Animal Behavior Society

Second Global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference
Dear ABS Members,
The Global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference is back! Following the success of the First Global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference in 2021, ABS and ASAB (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour), and the ASAB Education Committee are co-hosting the Second Global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference #AnimBehav2023, which will take place January 18-19, 2023. In addition to learning about animal behavior research across continents, this year our Twitter Conference has an education theme. We encourage abstract submissions describing pedagogical methods that incorporate animal behavior research and will provide resources for instructors at all levels with strategies for incorporating the Twitter conference in teaching/lessons.
Details on this conference are available here:
This is a low-carbon, free registration, and inclusive conference that will allow us to learn more about animal behavior research taking place across continents. Anybody can attend the Twitter conference by following the conference hashtag #AnimBehav2023 on Twitter. Most importantly, you do not need to have a Twitter account to attend the conference. If you would like to learn more about how to attend, please, check this link:
Unlike the usual virtual conferences, Twitter conferences consist of scheduled presentations in the form of a series of connected tweets (known as threads) that are uploaded on Twitter and directly followed by Q&A sessions. This format will provide the opportunity to explore new ways of communicating research. The limited number of characters allowed in each tweet (280) will encourage presenters to explore succinct ways of making the main points via a combination of short sentences, videos, figures, animations, graphical abstracts, etc. We believe this format will enhance the interest of attendees and promote conversation with the presenters. If you would like to learn more about how to present in this Twitter conference and see some examples, please, check this link:
The abstract submission is now open until October 1, 2022. To submit an abstract, check out this link:

Please consider submitting an abstract and encourage others to do so!
For other questions and comments regarding this conference, please email: