Second REFORM Newsletter | 20 December 2017
Second REFORM Newsletter 
Dear readers,

Welcome to the second issue of our REFORM newsletter! 

At the end of this year, the REFORM project celebrates its first anniversary.
It is time for the partners to update our readers on the recent developments: a first conference, knowledge exchange activities in the REFORM regions and the introduction to one of the four REFORM regions: Greater Manchester (United-Kingdom).
Good reading!

The REFORM partners wish you a good holiday season and an excellent year 2018!
Inter-organisational learning events in REFORM regions
REFORM is completing in December and January a series of inter-organisational training events in the four REFORM regions. The staff of the regional authorities are trained for helping them to give a better support to local authorities on the topic of SUMPs.

The "European Reality of SUMPs": a successful REFORM conference
The Conference aimed at presenting the actions of the different public authorities, (i.e. local, regional, national and European levels), for the development and the promotion of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in European cities and regions. 

News from the consortium: from Manchester to Heerlen
During the second semester of the REFORM project, the partners met in Manchester and Heerlen to discuss the project's activities. Roundtables and workshops with local cities and stakeholders have been organised in both cities.

Read more about the meetings in Manchester  & Heerlen.
Region in the spotlight: Greater Manchester
Every six months, REFORM puts one of the four REFORM regions in the spotlight. In December 2017: Greater Manchester.

Meet with our sister projects!

Every 6 months, discover one of our sister projects. This month: TRAM

The TRAM project is designed to strengthen the urban dimension of regional and local policy-making, contributing to the implementation of the EU transport and urban strategies and facilitating the shift to a low carbon economy.
In this sense, the TRAM project contributes to the development of a competitive, resource-efficient and low-carbon oriented European transport system. TRAM intends to improve the efficacy of regional and local policies on urban mobility of five partners cooperating for the identification of measures to be included in their urban mobility policies.

Find more about all our sister projects on the dedicated page.

Upcoming events

REFORM EU network event
Heerlen, the Netherlands
March 2018
More information to follow soon on our website

SUMP Conference
Nicosia, Cyprus
15-16 May 2018

ECOMM 2018
Uppsala, Sweden
30 May & 1 June 2018
REFORM is a member of the European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
This newsletter reflects the author's views only and the Interreg Europe programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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Polis - European cities & regions networking for innovative transport solutions
Tel: +32 2 500 56 70