2020 SCHOOL SYSTEM masthead1
MARCH 2013   
We created School System 20/20 because tough times can create the opportunity to make big changes. When you're confronted with painful budget cuts, explore ways to avoid just cutting. Why not consider trade-offs that include strategically cutting and investing in the transformative changes that the future requires? 
Why Now? video

Why Now?  

Listen to district leaders from around the country express why we need to make courageous, bold changes today.



DREAM logo
DREAM - Our New Budget Visioning Tool

Explore new budget options with our online tool that allow districts to adjust key cost levers and instantly see how these changes impact budgets and other measures.

Go to DREAM >> 

Value Proposition paper VALUE PROPOSITION PUBLICATION - Transforming Teacher Compensation 

Rethinking the Value Proposition to Improve Teaching Effectiveness looks at how the whole compensation package that school systems offer teachers influences the attraction, development, retention, and motivation of a high-performing teaching force.

Download paper >>


Jumpstart a New Budget Discussion

Learn how to facilitate a session of our School Budget Hold'em game with a group. Drive powerful discussions on changing the budget process and on the value of trade-offs. Wednesday, March 27, at noon.


Holdem middle
2020 middle

Education Resource Strategies (ERS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping urban school systems organize talent people, time, and money to create great schools at scale.

Education Resource Strategies
480 Pleasant St, Suite C-200, Watertown, MA 02472  T: 617.607.8000
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