Advantage Now

Integrates with Shopify

In today’s digital economy, ecommerce platforms are essential for enabling growth, efficiency, and global connectivity. At AdvantageCS, our mission is to empower our clients to harness these benefits to their fullest potential by offering extensive configuration options and incorporating new technologies. In fact, Advantage's robust suite of out-of-the-box third-party integration solutions is designed to accommodate a variety of different organizations' ecosystems. Through its open system architecture, Advantage offers complete flexibility in integration approaches. 

For ecommerce, our clients deploy a variety of solutions ranging from Cider Plus to custom-built solutions using Advantage’s REST API to off-the-shelf platforms like Shopify. Shopify’s growth is projected to reach 30% in 2024, so it’s no surprise that it consistently comes up in conversations with clients and prospects alike... 

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Practical Application

of the Subscription Lifecycle

The subscription lifecycle (or journey) is an oft written about framework for describing the aspects a business needs to track for acquiring and retaining customers for a subscribed product. It is not a formal academic framework, so it can be confusing to wade through the various interpretations: four-stage methodology, five stages, four phases, five phases, etc. 

The various discussions are similar, providing a basic overview of standard techniques. Your favorite generative AI tool can produce something close… but I would expect that, given the foundational nature of the subscription lifecycle. Some can trace the subscription back to the 16th century, and while I am not sure that is the best place to start, it illustrates that world culture is familiar with this framework. 

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Welcomes New Client:

Human Kinetics

We are extremely pleased to welcome Human Kinetics as an Advantage client!

Human Kinetics is a global leader in providing information related to physical activity, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people worldwide. They have a vast collection of resources that caters to a diverse audience, from scholars and professionals to fitness enthusiasts and everyday people searching for a healthier lifestyle. 

Human Kinetics offers a wide variety of informative products across various formats, ensuring there is something for everyone. Whether you’re a student looking for comprehensive textbooks, a busy professional looking for a convenient online course, or a fitness enthusiast looking for video instructions, Human Kinetics has you covered. Their resources include textbooks, journals, eBooks, online courses, digital products, and continuing education programs. 

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6 Tips for Building Stronger Client Relationships

A friend of mine just told a story of a meeting with a client where he was completely ambushed by the plant manager of the manufacturing facility. My friend had been instructed to prepare 6 slides covering topics X, Y, and Z. He didn’t get through his 2nd bullet on the first slide when the plant manager interrupted and ripped him up one side and down the other. This is a nightmare for any account manager. 

We sell niche software and have less than 60 direct clients worldwide, so strong client relationships are crucial to our success. Everyone in sales knows how important good references are, and building and keeping those strong relationships is directly related to future sales. 

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