Monday, September 14


Step up as an ECE advocate to make sure Prop F passes on the November ballot. Immediately release over $200Million for ECE.
Polls show the measure moves from not passing to a secure (50% +1) pass with just a few simple messages clarifying what the measure will do. San Francisco voters know small businesses need relief, and ECE (aka early child care) has been hit hard by pandemic closures. Prop F raises no new taxes, but releases over $200M already collected funds for ECE, and shifts the tax burden from small to large businesses in San Francisco’s existing gross receipts tax. You are needed to spread the word—and pass Prop F!
Here’s what you can do:

Lead a phone banking teamSign up here, and select a phone banking date.
Pull a group of co-workers, colleagues, parents, friends or other community members together and lead a phone banking team. You will need two leads to guide your team. All callers can participate remotely, and will need a computer/laptop. (We’re checking on mobile apps).

Join a phone banking team
Can’t lead a group, but want to join a phone banking team? You will need a computer/laptop to make calls. (We’re checking on mobile apps.) Email, Subject: “Join a phone banking team”—let me know what languages you speak. I’ll send you dates led by others. 

Join the ECE Advocacy Team Meeting
Join an ECE Advocacy Team this Wednesday, Sept 16, 4-5 pm. Help coordinate the phone banking sessions. Attending the meeting is not needed to lead a phone banking, but we will review phone-banking steps. Email for ZOOM information. Put “Wednesday Advocacy Team Meeting” in the subject line.

Ballots are arriving within weeks. Help get the word out today!
As you may have heard, Prop Big C, for housing and homeless went into law last week. This is a big win, and sets great precedent, but Prop “Baby” C still needs to move through the California Appellate and Supreme Courts. This could take at least another half year, and ECE needs the funds today.
Your advocacy will make a difference,
Sara Hicks-Kilday
ECESF Director