November 2020
Stacey Brown & Associates, Counseling and Wellness
As we approach Thanksgiving 2020, we offer thanks and appreciation to each of you. We have all learned so many lessons together this year. We are so grateful that you trust us enough to share your stories and to be vulnerable with us. The gift of your trust is priceless. So, here’s to our dear clients. We are so thankful for you!

We have faced so many challenges in 2020 with strength, bravery and resilience. We have pulled together virtually to help each other rise to the occasion with an optimistic, determined spirit.
As therapists, we have seen your truth, tenacity, creativity, and indomitable resolve. You have shown us daily how you are adapting to new circumstances, healing and forging new beginnings. Your willingness to work together and change yourself and the world for the better demonstrates what it means to be strong and courageous.

As we enter the season of gratitude, keep yourself grounded and focused on the many positive elements of your life. Focus on staying grounded, healthy, safe and content with the present situation. These are unusual and challenging times. Moving forward day by day is sometimes our best plan.
Our thoughts are with each of you.  Happy Thanksgiving!

With compassion in our hearts and hope for continued growth and healing,

Stacey Brown
Coronavirus Update
Our office remains closed for everyone's safety due to Covid-19. All services continue to be offered through telehealth only at this time. Be sure to wear a mask, wash your hands, maintain social distance and follow the CDC's recommendations for your personal safety and for the safety of others.
Exciting News!
Stacey Brown has achieved three new credentials. She is now a "Certified Anxiety Treatment Professional" and a "Certified Mental Health Integrative Health Practitioner". Additionally, Stacey has achieved status as a "Gottman Method Couples Therapist, Level 2".   

Schedule an appointment for counseling and assessment with Stacey, Valarie or Heidi HERE

Valarie Olsen is teaching Yoga on the Lawn each Friday morning.
Learn more HERE
Supportive Services

Learning how to breathe in a precise way is a foundation toward learning to meditate and a consistent meditation practice can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, trauma and grief.  

Stacey Brown, Valarie Olsen and Heidi Swanson are Certified Meditation Teachers.

Schedule private meditation sessions HERE.

Christar is offering Distance Reiki Sessions. Yes, energy healing can be completed from a distance. Special techniques used in Reiki enables the healing to transcend distance to help you calm anxiety, heal and relax. You may learn more about Reiki HERE. To book an appointment for yourself, click HERE

Christar has been busy offering virtual, free crystal bowl concerts on Facebook.  She will be offering these concerts often, so follow us on Facebook to get the invitations. To listen to a beautiful, healing sound bath, click HERE.
Gift Certificate
Looking for the perfect gift? Consider a gift certificate  for Meditation Training, a Massage, an Ayurvedic Consultation or a Reiki Treatment
 Give the gift of self care. It's always a favorite.  
Resource Center
Social Media
Follow us on our LinkedIn page at Stacey Brown & Associates, Counseling and Wellness.

For updates on changes at the office, events, inspiration and tutorials, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at @staceybrowncounseling on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Follow Valarie Olsen on Facebook and Instagram.

Follow Heidi Swanson on Instagram.                                                         
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