The University Division of the

International Metaphysical Ministry


Founder Dr. Paul Leon Masters

Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven Before Transition

Audio version read by Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc.

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What a difference it is to know that what Christ referred to as “the Kingdom of Heaven” does exist! Imagine the impact such knowledge could have on how people live their lives. The value systems of so many people would be profoundly changed if they actually knew that life is eternal and that everyone goes on beyond this life.

It is one thing to blindly accept any theology that teaches that life continues, but quite another to know firsthand that your life will continue beyond your physical body. The vast majority of religious theologies do, indeed, teach that life is eternal, but people are asked to believe on faith alone.

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Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’

"The Theocentric Way of Life," Volume 3: Module 3.

Founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters' Weekly Mystical Insights 

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"Telepathy Between

You and Others"

This Week's 

Inspirational Broadcast

Each week, the University of Metaphysics presents another metaphysical/spiritual Inspirational Lecture featuring Dr. Paul Leon Masters, offering exceptional insights on extraordinary and everyday topics.

Printable Affirmations

This recording is available for purchase

in video format (mp4 download) or audio format (mp3 download) here.

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Dr. Paul Leon Masters' 

"Improve Your Life" 

Daily Audio Message

Each day there is a free 3 to 4-minute "Improve Your Life" audio message and meditation from Dr. Masters offering insights into daily living. Some of the topics include love, happiness, abundance, positive thinking, and navigating daily living during these times. The messages will inspire you to rise above any challenges in your life.

Metaphysical Blog

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Metaphysical Prayer Treatment

Free Download

"Chakra Activation"

from Dr. Masters' Voice of Meditation Series

Free Download

Please note: The featured download is available for free for one week only. We offer a new meditation download for free every week.

Chakra Activation If you’re feeling a little off-balance or out of sorts, it could be that your energy chakras need energizing and balancing. Some people are born with chakras that aren’t fully active. Additionally, life challenges, emotional upsets, loss, disappointments, and trauma can cause shock to your chakras and throw them out of balance.

This meditation is for the purpose of chakra activation, healing, and balancing, and bringing any chakra that may be spinning out of balance or out of harmony with your spiritual body into balance and harmony with your other chakras and spiritual energies.

The seven major chakras are our bodies’ main energy centers and are located within our physical body, along the spine. They are connected to and affect all areas of our lives: our health, energy levels, spiritual awareness, sense of personal power, and even the financial and material areas of our lives.

Fully activated and balanced chakras help us be healthier and happier, feel grounded and protected, and be more connected to the Universal Mind, our higher selves, the planet, and the world around us.

View the complete Voice of Meditation series

Voice of Meditation – Instructions for Use

Download this Instruction for Use file to receive the most benefits from this guided meditation series.

The VOM series consists of 31meditations designed to guide you through daily metaphysical meditations on different spiritual topics. The recommended usage is to listen to a different guided meditation every day of the month.

The purpose of these 31 audio recordings is to introduce you to meditation and help you deepen your meditation experiences while guiding your inner conscious mind to connect on greater levels to the Divine Higher Consciousness within you.

Free Download

Higher Consciousness Meditation

For many years, Dr. Paul Leon Masters taught students the practice of higher consciousness, mystical meditation in his classes. Being divinely guided, he brought forth many new and innovative techniques and practices of meditation.

In everyday life, every physical perception has other vibratory levels that are usually unperceived by your physical senses. There are vibrational frequency energies on a psychic, ethereal, astral, mental, and mystical level. In Dr. Masters’ voice, there are usually undetected frequencies of high spiritual energies transmitted to corresponding energy frequencies in your own higher levels of mind and awareness, stimulating them into activity.

The higher vibrational frequencies in Dr. Masters’ voice come as the result of years of going into the higher levels of his consciousness during meditation, in which he has personally experienced practically all states of meditative consciousness, which you may have heard or read about in various schools of thought, such as Yoga, Alchemy, Theosophy, Self-Realization, Vedanta, Religious Science, Unity, and Mysticism.

We invite you to listen to a 6-minute mystical meditation.

 Listen Here

What is Metaphysics?

"My definition of metaphysics would be the search for absolute reality. The search for: Who am I? What am I? Where have I been? Where am I going? What is the relationship of man, mind, and the Universe? If you can answer those questions, you can find your place in life. If you can't, then it doesn't matter; you're just a wanderer." 

—Dr. Paul Leon Masters

Visit our YouTube channel for more inspirational insights and spiritual wisdom

from Dr. Paul Leon Masters.

University News and Updates

Two New Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. Specialties!

We are excited to announce the addition of two new Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., degree specialties: the Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Ancestral Healing, and the Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Transpersonal Ecology! Below are the new degree descriptions.

Ph.D. in Ancestral Healing

Ph.D. in Ancestral Healing: This degree is chosen by those wishing to address the vital issue of remediating deeply embedded ancestral trauma, whether it be societal, for one’s immediate family, or individual clients. Practitioners with this degree help identify and heal wounds passed on from generation to generation and prevent the creation of these debilitating, stagnant energy imprints for future generations. The deep emotional scars of one’s ancestors, as well as generational patterns of negative or misguided thinking, can prevent individuals, families, and entire cultural groups from receiving and enjoying the prosperity, peace, mental clarity, joy, intuition, and creative gifts that are their birthright. Through one-on-one counseling, lectures, workshops, and books, a practitioner with this degree can help clients uncover generational patterns and hidden belief systems that hold them back and utilize metaphysical modalities to transcend them and move forward.


Ph.D. in Transpersonal Ecology

Ph.D. in Transpersonal Ecology: From a metaphysical perspective, transpersonal ecology is concerned with the fundamental energetic and spiritual connection of all organisms to each other and the environment. Not one of God’s creations has more value than another or has more rights to the fruits of this Earth than another. Humankind must learn to live in harmony with respect and concern for the symbiotic relationship of all living things and Mother Earth, which so graciously supports them. To realize this spiritual truth of ultimate oneness, one must transcend the boundaries of the egoic self and live centered in love for all of creation. This nurtures a positive, energetic bond between themselves and the environment, opening wavelengths of unspoken communications and resulting in a healthier Earth and a more joyful, peaceful, and prosperous life for all who inhabit it. This degree is ideal for advocates for spirituality and the environment who want to raise awareness of this vital matter, speak on or write books on the subject, and improve life as most currently know it.

How can I enroll in one of these new degrees?

Students may enroll in these new degrees as an additional doctorate, or you may change your initial doctoral degree specialty you are enrolled in as long as you have not submitted your dissertation. To add one of these new degree specialties as an additional doctorate, use this link:, and select the degree of your choice from the degree list. These new degrees are available from both the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona. The fee for an additional standard doctoral degree is $430 if paid in full upfront or $490 with $90 down and monthly tuition payments of $25 if on a payment plan.


Otherwise, to change your degree specialty to one of these new Ph.D. degrees, use this link: If you have any questions about degree specialties, please email, and one of our helpful thesis and dissertation advisors will be delighted to assist you.

If you would like to see our full list of Doctoral Specialties, please download the Doctoral Specialties List.

Undecided on which doctoral degree to choose? Please use our Doctoral Degree Specialty Assessment Questionnaire.

Graduates in Action Worldwide

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University of Metaphysics | University of Sedona | International Metaphysical Ministry

Be a part of this unique platform that showcases the diverse and meaningful ways our participating graduates are making a real difference across the globe. This free service allows you to showcase your photo, your biography, and a listing of your services to an international audience on our four websites.

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Have you completed the bachelor's level of your studies?

You are eligible to participate if you've received your

Bachelor of Metaphysical Science degree.

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Inspirational Views from Sedona

Spring equinox brings a fresh opportunity to

"Bloom where you are planted."

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You will now receive your tuition statements electronically during the first week of the month.

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My experience with the faculty and…

My experience with the faculty and staff members has been wonderful. All of my assignments were quickly graded. Any questions that I've ever had were always answered quickly and professionally.

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Thank You to those who have participated and offered valuable opinions and feedback! We truly appreciate you!

We extend our gratitude and blessings in advance for your donation, which helps us serve humanity by providing the means for us to offer free spiritual tools and resources and continue our scholarship program where we have not raised the scholarship tuition rates available to all enrolling students for twenty-five years. Your donation also helps preserve and protect the legacy and teachings of Dr. Paul Leon Masters, founder of the International Metaphysical Ministry.

I.M.M. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit institution, so your donation can be counted as a tax-deductible contribution.

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Downloads and Books by Dr. Paul Leon Masters

Mystical Insights 

Audio Book

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Masters’ book, “Mystical Insights: Knowing the Unknown,” 

is now available as an AudioBook! 

It is available on, or Apple iTunes.

Available Here



Dr. Masters dedicated over five decades of full-time professional work involving the research and application of his findings to improve human lives. His soul's fulfillment was to share how Universal Mystical Presence and psychic/mystical energy factors influence every aspect of our lives.

Available Here

Spiritual Mind Power


Affirmations are a cornerstone of Dr. Masters' teachings. The collection of affirmations within this book stand as a testament to Dr. Masters' belief in the power of positive thinking, and using affirmations to advance and enlighten all areas of the human experience and to elevate human potential.

Available Here



New Edition

Meditation is the path to peace. It is the way to wisdom. It is the key to a life of lasting happiness and fulfillment, and the secret for experiencing greater success, love, and creativity in your life. Almost everything that is important to you in life—from your physical health to your mental and emotional health to your financial health—is improved through a daily practice of meditation.

Available Here



mp3 Downloads

Over the course of his lifetime of service, Dr. Masters presented a large number of inspirational lectures during his Sunday services. Presented here are those given between 2006 and 2008. Almost all of them began with a meditation or healing treatment, after which he presented a teaching and included an affirmation.

Available Here

Timeless Wisdom

mp3 Downloads

Since 1959, Dr. Masters had conducted full-time research and teaching into the exploration of consciousness, synthesizing results from research experience with science, psychology, and the mystical teachings of Christ and others.

Available Here

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