In This Issue
Selected Facts
Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic
Society and Institute

Fall/Winter 2017

Welcome  to the Fall/Winter 2017 edition of Selected Facts: Newsletter of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. I am happy to announce that Connie Sais has agreed to be our Community Member Reporter, starting with our Spring 2018 edition. We are glad to have you, Connie!
In addition to a letter from NPSI President Caron Harrang, this issue includes letters from Director of Training Dana Blue and Candidate President Margaret Bergmann-Ness. As usual, we offer accounts of some of our members under NPSI Members and Candidates in Action. We also have committee reports from the NPSI Institute in which you can learn about some of the accomplishments and goals of the dedicated NPSI committees.
In Regional and International News, NAPsaC President Lee Jaffe fills us in on the activities at NAPsaC, and CIPS President Terrence McBride discusses his society's endeavors and the upcoming CIPS Clinical Conference.

In Society News, Caron Harrang details her committee's plans for EBOR 2018, and invites you to submit paper proposals in the Call for Papers. To keep informed on the upcoming EBOR conference, click here.

If you have questions or comments about the articles we publish, or if you have an idea for a story you would like to see included in an upcoming issue, please email me at .  Also, feel free to forward the newsletter to colleagues. Forwarding directions are at the bottom of every issue.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
NPSI Board of Directors
President: Caron Harrang
President-Elect: Maxine Nelson
Secretary/Treasurer: Maxine Nelson
Director of Training: Dana Blue
Director: David Jachim
Community Member Director: John Petrov
Community Member Director: Michael Dougherty
Administrator/Recording Secretary: Hollee Sweet (non-voting)
Candidate Representative:  Becky McGuire (non-voting)
Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to educational and scientific activities based in Seattle, Washington. The primary mission of the organization is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists. The organization also supports the ongoing professional growth and development of our psychoanalyst, candidate, and community members. In so doing, the organization aims to contribute to the current regional, national, and international psychoanalytic understanding of mental life and to the emotional health, creativity, and well-being of those treated through the practice of psychoanalysis.
Letter from the President
Caron Harrang

There's nothing in life more constant than
 change, change, change...
As another year comes to a close it is startling to realize how much has changed in the organization since the last issue of the newsletter. Selected Facts has moved from a spring/fall/winter publication schedule to a more manageable winter/summer timetable. This is one of many examples of how NPSI is maturing in balancing all that we hope to accomplish with what is doable and sustainable. Founded in 1999, NPSI is now 18 years old. Still in its adolescence, so to speak, yet realizing that the time for relying on those who created the organization has ebbed. The current Board of Directors has been working with this evolution in mind, attempting to oversee operations of the Society and Institute in a way that inspires greater involvement from all of our members while holding to ethical principles - like transparency of governance - to safeguard healthy growth.
The most significant change on the Board is the election of a President-Elect. At the Annual Membership Meeting on October 20, 2017, Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA was voted by an overwhelming majority of Full Members to become President when I complete my second term in fall 2018. Maxine is highly qualified for the role having served on the Board as Secretary/Treasurer and as a member of the Liaison Committee representing NPSI on the Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies (CIPS) and North American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC) Boards of Directors. She has been active in the Institute chairing the Admissions Committee and worked closely with the Director of Training to build the current candidate class. Her operational knowledge and good working relations with members and colleagues in the broader psychoanalytic community gives me confidence that Maxine will do a great job as our next President. In the meantime, she and I will be working together closely in the year ahead to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibility.
I am also pleased to announce that shortly after the Membership Meeting the Board appointed Michael Dougherty to become our second Community Member Director. Michael brings a background in communications and we look forward to working with him in the year ahead to increase the effectiveness of our outreach to members and others in the Greater Seattle mental health community.
The Board will now focus its search for additional Full Member Directors as I move into my role as Past President and Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA concludes her term as Director of Training at the 2018 Annual Membership Meeting. Maxine and I are spearheading recruitment of a next Director of Training. As a working board, we are also engaging qualified individuals to join our Advisory Council with expertise in areas such as accounting and ethics. Click here to see who is serving on the Board and Council.

Another exciting change is a program called "My NPSI" developed by myself and Teddy Jachim (Advisory Council). For years colleagues living and working outside of Seattle have asked us to make our scientific meeting presentations available online. With Teddy's help, we have finally figured out how to video record events and make them available via a secure web-based platform. Members who attend scientific meetings and want to review presentations will also have access to recordings. The Board is finalizing policies and procedures for implementation of "My NPSI" scheduled to launch in early 2018. Information on how to access recordings will be sent to everyone who receives our newsletter. Stay tuned!
Another initiative is the Board's creation of a committee focused on better serving the needs of Community Members. Chaired by Don Ross, MD FIPA the committee is beginning its work by reaching out to new Community Members welcoming them to our Society. If you are a Community Member and would like to arrange a personal meeting with Don to find out more about our programs and let him know of your professional interests, please email

As it happens, there are also changes in leadership of important committees of the Society. I want to thank Adriana Prengler, LMHC FIPA who chaired our Continuing Education Committee in 2017. Her committee oversaw our monthly scientific meetings and special events such as "Psychoanalysis in Seattle: Meet Our Local Authors" held at Seattle's Labor Temple this past month. Adriana will be stepping down as chair at the end of February 2018 to devote greater attention to her work chairing a new undertaking of the IPA, the Professional Observatory Committee, devoted to helping members and candidates who emigrate and are trying to get reestablished professionally in their adopted country. Having immigrated to Seattle from Caracas some years back, Adriana is well qualified to understand the challenges associated with such an adjustment.
We are fortunate that Jeffrey Eaton, LMHC FIPA has accepted my invitation to take over chairing the Continuing Education Committee beginning in July 2018. Jeff previously chaired the committee (when it was called Scientific Meetings Committee) and is suited to continue this important benefit to members and opportunity for collegial exchange. With luck, he'll able to entice current committee members Margaret Bergmann-Ness, Lynn Cunningham, Anna Delacroix, Mary Sacco and Connie Sais to stay on when he assumes the chair in July 2018. Thank you, Jeff, and welcome back!
I am also pleased to report that NPSI will once again sponsor EBOR in 2018! While not a change for the organization, it does represent a shift in my focus as I enter the final year of my Presidency. When it was clear that Maxine would run for President-Elect, I felt it was possible to chair the organizing committee and mount our Twelfth International Evolving British Object Relations Conference on "The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond." I am fortunate to have a talented executive committee to work with including Drew Tillotson, PhD FIPA (PINC) and Nancy Winters, MD FIPA (OPC). Other capable committee members include Margaret Bergmann-Ness, Erin Carruth, Joanne della Penta, Luca Nicoli (international section/Italy), Jeffrey Ochsner, Carolyn Steinberg (international section/Canada) and Hollee Sweet (NPSI Administrator).
We are fortunate that Lesley Caldwell, MA PhD FIPA, co-editor with Helen Taylor Robinson of The Collected Works of D. W. Winnicott, has agreed to be one of our plenary presenters joined by our own highly regarded Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA as the other.

The Call for Papers (shown below) gives details on how to submit a paper proposal for the writerly amongst you. Additionally, we will be hosting monthly pre-EBOR scientific meetings related to the conference theme at NPSI during March through June 2018. 

Last but certainly not least, I want to recognize and thank everyone on the Board and others who continue to participate in our Donor Program Your support allows us to create new offerings (e.g., "My NPSI") and continue existing programs that nourish the professional wellbeing of our members who in turn serve the mental health needs of the men, women, and children in our local communities. Having a gathering place and ways of coming together as a membership society and training institute fosters hope and helps to contain the anxieties associated with living in a world that often challenges our optimism. If you have not already done so and would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support our mission,  we welcome and greatly value your participation.
Warm wishes for a peaceful and joyous holiday,
Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA
President, NPSI
Letter from the Director of Training  

Dear Colleagues,
We began the academic year with a new and robust cohort of five in the analytic training program. Please welcome Dina Maugeri, Debora de Mello, Ambre Olsen, Jack Ringel, and Mary Sacco when you see them around the Institute. There is also a new first year Fundamentals cohort meeting on Thursday evenings, currently delving into Freud. Along with these beginnings, there are significant endings. As I write, I note that the cohort of Becky McGuire, Carolyn Steinberg, and Margaret Bergmann-Ness have completed their four-years-and-a-term didactic courses and can see an end in sight. 
In the excellent summary of the Annual Report prepared by Hollee Sweet, you can read about the many accomplishments by members of the Institute. To this, let me add one additional word:   Graduation!
Stay tuned for additional news, coming soon.
To sweeten your anticipation, I enclose a link to a favorite graduation address, featuring Monty Python member Eric Idle addressing the 2013 graduating class of Whitman College:

Wishing all a season of joy and renewal,
Director of Training
Letter from the Candidate President  

Greetings! This is my first letter as Candidate President, having just entered my new role this fall. I am honored to represent my fellow candidates to the wider audience that follows the doings and developments of our NPSI community, and newly grateful for the work of the candidate presidents before me.
This fall brings tremendous evidence of growth in our institute. We have welcomed a robust new candidate cohort into analytic training. In addition to four students who have begun training from existing practices in Seattle, we also have our first ever international exchange student, who is in Seattle for at least this year in order to continue psychoanalytic studies begun overseas.

At the other end of the analytic training process, we are anticipating a number of senior candidates' graduation ceremonies in the next year. These external changes and developments highlight my own internal sense of growth through the work of training in a way that is remarkably helpful.
I think about how growth and development can be invisible until - seeming sudden - there is external evidence of change. I feel tremendous appreciation for this visible evidence of growth and continuity in the work of psychoanalysis fostered by our institute. A new candidate cohort! New graduates! New analysts! And yet the moments where these change processes moved from idea to reality are rarely something one can pinpoint. It is more like gestation, or indeed birth: invisible developments accrue through tremendous work (which may feel endless) until a baby emerges. Becoming a candidate is choosing a new gestation in one's clinical work, and graduating as an analyst is the birth; and like physical birth these transitions open new possibilities and contain the loss of old familiar ways of being. I will miss our graduating colleagues and I am delighted to welcome our new colleagues; and seeing both the beginnings and the ends of the training process helps me trust in the capacities I am growing, thanks to the nurture and the demands of our program.
Margaret Bergmann-Ness, MA LICSW
Candidate President
Regional and International News

North American Psychoanalytic Confederation (NAPsaC)
By Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA (APsaA) - President of NAPsaC
The mission of NAPsaC continues to be to promote cooperation amongst all the North American IPA societies, and until there is an Asian IPA region, several Asian IPA societies are included as well. The current Executive Committee of NAPsaC includes Drew Tillotson from PINC as Vice President, Caron Harrang from NPSI as Secretary, and Sandra Borden from APsaA as Treasurer, in addition to myself as President. I repeat this information from the last NPSI newsletter as one of NAPsaC's primary agendas is to become known to all our members.
The NAPsaC website is currently being redesigned with new links to: all member organizations (societies), bylaws, Board meeting minutes, NAPsaC history, our Find an Analyst directory, outreach efforts, and an IPA centennial film where you can hear Freud speaking (in English!). Work is also under way to maintain a calendar of current and upcoming psychoanalytic meetings. 
The NAPsaC Program Committee is arranging to co-sponsor events with other psychoanalytic organizations. For example, at the upcoming meetings of the American Psychoanalytic Association there will be a NAPsaC Clinical Workshop on Saturday, February 17, 2018 from 2:00-4:00 PM that includes Chair: Drew Tillotson, PsyD (San Francisco, CA); Presenter: Louis Brunet, PhD  (Montreal, Canada); Discussants: Caron Harrang, LICSW (Seattle, WA) and Lee Jaffe, PhD (La Jolla, CA); and Reader: Randi E. Wirth, PhD (New York, NY). These workshops create an opportunity to look at the functioning of our analytic minds in real time with clinical material not previously reviewed by the discussants or audience.
NAPsaC will continue to advance a mission of coordination and cooperation in North America. In the IPA, NAPsaC is now getting recognition alongside the regional associations of Europe and Latin America. To this end, NAPsaC was included in the IPA Congress meetings in Argentina this past July, ending with an opportunity for me to speak as NAPsaC President during the closing ceremony of the Congress, which was a great opportunity to let everyone know who we are.
At this time, to advance NAPsaC I am forming a Task Force to explore intra-regional collaboration in the hope that we can find ways of working together in our region for the future of psychoanalysis. Please let me know if you are interested in getting involved in NAPsaC. There is too much work to rely solely on the ExCom and the Board of Directors. More importantly, there are opportunities to work with your colleagues in the North American region and around the world. Interested individuals are invited to contact me at
Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies (CIPS)
By Terrence McBride, PsyD FIPA - CIPS President

On July 1, 2017, a new roster of officers took their positions on the CIPS Board of Directors. They are Terrence McBride (LAISPS), President; Andrea Kahn (PCC), Vice President; Phyllis Sloate (IPTAR), Past President; and Susan Light (CFS), Treasurer. We are still in the process of recruiting a Recording Secretary. Caron Harrang and Maxine Nelson are continuing as representatives of NPSI on the Board.
I'm also pleased to announce that Carol Mason-Straughan, an analyst in Oklahoma and a member of PINC, has assumed the position of Editor of the CIPS News Brief. Caron Harrang (NPSI), our first editor, and Claudia Eskenazi (LAISPS), assistant editor, have agreed to help to orient Carol to the job. We expect the next issue to be out in Spring 2018, at which time you all will all receive a copy.
The new CIPS website is in the process of having its final revisions made to the design and should be completed and fully functional by the end of December. The website features a new CIPS logo and a wealth of information about the organization, including its mission, the Board of Directors and membership roster, information about study groups, the CIPS Clinical Conference and the Board Certification in Psychoanalysis program, along with the capacity to accept registrations and credit card payments. Check it out at
NPSI Society News 
Twelfth International Evolving British Object Relations Conference
"The Body as Psychoanalytic Object: 
Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond"
Sponsored by Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
October 12-14, 2018

Caron Harrang began planning EBOR 2018 in the spring of 2017 by inviting Lesley Caldwell, MA PhD FIPA to present on Winnicott's concept of psyche/soma. After she accepted, Robert Oelsner, MD FIPA was invited and agreed to present on Bion's concept of "proto-mental" states of mind. Both presenters will address the body as psychoanalytic object, seen through a Winnicottian lens (Caldwell) and a Bionian lens (Oelsner) as applied in clinical work with patients engaged in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy.
After receiving Board approval for the budget in September, Caron formed an organizing committee comprised of local and regional members. The committee, for the first time, will include an international section of colleagues from Canada, Europe, and Latin America to help promote the conference beyond the United States.
NPSI will again sponsor scientific meetings beginning in March 2018 with presentations and background reading related to the conference theme.
As in past years, EBOR 2018 will be held at the Pan Pacific Hotel and include pre-conference Master Classes on Friday taught by Lesley Caldwell and Robert Oelsner. Each instructor will conduct two two-hour seminars with clinical material provided by invited analysts.
The conference begins Friday evening with a reception and cocktail party open to conference attendees and invited guests. The NPSI President will introduce the evening after which Joseph Aguayo, PhD FIPA will provide an historical overview of the complex group dynamics that shaped the conflicts and confluence between Winnicott's and Bion's intersecting metapsychologies, setting the tone for what will be explored in the remainder of the conference.
On Saturday, each plenary presentation will be followed by facilitated small group discussions during which the presenter will briefly visit each group to answer questions and observe the varieties of response to the material presented  - a tradition begun with EBOR 2016. Participants will stay with their assigned group for both sessions to foster meaningful discussion and collegial relations. 
As usual, the conference will feature parallel presentations by individual authors with ample time for discussion on Saturday and Sunday. 

Call for Papers
The EBOR conference will feature concurrent individual sessions of peer-reviewed full-length papers (5,000 words maximum) reporting on original work related to the conference theme with ample time for discussion. 

The Organizing Committee invites paper submissions of original and unpublished material related to the theme of the body as psychoanalytic object. For example, Winnicott's concept of "psyche/soma" and Bion's concept of "proto-mental" states of mind both address the enigmatic relationship between psychological and biological processes. We invite you to write about your understanding of somatic process and its relationship to psychic development as applied to the clinical situation. Somatic reverie (Civitarese), psychosomatic symptoms as a function of interrupted or obstructed dreaming (Ogden), nameless dread (Bion), symmetry/asymmetry (Matte-Blanco), and adhesive identification (Meltzer) are further examples of theories that address the territory of the conference theme.

Instructions for Submissions

A paper proposal must be submitted no later than January 31, 2018 Each author will receive a written response regarding their proposal by February 23, 2018. If accepted, the full paper must be submitted no later than June 15, 2018.
  • Each proposal and full paper must be written in English and accompanied by a cover letter and presenter(s) CV.
  •  The proposal must state the following:                                                                          a. name(s) and email address(es) of author(s)                                                            b. title of the paper                                                                                                       c. abstract (500 words maximum) 
  • The full paper must contain original, unpublished work and not be currently under consideration for presentation or publication elsewhere.
  • All co-authors must concur with the contents of the paper. 
To guarantee a blind review of each paper using multiple reviewers, please avoid including the author(s) name(s) in the body of the abstract and the paper.
Submitted abstracts are limited to a maximum of 500 words (not including the cover letter). These should state the paper's key arguments or ideas, its significance as a theoretical contribution and/or its clinical application, and identification of key influences such as major thinkers or previous writers on themes. Each submission will receive a written response. 
Submitted papers are limited to a maximum of 5,000 words (not including the cover letter and references) with 1.5 line spacing in Word document format. Paper submissions will be evaluated on relevance to the conference theme, clarity, originality/ innovativeness, significance, and contributions to theory and practice. Each submission will receive a written response including any recommended revisions by July 20. Authors will have until August 17 to revise and return their final paper. 
In order for an accepted paper to be included in the conference, the author must agree to register, pay for and attend the conference, as well as personally present the paper.
Submission of proposals and full papers should be emailed to: Hollee Sweet, NPSI Administrator at
NPSI Institute News 
Education Committee
Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA (Chair and Director of Training)
Judy K. Eekhoff, PhD FIPA (Progression Subcommittee)
Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA (Admissions Subcommittee)
Barb Sewell, LMHC FIPA (Faculty and Curriculum Subcommittee)
Dana Blue, LICSW FIPA and Dave Parnes, LICSW (Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program)
Open Position (Training and Supervising Psychoanalysts)
Open Position (Dean of Students)
Margaret Bergmann-Ness, MA LICSW (Candidates Subcommittee)
Connie Sais, LMHC (Recording Secretary)
The mission of NPSI is to provide the highest quality psychoanalytic education and training for individuals seeking to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapists.

The Institute contains our training programs, and the Education Committee (EC) is responsible for the cultivation and maintenance of these programs. The EC is comprised of the chairs of various subcommittees (listed above) and possible ad hoc committee chairs. The EC functions to establish policy for the Institute, and as a bi-directional communication hub to coordinate activities of its component subcommittees. To further this coordination, the Director of Training also sits on the NPSI Board of Directors. Some or all members of the EC meet on an as-needed basis with the candidate group to discuss policy implementation and other pressing concerns.
To read the full report detailing the past year's activities of the NPSI Education Committee, including the various subcommittees, click here.

Admissions Subcommittee
Maxine Nelson, LICSW FIPA (Chair)  Maxine Nelson
Margaret Bergman-Ness, LICSW (Candidate Representative)

The primary task of Admissions is to process applications for admission to the training program at NPSI. To accomplish this, the committee holds several clinical open houses throughout the year. Once applications have been submitted, the Admissions chair arranges for interviews for the applicant, which are discussed by a team that includes the reviewers and the Admissions committee (without the candidate representative). 

The primary accomplishment of Admissions this past year was to admit a new cohort of five candidates, including an exchange student from Brazil, into training at NPSI. A sixth candidate was also accepted but elected to defer starting until the next class.

Candidates Subcommittee:
Margaret Bergman-Ness, MA LICSW, Candidate President (Chair) 
Candidate Group: All current candidates (

The purpose of the Candidate Committee is to provide support to the candidates during their training and to coordinate candidate communication with the rest of the Institute. Candidates meet as a group once a month. Candidate reps on each of the committees (Education, Curriculum, Progression, Admissions) and the Board report back to the group during these meetings.

Faculty and Curriculum Subcommittee
Barbara Sewell, LMHC FIPA (Chair) 
Esti Karson, PhD FIPA
Anna Delacroix, LMHC, Candidate Representative

In addition to ongoing tasks guided by curriculum policies and procedures the committee has been active in the following areas: collecting and analyzing faculty and candidate feedback from classes to improve the quality of the courses; seeking instructors for the newest and continuing candidate classes and clinical seminars; and creating an electronic filing system that contains syllabi from past years' didactic classes to serve as templates for current and future offerings.

Progression Subcommittee
Judy K. Eekhoff, PhD FIPA (Chair)  Judy May Sci Meeting
Esti Karson, PhD FIPA
David Rasmussen, PhD FIPA
Barbara Sewell, LMHC  MIPA
Lynn Cunningham, LICSW, Candidate Representative
The committee meets the fourth Wednesday of each month. October, December, February, April and June meetings review reports on control cases. On alternate months the committee discusses policies and procedures and clarifies those in light of evolving needs. Each member of the committee serves as a file monitor for three or more candidates. The committee also meets yearly with each candidate to discuss their progression and any issues they may have regarding their training.  The Chair was on hand to help welcome the new candidate group at their Fall 2017 orientation meeting.
Over the past year the committee has focused on individual candidates, working to understand where each person is in their progression, and with some, seeking to help them move from not progressing to progressing. We feel we have been successful in doing this. Two people have returned from leaves. Four people have passed their orals and two others have applied for orals and been assigned committees. Currently we have four candidates who are in the process of completing their paper requirements. This means that we have new graduates on the horizon.
NPSI Members and Candidates in Action
by David Parnes, Reporter David Parnes
Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA visited Oslo, Norway this past summer and was invited to have dinner in the home of Erik Stänicke, President of the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society, and his wife, Line Stänicke, who is a candidate in training. In addition to a very warm welcome extended by her hosts, Caron found it interesting to learn of the influence British object relations analysts have had in Norway beginning with Klein, Winnicott, Bion, Meltzer, Joseph, Britton, Steiner and others, many of whom traveled to Oslo to teach after WWII. (Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Kari Tenmann, Caron Harrang, and Erik Stänicke.)

Adriana Prengler, LMHC FIPA is chairing a new committee, the IPA Professional Observatory Committee, which was recently created by the IPA Board at the end of Stefano Bolognini's administration and supported by the new administration of Virginia Ungar. The goal of this committee is to help IPA members and candidates who have emigrated or moved and are trying to get reinserted professionally in their adopted countries. The committee's goals are to examine the transferability and recognition of educational and professional qualifications, monitor professional working conditions in different countries, and offer an overview of internal regulations of psychoanalytic societies regarding the admission and membership of IPA colleagues coming from other countries or from IPA societies with different training models. Adriana noted that "the committee is now consulting with all the IPA institutions to create a list of these IPA analysts and candidates from the three IPA regions, so that we can learn from their experiences of trying to accommodate to their new societies and new work situations. We will then organize the information so it can be used by all immigrating IPA members and candidates to facilitate a smoother transition. We are also investigating the rules for admission of candidates and members who are emigrating from other countries or moving from other cities. We hope that this committee will help reduce the number of members who lose their IPA membership and candidates who stop their psychoanalytic training because they needed to emigrate or relocate and didn't know how to get reestablished and reinserted into a new society/institute."


Ladson Hinton,  MD has written a chapter for a forthcoming book entitled Philosophizing Jung, edited by Jon Mills, to be published by Routledge. The title of his chapter is "Jung, Time & Ethics." He is also co-editor (with Hessel Willemsen) of the recently released Temporality and Shame: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (Routledge 2017).

Caron Harrang, LICSW FIPA  will serve as one of three discussants at the NAPsaC Clinical Workshop (Saturday, February 17, 2018; 2:00-4:00 PM) during APsaA's Annual Winter Meeting in New York, NY. Drew Tillotson, PhD FIPA (PINC) will Chair the workshop, and Randi Wirth, PhD FIPA (IPTAR) will serve as clinical material reader. The other two discussants are NAPsaC's current President Lee Jaffe, PhD FIPA (APsaA) and Louis Brunet PhD FIPA (Canadian Psychoanalytic Society). 
Using verbatim clinical material, this workshop is an exercise of dialogue between different minds "dreaming" the same material. The function of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for discussion among colleagues in an atmosphere free of supervisory dynamics. Specifically, an anonymous case will be presented by a reader (Wirth) who is not the treating analyst. A panel of three analysts from different geographical areas will hear the material for the first time with the audience and associate to the material as freely as possible. Following the response of the panel, the attending participants will be invited to respond. This format is designed to give the group the opportunity to observe how the mind of the analyst works in "real time" and as close to an actual session as possible. Anyone from NPSI attending APsaA's Winter Meeting is warmly invited to pre-register for this session.
In October, Jeff Eaton, LMHC FIPA was the Visiting Guest Lecturer for the Australian Psychoanalytic Society in Melbourne. He worked with the analysts and candidates over a week, presenting seven papers including a tribute to Neville Symington, who was honored at age 80 for his contributions. Jeff also spent a day doing clinical seminars for the Gunawirra Foundation in Sydney on the treatment of at-risk children. 
Judy K. Eekhoff, PhD FIPA and Barbara Sewell, MA MFC MDIV MRE MIPA  were the presenters for the October 18th NPSI Scientific Meeting. They presented the film, "Observation Observed," a BBC documentary recording of the teaching process of Infant Observation at the Tavistock Clinic in London. The film follows the lives of infants and their observers over a two year period. 

Connie Sais, MA LMHC received this year's NPSI Outstanding Community Member Service Award for her work as Recording Secretary for the Education Committee. The purpose of this annual service award, founded in 2013, is to recognize and honor an individual who has demonstrated professionalism, dedication, creativity, professionalism, and leadership in donating their time and services to the organization. Congratulations, Connie!
Selected Facts Next Issue Deadline:
The next issue of Selected Facts will be published in mid-June 2018. The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2018.
Please feel free to contact Hollee Sweet with general questions or our reporter with news items or ideas for stories.

Hollee Sweet
Managing Editor
Anna Delacroix
Copy Editor
David Parnes
Reporter, Full Members and Candidates
Connie Sais
Reporter, Community Members