? What alienates patients from their own experience? What defenses and lies keep them (and us) from relating authentically? As we investigate these questions, we discover others who share our curiosity like people warming around a fire. Gathering in this way, we gain strength which sustains us to do the analytic work we love.

In my NPSI graduation paper, I likened Earnest Shackleton’s 1914 advertisement for crew members to journey with him to the South Pole to the practice of psychoanalysis. His advertisement read, "Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success." Shackleton left England aboard the Endurance with a crew of 27 bound for a bay on the Weddell Sea meant to be the starting point for an attempt to be the first to cross Antarctica. Shackleton never made it to the pole. And his boat sank. Still, his leadership in keeping all of his crew alive, including an 800-mile open-boat journey across the treacherous Southern Ocean to the island of South Georgia, made him a hero at home in England.

Recognition and success for a psychoanalyst does not include a ‘welcome home’ parade. The truth is, we don’t often find ‘success’ in the traditional sense. It may come when an analysand recognizes their defenses and begins to reflect with increasing clarity on their relationships with themselves and with others resulting in an ability to be increasingly present to their own lived experience in life.

Reading of the Endurance’s discovery, I find myself again inspired by the human spirit. For Shackleton to risk voyage, he must have unconsciously felt “a seeking system” of the sort Panksepp refers to in his seven primary-process emotional systems. NPSI colleagues have much in common with these early explorers as we daily engage in unpredictable circumstances with those who desire something more from life. These ‘co-explorers’ are individuals willing to risk big for the hope of discovering their essential being. To risk the analytic journey and the challenges inherent in growing, both analyst and analysand must learn to tolerate frustration and withstand emotional reality even when it hurts or devastates us.

According to Bion, humans have a preconception of looking for the mind itself. Does looking for a mind mean looking for a psychic apparatus to process our experiences and what it is to feel dread or competency or growth? These questions reflect the “seeking system” Panksepp identified; it is what animates the evolution of human consciousness. This seeking leads to the personal development of one’s mind. The realization of this development is why I locate my emotional ‘home’ within the NPSI community.

Shackleton had the ability to recognize when conditions changed, allowing him to shift his goals and move forward. Like him, NPSI must adjust to changing environmental conditions if we expect to survive and thrive as an IPA component Society and Institute. Acknowledgment that risk coexists with each step forward is an essential truth.

Organizationally, the NPSI Board has recognized the need for change. As one example, we plan to hire an Administrative Manager to replace the role of Administrator which entails responsibilities currently assumed by the President and the Director of Training. We also plan to hire a bookkeeper so that the Administrative Manager is freed to focus on organizational growth. These are exciting creative developments stemming from the Board’s response to the organization’s changing needs. Like Shackleton, this is what we can and must do to ensure safe passage for all of the members of the NPSI ‘crew’.

I am glad to be on this voyage with all of you. I hope you too find your endurance and that your creativity finds expression as you journey toward increased consciousness.


Barbara Sewell, MaMFC, MDIV, MRE, MIPA
President NPSI
Letter from the Director of Training
Dear Colleagues,

It is spring and the end of another academic year. I’m writing this letter on Memorial Day weekend. Spring and Memorial Day. How apropos, the juxtaposition of the two. As I step outside in the morning, the fresh smell of spring's verdure brings me hope and a moment of untrammeled joy. But then, my habitual perusal of the morning paper brings me back to sober reality. Ukraine, where untold lives have been cut short in a shockingly senseless war. Uvalde, Texas, where a young gunman killed nineteen children. And 6.3 million deaths worldwide from COVID-19.

May 6th marked 166 years since Freud’s birth. The IPA, in remembrance, put out a lovely video in which analysts from around the world reflected on this anniversary. How much has changed since Freud’s time? What remarkable advances in science, medicine, technology, and human rights! In our still fledgling field of psychoanalysis, there have been significant advances in understanding this “talking cure” we practice, study, and contribute to.

Still, reading the morning news, I’m struck by how little has changed from Freud’s time. We are still the same human beings, struggling to come to terms with the facts of life, still caught between our instinctual drives and the expectations, influences, and prohibitions of society, the same wondrous and woeful creatures of Freud’s epoch. Freud was in his seventies when he wrote Civilization and Its Discontents. World War I, in which 10-12 million died, was only a decade in the past and Hitler would soon be appointed chancellor of Germany. Here is Freud’s final paragraph in Civilization and Its Discontents:

The fateful question for the human species seems to me to be whether and to what extent their cultural development will succeed in mastering the disturbance of their communal life by the human instinct of aggression and self-destruction. It may be that in this respect precisely the present time deserves a special interest. Men have gained control over the forces of nature to such an extent that with their help they would have no difficulty in exterminating one another to the last man. They know this, and hence comes a large part of their current unrest, their unhappiness and their mood of anxiety. And now it is to be expected that the other of the two ‘Heavenly Powers’, eternal Eros, will make an effort to assert himself in the struggle with his equally immortal adversary. But who can foresee with what success and with what result?

Freud’s words are as timely and poignant now as they were when he wrote them. Eros versus Thanatos. Narcissism versus Socialism. Good versus evil. We might not all agree on the theoretical underpinnings of the existence of a death drive, but the basic and eternal struggle within and among human beings is indisputable.

Sitting down to write this letter, I found myself scribbling a poem on a scrap of paper:

How much has been lost?
What boundaries have we inexorably crossed?
Where are we bound?
Terra firma? Solid ground?
What will be recovered?
An inner strength discovered?
What must be born?
What must we mourn?

This Spring term, our analytic candidates returned to in-person classes, or more accurately, hybrid classes, in which some students and instructors were in-person while others were online. This is our ‘new normal’. Our two-year Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis course continues to be offered exclusively online. This may be a new normal as well. Teleconferencing technology has opened new opportunities for training and practicing. As we adopt these new ways of connecting, we also, inevitably, mourn what was. Our institute is growing and changing in other ways in response to a changing world. A year ago, I wrote the following in my letter for this newsletter:

An analytic institute is shaped by the society in which it is imbedded. It changes and adapts to the times in order to remain relevant, in alignment with societal norms and sensibilities, or else it becomes anachronistic and out of step. On the other hand, if an institute reacts to every societal spasm, it can lose its focus, and stray from the fundamentals. An institute needs to find a balance between permeability and boundedness, stability and change.

A year later, this paragraph remains relevant and reminds me of something a supervisor offered. She advised me to help a patient differentiate between growing pains and the pains of stagnation and stuck-ness. Her advice could be extended to the NPSI Institute and to our struggling nation.

Reviewing what I’ve written, I find myself trying to see how the first part of this letter and the latter portion fit together. I believe they do, in that the impulse towards death/destruction/violence is, to one degree or another, a reaction to change, an attempt to control ‘catastrophic change’ (in the Bionian sense). As psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, we witness the eternal conflict between the libidinal and destructive instincts and attempt to intervene on behalf of Eros. I believe our work, one patient at a time, contributes to humanity’s struggle. With each individual, as with humanity as a whole, we can’t “foresee with what success and with what result” our efforts will have. But we continue to work and, in so doing, make our contributions.

Keep up the good work!

David Parnes, LICSW, FIPA
Director of Training
Letter from the Candidate President
This spring, after two long years of being separated from each other and training at a distance, we returned to the classroom at NPSI. For those who could attend, it was a joyous occasion marked by gifts of spring daffodils, celebratory food and drink, smiling faces, and open arms. We were filled with gratitude to be in the same room together again. There was a hopeful expectation of continuity in the weeks to come.

Yet, it was not the same. Questions emerged. We asked ourselves, do we wear masks or not? How close shall we sit? What distance is ‘safe’? How do we balance safety with the need to feel part of a nourishing group? Each week we found ourselves navigating continually changing circumstances that threatened our wish to stay together learning in-person.

Some of us got COVID-19. Patients reported testing positive for COVID-19 after they had been in our offices. Those we live with got contracted COVID-19. Anxiety rippled through the group. We stayed in close contact and leaned in to what we had grown accustomed to these last two-plus years. We stayed home and joined the group on Zoom as needed. Only one person came to the Institute on a particular Friday while everyone else joined the seminar online. Our wish to be together in person met the reality of COVID-19 infection, exposure, and immune compromise.

Starting this fall, the hybrid model we have improvised will become the ‘new normal’ as more than half of the incoming cohort live outside of Seattle. This development brings a whole host of questions to explore and address. For example, how can we create an atmosphere of inclusion when everyone in the classroom is facing one another, not looking at the screen unless the person on the video is speaking? And what about the faculty experience? How does one meet the learning needs of remote learners and those in the classroom? It is a strain to hold and contain the group experience in a hybrid classroom situation. It becomes even more complicated when classes are taught by two faculty, one in the classroom and the other online.

Nevertheless, we are learning from experience. Just as we’ve been adapting these last two years to the ever-changing situation of COVID-19, we will continue to find ways of being together. We are continually called upon to respond to individual and group needs. Need inspires ingenuity. We are a committed group of learners, drawn by the shared experience of being analysts-in-training, held by each other and our faculty in this ever-changing reality of life with COVID-19, and dedicated to making the study of psychoanalysis at our Institute possible for those who live far away.

Ambre Lane, MD
Candidate President
NPSI Society News
Thirteenth International
Evolving British Object Relations (EBOR)

Sponsored by Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Magritte, René
The False Mirror (Le faux mirroir). 1929
© 2021 C. Herscovici / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

"Truth & Lies"
October 8-9 & 15-16, 2022
9:00 am - 1:00 pm (PacificTime) each day

EBOR is a virtual event spanning two weekends.

October 8 & 9, 2022: Individual papers

Bion observes that truth is to the mind what food is to the body. When the truth about reality cannot be faced, meaning is lost. Paradoxically, Bion suggests that only lies require a person to think them. Furthermore, lies are used to escape an emotional disaster. Since truth is an essential component of successful analysis, we invite papers that address questions such as:
  • How do we define emotional truth?
  • What differentiates truth from lies in the clinical situation?
  • Can we analyze a liar?
  • Are illusions lies? 

October 15 & 16, 2022: Plenary presentations with Nicola Abel-Hirsch and Avner Bergstein
Nicola Abel-Hirsch is the author of Bion 365 Quotes (Routledge, 2019) and a training and supervising analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society with a full-time psychoanalytical practice in London. She has given clinical and theoretical papers and seminars on Bion in the UK, Taiwan (annually 2005-2012), the USA, and Europe. From 2013–2015 she was the visiting professor at the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex. Her publications include "The Life Instinct" International Journal of Psychoanalysis (2010); "A Note and a Short Story" in The Bion Tradition (2015); "Bion, Alpha-Function and the Unconscious Mind" British Journal of Psychotherapy (2016), and "The Devil is in the Detail" in The Melanie Klein Tradition (2017). She is the editor of Hanna Segal’s last book, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2007). Under the auspices of Understanding Primitive Mental States (NYC), she has recently given a series of online seminars on ‘Bion’s Questions.’
Avner Bergstein is a training and supervising psychoanalyst and faculty member of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. He works in private practice with adults, adolescents, and children and has worked for several years at a kindergarten for children with autism. He has authored numerous papers and book chapters elaborating on the clinical implications of the writings of Bion and Meltzer. His papers are translated into many languages, including German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. He is the author of Bion and Meltzer's Expeditions into Unmapped Mental Life: Beyond the Spectrum in Psychoanalysis. He conducts reading seminars internationally, focusing on the writings of these two authors.

Learning Objectives

1. Participants will be able to differentiate truth (absolute reality) from psychic truth (personal emotional reality).

2. Participants will be able to define lies in a psychoanalytic context.

3. Participants can differentiate between emotional experiences that promote relationships and those that pervert them.

4. Participants will be able to link lies to the fear of absolute reality and the threat of catastrophic change.

Regional and International News

NPSI Liaison Committee
Caron Harrang (Chair), Julie Hendrickson, Becky McGuire, Maxine Nelson, Carolyn Steinberg
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic annual face-to-face board meetings for CIPS and NAPsaC were suspended. All board meetings are now held via Zoom. The CIPS Board meets monthly for 90 minutes during the academic year. The NAPsaC ExCom meets monthly, and the full board meets five times yearly or every other month during the academic year. Approved minutes from CIPS and NAPsaC board meetings are distributed by the Primary Directors to the NPSI Full Member listserv and to the Candidate President. The Candidate President posts the minutes to the Candidate listserv.
Report for the North American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC)

Carolyn Steinberg, MD, FRCPC, FIPA
NAPsaC Secretary

As the representative body for the North American Psychoanalytic Societies and Study Groups, NAPsaC has been active. For those of you who may not be aware, NAPsaC board members are comprised of each of the independent societies of which NPSI is one, plus the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (CPS), the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) and the Japan Psychoanalytic Society (JPS). Various IPA study groups have representation with non-voting board members from Korea, Taiwan, and Vermont (USA). Last month, we were pleased to hear that Korea’s Study Group is in the final stages of becoming an IPA component Society. They indicated an interest in having their representative, Dr. Jaehak Yu, continue on NAPsaC Board now as a voting member.

September 2021, a Regional Presidents meeting arranged by APsaA, chaired by NAPsaC President Mary Kay O’Neil, was held virtually. Attendance at IPA Congress was much larger than usual with more than 50% of attendees reporting that they were satisfied with the online format. The upcoming IPA Congress in Cartagena (July 2023) may be in-person and online. Governance, remote analysis, training, and racism were issues brought forward by the IPA President. These issues are being studied by various committees. It was noted that American and Canadian members are participating in the Holmes Commission studying prejudice and racism.

Early this year, our annual Face-to-Face meeting was held between the three regions and IPA. This was a moving experience with first-hand struggles recounted by Heribert Blass (EPF) about our Ukrainian colleagues. Harriet Wolf described the ongoing investigations and meetings the IPA Executive is involved in to provide assistance, as well as recognizing that we have members on “both sides” of the conflict. As NAPsaC’s finances are in good shape, the Board voted to donate to support colleagues in Ukraine and to allow individuals who are part of NAPsaC member organizations to contribute to this fund.

NAPsaC is promoting a ‘bridging’ meeting that will feature representatives from all three regions of the IPA (EPF, FEPAL, and NAPsaC) with the intent of promoting collaboration between the regions.

NAPsaC Board has reinstated rotating presentations at Board meetings by each Society represented, describing their history and current functioning. Alternate Representative Julie Hendrickson presented on NPSI earlier this year, stimulating much interest in our Society and Institute.

Because the three regions have equally supported the online journal Psychoanalysis Today and FEPAL has had difficulty meeting their financial obligation, it was deemed essential to review the viability of this project. One of the prohibitive costs is for translation into several languages. The consensus was that although it is a valuable outreach tool to the general public, it is unequally burdensome for regional organizations. After much discussion, it was decided to discontinue it in its current format. Going forward it will be administrated by the IPA and posted on their website.

NAPsaC is redeveloping its website. This includes utilizing Constant Contact to promote the activities (conferences and workshops) of member organizations. Continuing Education Committees or Scientific Program Directors are encouraged to send conference flyers to their respective representatives on the NAPsaC Board (Julie Hendrickson or Carolyn Steinberg for NPSI) for distribution to 700+ analysts throughout North America.

In a historic development, NAPsaC has invited the IPSO President (representing candidates worldwide) to join our board as a non-voting member to facilitate understanding of the governing structures of regional organizations. Additionally, another IPSO member has been appointed as the Recording Secretary for the NAPsaC Board relieving the Secretary of this responsibility.

On a personal note, I want to say that upon assuming the office of Secretary (including functioning as Recording Secretary) from Caron Harrang who completed her term in April 2020, I had a minimal understanding of NAPsaC’s vibrancy and collaborative nature. Since then, I have learned a great deal about the issues that shape the vitality of psychoanalysis in North America. I continue to be impressed by the growth-promoting direction of NAPsaC’s collaborative efforts.
Report for the Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies (CIPS)

Maureen Murphy, PhD, FIPA
CIPS President

The CIPS origin story began in the 1990s as a community drawn together to support the interests of the first North American independent psychoanalytic societies admitted to the IPA as component members. Collaboration, mutual respect, and professional enhancement were then, as now, the hallmarks of CIPS.

In the past two decades, CIPS has evolved from a group focused on protecting the rights of our members to a group with a distinctive voice embracing all aspects of psychoanalysis in the United States. CIPS now has an active role in training standards and social, political, and legislative issues impacting psychoanalytic practice.

Creative and scientific exchange among component societies and Study Groups, as well as other groups promoting psychoanalysis, remains a central focus of CIPS. Woven into all of these efforts is our commitment to the development of candidates who enliven our profession and provide a vision for the future of psychoanalysis.

Here are the current and forthcoming projects addressing our mission:
I. Affiliation Presentations
Since joining CIPS in 2011, I’ve had the opportunity to meet colleagues and develop friendships that I would not have otherwise experienced. Of the many benefits of CIPS, these relationships are my most valued.

As a way of becoming more involved and collaborative with one another, at each board meeting, a given society gives a presentation describing their structure and programs as well as what is topical or innovative in their society. These presentations will be compiled for subsequent NewsBriefs to enable all members to interact with one another.
II. Training Standards: Remote Analysis Task Force Report
The pandemic unceremoniously plunged us into a world of remote practice, one in which countless modifications were implemented without the benefit of thoughtful reflection. In late fall 2021, the IPA circulated a report of the Remote Analysis Task Force. This report provides societies with a context in which to examine the impact of technological possibilities on psychoanalytic education. The Task Force report can be found on the IPA website.

CIPS responded to this important document since, when the pandemic eases, there will be the need for guidance tempered with collaboration between the IPA and its component societies. In our response, we supported:

  • The need for a major revision of the existing Procedural Code.
  • The notion that the location of sessions cannot be the sole determinant of treatment credibility.

In addition, we recommended that:

  •  “Guidelines” replace requirements, allowing for individual institutes to determine implementation based on their regional circumstances and previous experience with distance learning.
  • The IPA moves forward on the recommendations of the Task Force report in a timely way.

III. Advocacy: “No Surprises Act”
The Good Faith Estimate bill, aka “No Surprises Act,” has caused considerable anxiety and confusion among private practice clinicians of all disciplines. In January, as part of CIPS advocacy efforts, we joined as a signatory to the letter prepared by the Clinical Social Work Association and Psychotherapy Action Network (PsiAN) to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requesting that CMS and HHS exempt independent behavioral health practitioners from compliance with the GFE. At this time, the situation is being closely monitored. We will inform CIPS members as a response to this request evolves.
IV. Case Conferences for Candidates
From its inception, CIPS has paid IPSO dues for candidates from all member societies based on our commitment to the importance of candidate involvement with CIPS. Beginning in fall 2022, we plan to launch a series of case conferences for candidates facilitated by our members. While the details of this initiative are still in the planning stage, we expect to offer three series of four sessions each. (NPSI candidates are encouraged to contact Maxine Nelson or Becky McGuire for additional details.)
V. Professional Development
There are two avenues for professional development of particular note to CIPS members:
1. The Book Series
The CIPS Book Series was launched in 2010 to promote the intellectual life of the CIPS community by providing a publishing outlet through an agreement with Routledge for our members. Any individual, group of individuals, or CIPS society is welcome to propose books for publication in the book series.
2. Videoconference Series
CIPS offers a series of videoconferences manifest as single events, study groups, and conferences. In the past year, we have added CE credit to our videoconferences.

I cannot conclude without thanking Leslie Wells as she steps down as NewsBriefs editor for all of her innovative work that has transformed the newsletter into the lively, robust outreach tool that it is today. Leslie, we will miss you.
My NPSI Library

Access the entire library of Scientific Meeting recordings. New recordings are added as they become available, so check back often.
Now available at no charge is the recording from the January 23, 2021, co-sponsored workshop: “Speaking About Race: The unconscious roots of structural racism and becoming anti-racist,” with Zachary Green, Ph.D.
If you need help accessing recordings, contact NPSI Administrator Peggy Swenson at
NPSI Institute News

Education Committee:
Barbara Sewell, MaMFC, MDIV, MRE, MIPA (President)
David Parnes, LICSW, FIPA (Director of Training, Chair, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Subcommittee)
Dana Blue, LICSW, FIPA (Chair, Admissions Subcommittee)
Esther Karson, PhD, FIPA (Chair, Progression Subcommittee)
David Rasmussen, PsyD, FIPA (Chair, Curriculum Subcommittee)
Ambre Lane, MD (Candidate President, Candidate Group)
Peggy Swenson (Administrator, Recording Secretary)

The mission of NPSI is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists. We are currently accepting applications for our Psychoanalytic Training program for Fall 2022. Information and an application for training can be found on the NPSI website here.
NPSI Member and Candidate News

Members in Action

Dana Blue, LICSW, FIPA, presented “Truth is the thing between us: Thomas Ogden’s attempt to locate emotional verity in the clinical setting” at NPSI’s May 18, 2022, Pre-EBOR Scientific Meeting.

Judy K. Eekhoff, PhD, FIPA, presented “Truth and Lies: On the disruption of relationship and the perversion of passion” at NPSI’s March 16, 2022, Pre-EBOR Scientific Meeting. Also, in March, she presented “Thoughts on the Primal Position and the treatment of hard-to-reach patients,” Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (online). Judy presented “The Outer Reaches of Inner Space” at the Regional Bion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, online in April. In May, she presented “Thoughts on Infantile Trauma & Analytic Intervention” through Calabash Online Course, South Africa. Judy’s article “The Unwelcome Child and the Acceptance of New Ideas” has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Psychoanalysis for 2022.

Caron Harrang LICSW, FIPA, published “Possibility Clouds Arising from a Close Reading of Civitarese and Berrini's ‘On Using Bion's Concepts of Point, Line, and Linking in the Analysis of a 6-Year-Old Child’.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues. January-February, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2022. On March 6, 2022, she presented “Transformations transformed: On Bion’s contemplations in Chapter 9” to an online meeting of the Regional Bion Symposium (Joseph Aguayo and Agnes Regeczkey Co-Directors). In April she presented “On Grotstein’s ‘truth’ in Bion’s theory of ‘O’” at NPSI’s April 20, 2022, Pre-EBOR Scientific Meeting.

Rikki Ricard, MA, FIPA, presented “Can a liar be psychoanalyzed?” at NPSI’s June 15, 2022, Pre-EBOR Scientific Meeting.

Drew Tillotson, PsyD, FIPA, is chapter author of “A special boy: Melancholic terrors of awakening the erotic man” in Routledge's Braving the Erotic Field in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children and Adolescents (2022). Drew presented “Body as Enemy: The Risk of Coming Alive” at PINC’s Symposium on February 26, 2022.

A warm welcome to new psychoanalyst members, Joanne della Penta, ATR-BC, LMHC, FIPA, and Danny Gellersen, MSW, LICSW. They bring new energy and talent to NPSI from their analytic training and practice experience. We eagerly anticipate their participation in the NPSI community.
Candidate reporter Jack M Ringel, LICSW

June 2022

Since the last publication of Selected Facts, we have completed two terms of didactic classes and seminars. Beginning next year, NPSI will welcome a new cohort of candidates! This includes a few candidates who will be meeting with the group remotely. Existing candidates, and the wider Institute, are working together to welcome this new class and to find ways to deepen connections with one another, both in-person and online. It is remarkable how these past two years have ushered in such challenges, as well as opportunities. The anticipation of candidate colleagues that live outside of Seattle is one such wonderful opportunity!

Samantha Good, LICSW, presented a paper titled “Becoming an Environmentalist: The Emergence and Evolution of Early Trauma” at the Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study Annual Forum Conference on May 21, 2022.

As I write, I reflect on the state of our interconnected communities. I suspect I feel like many of you: grateful for connection and disheartened, sad, and angry about much of what’s happening in our world. In addition to ongoing lies and toxicity in the political sphere, there is the ongoing and unjust war in Ukraine, a continuing pandemic, overturning of Roe v. Wade and the protections for women therein, and further erosion of civil rights for GLBTQIA individuals, and now the horrific mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas among many others. Wilfred Bion said that truth is necessary for growth of the mind. I hope that by naming and talking about these disparaging events—the way they exist in our shared experience and what they stir in our individual minds—we can keep turning toward truth and not shy away. As individuals, as communities, and as a nation we need to remain engaged. Again, I draw upon Bion’s thought that there are things that cannot be thought or “suffered” alone. I encourage each and all of us to try and bear these difficult experiences together; to think about them as a community and, when possible, to address them through collective action, in solidarity.
Selected Facts: Next Issue Deadline
The next issue of Selected Facts will be published in December 2022. The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2022.
Please contact Peggy Swenson at with general questions or our reporters with news items or ideas for stories.
Barbara Sewell
Executive Editor

Caron Harrang (Interim)
Copy Editor
If you’re interested in becoming the Copy Editor for Selected Facts, please contact Peggy Swenson, Administrator, at for more information.
Peggy Swenson
Managing Editor

Jack Ringel
Reporter, Candidates
Contact Information

Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
  2701 First Avenue, #120
Seattle, Washington


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