From all of us at Families First,
We wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season! We are so grateful for partners like you and the families you impact through these most challenging times.

You have trusted us to provide relief and sustained recovery for 100s families and their children. Our team's commitment to Get in Touch & Stay in Touch through loads of innovative creative ways - it's working!

Because of you, we are weathering the storm, and both Families First and families are beginning to bear fruit.
"We Heard You Can Help?"
These are the calls we get daily from families we served six years ago to our current families, who say, "We trust you." These bonds are stronger than ever and will outlast and outdo this pandemic!

Through mitigation and innovation, the aim is that our families be the exception to unthinkable projections. They are strong, and we stand with them!
On behalf of our board, staff, and the current and newly served families...

Thank you!!

Happy Holidays,

Spencer and Aurora Swain