Seeds of Inspiration
Stacey Brown & Associates
Counseling and Wellness
Hello and welcome to our newsletter, Seeds of Inspiration!

We are so excited about a new season in the office. We are surrounded by change and good news. After twenty one years in private practice, it was time to expand so we could further meet the needs of our community. As a matter of fact, we began this expansion one year ago...Happy Anniversary to us!

I am thrilled to welcome our new counselors, Valarie Olsen, MA, LMHC and Heidi Swanson, MSW, LCSW to our team. And, we are so happy to have Christar Damiano, LMT join us with her specialty massage therapy services. Learn more about Christar below!

Appointments may be scheduled on the calendar, located on the website.

Stay in touch through Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for self help articles, wellness tips, and events!

Here's to a fabulous fall and your wellness!
Stacey Brown, MA, LMHC. NCC
Upcoming Events
Meditation for Busy Minds

Have you been curious about meditation but haven't tried? Have you tried meditation but gave up because 'you can't sit still' or 'can't quiet my mind'? If so, this workshop series is for you!

Join Stacey Brown, MA LMHC, NCC for this 4 week training.

During this workshop, you will learn what meditation really is and a simple, specific method for learning how to meditate. After practising at home, return for discussion, coaching, and reflection.

Pre-registration is required. Click on the link below for more information and to register for the workshop.

Christar Damiano
Christar Damiano's work combines almost 20 years of experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Registered Yoga Teacher and a Reiki practioner. Christar is also a Certified Health & Life Coach. Christar's extensive background in dance, yoga, massage, Reiki, exercise and holistic healing methods help to transform her clients through an integration of mind, body and soul.

Christar inspires people to heal themselves through education about healthy lifestyles. She believes that we all have the tools to live our best lives.

Christar Damiano
Drop In Meditation
Counselors and Certified Meditation Teachers
Stacey Brown, Heidi Swanson and Valarie Olsen.
Wednesdays at 8am
Thursdays at 12pm

Join us on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons for a group meditation experience. Arrive about 10 minutes early so you can sign in and get comfortable. This drop in, group meditation experience will be led by a Certified Meditation Teacher. The meditation will be approximately 20 minutes.

A love offering of $10 is requested. Half of the proceeds that are collected will be donated to a local Southwest Florida charity.

Bring a meditation cushion to sit on if you like. Chairs and blankets will be provided.

Bring a scarf or a sweater, as the room may be chilly.
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