In This Issue
Selected Facts
Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic
Society and Institute

Spring 2019

Welcome  to the Spring 2019 edition of Selected Facts: Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 
In addition to Maxine Nelson's letter as NPSI President, this issue includes letters from Maxine as Director of Training and Candidate President Margaret Bergmann-Ness. As usual, we offer accounts of some of our members under NPSI Member and Candidate News. 

In Society News, we have information on My NPSI, an exciting project to make meetings and events available in video format. To see all titles currently available, visit the My NPSI page here.

This edition features a special essay by NPSI Candidate, Jack Ringel, with an introduction by Maxine Nelson.
If you have questions or comments about the articles we publish, or if you have an idea for a story you would like to see included in an upcoming issue, please email me at . Also, feel free to forward the newsletter to colleagues. Forwarding directions are at the bottom of every issue.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
NPSI Board of Directors
President: Maxine Nelson
Past President: Caron Harrang
Secretary: Michael Dougherty
Acting Treasurer: Caron Harrang
Acting Director of Training: Maxine Nelson 
Director: David Jachim
Director: Carolyn Steinberg
Community Member Director: John Petrov
Administrator/Recording Secretary: Hollee Sweet (non-voting)
Candidate Representative: Anna Delacroix (non-voting)
Candidate Representative: Becky McGuire (non-voting)

Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to educational and scientific activities based in Seattle, Washington. The primary mission of the organization is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists. The organization also supports the ongoing professional growth and development of our psychoanalyst, candidate, and community members. In so doing, the organization aims to contribute to the current regional, national, and international psychoanalytic understanding of mental life and to the emotional health, creativity, and well-being of those treated through the practice of psychoanalysis.
Letter from the Pr esident
"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." 
- Marcel Proust
I begin this letter by congratulating Adriana Prengler, LMHC FIPA on her recent election to the position of Vice President-Elect of the IPA! Adriana will begin her term at the close of the Business Meeting at the IPA Congress in London in July, along with Harriet Wolfe, MD of the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis (SFCP), who is President-Elect. Officers in the IPA rotate between the three regions (North America, Latin America and Europe) every four years and Harriet and Adriana will represent the first all-female ticket in the history of the IPA. Congratulations as well to NPSI Past-President and current Acting Treasurer Caron Harrang, who ran for a position as North American rep on the IPA Board. Caron missed being elected by a mere 113 votes and we hope that she will run again for a Board position in two years. 

As the current academic year nears its end, I find myself feeling grateful to a number of people who have been instrumental to NPSI's growth and success. The first is Marianne Robinson, PhD MSW FIPA, who closed her Seattle office at the end of April and relocated her practice to Anchorage after commuting between the two cities for over 30 years. Marianne was a co-founder of NPSI in 1999, along with Maxine Anderson, MD FIPA, and has been actively involved in both the Institute as Training and Supervising Analyst and faculty as well as in the Society as Board Treasurer during two separate terms. Marianne's thoughtful presence at Scientific Meetings and other events will be sorely missed, but she has promised to come down for a visit from time to time. Marianne and Maxine were interviewed by Rikki Ricard, MA FIPA in April and the video is available for viewing as part of the My NPSI library. You can find it by clicking the following link: This recent photo of Marianne was taken when she was honored at a special Scientific Meeting in April.
Another fond farewell is to David Schoolcraft, JD of Ogden Murphy Wallace, who served as legal counsel to NPSI from 2012-2018. David was instrumental in overhauling our bylaws in 2012 as well as updating our code of ethics, particularly in terms of implementation. David's calming presence and light sense of humor made him a delight to work with for former NPSI Presidents David Jachim and Caron Harrang as well as myself. We wish David well with his current focus in the exciting area of digital health at Ogden Murphy Wallace.

Along with the goodbyes, I would like to extend a warm welcome to two new Full Members. Following her graduation from NPSI in January, Carolyn Steinberg applied and was voted to join the Society as a Full Member. I am pleased to report that Carolyn was then invited to apply to become a member of the Board of Directors and was appointed in February 2019. She will stand for election to the Board at the Annual Party and Business Meeting on September 21. Carolyn has jumped in with both feet and adds a unique perspective to our small but robust Board. Welcome, Carolyn!
Another new Full Member is  Coleen Gold, MA BCATR FIPA. Coleen is a Training and Supervising Analyst of the WBCPS (Western Branch Canadian Psychoanalytic Society), where she is also on the faculty. Many of you have met Coleen at past EBOR events, where she has been an attendee for many years, or at events in Vancouver, BC sponsored by WBCPS. Welcome Coleen! Having both Carolyn and Coleen join NPSI as Full Members reinforces our already strong collegial relationship with WBCPS. 
Last fall, Jeff Eaton, MA FIPA took over as Chair of Continuing Education and organized a series of extremely successful meetings on the theme of unconscious phantasy. Jeff renamed the meetings "Scientific Meeting: A forum for community conversation," and indeed, the series of meetings Jeff organized this spring lived up to the name. By providing papers on the theme to those who had pre-registered, the audience was able to participate with the presenters in a richly meaningful way. Presenters for the series included Maxine Anderson, Judy K Eekhoff and Jeff Eaton, and the series culminated in a panel discussion on May 15 following individual presentations in the three previous monthly meetings. "Scientific Meeting: A forum for community conversation" will pick up again in the fall.
We are pleased to announce that the My NPSI Library is now up and running! As Caron Harrang describes elsewhere in this issue of Selected Facts NPSI began video recording selected Scientific Meetings and plenary presentations from conferences such as this past year's International Evolving British Object Relations (EBOR). You can now access the full library of recordings on our website at:  New recordings are added as they become available. 
I want to thank all of our dedicated Board and Advisory Council members for their commitment and hard work which has contributed to the ongoing sturdiness and success of NPSI. Current Board members include Michael Dougherty, Caron Harrang, David Jachim, John Petrov, Carolyn Steinberg and myself, in addition to Candidate Reps Anna Delacroix and Becky McGuire. Our esteemed Advisory Council members include Bradford Cokelet, Teddy Jachim, JoAnn Mills and Doug Ulrich. 
Special thanks are in order for Doug Ulrich who created the option for donors to contribute to NPSI through  Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD). A short video explaining how to make a donation through a QCD can be found here.
In closing, I want to express my gratitude to our Administrator and Recording Secretary, Hollee Sweet, who has helped me to grow into the role of President this past year and without whose assistance my job would have not have been possible.
Happy Summer!

Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA
President, NPSI

Letter from the (Acting) Director of Training  

"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming." 
- Pablo Neruda
As Neruda reminds us, spring has a way of inserting itself into our lives, bringing with it the ending of another academic year at NPSI. There have been many accomplishments within the NPSI Institute this past year and I'd like to highlight just a few of them.
Carolyn Steinberg, MD FRCPC FIPA graduated from NPSI on January 12, 2019 and has the distinction of being the first graduate who commuted to Seattle from Vancouver, BC for psychoanalytic training. The title of Carolyn's graduation paper was  The Tumultuous Birth of Countertransference in a Candidate . At her graduation, I said the following:
"Graduations are always auspicious events in a person's life and the graduation we're celebrating today is no exception. Very few of us decide to embark on the journey to become psychoanalysts and, for those who do, the path is both long and arduous. I believe this is necessary to some degree as it involves both learning a new skill - psychoanalysis - as well as undergoing a profound personal transformation. It also takes a village to birth a new psychoanalyst and I would like to acknowledge some of the people who have accompanied Carolyn on this journey. Would her supervisors, instructors and fellow candidates please stand up."
As endings always presage beginnings, I'm extremely pleased to announce that we will be starting a new cohort of psychoanalysts-in-training (candidates) in the fall.
I would like to thank all the dedicated faculty who have taught our psychoanalysts-in-training this past year. For didactic seminars they include: Judy K Eekhoff (Infant Observation), Esti Karson (Klein II), Maxine Nelson (Trauma and Narcissism I), David Rasmussen (Freud II and Klein II), Marianne Robinson (Klein II), and Barb Sewell (Infant Observation). A special thanks to Barb who holds the unique distinction for also having taught (or co-taught) Freud II, Klein II, and Trauma and Narcissism I.  Kudos, Barb!
For facilitating the clinical seminars, I want to thank Maxine Anderson, Mirta Berman-Oelsner, Dana Blue, Caron Harrang, Julie Hendrickson and Oscar Romero as well as substitute faculty Cecile Bassen, Stan Case and Adriana Prengler.
In our psychotherapy program, thank you to Don Ross for creating and facilitating NPSI's first clinical study group for psychotherapists. For our Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis program, under the able leadership of Dave Parnes, I would like to thank the following faculty: Margaret Bergmann-Ness,  Mirta Berman-Oelsner, Anna Delacroix, Julie Hendrickson, Becky McGuire, Robert Oelsner, Dave Parnes and Barb Sewell.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that through a creative collaboration, the NPSI Education Committee and Faculty have established a structure for the Institute to continue functioning during this time of not having a Director of Training in place. Through a series of meetings last fall, a proposal emerged in which most of the work of the Director would be delegated to the Education Committee (EC) subcommittees, and a rotation of full members was established to serve as Chair of Education, each for a four-month term. Although the primary responsibilities of the Chair of Education are to chair monthly EC meetings and to report to the Board at regularly scheduled Board meetings, we also identified particular tasks, which had previously fallen to the Director of Training, that would heretofore be managed by the EC Chair in rotation during that term. For now, I will continue to hold the title of Acting Director of Training so that we maintain consistency with our bylaws, and the Institute will review this structure at the end of the next academic year. I'm pleased to announce that Barb Sewell has taken the first rotation as EC Chair, to be followed in September by Caron Harrang.
Wishing everyone a relaxing and well-earned summer!

Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA
Acting Director of Training

Letter from the Candidate President  

Spring has returned, with its complex message of familiar seasonal cyclings and brand-new beginnings. For candidates in training, spring also carries meaning as the last quarter of the academic year - another year of training completed. In the past year, our candidate group has continued growing through study and practice, has celebrated another graduation (Congratulations again to Carolyn!), and has been saying grateful farewells to one of our institute's founding analysts, Dr. Marianne Robinson, who has given so much to so many of us as teacher, mentor, analyst, and supervisor. Along with these changes, we are hoping to welcome a new candidate cohort in the fall. I will finish my term as Candidate President and look forward to passing the baton to my candidate colleague, Becky McGuire. Endings and beginnings go hand in hand.

This academic year marks my sixth since I began training and still, at the end of every weekly seminar, I return to the feeling of just beginning to learn. Yet I also note that I am getting more comfortable with this 'beginner' feeling. We can all experience tremendous pressure to hurry and be finished, to not waste time. And sometimes we can find an alternative perspective, where time is free of measurement and becomes instead an element we move through in a spiral path. From this perspective, we don't have to hurry up and get over our learning, our growing pains and challenges. Instead we can go through them, over and over. 

Returning over and over to our emotional experiences, from varying perspectives, is an essential feature of psychoanalysis. Paradoxically, when we accept our own unique emotionally-cycling selves, we can also experience a transformation in relating to ourselves. With the help of our analysts, stirring the pot, we simmer in our processes, and become cured in our own emotional juices, as it were. We can try to turn, and return again, to understanding our emotional patterns and work with them - rather than trying to finish them off. So I think that we could describe psychoanalysis as a 'Slow Cure' - comparable to the 'Slow Food' movement, which insists that we use time to express how we value our relationship with food and healthy nourishment. In psychoanalysis, we use time to understand our relationships with ourselves and others, over and over. We repeat our stories and we shift our perspectives to allow new re-experiencings. Getting to know ourselves and others fills our lives with the familiar feeling of new beginnings. But for the short term - may we all enjoy spring and summer and be refreshed when fall returns!  
Margaret Bergmann-Ness, MA, LICSW
Candidate President

NPSI Society News 
MY NPSI  Library 
In 2018, NPSI began a new program video recording selected scientific meetings and plenary presentations from this past year's International Evolving British Object Relations (EBOR) conference on "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond."
If you're on our mailing list, you've received individual email flyers for these events. If you're not on our list or they've disappeared from your Inbox, you can access the full library of recordings on our website at: . New recordings are added as they become available, so check back often. 

For your convenience, all videos available thus far are shown below (most recent on top). If you wish to purchase any of the EBOR recordings, click here
to view the website page for the EBOR recordings. 
If you have questions or need help accessing recordings please contact NPSI Administrator Hollee Sweet at

"Winnicott, Klein and Bion: Further Thoughts on the Nature of the External Object - Holding and Container/Contained" presented by Joseph Aguayo, PhD FIPA (EBOR 2018)  - In this EBOR 2018 presentation video, Joseph Aguayo gives a concise overview of how Winnicott collaborated with, then fell out with Melanie Klein's theories over what he termed the "environmental factor" after he published his landmark paper on "Transitional Objects" in 1953. Nonetheless, he continued a postal dialogue with other members of the London Klein group before and after Klein's death in 1960, specifically with Wilfred Bion in attempts to persuade him of the mother's importance in the infant's early development. By the time Bion took the mother's containing (or environmental) function into consideration, Winnicott believed that his own contributions were once again being in a sense appropriated by another Kleinian, while they continued to ignore and not cite his own research. 
"Being After Winnicott: Minding the Body, Embodying the Mind" presented by  Lesley Caldwell, MA PhD FIPA (EBOR 2018)  - Lesley Caldwell's plenary presentation at EBOR 2018 argues for returning the body to a central place in clinical work. Neither Winnicott nor Bion placed the body at the center of their work with adult patients. Yet their interest in what happens in the consulting room for both analyst and analysand offers signposts on how to deploy a psychoanalysis that does acknowledge the body as a central marker of identity and seeks to understand the variety of ways that analytic communication proceeds through bodily phenomena and bodily presence. The close links between the body, identity and the self have increasingly seen psychological disturbance and difficulty gather around bodily symptoms, bodily change, bodily limits and body modification. In the same period, psychoanalysis has focused on "states of mind" in a way that parallels the body's eclipse. These observations are applied to an analytic case showing how the analyst can make use of bodily experience to deepen understanding of analytic process. 
"Does the Body have a Mind?" presented by Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA (EBOR 2018)  - Does the body have a mind? With this question Robert Oelsner's EBOR 2018 plenary presentation takes the viewer on a tour starting in the consulting room with an actual analysand. The milestones are analytic contributions and discoveries from early Freud on towards Melanie Klein, Meltzer, McDougall, and the French somaticists Marty and de M'Uzan. From there, early and late Bion are explored and the groundbreaking originality of his thought is highlighted. It ends with Bion's rather nihilistic view of life and the reaches of psychoanalysis, which he stated after having a lifetime experience as a person and an analyst.  
"Winnicott, Bion and Beyond: Erotic Embodiment in the Analytic Field" presented by  Dianne Elise, PhD FIPA (EBOR 2018)  - While there is increasing interest in somatic life within psychoanalysis, attention to the body in its libidinal aspects remains somewhat limited in scope. Winnicott's formulations of psyche/soma, indwelling, and personalization have been understood predominantly as apart from the sexual body. Bion's theorizing as well has tended to be utilized in a decidedly asexual manner, with "passion" and "intercourse" thought of as mind-to-mind phenomena. Analytic field theory drawing on Bion integrates bodily experience, but not necessarily the  sexual  body. When erotic embodiment is considered within our current models, the focus tends to be on oedipal level transference and countertransference. In this presentation Dianne Elise integrates Winnicott's emphasis on the psyche/soma with a Freudian focus on embodied libidinal life, elaborates Kristeva's (2014) concept of maternal eroticism, and suggests a parallel in the field to analytic eroticism.   
"The Body's Way of Dreaming: Music and Psychical Life Beyond Representation" presented by  Peter Goldberg, PhD FIPA (EBOR 2018)  - In considering the special role that musicality and music play in psychical life, Peter Goldberg proposes that musical sound patterns (tempo, rhythm, tone, harmony, dissonance) provide a psycho-sensory pattern language that makes sense of the psychology of the body. This suggests a specific psychical role for music in shaping an essential  non-representational  domain of psychical life, a domain of psycho-sensory, embodied experience unmediated by words or symbols, possessing its own mode of organization and functional transformations. In this recording, Goldberg suggests the   existence of something like a "beta function" that gives shape and form to psychical processes at this undifferentiated, pre-reflective level of being-in-the-world. His formulation highlights music's function in bringing psychical life   closer to the psychology of the body as well as the way in which music is implicated in the counter-tendency towards mind-body dissociation. 
"Psychoanalysis, Human Flourishing, and Good Character" presented by Brad Cokelet, PhD with Jeffrey Eaton, MA FIPA, Discussant (Scientific Meeting - September 2018)   
In this presentation, philosopher Brad Cokelet (University of Kansas) orients discussion with a short lecture on Ancient Greek theories of human nature and the way these theories shaped Plato's and Aristotle's accounts of good character and the good, happy life. Brad and discussant Jeff Eaton initiate a group dialogue focused on three questions:
1. How does psychoanalysis challenge Greek understandings of human nature? 
2. Can a psychoanalytic understanding of human nature provide us with relevant accounts of good character and the good life? 
3. How might psychoanalysis aim to facilitate good character development?
Like his teacher Plato, Aristotle taught that to really flourish as a human being, you need to harmonize the potentially conflicting parts of your human psyche and thereby develop good ethical character. These views are founded on deep assumptions about human nature and our shared human potentials, assumptions that are both attractive and contentious, not least because they are more optimistic than the pessimistic Judeo-Christian views that dominate much of Western thought. This presentation introduces Greek views of human nature, flourishing, and good character and puts them into conversation with psychoanalytic views. Cokelet argues that psychoanalysis raises distinctive doubts about Aristotle's and Plato's theories of human nature: specifically, doubts about Greek accounts of psychic harmony leading to human flourishing and good character. The presentation considers how things might look if we substituted a psychoanalytic account of human nature for the Greek ones. Specifically, can we expect psychoanalytic treatment to facilitate positive (ethical) character change and flourishing?  If so, does this lead to an implicit critique of moralistic views, which associate ethical development with the efficient operation of a strong super-ego?

Click here to purchase the September 2018 Scientific Meeting recording. 
"The Ego is First and Foremost a Body Ego" presented by Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA (Pre-EBOR 2018 Scientific Meeting - June 2018)  - In this recording Judy K Eekhoff gives a presentation on two Thomas Ogden papers: "On the Concept of an Autistic-Contiguous Position" (1989) and "Some Theoretical Comments on Personal Isolation" (1991). In these papers, Ogden highlights the role of early infantile sensuous experience as foundational in the development of the mind and in the experience of a subjective sense of self. As such, the body then becomes a lifelong representation of the creative couple, not only of sensuality and sexuality, but of an essential element in representation and symbol formation.

Click here to purchase the June 2018 Scientific Meeting recording. 
"Winnicott's View of the Mind in Relation to Psyche-Soma and the Development of Healthy Dependency in the Analytic Setting" presented by Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA (Pre-EBOR 2018 Scientific Meeting - April 2018)  - In this recording Caron Harrang gives a presentation on two pivotal papers by Donald Winnicott: "Mind and its Relation to Psyche-Soma" (1954) and "Dependence in Infant-Care, in Child-Care and in the Psycho-Analytic Setting" (1963). Interestingly, these papers were first presented by Winnicott to vastly different audiences. Psyche-Soma was presented to the British Psychological Society on December 14, 1949 and the Dependence paper to the Los Angeles Psychoanalytical Society on October 4, 1962 and again a few weeks later to the Boston Psychoanalytic Society on October 24, 1962. Caron's presentation explores the following questions in relation to these papers: What is the historical context of the development of Winnicott's concept of psyche-soma? How did his understanding of the mind's relationship to the body and thirteen years of practice as a psychoanalyst contribute to his view of healthy dependency as it develops within the baby's relationship to primary objects? What happens when the development of healthy dependency is thwarted and how does this manifest in adulthood? How are these manifestations evident in the transference/countertransference relationship or in the analytic field? What is Winnicott's understanding of the positive role played by psychosomatic symptoms? How did Winnicott speak to patients about their bodily experience as evident in the transference? 

Click here to purchase the April 2018 Pre-EBOR Scientific Meeting recording. 
NPSI Institute News

The application deadline for the NPSI training program to become an internationally recognized psychoanalyst is fast approaching. If you are an experienced mental health professional and would like to be considered for membership in the upcoming cohort set to begin in September, please be advised that the deadline for applications is 
June 15, 2019. The application process in itself is a learning opportunity, so give yourself plenty of time to thoughtfully complete your packet, including a personal statement, references, and two case write ups. The full application is available on the NPSI website:
Questions? Need help? The Admissions committee is standing by to assist you.
Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA (Chair)
Margaret Bergmann-Ness, MA LICSW
Ambre Lane, MD LMHC
David Parnes, LICSW FIPA

* * * * *

We are pleased to include the following essay by Jack M Ringel, MA LICSW, a second-year psychoanalyst-in-training at NPSI. It was written as an assignment for his Klein I didactic class that is part of the NPSI psychoanalytic training curriculum and taught this past winter by Esti Karson and Barb Sewell. As you'll see, Jack has very cleverly and creatively transformed Klein's basic theories about unconscious phantasy, the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, envy and gratitude, and projective identification into discrete songs, as written by a fictional rock n' roll band called "Melanie's Melodies." Enjoy!  And rock on, Jack!
* * * * *
Basic Kleinian Theory Through the Lens of "Psychoanalytic Rock N' Roll"
by Jack M Ringel
This paper will seek to describe some of Klein's foundational ideas through an imaginative exercise. Namely, I have constructed a fictional rock n' roll band called "Melanie's Melodies," and will trace their inception and then evolution as seen through their successive albums. This will begin with discussing their groundbreaking, frenetic, and energizing album, "The Paranoid Schizoids" and then finish with some ideas about their more contemplative, nuanced masterpiece, "Our Position Is Depressive." Additionally - prior to their wide fame - they released an album that has threads of sound permeating their whole musical career: an album entitled "My Adult Acts Like An Infant," which presents the idea of unconscious phantasy. Within each album I will present selections of song titles and lyrics that are characteristic of a particular album (and which often correlate with Kleinian positions and their characteristic defenses).

To read Jack's full essay, click here.

NPSI Member and Candidate News

Full Members and Candidates in Action
by David Parnes, Reporter
In July 2018, Oscar Romero, MD FIPA was recognized by University of Washington's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences for his outstanding teaching and supervision. He was identified by the residents as their favorite attending/supervisor of the year. 
Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA  presented "Identification and Unconscious Phantasy" at NPSI's March 20th Scientific Meeting: A forum for community conversation. As part of a series of meetings focusing on unconscious phantasy, Judy discussed the relationship between identification and unconscious phantasy using articles by Gabriella Giustino and Marie Rhodes. She demonstrated how both unconscious phantasy and identification form a foundational structure that gives form and shape, and therefore meaning, to all experience. 
On March 22, the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute presented "The Body in Cinema " with  a screening of the film Talk to Her, written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar, and followed by a discussion led by Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA
On May 1, the International Psychoanalytical Association announced the results of its elections for IPA President-Elect, Vice President-Elect, Treasurer, and Regional Representatives to the Board. Harriet Wolfe, MD FIPA (San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis) and our own Adriana Prengler, LMHC FIPA were elected as IPA President-Elect and Vice President-Elect. Congratulations to this well-deserving Presidential Team! They will begin serving in their new roles in July, immediately following the London IPA Congress. It will be a two-year term after which they will begin to serve as President and Vice President.
Harriet and Adriana  call their project "The IPA: Benefiting its Members and the World." They would like to see that IPA members are informed of their IPA benefits and can partake of them in substantial ways. They want members to know what the IPA offers them, to increase the benefits available to them, and to make the IPA more open to member involvement.  They also want to increase for psychoanalysts  an international space and a public voice for addressing contemporary problems in the world. They will work to bring the extensive knowledge and skills of psychoanalysts to the challenges of modern societal problems. 
These goals are intended to offer concrete assistance and opportunities to the IPA members and spread the word about the value of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic applications to world problems. In doing so, Harriet and Adriana hope to increase the number of candidates in our institutes and patients in our practices, and improve the popular reputation of psychoanalysis in the world.  
In April 2018, Adriana Prengler, LMHC FIPA began teaching psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Wuhan, China as part of a four-year program for the dissemination and promotion of psychoanalysis in The People's Republic of China. Along with fourteen other faculty from the US and Australia, the program includes 230 Chinese students who hear lectures in auditorium classes and are divided into smaller groups for group supervision. There are 8-day teaching intensives in Wuhan every April for the four years, and in between these, the faculty work with their groups every other week in supervision by Zoom. Adriana's presentation last April was live-streamed on the internet to students across China. 
It is our pleasure to welcome Vancouver psychoanalyst Coleen Gold, MA BCATR FIPA to NPSI as a Full Member colleague. Coleen is an IPA Training and Supervising Analyst with the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (CPS) and will maintain a reciprocal status with NPSI. Coleen served as a psychoanalytic discussant for a screening of the film Arrival (directed by Denis Villeneuve) at the 44th National Congress of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society that was held in Vancouver, BC on May 30-June 2. 
Marianne Robinson, PhD MSW FIPA  was the presenter for NPSI's April 17th Scientific Meeting. Her presentation was entitled, "Umbilical Transference, Adhesive Identification: A Binocular View of Emergence." The event also served as an opportunity for all of us at NPSI to honor and bid farewell to Marianne, a founding member of our Institute, who retired from her Seattle practice this spring. About her paper Marianne noted, "My interest in prenatal states of mind started many years ago when I was rather forcefully confronted with one patient's use of eye contact. During the sessions he insisted on holding intense eye contact and attacked me mercilessly or himself cruelly when that contact was broken. It was as if the eye connection between us functioned as a concrete containing entity. The term 'umbilical relationship' came to mind and I used it in my interpretations to him. They were eagerly accepted as accurate descriptions of his wished for relationship with me." 
Completing a series of Scientific Meetings on the theme of unconscious phantasy, NPSI presented "Unconscious Phantasy: A Panel Discussion" on May 15th. Panelists Maxine Anderson, MD FIPAJudy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA, and Jeffrey Eaton, MA FIPA each shared brief reflections of their personal views about unconscious phantasy, including how it currently informs their clinical work, and engaged one another in a conversation about their ideas before opening the discussion to include comments and questions from the larger group.
On May 18, The Boston Group for Psychoanalytic Studies hosted "A Clinical Weekend with Patrick Miller," the first presentation in their "Psyche and Soma/Soma and Psyche Series: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Views." Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA was one of three senior analysts who presented close process material to Dr. Miller, who then commented and responded. 
Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA  and incoming candidate Samantha Good, LICSW presented individual papers at the 44th National Congress of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society that was held in Vancouver, BC on May 30-June 2.  Judy's paper was entitled, "Primitive Identification and Confusional Mental States." Samantha's paper was entitled, "They say goldfish have no memory: learning to swim with an autistic and traumatized patient."  
On June 7, NPSI hosted an event celebrating the release of new books by Training and Supervising Analysts Maxine Anderson, MD FIPA and Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA. Maxine's book is titled, From Tribal Division to Welcoming Inclusion. Judy's book is titled, Trauma and Primitive Mental States. Both books are published by Routledge. 

There is now a discount code available for  From Reverie to Interpretation, edited by Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA and Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA. To purchase your copy, visit Routledge or click here, and use the code BSE19.
Selected Facts Next Issue Deadline:
The next issue of Selected Facts will be published in December 2019. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019.
Please feel free to contact Hollee Sweet with general questions or our reporter with news items or ideas for stories.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
Anna Delacroix
Copy Editor
David Parnes
Connie Sais