News and Updates

May 17, 2024

Housing Huddle Ups Wednesdays at 10!

If you're interested in learning more about Haywood Street Community Development's housing project on West Haywood Street, join Director of Housing Laurie in the sanctuary at 10:00 am on Wednesdays!

Laurie will be available to answer questions about the project, show current blueprints, and give construction progress updates.

Contact Laurie if you have any questions.

Interested in Caring for our Building?

Like any other building, ours always needs some TLC. We have many ongoing projects that require skill and attention. If you would like to help on Tuesdays or Thursdays in this way, reach out to Tiffany, and she can get you started!

Haywood Street Merch!

If you've considered adding Haywood Street merchandise to your closet, now's the time! Our t-shirt stock is full, and a new box of the popular "St" trucker caps are ready to go! Go to the merchandise page of our website to see what we have and to make a purchase!

Garden Information Meeting May 21st

Please join us on Tuesday, May 21st, at 4:30 pm in the main dining hall for our Garden Meeting. Dave will share his vision for the garden, and we can all share ideas and discuss.

Please feel free to invite and share this information with any friends or family who are interested in being involved in a summer and fall garden. We could use as many people involved as possible to ensure the success of connection through community in addition to maintaining the beauty of the garden. 

Gift Match Challenge for Housing

Haywood Street Community Development has already raised about $205k toward its goal! If you'd like to contribute to the gift match challenge, click HERE.

Haywood Street Highlights

The tones radiating from Amanda’s crystal singing bowls created soothing sounds that welcomed worshipers into service on Wednesday. Set up in the shade of a flowering Privet outside the sanctuary, Amanda said this form of music has helped her find peace on her healing journey. What a pleasure it was to have her at Haywood Street, sharing her beautiful gift with us!

Larry, Gail, and Rob are just a few of our incredible and committed companions who show up each week to participate at the Downtown Welcome Table! These three always keep things moving on Wednesdays, but more importantly, they also take the time to slow down and share a meal with other diners. We're so grateful for our companion's commitment and participation in this ministry!

If Haywood Street had a soundtrack, it would undoubtedly include Eric “Blueridge Boy” Freeman! Sometimes settled on the brick wall outside the sanctuary or tucked under a tree by the guardrail, Eric will set up with his guitar and harmonica. While singing an old country folk song as the chaos of Wednesday unfolds around him, Eric’s voice breaks through the cacophony, bringing more color and life to everything around him! 

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:

Tuesday Haywood Street Holy Ground Keepers: 9:00 a.m. in the parking lot, weather permitting. Walk the grounds of the church campus and our local neighborhood, cleaning up along the way.

Tuesday Prayer Group: 12:30 p.m. in Room 6. Gather for a time of communal prayer.

Wednesday Downtown Welcome Table: Join us for lunch between 10:00-1:00 or help with kitchen and dining room clean-up from 1:00-3:00. Sign up here!


Wednesday Worship: 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Thursday Card Making: Meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Respite Kitchen to make cards for our friends in prison or the hospital. 

Weekly Sermons

Read the weekly sermons on our website here.

~Preaching Schedule~

May 22nd:

Pastor Jody

May 29th:

Pastor Seth

June 5th:

Pastor Brian

June 12:

Guest Speaker, Rev. Rob Blackburn

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Monday - Thursday, 10 am - 2 pm (with the exception of during our worship service, which is 12:30 pm every Wednesday).

Contact April if you would like to make an appointment to see the Fresco outside of those hours.

Remembering the Saints

Steven Cole

1971 - May 2022

Beloved son, father, friend, and Child of God


Seeing the Child of God

By Linda McCracken

Many of us at Haywood have been the victims of stereotyping. There is no one story of why homelessness occurs. The stories are myriad. Lost jobs due to an economic downturn, broken relationships, physical injuries that affect an ability to lead a successful life well known before the injury or illness, mental illness untreated, use of a substance to dull the pain of early neglect or rejection, and even dependence for too long on the hope that an economic problem is temporary can all lead to losing everything material.

There is also no one story of why some live a privileged life. For most, it is luck, where and to whom one was born, absence of injury or illness, and the advantage of support from community or family. Hard work is not necessarily the delineator between those with privilege and those without, as many privileged people choose to believe. I have known many hardworking people who find themselves unhoused because the work they do is compensated inadequately for them to save enough to get back into housing. I have also known privileged people who have gotten their positions because they knew the “right” people or their families knew them, and it had nothing to do with how hard they worked in comparison to their less fortunate brothers and sisters. The point is that the difference between housed and not housed is a place to stay that is safe and clean, not a moral deficit or a moral superiority. We want to believe if we do the “right “ thing we’ll live a privileged life. Maybe . . .

Ironically, many of the privileged that attend Haywood know that material wealth does not add up to abundant life. Companions who have found themselves financially struggling have taught the privileged about our fear, about learning to trust God, not material well-being, about generosity with one another,  and about the generosity of God’s economics that is not measured by what we want but what we need. By the same token, the privileged have realized that abundant life is extremely difficult without some base of economic stability.

But at Haywood Street Congregation we strive to overlook all labels be they positive or negative and see the individual as God sees them, His child who He wants to have abundant life.

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.