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Saturday, December 5, 2020
This weekend (& beyond) at St Antoninus:

SUNDAY, December 6, 2020

(In-person gathering &/or via Youtube live-stream.)
-Readings for this Sunday Mass (from USCCB)
-Download the weekly bulletin and Antoninews.
-Our continuing safety guidelines.

Links for our Parish Advent Mission. Advent began last Sunday, November 29 and will lead up to Christmas. Read more inside.

Gift tags for our Giving Tree. These gifts will be distributed during our Christmas Caroling Gift-Giving Outreach on Sunday afternoon, Dec 20 to benefit our brothers and sisters in the neighborhood.
Take as many tags as you can gets: the more gifts you donate, the more Christmas presents we will have to hand out. Please bring your wrapped (& labeled) gifts by next Sunday, Dec 13.

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is this Tuesday, Dec 8. The Solemnity Masses will be at 12noon & 7pm- both in-person, and only the 7pm Mass will be live-streamed. This is normally a Holy Day of Obligation. 

This Saturday, December 12th is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of All the America’s. The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, from just around the block, will be our guests for a special event in our main church that day in honor of Our Lady. At 11:30am we will pray the Rosary together. At 12noon Fr Francis Mary will celebrate Mass in Spanish. The Friars will lead the music during the Mass and then lead a procession in the streets with an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Come and join this special occasion to honor Our Lady and to reach out to our brothers and sisters around us.

Due to the recent increase of covid cases, our weekly prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Saturdays will be totally on line for the rest of this month. 

We always need help decorating for Christmas. Please stay after Mass today to help set up the Christmas Stable 

Please consider making a sacrificial offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. At this time, one of the options is to support our Thanksgiving Harvest mission. Please see below. Thank you and God bless you.

Good news!
We are now accepting Zelle for online contributions. 
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient
If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:

You may pick up your Offertory Envelopes in the church entrance

St Antoninus Schedule of Liturgies & Events (at the very bottom)
December 6, 2020
Holy Mass starts at 10am
Holy Hour at 9am

In-person gathering & live-streamed (links below)

We continue to follow the 3 main safety guidelines:
  • Sanitizing hands upon entering church.
  • Wearing face masks
  • Social distancing of 6 ft and staying in designated pews.
  • In addition, we will now be conducting temperature screening
For this Sunday's live-streaming on YouTube (for the benefit of those who are not able to attend in person)

There are two separate YouTube links:
one for the 9am Holy Hour & the other for the 10 am Mass. You need to exit YouTube at the end of the Holy Hour and then go back to YouTube on the new link for the 10am Mass.

Enter on the search bar: Saint Antoninus 
(Click on magnifying glass icon)

Or click on linkS below.

Please click "SUBSCRIBE" on our YouTube page to increase our viewership. We need this urgently in order to qualify for a donate button . Below are the links:
HOLY HOUR for Sunday@ 9 AM

Click on image on right for the YouTube link. Click "Reminder"
HOLY MASS for Sunday @ 10AM

Click on image on right for the YouTube link. Click "Reminder"
The Readings for this Sunday: Click here.

Below: Click images to download our Sunday bulletin & Antoninews:

Safety Guidelines
at all our Masses
Click image to open.
A Reflection for the Second Sunday in Advent

Sister Barbara E. Reid, O.P. reflects on the readings for December 6, 2020.

I had never experienced the desert until the first time I visited the Holy Land. Having grown up in Michigan, surrounded by the Great Lakes and greenery, I could only imagine what the wilderness might be like. When I finally did experience it, its stark beauty took my breath away. The silence and the vastness of the rolling sand hills helped me understand why God would want to lure Israel into the desert and there speak tenderly to her heart, as the prophet Hosea said (2:14).

With no other distractions or noise, the desert is a splendid place for lovers to revel in one another. But the desert also holds its terrors. You can die if you haven’t brought enough water. And there are the dramatic temperature changes—intense heat during the day and bone-chilling cold at night. You have to have proper protection for both.

And then there are nocturnal animals. As we camped out in the open, I worried that a scorpion could find a warm bed in my hiking shoes. Or worse, that a camel would trample us if it came in search of a granola bar we had forgotten to store in our bus. Then there is the danger of flash flooding when a little bit of rain can become a rushing torrent in a wadi that turns a dry riverbed into a death trap. 

Many of us now find ourselves in a kind of desert space from the isolation, fear, and grief we are experiencing during the deadly COVID pandemic. If you are an introvert like me, you may have welcomed at first the emptier calendar and the quiet space. But now, what might have started as a honeymoon has deteriorated into a terrifying place that we desperately seek to leave.
In today’s first reading, a voice cries out in the desert, bringing hope and comfort to the shattered exiles. Some of them thought the exile was a punishment from God for their sins. But when Isaiah speaks of the “strong arm” of the Holy One, it is not raised to inflict punishment, but is one that has the strength to gather up all the lost lambs, to hold them close to God’s breast, and gently lead them home. When many of us have been touch deprived in these last months, unable even to hold the hand of a sick or dying loved one, Isaiah’s image of God holding us to her breast, does, indeed, bring comfort.

In the Gospel for today, John the Baptist echoes the cry of Isaiah, announcing that there is a new way out of emptiness and misery. God picks us up and wraps us round with love that comes through letting divine forgiveness wash over us and then follow Jesus.

On Tuesday and at the end of this week, we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Blessed Mother gives us another assurance of God’s tender care for the most vulnerable and deserted. Let her wrap you in her cloak and bring with you anyone you know who feels deserted and let her speak words of comfort to you as she did to Juan Diego: “Let not your heart be disturbed. Are you not under my protection.
Our Parish Advent Mission

Advent began last Sunday, and we continue with the Second Sunday of Advent, leading up to Christmas. Below are links with prayers & teachings to help direct our our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas.

Register to both sites and receive the emails (Parousia every day and Renewal Ministry every week)

1) Parousia Media has a free online "Advent Pilgrimage: A Journey from Eden to Bethlehem."
Join us for daily video meditations and scriptural readings with world-class speakers on scripture and the Catholic Faith. Plus: Join the nine-day novena from Mexico called Las Posada Navidena – built right into this pilgrimage.
Register at:

You will receive daily emails with the link for 24 days, starting tomorrow.

If you have not yet registered and seen this week's array of teachings, here are links on each day of the Advent week:

Day 1
Intro ( not posted here)

Day 2
About ADAM & EVE - Dr Edward Sri

Day 3
About NOAH - Dr John Bergsma

Day 4
About ABRAHAM - Steve Ray

Day 5
About ISAAC - Dr Robert Haddad

Day 6
About JACOB - Dr John Bergsma

Day 7
About JOSEPH - Tomasz Juszczak

2) Advent Mission from Renewal Ministries (free registration) . Watch Ralph Martin on Youtube each Sunday of Advent from 8-9pm. Dr. Ralph Martin will teach and answer questions on the first stages of the spiritual journey, as found in his book "The Fulfillment of All Desire."
Register to receive this weekly:

Here is the teaching for First Week of Advent:

This will be live tomorrow :

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary this Tuesday, Dec, 8

We will have two Masses for the Solemnity celebration: t 12noon & 7pm- both in-person . Only the 7pm Mass will be live-streamed. This is normally a Holy Day of Obligation.

For live streaming (7:30pm) , go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass icon)
or Click directly on YouTube link below.

As Fr Joseph put it in his Advent letter : "In special way during this Holy Season of Advent, we will meet Jesus in the poor and suffering through our neighborhood Christmas Caroling Outreach on Sunday, December 20th."

During this Caroling Outreach, we will be handing out our Christmas gifts to our brothers and sisters in the neighborhood.

Where will these gifts come from? From our Christmas Giving Tree.

Our Giving Tree was set up last Sunday, on the first day of Advent. To avoid crowding around the tree, the gift tags have been placed on a table in the church entrance. All gifts are to be placed under the Giving Tree.
Or if you prefer, download the digitized gift tags below. To see the selections, click here

The deadline for submitting your gifts for the Giving Tree is Sunday, Dec 13.
To join the Rosary via Gotomeeting conference call
Enter thru link on your phone or computer: 
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877

Please consider making a sacrificial offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!

At this time, we have an ongoing Harvest Appeal for much needed work on our HVAC system.

We are now accepting Zelle for online contributions. 
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church

This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:
Or you can click below to choose other options and methods for your donation.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103

Thank you and God bless you!
Our Offertory Envelopes are available for pick up.
Our offertory envelopes are available for pickup anytime in the church entrances, and can be used for any Sunday or Holy Day.

However, if you prefer to have a set of dated envelopes for the year, please let the office know so we can give you the version with specific dates. Call the office at 973-623-0258 for more information.

Schedule of
Liturgies & Events
SUMMARY of our daily & weekly events
10 AM

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to 
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church ( click on magnifying glass icon)

Before Sunday Holy Mass, join us for Holy Hour:
Sunday Holy Hour
(Eucharistic Adoration)   
 9 AM

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church (click on magnifying glass icon)
DAILY MASS & Benediction
TUES at 7pm
WED, THU, FRI, SAT at 12 Noon

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass icon)
Note: NO in-person or live-streaming of Mass on Mondays
First Friday Mass-
in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
every First Friday of the month

Two Masses:
12 Noon & 7:30pm
Family consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 7:30 Mass.
Join us in-person or live-streamed

Following our First Friday Mass, we will have our Alliance of Two Hearts Eucharistic Vigil (Communion of Reparation). This will be from 9pm-12 Midnight and will be shared via conference call.
every First Saturday of the month at 3pm.

Come at 2pm for the First Saturday Reparation Prayers to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At 3pm, Divine Mercy Chaplet, followed by the Healing Mass.
For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass icon)
Sunday: 9:00am - 9:45am
(Upper church)

Friday: 11am- 11:45am
(Lower church)

Saturday: 11am- 11:45am
3:30pm- 4:030pm
(Lower church)

or by appointment.

Click here for preparation for Confession: EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE
Reparation prayers:
every night at 6:30 pm,
( 7pm on Wednesdays)

Conference call
To join the conference call, enter thru link on your phone or computer: 
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877
Tuesdays at 8:15 PM
Scripture Study wt Fr Joseph 

Please note! Before the Scripture Study, join us at our Rosary at 6:30pm (see previous )

We will be using the same conference call link as follows:

Conference call
To join the conference call, enter thru link on your phone or computer: 
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877
Wednesdays at 7 PM
Eucharistic Adoration with
Holy Rosary , plus Litanies

Conference call

To join the conference call, enter thru link on our phone or computer:  
Access Code: 151-245-877
Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412 / Access Code: 151-245-877

This is followed by our Wednesday night Prayer Meeting . Exit the conference call and go to YouTube. See links, following:
Prayer Meeting - Adoration and Praise & Worship
on Wednesday 8:15 PM (following the Rosary Line)

In-person as well as live-streamed
For live streaming, go to    
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church ( click on magnifying glass icon
Divine Adoration PrayerMeeting  
Saturdays 3pm- 5pm
in church hall

In-person &/or live-streamed

For live streaming, go to  
Enter on search: Saint Antoninus Church( click on magnifying glass )

- Midweek Prayer Meeting: Tuesdays at 6:30- 8pm
Dial-in number (US): (978) 990-540 .Access code: 169025#
Or: Enter Meeting ID: divineadoration
 Real Love Ministries  
Last Saturdays
at 5 pm

Meeting ID: 291 928 2319
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,2919282319# US (New York)
+13017158592,,2919282319# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
       +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
       +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 291 928 2319
Find your local number:
Men's Fellowship  
Every 3rd Friday of the month
7pm- 9pm

Adoration, Praise & Worship, Faith-sharing, Fellowship.

In-person gathering in the lower church

Call 973-623-0258 for more information."
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)