Please join us for our Texas School Coalition Membership Gathering this afternoon, Monday, January 31, at 2:15 p.m. We will meet in Waller Salon A on the 3rd floor of the Austin Marriott Downtown to enjoy some refreshments and to unveil some new resources we've prepared for districts to use with members of your community. We hope you will join us!
Today we are proud to announce the launch of a new website to bring more attention to the rise of recapture:

This site was created to serve as a resource for educators, students, elected officials, members of the press, community members, and many more. We've been lacking a good solid source of information about the history, effects, and current data regarding recapture in Texas. This site seeks to remedy that and also provide some tools such as sample letters and social media posts to help advocate and educate others about the issue. We've also released the report Robin Hood in Texas: A look at recapture's impact on students, taxpayers, and the state budget.

We hope you will spend some time checking out what the site has to offer and spread the word about it in your community. We would also welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvements. We want this to be a useful tool for all.
Want to know how recapture works? This video seeks to explain that in 100 seconds.
Communications Resource for Schools
These days it seems to be harder and harder to communicate effectively, and communicating well is more important now than ever. Public schools have an important story to tell, and we're pleased to share a new free resource for public school leaders to help with that: Strategic Communications Guidance for Public School Educators in Texas

Thank you to our annual sponsors!
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746