In This Issue
Selected Facts
Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic
Society and Institute

Spring 2018

Welcome  to the Spring 2018 edition of Selected Facts: Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 
In addition to Caron Harrang's final letter as NPSI President, this issue includes letters from Director of Training Dana Blue and Candidate President Margaret Bergmann-Ness. As usual, we offer accounts of some of our members and candidates under NPSI Members and Candidates in Action. We are happy to welcome our newest reporter, Connie Sais, reporting on NPSI Community Members. Thank you, Connie, for joining us!

In Regional and International News, we hear from NAPsaC President, Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA.

In Society News, Caron Harrang invites you to register for EBOR 2018, "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond," and announces the paper titles that will be presented at the conference.

This edition features a special piece by Esti Karson, in remembrance of Adrian Jarreau, a valued and highly regarded member of NPSI.

If you have questions or comments about the articles we publish, or if you have an idea for a story you would like to see included in an upcoming issue, please email me at . Also, feel free to forward the newsletter to colleagues. Forwarding directions are at the bottom of every issue.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
NPSI Board of Directors
Caron Harrang
President-Elect: Maxine Nelson
Secretary/Treasurer: Maxine Nelson
Director of Training:
Dana Blue
Director: David Jachim
Community Member Director: Michael Dougherty
Community Member Director: John Petrov
Administrator/Recording Secretary:
Hollee Sweet (non-voting)
Candidate Representative:
Becky McGuire (non-voting)

Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to educational and scientific activities based in Seattle, Washington. The primary mission of the organization is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists. The organization also supports the ongoing professional growth and development of our psychoanalyst, candidate, and community members. In so doing, the organization aims to contribute to the current regional, national, and international psychoanalytic understanding of mental life and to the emotional health, creativity, and well-being of those treated through the practice of psychoanalysis.
Letter from the Pr esident

"Passing the Baton"
As I sat down to write my last President's letter for
Selected Facts,  the expression "passing the baton" sprang to mind.  It seems a fitting theme as my second term comes to a close and Maxine Nelson prepares to assume the Presidency at our annual membership meeting in September.  

In any relay race, passing the baton is a transition that reveals the strength or weakness of the team. I know this from personal experience when as a teenager I participated in the 1600-meter track relay, which is one of the most exhilarating and exciting track events. 

The race consists of teams of four runners who each sprint one full lap or 400 meters, passing the baton from one to the next until the fourth runner hurls herself across the finish line. The event requires synchronization of individual and team effort.
I wasn't the swiftest sprinter on my team and usually ran the third leg. This position required anticipating when the second runner would enter the passing zone and starting my leg while reaching one arm backward so my teammate could slap the baton into my palm signaling me to take off. If my adrenaline was high, I might launch too fast, making it hard for the second runner to catch me. On the other hand, if I waited too long and didn't get going soon enough, the second runner could easily make the pass but our overall time was compromised. And then there were those rare times when all four of us were in synch and it felt as if an invisible thread connected us and the baton seemed to float magically from one hand to the next. 

Interestingly, this track and field terminology is used in business to describe a pattern of leadership succession. In a thought provoking article, called "Passing the Baton: Does CEO Relay Succession Work Best?", Joseph C Santora describes three patterns of succession in Fortune 500 companies: 'relay succession' where the CEO and their successors work jointly to facilitate passing of the proverbial baton over a period of time; 'non-relay internal succession' where the successor is chosen from within the company but there is no period of current and incoming executives working together; and 'external succession' where someone is chosen from outside the organization to assume leadership. You can probably guess which model produces the best results in terms of facilitating organizational stability, productivity and high morale amongst workers. Yep, it's relay succession. And yet, according to Santora, relay succession is not all that common in Fortune 500 companies, even though the ones that employ it usually outperform the competition.
In reflecting on Santora's study, which has been cited in numerous articles on executive management, it seems to me that NPSI does and doesn't employ the relay model of succession. As psychoanalysts we realize the complexity of the conscious and unconscious factors that influence one's decision to participate at various levels in the life of the Institute and in our membership Society. At the same time, psychoanalytic training in IPA Institutes worldwide has until very recently overlooked group relations training as an important part of the curriculum to become a psychoanalyst. How is this tied to succession you may wonder? Let me tell you how I've been thinking about it lately.
If a psychoanalytic organization, such as NPSI, is almost completely dependent on the volunteer efforts of our members (and a part-time paid Administrator), then we are very much engaged in a team sport. Moreover, the success of our efforts and enjoyment in working together over time depend on how we pass (or fail to pass) the baton. When I was part of the track and field relay team earlier in my life, workouts included individual conditioning to build strength and increase speed. At the same time, what we spent the most time on as a team was practicing how to pass the baton. For the approaching runner this meant not slowing down or letting go of the baton until it was securely in the hand of the next runner. For the receiver this meant looking forward and starting to run (but not too fast) while reaching back with an open palm to make it easier for the runner making the handoff. It required good timing, trust and understanding that our sense of accomplishment as individuals hinged entirely on how well we worked together as a team.
When I think back over the two terms of my Presidency (2014-2018), I am proud of what our Board of Directors and Advisory Council have been able to accomplish as a team in concert with many of our members. As one example, we voted to change our bylaws to allow community members to serve on the Board. This paved the way for John Petrov (2017) and Michael Dougherty (2018) to become our first community member directors and contribute their business management and communications savvy to how we oversee operations and endeavor to serve our members. In this same period of time, there are three examples of relay succession I'd like to tell you about which demonstrate the kind of teamwork I believe is key to NPSI's success going forward.
The first example of relay succession is Maxine Nelson's being voted President-Elect at our annual membership meeting in Fall 2017. Maxine has served on the Board as Secretary-Treasurer for several years, giving her a chance to acquire a detailed understanding of what is involved in being President. Moreover, we have explicitly agreed to work together in her elect year to make passing the baton as smooth as possible. The second example is Maxine preparing to hand off the baton as Secretary when she becomes President. The Board recently invited Michael Dougherty to run for the office of Secretary at our election in the Fall and he has agreed. Third is my passing the baton to Adriana Prengler who joins Maxine Nelson in representing NPSI on the CIPS Board of Directors starting this month. This pass may appear sudden to some, but in fact Adriana and I have been discussing NPSI's involvement in the wider psychoanalytic community, regionally and internationally, for several years.
There are a few more instances of passing the baton, relay or otherwise, that I want to mention. First is the passing of two treasured psychoanalyst colleagues, Adrian Jarreau and Albert Mason.
Adrian Jarreau (1946-2018) received his analytic training at NPSI and served on the Board of Directors as Treasurer as well as teaching in the Institute. A memorial was held for him this past Memorial Day weekend in Seattle organized by his wife, Rikki Ricard, who remains a valued psychoanalyst member of our community. Adrian will be sorely missed and remembered for the quiet yet determined ways in which he made his presence known to all of us who knew him.
Albert Mason (1926-2018) was a founding member, Training and Supervising Analyst, and twice President of the Psychoanalytic Center of California (PCC).  He was instrumental in introducing and developing Kleinian thought in America, extending British object relations from Los Angeles to San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and beyond. Dr. Mason presented in Seattle, served as guest faculty in the Institute, and provided clinical consultation to a fortunate few of our members. 
A gathering we're calling "Remembering Albert Mason" will be held at NPSI in the Fall (time and date to be determined) for candidates, analysts, and community members who would like to share memories of their contact with him as teacher, supervisor, and colleague. By remembering him we can grieve the loss of his passionate intelligence and make use of what he has given to psychoanalysis by passing on what we have learned to the next generation of analysts-in-training.
As there is loss, there is also evidence of growth and new beginnings in the Society. Congratulations are in order for Julie Hendrickson and David Parnes who recently applied for and were voted to join the Society as Full Members. Both Julie and Dave are both Past Candidate Presidents and recognized leaders in the candidate community. Given their proven track record as team players, I look forward to passing the baton and working with both of them as they continue 'becoming' psychoanalysts.
Many thanks to the current NPSI Board of Directors - Dana Blue, Michael Dougherty, David Jachim, Becky McGuire, Maxine Nelson, and John Petrov - and all of you who have supported, encouraged, and challenged me during the past four years of my Presidency. I also want to acknowledge the organizational talent of our Administrator and Recording Secretary, Hollee Sweet, without whose help my job would have been unmanageable. The organization has grown and matured, I believe, as have I. For this opportunity I am deeply grateful. 

Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA
President, NPSI
Letter from the Director of Training  

Spring can be an estuarial time, a mingling that is neither here nor there. Or possibly both. In the Institute, it is a time of beginnings, with our Admissions activities of open houses and applications for clinical training; and a time of endings, with another academic year nearing completion. As the term reaches completion, I'd like to wish a fond farewell to our first ever psychoanalytic exchange student, D é bora de Mello, who returns to Brazil in July. She has added so much to our ranks and will be missed.
I'd like to thank the Education Committee and Board of Directors for the accomplishment of so much that contributes to the smooth running of our Institute. Gratitude is also due the incomparably helpful Hollee Sweet, our uber-capable Administrator. Appreciation must also be granted to our dedicated faculty for their unstinting gift of time over this year. And in the acknowledgement of endings, I sadly mark the recent death of one of our own, NPSI graduate, colleague, friend and faculty member, Adrian Jarreau. The month of May also saw the passing of our esteemed colleague in Los Angeles, Albert Mason. Dr. Mason was a generous contributor to NPSI, a formative spirit to a generation of analysts, and an inspiring mentor to many in our community. These passages leave unfillable absences.
The year is ending, and the first year cohort might well feel the relief of surviving that steep ascent into training; the fifth years are pricking ears toward the final tasks; and the most advanced candidates are now reduced by two, this last because we have had two graduations this spring.
Psychoanalytic graduations are momentous. Though the ceremonies were both well attended, not everyone in the community could be there to welcome our newest analysts. Therefore, in the spirit of celebration, I'd like to share with you the text of the tiny commencement speeches I delivered to Julie Hendrickson on February 24 and to David Parnes on May 19 and ask that you join me in congratulating them!
Julie Hendrickson, LMHC FIPA graduated February 24 and read her paper titled "Negative Transference in the Transformative Cycle of Reparation." Upon her graduation, I said:
"The training of a psychoanalyst is a lengthy and life changing endeavor, and the introduction of a new analyst to our community marks a particularly meaningful transition. Because the training is keyed to the individual, each analyst completes her training as she can, in and around the events of life. And thus each graduates alone, when she has completed all the tasks of the training program. Sometimes, life adds complexities. For example, Julie began her training, and a few months later became a mother. For Julie's family, this training has quite literally lasted a lifetime. 
Not many people decide to become psychoanalysts. I looked up a few statistics to give context to this statement. I learned that there are approximately 550,000 psychotherapists working in the US today. One can practice legally and competently as a licensed mental health therapist, which after all takes at least a master's degree, several years of supervised experience, and passing of a very comprehensive exam to achieve. Of these skilled professionals, only a small number elect to continue, to put themselves through this arduous training with its many deprivations - and it must be noted, its commensurate rewards. Compare the 550,000 to the number of members of the American Psychoanalytic Association: about 3,000. Add to that the number of members of the Independent Psychoanalytic Societies: a mere 584 more, including all of us at NPSI. In fact, worldwide, the number of members of the International Psychoanalytical Association is about 12,000, including those 3,584 Americans. On the entire planet. Today, Julie is joining a very small and perhaps rather peculiar club. And we welcome her!
She could not, of course, accomplish this alone. Everyone here has had a hand in this development. The whole community supported her effort. I'd now like to ask the family and friends in the room to stand and be acknowledged for all they have contributed to Julie's growth. Next, Julie's candidate peers, who have worked shoulder to shoulder through this time. Thank you, you may all be seated.
I have already spoken to the determination, and perseverance required over all these long years to become, and to continue becoming, a psychoanalyst. I would now like to ask that all the psychoanalysts in the room - those that completed this passage before her and acted for her as mentors, teachers, supervisors, personal analysts and models of all kinds; those that will continue to offer guidance and companionship in this remarkable life's work, all of you - please stand and be acknowledged. Please remain standing. Finally, I will read Julie's certificate, and invite her to stand, in order that we can bear witness to her joining this esteemed company."
David Parnes, LICSW FIPA graduated May 19 and read his paper called "On Growth, a Gift and Goodbyes: Initial Thoughts on a Termination." To Dave, I said:
"When an analyst graduates, it has meaning for us all. Not only for the shiny new analyst, but for all who have been part of his travel through training: his family, his candidate colleagues, his teachers, supervisors, personal analyst, committees, and advisors. As a particularly Kleinian turn of phrase suggests, we all have skin in this game. And today, our skins are glowing with pride for Dave and his accomplishment, and with our sense of fulfillment that another psychoanalyst is joining our number worldwide, hoping to help make meaning in a turbulent world. 
Dave might be wondering: what happens next? The Institute can be a kind of Goldilocks container, and while there may be endless discussion of the qualities of the container  - too rigid, too floppy, sometimes just right  it holds a person through their lengthy process of transformation. I'd like to share a bit of sign language here, and ask that you practice with me; it'll come in handy later [hand demonstration]: cocoon to butterfly.  
But then we have to ask, what is the atmosphere into which Dave will fly? And here, I'd like to emphasize that while graduation is a very significant accomplishment, it is also a turn into a larger sphere. In order to thrive in this new environment, we need close contact with other analysts, to help us think, learn and continue to grow. IPA Past President Stefano Bolognini speaks of a "quadripartite model of training."  In addition to the standard three of psychoanalytic education  classes, training cases, and personal analysis  he adds a fourth: participation in the life of the group. This is the element that holds us after graduation. Isolation is our true peril, the environment where our narcissistic vulnerabilities can fester unchecked. The group itself, at local, national and international levels, can provide the best our profession offers: opportunities for new relationships, fresh perspectives, lasting affiliations, spurs to continual development, and so many chances to continue to learn and fail and attempt new things. And of course, since we cannot get away from our limitations, this being together can also at times be a difficult atmosphere, with rivalries and disappointments and all the well known omnipresent pressures toward splitting. However, in the Bionian tradition of making the best of a bad thing, and in fact, by following the beams of the lantern held high by Dr. Bion, analysts worldwide are trying to study the phenomena of group life, using our psychoanalytic tools to better understand ourselves as group creatures. Formal training in group work is on our horizon, and I predict that it will be coming to an institute in your neighborhood soon. So Dave, you cannot beat us, so you'd better join us. And today, we welcome you.
As we finish, I'd like to return to our earlier lesson. Everyone, please make your cocoons. And as I welcome David Parnes into our ranks with his official certificate, please greet him with the release of your butterflies."

NPSI Director of Training
Letter from the Candidate President  

"Does Psychoanalysis Make You Feel Better?"
I must confess that it is a pet peeve of mine that psychoanalysis is often given such short shrift as practical or worthwhile for everyday life. I feel that it is easy to encounter an attitude of disdain for indulging in "navel-gazing." Sometimes spoken, sometimes unspoken, is the corollary that one should be "doing" something productive instead! It is interesting to me that when there is a match-up between seeking self-knowledge and visible tangible activity, the tangible becomes more valued. At the same time, when it is time to do the dishes, the effort of thinking and tinkering that goes into creating a labor-saving device is hailed as an accomplishment. Perhaps we should be talking about psychoanalysis as a labor-saving device. In my experience, getting to know one's own mind and one's own conflicts can save huge amounts of time and frustration. Through the experience of psychoanalysis, we increase our capacities for all kinds of work  from doing dishes to writing essays.
Yet it is true that we humans crave ease and simplicity more than difficulty and complexity. It is true that we have minds that strive for simplicity and automaticity. It is also true that our minds develop towards greater complexity with maturity. And these psychological processes all take place within the biological drive of all mammals towards relationship. Psychoanalytic thinking and theory usefully insist on the separate individual AND the matrices of relationship, the reflexive AND the creative aspects of human emotion and behavior.
Although  it is painful to grow room for these multiple streams of experience, that is the path of growth. Feeling better does not only mean that pain is reduced. I also think of the state of feeling better as an enhanced ability to register feelings, to offer greater attention and greater understanding to all feelings. We live in a world that does require dealing with multiple complex streams of information. And regardless of our external culture, we live in our complex internal worlds. I have come to think of psychoanalysis (and psychoanalytic training) as exercise that strengthens our capacities to both notice and tolerate our complex internal and external worlds. Psychoanalysis, both as a field of study and as an experience, leads me to acknowledge that feeling better is indeed possible, and also to accept that feeling better includes feeling more of experience  both pleasure and pain.
Margaret Bergmann-Ness, MA, LICSW
Candidate President

Regional and International News

Letter from the President of  the North 
American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC)
I want to first repeat this important message from the last newsletter and remind everyone that the mission of NAPsaC is to promote cooperation amongst all the North American IPA societies and, until there an Asian IPA region established, several Asian IPA societies as well. The current Executive Committee of NAPsaC includes Drew Tillotson from PINC as Vice President, Caron Harrang from NPSI as Secretary, and Sandra Borden from APsaA as Treasurer, in addition to myself as President. 
I also want to update you about my becoming the incoming President of APsaA in June, which means I will become the APsaA representative on the NAPsaC Board. Robin Deutsch will be appointed to replace me as NAPsaC President for the remainder of APsaA's term. For those who don't know Robin, she is a Past President of IPSO and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, as well as having served on numerous committees locally, nationally and internationally. In other words, she is highly qualified and it promises to be a smooth transition.
The work continues on the NAPsaC website. There are plans for new links to all member organizations (societies), bylaws, Board meeting minutes, NAPsaC history, Find an Analyst directory, outreach efforts, and an IPA centennial film where you can hear and see Freud speaking (in English!). Work is also under way to maintain a calendar of all current and upcoming psychoanalytic meetings. 
The NAPsaC Program Committee (Drew Tillotson, Chair) will continue to arrange co-sponsored workshop events with other psychoanalytic organizations. NAPsaC Clinical Workshops create an opportunity to look at the functioning of our analytic minds in real time with clinical material not previously reviewed by the discussants or audience. We will keep you informed of upcoming events.
NAPsaC will also continue to advance its mission of coordination and cooperation in North America. In the IPA, NAPsaC is now getting more recognition alongside the regional associations of Europe (EPF) and Latin America (FEPAL). To this end, Drew Tillotson represented NAPsaC at the EPF Regional meeting in Warsaw this past March. There he attended the eJournal Board meeting, as NAPsaC is a partner in that venture along with all the other regional organizations and the IPA. A link to the eJournal is available on the NPSI website under News and Media. Or click here to read the latest issue.  

In June, Maxine Nelson (NPSI Liaison Committee) will represent NAPsaC at the IPA Board meeting in London where there will be discussion on how to develop a greater sense of community amongst our organizations and with the public. Robin Deutsch will represent NAPsaC at the regional meetings during the FEPAL meeting this September in Lima, Peru. So you see, although we may be the most recently formed IPA regional organization, we are quickly becoming more and more established. We will keep you informed with news from these meetings.
In the last NPSI newsletter, I wrote about the formation of a Task Force to explore intra-regional collaboration. The Task Force has already developed some creative ideas that promise to enhance the organization in its mission. There will be more to report as these ideas take shape and become realities. Again, I want to reach out and ask you to please let me know if you are interested in getting involved in NAPsaC. There is too much work to rely solely on the ExCom and the Board of Directors. More importantly, there are opportunities to work with your colleagues in the North American region and around the world. Interested individuals are invited to contact me at

Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA (APsaA)
President, NAPsaC

NPSI Society News 
Twelfth International Evolving British Object Relations Conference 
"The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: 
Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond"
Sponsored by Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
October 12-14, 2018

Registration is now open for EBOR 2018. Please click here to register online, or here
to register by mail. Early bird rates extend through August 22, 2018. CEU's: 13.75 hours for the entire conference.
Please note that Pre-Conference Master Classes taught by Lesley Caldwell, MA PhD FIPA and Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA are offered to a limited number (30) on a first-come first-served basis and are not included in the conference rate. If you are interested in attending, early registration is strongly recommended. CEU's: 2 hours per class.
If you are coming from out of town, you may want to take advantage of NPSI's discounted room rates at the Pan Pacific Hotel (2125 Terry Street, Seattle, WA 98121). Discounted rooms are limited so reserve soon. Call 206-264-8111 or email with "EBOR 2018" in the subject line.

If you are budget minded or traveling from afar and interested in homestay lodging with an NPSI colleague, please contact   Margaret Bergmann-Ness  for details. Homestays will be offered on a space available basis.
Questions about registration: Contact NPSI Administrator Hollee Sweet at  or 206-930-2886.
Click here for the conference program:  Conference-at-a-Glance

EBOR Plenary Presenters  

"Being after Winnicott: Minding the Body, Embodying the Mind"
Lesley Caldwell, MA PhD FIPA is a psychoanalyst of the British Psychoanalytic Association in private practice in London. To see Lesley's full bio click here .

"Does the Body have a Mind?"
Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA is a training and supervising analyst of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California. To see Robert's full bio click here .

EBOR Individual Paper Titles

EBOR will also feature 16 individual paper presentations from psychoanalyst and psychotherapy colleagues worldwide. Here is a complete list of papers titles.
Clinical Impasse, the Infant Body, and the Gathering of a Soul
Attachment Webs, Epistemic Trust and the Re-triggering of Growth Potential in the Treatment of the Child's Somatic Symptoms
The Ego-Orgasm and the Body Without Desire
The Environment Within: Gravidity, Psychesoma and the Maternal Body/Mind as a Force Toward Differentiation
The Body as Dream Space
Winnicott, Bion and Beyond: Erotic Embodiment in the Analytic Field
The Recognition of Hatred in the Discovery of an Adolescent Body
The Body's Way of Dreaming: Music and Psychic Life Beyond Representation
Dreaming Into Death
Treating Medusa
Vicissitudes of Identity in the Digital Era: In the Presence of Dematerialization of the Body
Beyond Words: A Body Moves in Space
The Self as a Refugee in the Psychosomatic Condition: An Object Within the Body as an Internal Object
The Grammar of the Autistic-Contiguous Position: Foundations of Psychic Life
Finding and Losing Robert; Losing and Finding Mother
The Role of Early Object Relations in Psychosomatic Functioning: Splitting, Omnipotence and the Warding off of Psychic Dread
EBOR-related Film Screening

Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA  has been invited to screen a film related to the EBOR theme for a Continuing Education event at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (SPSI) on Saturday, September 15. She will be presenting "Talk to Her" (2002) by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar.

NPSI Institute News

NPSI Referral Service

The NPSI Referral Service offers flexible fee psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy conducted by candidates of the Institute. This note is to remind everyone of the service and to clarify how potential patients can access the service.
Individuals interested in flexible fee analysis or therapy can contact NPSI Administrator Hollee Sweet by calling 206-930-2886 or emailing Hollee will respond in a timely way to take the caller's contact information, passing it on to the Referral Service Screener who contacts the individual and conducts a brief phone assessment in order to best match them to an available candidate therapist. The screener will make every effort to match the individual with a candidate therapist based on a range of criteria, including presenting problems, location preference, and gender preference.

Information about the NPSI Referral Service, including how to access the service, can be found on our website at : click on the "Treatment" tab and then click on the "Referral Service" drop down tab. Information about our candidates and their practices can also be found on our website: click on the "Society" tab and then click on the "Member Roster" drop down tab. Scroll down to find the list of NPSI candidates and click on an individual candidate to read information about that candidate and his/her practice.
Lynn Cunningham, PhD LICSW
Referral Service Screener 

NPSI Member and Candidate News

Full Members and Candidates in Action
by David Parnes, Reporter
NPSI is pleased to announce the addition of four Full Members to its So ciety since our  last issue of this newsletter. After several years as active Community Members, Stan Case, LICSW FIPA and Christopher Keats, MD FIPA were approved as Full Members by majority vote of the Membership in December 2017 and April 2018 respectively. Stan is a Training and Supervising Analyst with SPSI and with NPSI. Chris is a Consulting Analyst at SPSI. Recent NPSI graduates Julie Hendrickson, MA, LMHC FIPA and David Parnes, LICSW FIPA were also approved as Full Members this Spring (in March and June respectively). Our congratulations to all!

Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA has had two articles recently published or soon to be published and is signed with Routledge for a book to be published in late 2018.  Judy's article "Somatic Countertransference as Evidence of Adhesive Identification in a Severely Traumatized Woman" appeared in the March 2018 issue of The American Journal of Psychoanalysis  (Vol. 78, pp. 63-73); and the paper she presented this past May in Florence, Italy at the International Sandor Ferenczi Conference, titled "Terrified by Suffering, Tormented by Pain", will be published in upcoming issues of both The American Journal of Psychoanalysis (in English) and The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual (in Italian). Judy's book for Routledge will be titled Trauma and Primitive Mental States: An Object Relations Perspective .


Donald J Ross MD FIPA has been appointed Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Trustee on the King County Medical Society Board with special interest in Public and Mental Health.

On February 21, Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA  presented her paper "Emotional Aliveness and the Capacity to Mourn" at the monthly NPSI Scientific Meeting with  Christopher Keats, MD FIPA   as her discussant. The presentation was primarily clinical, using theoretical concepts from John Steiner, Thomas Ogden, Harold Searles, and Donald Winnicott. 
On March 21, Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA presented a paper entitled, "When the Body is a Clinical Fact." His presentation was the first of a four-part series of Scientific Meetings offered by NPSI in preparation for our EBOR 2018 Conference on "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond" (October 12-14, 2018). In his presentation, Robert suggested that a skilled and detailed observation of the totality of the patient's presentation in the analytic hour may enable both analyst and patient to gain insight into the underlying psycho-somatic dramas, transference and counter-transference being the medium in which unconscious meaning emerges. The unveiling of hidden or barely formed representations, Robert argued, frees up the body from the burden of symptoms and furthers the development of the thinking mind.
On April 18, Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA facilitated a discussion of two pivotal papers by Donald Winnicott: "Mind and its Relation to Psyche-Soma" (1954) and "Dependence in Infant-Care, in Child-Care and in the Psycho-Analytic Setting" (1963). Her presentation was part two of a four-part series of Scientific Meetings being offered by NPSI in preparation for our EBOR 2018 Conference on "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond" (October 12-14, 2018).
Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA  was the discussant for a paper presented April 21 by Daniel Brown, MA LMHC, entitled "The Destructive Power of Psychotic Features." Sponsored by Seattle's Center for Object Relations (COR), the presentation focused on the ongoing clinical work with a patient who presented with fluctuating homicidal and suicidal ideation, command hallucinations and powerful paranoia, and emphasized the development of the capacity to understand and work with psychotic experiences that are hidden from both patient and therapist by using transference/counter-transference dynamics.
Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA  and Barbara Sewell, MaMFC MDIV MRE MIPA were the co-presenters at NPSI's third of four Pre-EBOR Scientific Meetings held on May 16. Dana and Barb, acting as facilitators, helped the attendees to consider the language Winnicott utilized in his 1970 paper, "On the Basis for Self in Body." Dana and Barb described their goals for the presentation as follows: "We will work with the group to determine his meanings of words (such as psyche, soma, personalization, and illusion), his concepts (including good enough mother, the environment, transitional objects and spaces), the interrelationships of these concepts and the implications for one's relationship to one's body in a therapeutic process."
On June 20, Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA will present at the last of a four-part series of Scientific Meetings offered by NPSI in preparation for our EBOR 2018 Conference on "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond" (October 12-14, 2018). In the meeting, Judy led attendees in a discussion of two Thomas Ogden papers ("On the Concept of an Autistic-Contiguous Position" [1989] and "Some Theoretical Comments on Personal Isolation" [1991]) in which he highlighted the role of early infantile sensuous experience as foundational in the development of the mind and in the experiences of a subjective sense of self. As such, the body then becomes a life-long representation of the creative couple, of not only sensuality and sexuality, but of an essential element in representation and symbol formation. 
Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA  attended the IPA Board meeting held in London on June 16-17 where she represented the North American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC).
EBOR 2018, NPSI's Twelfth International Evolving British Object Relations Conference, titled "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond," will be held on October 12-14, 2018 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Seattle. Plenary presenters for the conference will be Lesley Caldwell, MA PhD FIPA and Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA. NPSI members Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA, Judy K Eekhoff, PhD FIPA, Rikki Ricard, MA FIPA and Oscar Romero, MD FIPA will also be giving individual paper presentations. Detailed information on the conference can be found at our website.
Community Members in Action
by Connie Sais, Reporter

Patrick Nalbone, PhD presented on "Mind as a Nonlinear Dynamic System andWilfred Bion as a Paradigm-Shifter for Psychoanalysis" at the NPSI Scientific Meeting on January 21. Jeffrey Eaton, MA FIPA was his discussant.

John Cardinali, PsyD ABPP  has been appointed a Training and Consulting Analyst at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.

Jeffrey Karl Ochsner, FAIA , a Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington, is the author of an article that will appear in the Summer 2018 issue of American Imago. Titled "The Experience of Prospect and Refuge: Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses as Holding Environments," Jeffrey's article addresses the extraordinary, almost magical, appeal of Wright's houses by tracing the power of their three-dimensional spatial pattern to its embodiment of the infant's experience of the holding environment as discussed by Winnicott and others.

Remembering Adrian Jarreau, LMHC FIPA

Our entire community is deeply saddened by the untimely loss of our NPSI member and friend, Adrian Jarreau (4/13/46 - 4/22/18). Adrian was a practicing psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in Seattle and a graduate of NPSI.

Born in NYC, Adrian lived for many years in Connecticut where his two sons were born and raised. In 1990, he came to Seattle to be with Rikki Ricard, his great love of the last thirty years. In Seattle, Adrian and Rikki went back to school together and trained to become Mental Health Counselors. To his great joy, his sons followed him out here and he was blessed to have his boys with him in a city that he grew to love, practicing a profession that was deeply meaningful to him, and that he could share with his Rikki.
I got to know Adrian when we were NPSI candidates in the same cohort. What always struck me about him was how unapologetically true he was to his own emotional experience. He brought gentleness and integrity to his life and his work. He did not need his voice to be the loudest. As he evolved as a psychoanalyst and a person, he strove to always help others find their own voices and truths in pursuit of their personal growth.
Last summer while hiking, Adrian felt some severe unexplained back pain. That back pain was later diagnosed as the cancer that shortened his life. Those of us who followed its rapid progression were deeply moved by the unabashed way Adrian and Rikki used their internal resources to handle this great tragedy in their lives. They became closer, they made reparation, they faced into the pain, into the fears, into the unknown. I am humbled by their journey and grateful to see how the development in our capacity for uncertainty can guide us, if we let it.
The following excerpt from "East Coker" by T.S. Eliot inspired and accompanied Adrian in his final months:
I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you
Which shall be the darkness of God....
I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and love and hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

Adrian died at home on Sunday morning April 22, surrounded by his loved ones. He is survived by beloved wife, Rikki Ricard; sons, Seth and Ryan; granddaughter, Imogen; daughter-in-law, Laura; sister, Yvette, and brother, Julien.
Farewell, dear Adrian. May your soul be bound up in the bond of life, and may your memory be a blessing to all who knew you and loved you.

Esti Karson, PhD FIPA

Selected Facts Next Issue Deadline:
The next issue of Selected Facts will be published in December 2018. The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2018.
Please feel free to contact Hollee Sweet with general questions or our reporter with news items or ideas for stories.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
Anna Delacroix
Copy Editor
David Parnes
Connie Sais