It was a fantastic day in Ottawa on June 14 when I received an honorary degree at Carleton University and what a privilege to speak to the graduates. Great memories celebrating with friends, Red Cross colleagues, and sharing the stage with legendary media guru Craig Oliver was the perfect topper!
Thanks for supporting the Every Plate Full campaign - Canada's largest food drive. In case you missed some of the photos taken and posted, here's a favourite - my fellow actors on set in Vancouver last month - Eugene Braverock, Raynard Braverock and Nic Baric. #everyplatefull ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram 

The big birthday is approaching and I hope you find the time and place to celebrate with your family. If we want to see a better Canada, then we have to see Canada better. I had the chance to speak at the honouring ceremony for 29 recipients in recognition of outstanding Indigenous leadership at Rideau Hall on June 19. The entire ceremony celebrating these incredible Canadians is on the Governor General's Facebook page
or you can watch an excerpt of the speech on CBC.

Thanks to all of you for your comments and compliments. I read them all! BTW, it wasn't so much about the tears as it was about the hugs. 

Universal Music has released "Promises" to radio as a featured track from their 6 CD Boxed Set Canada 150 - A Celebration of Music project. This song is a friendly nudge suggesting there is no shame in standing down from the promises you can't keep. The set will be released July 7. 

So great to be invited back to the stage with WE Day for 2 events in Ottawa on July 2.   Performance at Major's Hill Park @ 12:15pm and then live on Parliament Hill from 4 to 9pm. If you're not in Ottawa, you can watch it live on Facebook/WEmovement. Or watch a special broadcast airing Friday, July at 9pm ET on MUCH and Saturday July 8 at 7pm ET on CTV. 
"Weakness will find strength on the broad shoulders of compassion, honesty, integrity, love and hope."
Day 115 from "364 - Timeless Wisdom for Modern Times"  

"364" is available in select Chapters/Indigo locations.

Or, order it online through our web site and I'll autograph it.

The digital app is available on Amazon or iTunes. Audio background included with this version.
Proceeds from all sales benefit the Canadian Red Cross.  
peace.....tom j.

 Web Sites:   Tom Jackson | Huron Carole 

My book "364 - Timeless Wisdom for Modern Times" - Order the hardcover version online now.

Ballads Not Bullets and 'Twas In the Moon of Wintertime can be found on iTunes and Amazon.