April 2020
Stacey Brown & Associates Counseling and Wellness
 Hello friends,

Well, a lot has changed since my last note to you. Spring has arrived. We've had a couple of full moons and new moons and we've had a time change. In addition, our entire world has been turned upside down with a collective global experience with the emergence and spreading of the Coronavirus.  

As I am writing this note,
I've been practicing social distancing for almost 30 days. Many of you have also been practicing as long or longer and many are now in isolation and possibly heading into more restrictions of our movement. 

During this time, it is especially important for you to utilize the skills that you have for self care. Washing your hands, staying away from people, not going into public spaces are critically important. But, just as important are keeping your foundations for wellness. As we isolate, it is easy for our self care practices and rituals to slide. Please remember to exercise, eat well, nourish your body, take your supplements, practice meditation and yoga, move your body, go outside into the sunshine, enjoy a hobby, sleep well and create some loose structure to your day to help you maintain balance. The future is uncertain and we are all, collectively, dealing with elements of fear, grief, social isolation and mild depression. As the days go by and the news unfolds, there will be more of these emotions arising. The seeds we are planting and tending now will help us as we move forward.

We officially closed our office doors on March 13th, 2020 so that we could practice and honor social distancing. Valarie Olsen, Heidi Swanson, Christar Damiano and I remain available to support you through counseling, coaching, meditation training and distance Reiki service through telecounseling. You may continue to make appointments on our website calendar as usual HERE .
We have so many ideas for how to support you virtually. Please consider following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked In so you can find our announcements (lots of happy things coming up), events (free tutorials, live chats and meditations), online workshops and creative inspiration. Invite your friends to join us as you see fit. We'd love to hear your ideas for what you'd like to learn or just drop us a note to let us know how you are doing.

Take such good care of yourselves. Stay connected. Stay home. Always be present in your mind and body. Stay grounded in hope, peace, love, gratitude and compassion for ourselves and others. We are all in this together.

With so much love in our hearts,
Stacey Brown
What is Telecounseling?
Telecounseling is a term that is being used a lot today. Basically, it means that you may call and talk by phone or have a video chat with a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker or other licensed psychology professional just as you would if you came into a physical office space.  

Although it may seem a little strange at first, telecounseling gives you the ability to continue to receive counseling support while you are in the comfort of your own home. So, make your appointment as usual. And, when it is time, grab yourself a cup of hot tea, a blanket and pillows and a snack, just like we do in the office. Our therapists will call you and you'll have your regular 50 minute appointment no matter where you might be in the world.  

We continue to accept Cigna, Aetna, Tricare and private pay for services.
Important News
We are now accepting Aetna Medicare thanks to Aetna's decision to expand
services to telecounseling. We are so proud to be able to offer supportive services
for our elderly clients.  Please share this information with your older friends and relatives so we can offer support during this period of uncertainty and isolation.  
Recent Events
Christar Damiano performed a free crystal bowl concert to support balance and peace. 
You may watch it HERE   
Stacey Brown offered a free tutorial and gave some thoughts about "shadow work". You may watch the video  HERE    and see more photos of the project HERE  
Valarie Olsen has been offering free pranayama practices. Pranayama are specific breathing practices that have a specific intention. Take a look at the "Breath of Joy", meant to invigorate you and lighten your heart HERE    and the mindfulness practice "Butterfly Hug" HERE  
Did you know that Heidi Swanson is a HERO? She is considered an Essential Worker at Lee Memorial Hospital. As a Medical Social Worker, she helps people in the critical care area of the hospital to receive supportive resources once they return home. And, she is also right there on the front line helping our nurses, doctors and other medical staff cope with stress and fatigue as they care for our community. Thank you Heidi for your service!
Family Fun Idea
Family Fun Idea
People are getting out and walking more now. Spread messages of love and light all over your neighborhood with sidewalk chalk to bring a smile to the faces of your neighbors. 
Flaco and the New Kitty
Flaco is enjoying working from home, as he is closer to his toys, sunshine and snacks. He's been busy making friends with his tiny new roommate, a grey and white, nine week old male kitten. We need help with names. What do you suggest?

Helpful Links
Social Media
Follow us on our new LinkedIn page at Stacey Brown & Associates, Counseling and Wellness.

For updates on changes at the office, events, inspiration and tutorials, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at staceybrowncounseling by clicking on the icons below.                                                         
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