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A Chat with Charles

“The Challenge Of Marketing” Part 4

Navigating Amazon – The Publishing Behemoth

In 2020 more than 1.5 Million new titles were released on Amazon. That retail behemoth now carries so many different products that they also maintain an incredible fleet of vehicles that they use to deliver those products. In my drives up to Atlanta from Florida, I believe I see more semis with “Another truckload of products for Prime.” Now as a “Prime” subscriber ($139 per year), I can often order products today and receive them tomorrow or the day after.

A great question would be how much do you spend annually on Amazon? The reality for me is that it is now in the thousands of dollars. Just this year I bought new tires for my dolly, new blades for our robotic floor cleaner, flash drives to make copies of my audiobooks, and any number of Scribbler Authors books, and just yesterday I ordered Rye Flour for the bread I make, as our local grocery stores no longer carry it. (This does not include everything I ordered for my day job or for my bee business. ) I probably spend more time on now than I spend in actual stores. And then there are all the movies I can watch as a Prime member. How about you? What is your experience with this retail giant?

Well for us as authors, there is a whole other side to Amazon as well. Last year over 70% of all the books sold in the US were sold on Amazon. And five or so years ago they started Audible, the audio side of authors' writing. They also own Kindle, the world’s largest digital platform for books. These facts are simply amazing. There is a reason all of the brick-and-mortar bookstores are in trouble. Many of the bookstores are turning into a mix of books, gifts, and coffee shops as they try to figure out how to stay open and profitable as their base business slides away to Amazon.

And Amazon is rapidly becoming the place you go to find titles even in the “used” market as well. It was fascinating to see copies of my books appear in the “used” section. (Even some that I had signed are available. ) And the prices of some of those books are shocking with the price on both ends of the spectrum, with some at $5.00 or less and others at $50 or more. Wouldn’t we all like to have received the royalty on the $50 purchase?

Literally, every facet of the publishing world is touched by Amazon. Amazon offers “On Demand” printing, meaning that the barrier to entry is so low, that everyone can get their books up on Amazon and out there for sale. Amazon even offers to get you the ISBN number and the Bar Code for your book.

So what have we learned about Amazon, and how we as authors should interact with and navigate through this retail giant?

First, you should get your book on Amazon simply because it appears to be the world’s biggest retail site. You do need to know there are two different ways to get your book on Amazon.

When I finally “self-published” my fourth book, ( Homecoming )and did not have the backing of a publisher, I called Amazon about getting my book onto the Amazon site. ( I was tired of paying the fees associated with getting one of the Indie publishers to publish my book and decided to see if I could navigate the self-publish world.) It was then that I was exposed to the two methods available to me as the author to get the books into Amazon.

Because I had so many books printed of the fourth book I wanted to get those books to Amazon for them to sell. The royalty I would receive on those sales was much higher than the royalty I would receive from the other method which was sending the digital file and allowing Amazon to print and ship the books as sales came in.

I learned very quickly though of the downside of putting books I had printed into the Amazon supply chain. They would only order one or two books at a time for their warehouse and the shipping cost of getting those books to Amazon dwarfed the royalty I was getting paid. I called Amazon about this issue and learned quickly that getting more books into their warehouse came with the additional risk that if the books were not selling at a fast clip then I might need to pay to get them returned or see them thrown out. I tried the first method for almost a year, and in a year sold a dozen or so books. I also realized I was actually paying for the sales that were occurring. My royalty never covered the shipping cost of getting the books to Amazon and the printing costs of getting the books printed in the first place.

It was with that realization that when I approached my fifth book I decided to try something different.

I formed Scribblers Press, went through the process of setting it up as a publisher with a publishing imprint, and registered it with the Library of Congress as well. I made the decision to still get 100 books printed by one of our resources (Trinity Press or A&C Printing) but then uploaded my digital files with my Scribblers Press Imprint, ISBN Number, and Bar Code and with the Library of Congress Control number that I got under Scribblers Press. Even the books that I had printed through Trinity Press used the same digital files that I gave to Amazon for their fulfillment. The difference was that I allowed Amazon to use their on-demand print service to create the books that would fulfill the orders that occurred on Amazon. Suddenly I discover I had the best of both worlds, I had really good books for me to sell at the shows and through our Scribblers bookstore, and I actually started making some money from the sales occurring on Amazon.

One of the issues I discovered early on with Amazon On Demand printing is the quality of the books varies dramatically. I quickly learned that for any book with significant illustrations, like most children’s books, the quality of the printed books from our resource printers (Trinity and A&C Printing) was far superior in quality than those I would see coming from Amazon. However, if you are going to sell on Amazon, you will never make any money if you plan on supplying the books they will fulfill with.

So, my recommendation is that you accept the lower-quality for the books being fulfilled through Amazon. That does not mean that all of the Amazon books are noticeably lower quality, but the ones with illustrations are. And the binding “glue” used by Amazon is not of the quality used by our resource printer on the standard 6 x 9 format of the majority of the books we produce through Scribblers. But most books get read once or twice and then either go into a bookcase or get passed to other friends and family or make their way back into the used book market. So the Amazon quality is good enough for the first sale through their site.

I also learned that authors can buy books from Amazon at their printing cost+. So on my latest book, (My children’s book: Bernice and Harriet: The Busy Honey Bees- my cost from one of the resource printers was just under $6.00 per book while the cost of the author copy books coming from Amazon was almost half the price. But there was no question, the books printed by our resource printer were far superior to the books being produced by Amazon. I made the decision to pay the extra to have really good books for show sales and my personal sales. It just meant I would make less on those sales, but with Amazon only paying a royalty of between 40-60% on their sales, I still was making more from my personal sales even if the cost of the higher quality books were twice the cost of the Amazon books.

So if you want to get your books into Amazon, let me recommend that you talk with us about using Scribblers Press to help you get your book up on Amazon. Through Scribblers Christian Writers Group the authors that join the group get access to the benefits of Scribblers Press as well, if you desire. The big benefits are getting the ISBN #, Bar Codes, and Library of Congress filings close to cost, and you get the Scribblers Press Imprint which makes it easier for you to get your books into libraries if that is something you want to do.

Also, you have access to all of the other resources that are working with our writers’ group. Unlike other Indie publishers, you actually are working directly with the illustrators, editors, printers, and other resources, and Scribblers Press is not taking a “cut” of the fees. That means you are getting the services you need as an author and paying less for them. Again the goal for our group is to get as many Christian author works published as possible for the lowest cost possible.

So now your book is almost up on Amazon…now what else do you need to know? I’ll sum it up this way: Know your genre, pick your listing carefully, plan your release date and plan how to drive sales quickly from their site, to see if you can get top ten even for one day. Understand your different options related to your royalty levels, and the various markets you can list your book in through Amazon. (Did you know that Amazon has eight different markets with expanded distribution?) But once your book is on Amazon then what?

If you have ever bought anything on Amazon, you know the experience of seeing Amazon saying “people who bought this bought ….” Your drive needs to get that Amazon algorithm to start pushing your book as another sales opportunity.

Next month I will be tackling everything else we have learned about Amazon and what you need to know about what you should do to get the Amazon marketing algorithm to begin pushing your book. And once again we have learned the benefit of belonging to a writers' group, like Scribblers Christian Writers Group.


Until then.

Grace to you all, 

Charles de Andrade 

Scribblers Christian Writers Group

"We All Have A Story To Tell, To The Glory of God" on (

“Trunk or Treat” at Talmo Baptist Church in Talmo, Georgia

On Saturday, October 29 Leda and I as well as Mark Rood attended the Fall Festival “Trunk or Treat” at Talmo Baptist Church in Talmo, Georgia. We had been approached several weeks ago by the organizer during the Art in the Park event and asked if we would attend. We agreed we would be at the occasion whose hours were 4:00 to 6:30 in the evening. Although if started out slow for book sales, we wound up selling 14 books in the 90 minutes we were there. We felt like it was a successful adventure.

There were only 8 vendors at the event and the church offered free hot dogs, chips, drinks and a huge assortment of cupcakes! Although it was a small community, the response to our books was very favorable and the church was grateful we agreed to attend.

Mike and Leda Owens

October 2022 – Scribblers Book Store Report and Amazon KDP Report

The Scribblers’ Book Store Had One Book Sale In October 2022

Charles de Andrade had one book sale Of Chosen, purchased by a Scribblers member – Thank you.

We have 32 published authors and 86 books in stock. As we enter the holiday season please remind your sphere of influence of the web site and all of the books available.

Remember Holiday Coupon Codes: 10HOLIDAYS – 10% Off

                                                              20HOLIDAYS – 20% Off Purchases Over $100

Encourage your family and friends-Buy a book for the person who has everything…except one of our books!

On Amazon in the month of October we had 5 Book Sales (2 Paperbacks, 2 Electronic, 1 KDP Select)

  • Marlene Buchanan sold 2 Electronic Of - A Place With A Past
  • Charles de Andrade sold 2 Paperbacks Of – Bernice and Harriett and 2 KDP Select of Eyewitness-The Tears Of The Saints

For those who have not heard of KDP select it is a program that pays you every month based on the number of pages of your books that are read digitally where Amazon has full control of the pricing of your digital book. So for the month of October I had 55 pages read . 14 from one reader and 41 from another reader.





Eyewitness: Tears of the Saints

Eyewitness: Tears of the Saints

Author Name: 

Charles de Andrade

Charles de Andrade

Kindle Edition Normalized Page (KENP) Read




I earned a whopping $.07 from October but the books were purchased at the end of the month, and we will see if they continue to read the books and what royalty I will earn in the future.

All royalty checks were mailed on Tuesday November 1. Please be sure to deposit the checks when you receive them. You receive 90% of the sale price minus credit card fees for sales coming from the Scribblers Book Store and 90% of the royalty received from Amazon KDP sales. Please note that the minimum deduction from the royalty is the greater of 10% or the royalty or the cost of the 1st class stamp to mail your royalty. (Currently $.53) I am sending out the detailed report to each author who had sales in the month.

New Authors' Upcoming Books

Welcome New Members Of Scribblers Christian Writers Club – Summerfield FL Chapter With Books Coming Out In November/December 2022 By Scribblers Press:

Richard Wailionis – Stories For Ava – Scheduled Release November 2022

Richard Wailionis was born in NYC in 1935. He and his family moved to CT at the onset of WWII. He graduated from St Michael Grammar school in Derby, CT in 1949 having the greatest admiration for the Sisters of Nazareth, his teachers. They set his path for his life to come.

He attended the local high school and went on to study engineering and related disciplines receiving a BS, MA and PhD.

At one point he was a US Marine Reservist prior to an active enrollment in the US Army where he trained with the US Navy at Indian Head MD specializing in explosives and bomb disposal.

He has an extensive background in manufacturing and was an adjunct professor at Fairfield, Sacred Heart and Teikyo Post Universities in CT from 1985 to 2000. Also within his career path he formed and led three big bands from 1953 to 2012.

He now resides in Summerfield, FL with his wife Carolyn at his side in all of his adventures, and is musically active with a band from Orland, FL.

Susan Rhoden Deremer – 936 Divine Affirmations

Release Date – December 2022 By Scribblers Press

Susan Rhoden Deremer was born in Atlanta, Georgia in1959 and raised in its suburbs. She published her first book, an illustrated history of Atlanta, in 1998. After graduating from high school in 1977, she spent a year in Brazil on a scholarship to study art. Then she furthered her education at the University Of Georgia, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in1982. She enjoyed a successful career as a freelance graphic artist until she married Randy Deremer in1990. Soon after that she began marketing her skills as a portrait artist. She was pleased with her progress until September 1, 2014, when she had a massive stroke and discovered that portrait painting was no longer an option. This book is the result of her recovery and new found purpose.

Susan and Randy live in The Villages, Florida where there is an abundance of golf for Randy and Susan is surrounded by caring neighbors and Bible study friends. Susan is busy reinventing herself as a writer and public speaker.

Susan loves to be contemplative. Discovering “light bulb moments” of inspiration that have the potential to make life better is her greatest joy. You can expect to read the results here in this book and in books to follow.

News On Author Books For November

New Scribbler Members and New Books – In Now:

Cluckie's Chicken Pox

We all have heard about Chicken Pox and many have endured those nasty red bumps. Poor Cluckie had to experience it first hand when he was out picking corn. He saw a distraught worm that needed his help. See what Cluckie did and how he faired with helping his green worm friend.

About the Author

Ashley Price Rucker was seventeen years old when she wrote Clukie’s Chicken Pox as a high school student. This was her first children’s book. She is now an adult married with three beautiful children and is a Medical CCMA/CPT for Medlink of Hartwell, GA. Her love of basset hounds started at the age of 4; she is now a part-time master breeder “Rucker Hounds”. She is very active with The Hartwell Twisters Gymnastics Boosters Club for her daughter’s team supporting children of all ages to pursue their dreams.

Author: Ashley Price Rucker Illustrated by Ashley Price (17 years old) Nov 19th, 2006.

Ashley Price Rucker Joins Scribblers Zoom Chapter. We met Ashley’s Mother, Brenda, At Art In The Park This Year.

Donna Barron (Scribblers Norcross-Tucker Chapter) – Ladies Tea

Below is a collage of photos where I provided a program for the Ladies Tea at Beauvoir, the Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library in Biloxi, MS on Saturday, October 15, 2022.

(Her book: The Man Who Carved Stone Mountain. Click HERE to check it out.)

Mike was also at Lilburn Daze Fall Festival 

Mike was at Lilburn Daze Fall Festival representing the Lilburn Arts Alliance booth and sold 12 books on Saturday, October 8th. He also sold 9 sets of announcement cards and some inspirational cards. Also signed up several aspiring writers for Scribblers zoom.

Christmas Gathering Plans for November

“The Village Corner”, the German restaurant located at 6655 James B Rivers Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083, is where we will be holding our event there again this year.

The planned date is Tuesday, December 20, 2022. Important: Let Charles know if you are planning to attend.

As normal, you are welcome to bring your family and friends. Just remember that everyone is buying their own dinners. And as normal our not-so-secret, secret Santa and Mrs. Claus are scheduled to be there as well. Hard to believe it, but this will be our 7th Christmas together as Scribblers Christian Writers Group.

Like last year, please plan to bring a “secret” present to swap during the dinner. Please e-mail Charles at to confirm your attendance at the gathering.

In December because of Christmas, we will only be having the ZOOM Virtual Meeting in December and that will be on Monday, December 26, 2022.

Upcoming Scribbler Christian Writers Group Meetings

in November – December 2022

Notice: Due to the injury I sustained at the Art In The Park Festival I will not be able to be leading the chapter meetings until January 2023. Because of that change in my mobility, we are going to be holding ZOOM only meetings for the Summerfield, FL, Orlando FL, Macon GA, Norcross GA, and Snellville GA Chapters for the October and November 2022 meetings. The only chapter that will continue to have in-person meetings during these months is the Lilburn Chapter led by Mike Owens.

In December the only meeting we will be having is the ZOOM meeting on Monday, December 26, 2022 at 6:00 PM.

Lilburn, GA Chapter –

  • Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM
  • Meeting at Five Forks Library -2780 Five Forks Trickum Road, Lawrenceville, Georgia, 30044-5865 770-978-5600 (Mike Owens is chapter leader – 225-315-0851)

Virtual/ZOOM Chapter – All Chapters Except Lilburn

  • Monday, November 28, 2022 at 6:00 PM
  • Monday, December 26, 2022 at 6:00 PM

(Charles de Andrade is chapter leader – 772-584-1578) The invite for the meeting is here:

Please remember to register for which meeting(s) you are coming to by going to the Scribblers Christian Writers Website at Select Meetings - Scribblers Christian Writers Group (Meetings - Scribblers Christian Writers Group) and on the pull-down select the chapter you wish to attend. You must register so that the Chapter Leader knows how to set up for the meeting and whether to wait if you are coming. Also, remember you are welcome to attend as many meetings (both in-person and virtual) as you like.

Finally, you can check the agenda for each chapter’s meeting by going to the Scribblers Christian Writers Website at Select Events - Scribblers Christian Writers Group (Events - Scribblers Christian Writers Group) and then scroll to the AGENDA tab. When you click the tab it will export the agenda to a word document for you to print out.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming in-person or Virtual-ZOOM meetings.

PS – Calling all authors working on new material. If you would like to present a selection of your work at any of the in-person or virtual meetings please contact the respective Chapter Leader listed above, and let them know you wish to be a part of The Critics Corner a.k.a. “The Inklings Moment”. Here are the requirements:

1) A selection of up to three pages, double spaced sent to the chapter leader at least 1 week before the meeting, so they can distribute/make copies for all attendees.

Notes From Snellville Chapter – Marlene Buchanan – Chapter Leader

Nov 5, 2022 (Saturday)

Marlene Ratledge Buchanan will be one of the authors at the Gwinnett Public Library's Local Authors Event (Snellville Branch Library). Each author is allowed 15 minutes to talk about their books. The program begins at 1:00 pm. Books will be for sale by the authors.

Nov 19 (Saturday)

Lynn Hess and Marlene Ratledge Buchanan will be at the Holiday Festival in Walnut Grove from 2 pm -7 pm.


Monroe Walton Center for the Arts (MWCA) has created a new author space. The Book Nook is open to any independently published authors. Authors may place up to three copies of each of their published works in the Book Nook for sale. MWCA will handle all sales. The Book Nook would love to have authors present programs, launch books, teach classes, etc. You must be a member of MWCA ($25 for Senior citizens) Contact Barbara Barth ( for more details.

Author opportunities

Are you a mystery fan? Monroe's Southern Sisters in Crime (So Sinc) meets the last Sunday of each month from 3-5 pm at the Monroe Walton Center for the Arts. The fee to participate in So Sinc is free, but you must be a member of the national Southern Sisters in Crime organization. ($50/year). Interested? Contact Marlene at or 770-972-5595 for details. Membership is not required if you would like to drop in and check us out.

You can contribute to the Newsletter!

Do you have a topic you would like to cover in the Newsletter? Do you have a book you will be releasing soon? Do you have an event you would like to report on? Please send your contributions to Charles de Andrade at by the 20th of the month to be considered for the next newsletter.  


If you'd like to be removed from receiving the newsletter, please reply to this e-mail with "Remove" in the subject line, and we will remove you from the list to receive future newsletters.

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