The world is complicated. Helping kids is simple.

Click here to see the pictures from the Gala!

Event Success and a Challenge

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s Celebrate the Children (CTC) & Sponsor a Kid Gala raised over $380,000! This year, we celebrated the children's academic success by featuring our honor roll kids, who showcased their talents through dancing and singing. We also honored ten graduating seniors, six of whom graduated with honors, one earning a student pilot's license, and five moving on to pursue college degrees. Our kids collectively earned nearly $100,000 in scholarships to obtain bachelor’s degrees in their respective fields. Additionally, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office contributed $25,000 to our Sponsor a Kid campaign.

Celebrate the Children


We want to challenge you to help us match this generous gift. Help us reach our goal of $25,000 by June 30th!

Meet the challenge today!

Chief Henderson from Volusia County Sheriff's Office presented a check for $25,000 to Chief Professional Officer, Joe Sullivan and Board President, Jaime Bracero at the Celebrate the Children Gala.


The event featured a live drawing, prizes, a silent auction organized by Amfund, and the presentation of the Ben Johnson S.H.I.E.L.D. Award to Lynn Byrne. The evening was further enriched by heartfelt testimonials from our overall Youth of the Year winner and a special testimonial from Lisa Bell of Channel 6 News, a BGCA Youth of the Year alumna.

Ben Johnson, presents the S.H.I.E.L.D. Award to Board Member, Lynn Byrne.

Pictured below: Lisa Bell was our co-emcee for the evening and gave a heartfelt testimonial to attendees.


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