In This Issue
Selected Facts
Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic
Society and Institute

Spring 2017

Welcome  to the Spring 2017 edition of Selected Facts: Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 
In addition to a letter from NPSI President Caron Harrang, this issue includes a letter from Director of Training Dana Blue, as well as the final letter from Candidate President David Parnes. In our upcoming Fall edition, we will hear from incoming Candidate President, Margaret Bergmann-Ness. As usual, we offer accounts of some of our members and candidates under NPSI Members and Candidates in Action.

In Regional and International News, we hear from the new NAPsaC Chair, Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA.
We are excited to announce a new column, "Analyze This!" by David Jachim, which will be appearing in each issue and available on our website.

Beginning with the Fall/Winter 2017 edition, we will publish Selected Facts twice per year: a Fall/Winter issue in December, and a Spring/Summer issue in June.

If you have questions or comments about the articles we publish, or if you have an idea for a story you would like to see included in an upcoming issue, please email me at . We are still looking for a Community Member to step forward and be Community Member Reporter, so if you are interested in joining our team, please get in touch with me. Also, feel free to forward the newsletter to colleagues. Forwarding directions are at the bottom of every issue.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
NPSI Board of Directors
President: Caron Harrang
Secretary/Treasurer: Maxine Nelson
Director of Training: Dana Blue
Director: David Jachim
Administrator/Recording Secretary: Hollee Sweet (non-voting)
Candidate Representative: Becky McGuire (non-voting)
Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to educational and scientific activities based in Seattle, Washington. The primary mission of the organization is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists. The organization also supports the ongoing professional growth and development of our psychoanalyst, candidate, and community members. In so doing, the organization aims to contribute to the current regional, national, and international psychoanalytic understanding of mental life and to the emotional health, creativity, and well-being of those treated through the practice of psychoanalysis.
Letter from the President
Caron Harrang

One of the best things about having the opportunity to write this letter to all of you is reflecting on what's happened at NPSI since the last issue of the newsletter. It gives me a chance to step back from the canvas, so to speak, and see the bigger picture of what's evolving in the work of the Board of Directors and in the Society. Dana Blue's letter as Director of Training addresses an important topic as it pertains to the flexibility and strength (maternal and paternal functions) needed to progress through psychoanalytic training and how we function as a training Institute. Taken together, our letters provide a snapshot of how the Society and Institute are developing in, I hope, healthy and sustainable ways.
As soon as I say this, accurate as it may be, I'm not satisfied with what I've said because it's too general and doesn't speak to the creative contributions of individual members, which is the real story of how NPSI is managing to survive and grow. Making use of what Bion called "binocular vision," I'd like to describe in broad strokes what's new since the last issue and tell you about the men and women who are making it happen.
At the international level, I'm sad to say that I won't be able to attend the Congress in Buenos Aires this July to see Virginia Ungar become the first woman President of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Regrettable as this is, I am grateful that Adriana Prengler has agreed to attend the IPA Society President's meeting on my behalf and represent the interests of NPSI. Adriana's fluency in both Spanish and English is one of many reasons she is well suited for this assignment. Muchas gracias, Adriana!
Locally, the Board has been making a full court press to evolve and grow, thus ensuring continuity of leadership for the Society and Institute.
In January, Becky McGuire joined the Board as Candidate Representative succeeding Julie Hendrickson. As the Candidate Representative, Becky's role is to act as liaison between the candidates engaged in psychoanalytic training and the Board. Becky's enthusiasm for her role and thoughtful participation has already made her a valuable member of the team. I also want to publicly thank Julie for her hard work and dedicated service during her term on the Board.
David Jachim has spearheaded a project to reach out to the business community recognizing that some of the areas the Board needs help with, such as fundraising and marketing, are not typical of an analyst's skill set. After a careful search, the Board invited John Petrov to join the Board. We are delighted that he accepted our invitation to become our first Community Member Director. To read more about John's background, please see the new page on our website featuring photos and bios of all Directors (
Also, beginning in May the Board will meet every other month on the 4th Monday (7:00-9:00 pm). If this change makes it easier to consider joining the Board, we'd like to hear from you!
Before leaving the topic of the Board, I want to recognize the support provided by our Administrator, Hollee Sweet, who serves as Recording Secretary. Her careful attention to detail in recording the meeting minutes is a tremendous support to the Board and to all of our members. Approved meeting minutes are available for anyone to read on our website at
As many of you who live in the Seattle area are already aware, monthly Scientific Meetings are back with gusto under the leadership of the newly formed Continuing Education Committee chaired by Adriana Prengler with help from candidates Margaret Bergmann-Ness, Lynn Cunningham, Anna Delacroix, and Mary Sacco. The new committee oversees scientific meetings, study groups, and special event workshops. If you have a request for a topic you'd like to see addressed at a scientific meeting or in a study group please contact Adriana at If you are a member of the NPSI Society and have a proposal or a paper you'd like to present, the committee would like to hear from you. The open exchange of ideas between analysts, candidates, and community members is one of the important ways we remain vital as thinkers and connected with one another as colleagues.
Breaking new ground in another area, NPSI founding member Don Ross has stepped up to chair an initiative focused on building community and developing activities especially tailored to the needs of Community Members. The Board has long recognized that Community Members represent a tremendous resource and is pleased that Don will be reaching out to them to learn how we can better serve their needs as psychoanalytic psychotherapists, academics, teachers, business coaches, and others interested in psychoanalysis. For additional details and how to contact Don, see "NPSI Members and Candidates in Action" (below).
In this issue we're also introducing a new column called "Analyze This!" written by David Jachim. David has long been interested in the application of psychoanalytic ways of thinking to contemporary culture and events as reported in the media that affect us all. His initial essay, "Time of the Wolf," is an evocative look at group dynamics and leadership that, for me, is both beautiful and haunting. David's column, which will be a regular feature of the Newsletter, can also be found on our website under the News and Media tab ( ).
Last but not least, I want to recognize and thank all of our members and others who have joined our new Donor Program ( and given generously to help us realize our mission to provide the highest quality education and training for future psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists. Your support allows us to nurture the live-mindedness of our psychoanalyst, candidate, and community members so that they may, in turn, contribute to the emotional well- being of the individuals they treat and to the thoughtful discourse necessary for maintaining democracy itself at every level of society.

Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA
President, NPSI
Letter from the Director of Training  

From the desk where I sit writing this essay, I have a view of a garden. Suspended from a cherry tree there is a bird feeder, and suspended from the feeder is a squirrel, its body wrapping the underside of the feeder in a sinuous curve. The squirrel appears unbothered by the downpour of raindrops and cherry blossoms in its persistent commitment to its task. I have the realization that the squirrel's spine extends to the tip of its tail. The tail is not an appendage, but evidence of an integral squirrel system of delicacy, balance and articulation.  
The squirrel is an elegant embodiment of a maxim of my yoga teacher: "Healthy spine, healthy life."
Observing the squirrel causes me to wonder about the world of psychoanalytic education and the question of optimal flexibility. What, exactly, is a healthy spine in the changing world of analytic training? How do we balance flexibility with the persistent effort required to grow psychoanalytic minds?
As we speak, the International Psychoanalytical Association is surveying member organizations. The IPA is considering changes to the Eitingon model from a standard of 4-5 times weekly sessions to 3-5 times weekly in Societies worldwide that seek additional flexibility in order to train candidates. This is hotly debated, and in concert with our International membership, we have queried our members and candidates. The vote among full analyst members at NPSI was consistent. The membership agrees that IPA might change the standard if they choose to do so at the international level (Yes 20 / No 2). At the same time, our membership agrees that NPSI should continue to retain our own training standards (Yes 19 / No 3). Among our candidates, opinions were more varied. While the votes among candidates do not "count" in the official sense, attitudes are important. All candidates agreed that the IPA should change the model for Societies worldwide (12 of 12). About half felt NPSI should make standards more flexible (7 of 12), while others preferred to hold to our existing standards (5 of 12). I am using condensed data here, but the commentary from both members and candidates is quite thoughtful, and I encourage everyone to read the report being prepared by Caron Harrang and Maxine Nelson, our CIPS liaisons, for greater detail.
Our surveys show that there is agreement about the value of frequent contact to conduct analysis at the deepest possible levels and acknowledgement of the effort needed to do so in a changing culture. Backbone is a double image, evoking discipline and the flexibility that derives - not in spite of, but because of - effort. Cultivating this realization allows access to respect for the effort all are making to keep becoming analysts, to keep trying to grow our delicate and articulate tails all the way to the tip
Speaking of hard and good growing, members of the Education Committee are hard at work preparing and administering the training program. Maxine Nelson and her committee (myself and Margaret Bergmann-Ness) have been active with Admissions, organizing and offering two well-attended Clinical Cafes and following up with participants to form an incoming class in 2017. Barb Sewell has developed a comprehensive master document that encompasses all of the analytic training courses, with syllabi, readings, and learning objectives for every class in every year of the program. This document will be of great help to faculty and trainees alike, a living curriculum that both captures our past and illustrates where we are today. Under Barb's leadership, Curriculum Committee (Esti Karson and Anna Delacroix) continues to refine our classes, using evaluations and candidate surveys in a continuous feedback loop to keep learners engaged over the long process of becoming psychoanalysts. Judy Eekhoff is leading Progression (Barb Sewell, David Rasmussen, and Lynn Cunningham) with a continuing mandate to help candidates progress through the training. And the group is progressing well, with reports flowing in, and the need for orals committees and graduation paper committees currently being composed. Candidate President David Parnes introduced a paper regarding analytic attitudes in psychoanalytic training ("Finding Control Cases and Maintaining Immersion: Challenges and Opportunities" by Lena Ehrlich [2016]) that was eagerly discussed by the Education Committee and subsequently taken up for consideration by the candidates. Dave has also agreed to work with me on the Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis program for 2017-18. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Fundamentals founders, Adriana Prengler, Maxine Anderson, and myself, who organized and launched Fundamentals over the past two years. Speaking of gratitude, thanks are due to Mirta Bermann-Oelsner for her participation on Progression, where she recently completed her term, and to David Parnes who will complete his term as Candidate President next month. In Dave's place, incoming Candidate President Margaret Bergmann-Ness will join EC as our Candidate Representative.
Thanks to the faculties and students of both the analytic training program and Fundamentals as we bring the academic year to a successful completion. Thank you to all for all your hard work, your flexibility, and yes, your sustaining squirreliness. 

NPSI Director of Training
Letter from the Candidate President  

David Parnes
This being my last Selected Facts letter as Candidate President, I find myself reflecting on my experience in this role over the last two years. In general, it has been a period of relative calm and stability at the Institute, for which I am grateful. In both an analysis and an analytic institute, periods of instability and change alternate with periods of stability and calm. I suppose, as an analyst and as a member of an institute, I must accept and tolerate the difficult states of instability and not become too comfortable with, or desirous of, stability and calm. Stability prolonged becomes rigidity or stasis; excessive instability leads to chaos or disorder. Like PS↔D, it is a matter of movement between states.
I have been impressed, during my candidacy at NPSI, with the Institute's ability to tolerate instability and weather the growing pains of a young and small institute while maintaining a rigorous training program. Like any organization or organism, an analytic institute must be able to adapt to changes in its surrounding environment. I think it is important and meaningful that NPSI's international conference is titled the Evolving British Object Relations Conference (with the emphasis on evolving). And in keeping with a spirit of openness and evolution, NPSI welcomed neuropsychoanalyst Mark Solms as a keynote presenter to its last conference.
Of course these changes are happening internationally as well, leading the larger analytic organizations to struggle with these same issues - maintaining rigor and integrity while adapting to a changing world. As example, the IPA is currently considering changes to the Eitingon model, possibly reducing the required minimum frequency of a control case from four to three times a week. Freud continued to revisit and revise his theories throughout his life. Since Freud, our analytic theories have continued to evolve. New ideas are resisted, sometimes based on sound theoretical argument and sometimes because new ideas are difficult to incorporate. Generally, over time, the truly important and useful ideas will slowly be accepted and incorporated. Conversely, old theories may outlast their usefulness and fade from usage while others remain the foundations of our work. In the same way, technical considerations, like frequency of sessions, must be evaluated for their ongoing usefulness.
One may agree or disagree with Mark Solms' ideas; one can approve or disapprove of changes to the Eitingon model, or, for that matter, to changes in the training requirements of the Institute. But it seems absolutely essential that we, as analysts, candidates, institutes and larger organizations (like the IPA), wrestle with these issues.
David Parnes, LICSW
NPSI Candidate President
Regional and International News

North American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC)
by Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA (APsaA), NAPsaC Chair
The mission of NAPsaC is to promote cooperation amongst all the North American IPA societies. The current Executive Committee of NAPsaC includes Drew Tillotson from PINC as Co-Chair, Caron Harrang from NPSI as Secretary, and Sandra Borden from APSaA as Treasurer, in addition to myself as the new Chair.
I'm pleased to report that NAPsaC continues to mature and grow, thanks to the foundation built by its past leaders. It has recently been possible to obtain Directors & Officers Insurance, an important achievement for stability and recruiting future leaders. The NAPsaC website is currently being updated to remain current and be more informative. A NAPsaC Program Committee is in the works. The initial plan is to develop and promote NAPsaC contributions to existing meetings like those sponsored by the IPA, APsaA, and CIPS.
We will keep you posted as to upcoming programs, like the one happening this July at the IPA Pre-Congress in Argentina, where there will be a NAPsaC Clinical Workshop. We have been given a Wednesday morning slot, which should encourage people to attend. This time we will have two panels: one an adult case and the other a child case. The adult panel will feature Jean-Wolfe Bernstein (EPF), Martin Gauthiers (NA), and Adrianna Prengler (NA and LA). The child panel will feature Virginia Unger (LA), Victor Bonfilio (NA), and Claudia Frank (EPF).
NAPsaC will continue to advance a mission of coordination and cooperation in North America, along with newly forming Asian Societies and Study Groups that are included in NAPsaC until they become the fourth IPA region. I attended the recent meetings of the European Psychoanalytic Federation (EPF) at The Hague in the Netherlands and am pleased to let you know that NAPsaC is developing a greater recognition and voice in the participation of IPA regional organizations worldwide. 
Also, as the first psychologist President-Elect of APsaA, and with Mark Smaller being a recent social work President of APsaA, I hope we can forge our unique North American culture into a more united organization that can advance psychoanalysis and continue to work through historical tensions over professional affiliations. Our past is complex, but it need not control our future. United we can be more effective in advancing our profession to the benefit of all.
NPSI  News 
NPSI is pleased to announce open enrollment for the Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis 2017-2018 certificate course that begins this coming October. The class is designed for mental health professionals who are interested in learning to deepen their practice. You need not have taken a previous NPSI class to join.
Fundamentals is:

Theoretical: In a nine month program of weekly classes, we will study enduring concepts in psychoanalysis rooted in Freud and still growing strong, taught by instructors that employ these psychotherapeutic instruments every day. By the completion of the course, learners will have a sense of how psychoanalytic thinking has evolved, from Freud to the current day.

Clinical: Each monthly unit will be augmented by a clinical case presentation, demonstrating the application of theory in work with patients. Over the year, learners will become increasingly adept at discovering unconscious processes in clinical work - in slips, in dreams, and in transference manifestations of all kinds.

Fun: In this innovative design, each monthly unit will be taught by a different instructor, each of whom is an experienced psychoanalytically oriented clinician. The group will stay together as a cohort and the faculty will rotate, which promotes the formation of a strong learning group.
Format: Each month, there will be one four-class unit. Each unit will consist of three classes for the discussion and study of assigned readings. The fourth class will be reserved for clinical case discussions. Classes meet weekly on Thursdays at 7:30-9:00 pm from October through June, are led by NPSI analysts and senior candidates, and take place at NPSI (2701 First Avenue, Suite 120, Seattle). 
Deadlines and Costs: An application and $100 deposit are due by September 22 (with an Early Bird discount deducted from Spring tuition if registered by August 15). The tuition payment schedule is: 1) Fall term $225 due 10/1/17; 2) Winter term $300 due 1/1/18; and 3) Spring term $200 due 3/1/18.  (Note: The November and December units will be shorter, due to holidays, by-three and two meetings, respectively.)
At the completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of attendance and 1.5 Continuing Education credits for each session. Perfect attendance will result in 51 Continuing Education hours.
To see the sample syllabus for year one, click here.
For an application, click here.
For more information or registration, please contact NPSI at
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The NPSI Referral Service offers flexible fee psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy conducted by candidates of the Institute. This note is to remind everyone of the service and to clarify how potential patients can access the service.
Individuals interested in flexible fee analysis or therapy can contact NPSI Administrator Hollee Sweet by calling 206-930-2886 or emailing Hollee will respond in a timely way to take the caller's contact information, passing it on to the Referral Service screener who contacts the individual and conducts a brief phone assessment in order to best match them to an available candidate therapist. The screener will make every effort to match the individual with a candidate therapist based on a range of criteria, including presenting problems, location preference, and gender preference.
Information about the NPSI Referral Service, including how to access the service, can be found on our website at click on the "Treatment" tab and then click on the "Referral Service" drop down tab. Information about our candidates and their practices can also be found on our website: click on the "Society" tab and then click on the "Member Roster" drop down tab. Scroll down to find the list of NPSI candidates and click on an individual candidate to read information about that candidate and his/her practice.
David Parnes, LICSW
NPSI Candidate President
NPSI Members and Candidates in Action
By David Parnes, Reporter
Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA  has published a paper titled "Presence and Absence in Bion's Italian Seminars" in Rivista dei Psicoanalise (Spring 2017), the journal of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society. The paper, first presented at the International Bion Conference in Milan in the Fall of 2016, explores and elaborates Bion's ideas on the dual difficulties posed for every infant and its parents, and by extension every patient and analyst, of the object's presence as well as its absence. Caron presented on this topic at the March 15th Scientific Meeting at NPSI with discussant John Cardinali, PsyD ABPP from SPSI. Regarding the paper, Caron writes: "I examine The Italian Seminars to discern the enduring themes of Bion's thinking about human emotional experience as evidenced by his responses to the group. A close reading of the text reveals that one of the leitmotifs that Bion refers to over and over throughout these seminars is the centrality of emotion (as opposed to the drives) in psychic development and, thus, the difficulty posed for both analyst and analysand in dealing with presence and absence in relationship to internal and external objects. It is a sign of Bion's genius that he is able to note that both experiences are disturbing rather than the traditional emphasis on separation from the object as a primary cause of anxiety."
Caron was invited by Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA (APsaA), new Chair of the North American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC), to join his administration as Secretary (2017-19). She accepted and looks forward to working with Drew Tillotson, PhD FIPA (PINC) who will be serving as Co-Chair, and Sandra Borden, LCSW FIPA (APsaA) who will continue her work as Treasurer. For more on NAPsaC, see "Regional and International News" (above).
A review of the book, Transference and Countertransference Today, edited by Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA, will appear in the next issue of The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Dr. Oelsner's excellent book was published by The New Library of Psychoanalysis, Routledge, London, in 2013. The review of the book was written by Ricardo Stramer, PhD of the British Psychoanalytic Association.
Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA presented a paper titled "The Dawn of Unconscious Phantasy" at the April 19th NPSI Scientific Meeting. Dr. Oelsner writes: "In this presentation I wish to explore the early stages of the development of unconscious phantasy seen as the very origin of thinking. In order to do so I will first briefly remind us of some of Freud's statements and the extensions made by Melanie Klein and Wilfred Bion and offer a vignette of a young girl whose rich phantasy-work will give us a background to contrast with the cases of two severely disturbed boys that I will present in the clinical section. Both boys' precarious psychic functioning may help illustrate the oscillation between an arrest and the dawn of unconscious phantasy."
Judy K. Eekhoff, PhD FIPA  will present her paper, "The Body as a Mode of Representation," at NPSI's Scientific Meeting on May 17th. About her paper, Dr. Eekhoff writes: "Freud and Ferenczi's work foreshadowed later clinical evidence suggesting that there are multiple modes of representation. Further clinical explorations (Klein, Issacs, Bion and Segal) into the processes of symbolization and the role of the body in expressing "memories in feelings" prepared us for the shift in psychoanalysis from a focus on wishes and conflicts to a focus on process and relationship within the here and now of the analytic session. The Botella's exploration of figurability also emphasizes the role of the body in early primordial symbolization. All focus on the processes of representation: unrepresented, re-presented and represented states. This paper will provide clinical examples of the patient's communication via the body and the analyst's role in receiving that communication, first in her body and then in her mind, and aiding the patient in developing a capacity for increased symbolization and representation via language."
* * * * *
Last Fall, Community Member Ladson Hinton, MA MD was nominated for the Gradiva Award for the best psychoanalytic paper of 2015. Titled "Temporality and the Torments of Time," the paper was published in the June 2015 issue of The Journal of Analytical Psychology 60(3):353-70. On April 21st, Dr. Hinton gave a presentation entitled "Trauma, Shame and Enigma: Reflections on Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim" at the XIVth International Congress of The Journal of Analytical Psychology in New York. This coming October, Routledge will be publishing Shame and Temporality: Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Dimensions, a volume co-edited by Dr. Hinton and his London colleague, Dr. Hessel Willemsen.
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Don Ross, MD FIPA  is the Chair of the newly formed Community Member Liaison Committee. The primary purpose of the committee is to serve as a link between the Society and Community Members and to help organize activities for this important membership group. He is really relying on Community Members to give him their opinions about what might work best for them.
Don would like to meet with as many Community Members as possible and invites them to make contact with him to arrange for an informal kaffeeklatsch at Cherry Street Coffee in Belltown (at First Avenue and Cherry Street in Seattle). If there are enough Eastsiders, meetings can also take place at the best of Eastside coffee gathering places (TBD).
Don invites Community Members to log on to the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis website at and view their "Outreach Programs" tab. The offerings described there are extensive and varied: Opera on the Couch, Poetry and Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy Forums, Freud's Bar, Dialogues in Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Book Club and Members Present. These will serve as talking points for the kaffeeklatsch chats to be held here in Seattle.  
Any and all ideas are welcome! Please contact Dr. Don Ross at or 206- 522-8553 ext. 222  if you are interested in meeting to relax, have coffee and share your ideas about building community and developing meaningful educational activities for Community Members. Please indicate your contact information (name, telephone, and email address) in your message to Don. 
Analyze This!
Time of the Wolf
by David Jachim
The home screen on my cellphone depicts a photograph of a Gray Timber Wolf staring into the camera. Its countenance has a focus, vigilance, and penetration that is framed in both confidence and poise. Each time I see it I am reminded of my own recessed, primal aggression, a "shadow side" written about by Sheldon Kopp long ago. We all have it, no matter how evolved we each may believe we are. We share this with the animal world. And, like the wolf, we counter our shadow sides with loyalty to the social boundaries we have agreed upon.
The wolf is similar. It is socially connected and dependent on the pack. It mates for life, co-parents its young, attacks only when it or the pack is threatened, and does not kill out of hatred, malice or envy. Its highest priority is the preservation of the pack. In this sense it is a very moral animal.
Yet there are lone wolves as well. They are loners, move from pack to pack, use whatever resources are available and move on. They are not loyal to nor protective of the pack. They care only for themselves. They are not moral animals.
We now have the representations of lone wolves among us. They have just been given passage to the highest political offices in our land. They feign social behavior but they say and do their own thing with no responsibility about who or how they affect others. They exploit, erode and degrade the decency of their office and the pack. They attack without provocation. They believe they are outside and above the pack. They are amoral animals.
As analysts and psychotherapists we are witnesses to the denuding effect of the lone wolves on the pack, most acutely our patients. In our consulting rooms we now see the hopelessness, hatred, anxiety, and fear of the future that the lone wolves have proliferated. These increased levels of tension only distract and disintegrate our patients' ability to focus on their inner worlds because the lone wolves have made the outer world so frightening. We ourselves may be sometimes overwhelmed with this new deluge of affect and become weary, hopeless, and sleepy. We may lose our vigilance.
We must learn from both our moral wolf brothers and sisters and thoughtfully acknowledge our shadow side, our primitive aggressive energy. We need to tap this darker energy and use it for the greater good. We can do this within our work with patients by furiously upholding our analytic ideals, including truth, curiosity, mutuality, and inclusion. We must aggressively renew our commitment to doing impeccable analytic work and in this way counter the "moral laxity" of the lone wolves who aspire to power, divisiveness, elimination of difference, and irresponsibility. We must protect the pack, our patients, our families, and our communities. Perhaps now, more than ever, it is the time of the wolf.
David Jachim, PhD FIPA is a psychoanalyst who practices in Seattle, working primarily with adults and older adolescents. He is a Past President of NPSI and currently serves as a Board Director for that organization. He can be reached at .
Selected Facts Next Issue Deadline:
The next issue of Selected Facts will be published in December 2017. The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2017.
Please feel free to contact Hollee Sweet with general questions or our reporter with news items or ideas for stories.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
Anna Delacroix
Copy Editor
David Parnes