Wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019 from Jock, Ed & all of us at Shepards Marina
From Christmas Eve to New Year's Day inclusive, CHC staff will be either in the Shepards reception or out on the water during the following times:

Christmas Eve: 0900 - 1500
Christmas Day: 1000 – 1200
Boxing Day: 1000 – 1200
27th – 31st December 2018: 0900 - 1500
New Year’s Day: 1000 – 1200
2nd January 2019: 0800 - 1800 (normal office hours)

The Duty Harbour Master can always be contacted out-of-hours in an emergency by calling Solent Coastguard on 02392 552100 or VHF Channel 16/67.
Cowes Harbour Shepards Marina | 01983 297821
Medina Road Cowes, PO31 7HT | cowesharbourshepardsmarina.co.uk