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"We All Have A Story To Tell, To The Glory of God."


Once Upon A Time, A Group Of Writers Formed A Club

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A Chat with Charles

“We All Have A Story To Tell”

Hi Scribblers and friends of Scribblers,

Well, I am sitting in Mike Owens' living room after returning from the 52nd Mulberry Street Festival in Macon Georgia that was rained on yesterday, and canceled today because of tornado threats. (We set up on Friday March 24th under a wonderfully blue sky, returned on Saturday morning to torrential downpours until about 12:30 PM, - think Noah’s ark type rain (probably an exaggeration!) -but everything got wet and paper and water, well you get the picture,  and then returned on Sunday March 26th to set up only to be told we need to close down because of the tornado threat. Mike and I got to see some amazing lightning displays as we drove down to Macon from Lilburn in the dark.) 

The four authors involved, me, Mike Owens, Margaret Rodeheaver and Rick Maier all lost out from this attempt of selling books. We unfortunately got to experience the difficulty of exhibits that are done outside and subject to the elements. As a group of Scribblers, we have been unusually blessed as probably 85% of our shows are outside, and so far, almost all have gone off without what we experienced this weekend.

The experience sort of reminded me of the past three months.  Frankly the end of January to the second week of March have been “different”.  My day job (typically 6 – 10 hours a day, 5 days a week) exploded into 10-12-14 hours a day, sometimes 6 – 7 days a week.  To say everything got pushed to the side, is a correct statement.  The tornado of needing to keep the day job ended almost everything I was doing for both Scribblers and my Bee Company.


There was a lot of wisdom in my first publishers’ admonition that I should not “give up the day job just yet!”  Frankly it was and is the day job that makes my writing possible…although I still dream of the day when writing might become that full time job. But what a couple of months! 

Added to that was the passing of a younger brother, John,  in late January  just shy of his 63 birthday.

I am the oldest of seven children and both dad and mom have passed from this world.  John had been diagnosed with brain cancer just before Christmas and a little less than seven weeks later he was gone.  He was sixty-two and just two weeks and four days away from celebrating his sixty-third birthday, My family, especially one of my sisters, began to publish on face book pictures of John from his earlier years. Each of those pictures capture a snapshot of his life that gives glimpses into his story, although the full story would be a movie sixty-two years long, at least for this side of the Jordan.

On that same Monday my brother passed was our monthly ZOOM meeting and during that meeting one of the participants mentioned John Michael Gallagher’s book “Curse of our Father” and the fact that John had published that book just shortly before his death.  He was the first Scribbler author to leave us heading home to eternity.  The person speaking spoke of the encouragement she received related to her own writing, and another author mentioned that John’s wife might like hearing about that encouragement.

One of our newest authors, Richard Wailionis, wrote his book , “Stories for Ava”, as he felt that he did not have much of a legacy to leave his family.  While I might dispute the “not much”  I fully understand the power of having left something behind that shows others that you were here.  

We really all do have a story to tell, and our lives are the canvas where that story is displayed. 

One of the wonderful parts about having Scribblers Press and our imprint, is that I ship to the Library of Congress a copy of each author’s book for that library.  Now that may feel a bit like the Indiana Jones first movie concluding scene, as the Ark of Covenant is squirreled away in a warehouse with millions of other similar boxes, but it also means that a little bit of your story is there, waiting for someone the Lord will bring, to discover it.

My brother left a treasure trove of compositions and recordings of his songs. He also left two marvelous sons, that I got to know a little bit better during my visit between Christmas and New Years when I went to visit my brother.  

The good news of the last three months is that the company I am employed at got a very needed investment, meaning I am still gainfully employed for the foreseeable future.  Also, the incredible crunch has passed and it seems I will have time to return to a more normal schedule.

But this newsletter is now filling the February – March Gap, which means there is a lot of catch up to do. Hopefully moving forward, we will return to the monthly schedule.  But, this period has reminded me how much we have to be grateful for, and for the fact that the Lord that sets the date of our arrival and the date of our departure, gives us the time to tell our story and fill in the meaning of the dash ( - ) between those dates.  He also provides us all with the 24 hours each day we get to spend, doing what we feel is most necessary with that greatest asset. 

So, let me just encourage us all. Please do not despair when life seems to take a left hand turn from the wrong lane.  The Lord has set the providence we will each get to experience. It becomes a part of our story.  ( I am talking to myself as much as anyone!)  I look forward to hearing from all of you what has been occurring in your lives, and hearing of all of the new stories that are being created by this incredible group of authors who have so many things to say.

We really all do “Have A Story To Tell, To The Glory of God.” 


Until next month.

Grace to you all, 

Charles de Andrade 

Scribblers Christian Writers Group

"We All Have A Story To Tell, To The Glory of God" on (

February & March 2023 Scribblers Book Store Report and Amazon Kindle Report

For Amazon KDP In January 2023 we had 18 Sales.

Richard Wailionis (Summerfield, FL Chapter) sold 1 of his new title “Stories For Ava”

Anthony Miller (Snellville, GA Chapter) sold 4 paperback copies of “Dearest Doris”

Michael Owens (Lilburn, GA Chapter) sold 1 paperback of “ Camelino: The Little Camel Who Met Little Jesus

Geri Mehta (Lilburn, GA Chapter) sold 12 paperback copies of “Princess Party Manners”

For Amazon KDP In February 2023 we had 4 Sales

Anthony Miller (Snellville, GA Chapter) sold 1 paperback copy of “Dearest Doris”

Geri Mehta (Lilburn, GA Chapter ) sold 2 paperback copies of “Princess Party Manners”

Charles de Andrade (Summerfield, FL Chapter) sold 1 paperback copy of Exclamati

on!: Discovering The Spiritual War

For Amazon KDP In March 2023 we had 3 Sales

Anthony Miller (Snellville, GA Chapter) sold 1 paperback copy of “Dearest Doris”

Geri Mehta (Lilburn, GA Chapter ) sold 1 paperback copy of “Princess Party Manners”

Luanne Scrogan (Snellville, FL Chapter) sold 1 paperback copy of “The Tail/Tale of Krispy the Squirrel”

For Scribblers Christian Writers Group Book Store In January 2023 we had 2 Sales:

Lynn Hesse (Snellvile Chapter) sold 2 of her new title: “A Matter of Respect “

For Scribblers Christian Writers Group Book Store In February 2023 we had 6 Sales:

Lynn Hesse (Snellvile Chapter) sold 2 of her new title: “A Matter of Respect “

Lynn Hesse (Snellville Chapter) sold 1 of “The Forty Knot Burn” 

Lynee Hesse (Snellville Chapter) sold 1 of “Another Kind Of Hero”

Marlene Buchanan (Snellville Chapter) sold 1 of “A Place With A Past”

Charles de Andrade (Summerfield, FL Chapter) sold 1 paperback copy of “Homecoming” 

For Scribblers Christian Writers Group Book Store In March 2023, we had No Sales

Remember, alert your sphere of influence about the existence of our book store. This is the single largest contributor to the sales of our books. I have been doing advertising about our books in a local magazine but so far have seen no response to those advertisements.

Finally, commit to parring up with one of the authors to buy their book on Amazon as they buy yours. Leave honest reviews and help us get all of the authors to 50 confirmed purchase reviews on Amazon.

New Releases For April 2023

Blood Covenant by Bonnie Nye

($12.50 )

Click HERE to purchase.

Gifted Heart by Michael Emmert (Snellville, GA Chapter)

( $14.95 ) and in our book store

Click HERE to purchase.

Inherited Wife Acquired Distress by Michael Emmert

(Snellville, GA Chapter)

(14.95 ) and in our book store

Click HERE to purchase.

Shunning Ida Mae by Michael Emmert (Snellville, GA Chapter)

( $14.95 ) and in our book store

Click HERE to purchase.

936 Divine Affirmations by Susan Deremer

(Summerfeild FL Chapoter)

($15.99) and in our book store

Click HERE to purchase.

Coming in May 2023

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Opening Sentence to Paragraph Two of The Declaration of Independence Life. That is the first of the unalienable Rights listed by the founders of our country. That “right” is now vigorously challenged by a segment of our society that sees no conflict between that “right” and the “right” of abortion. Abortion is promoted by those who would raise “Pursuit of Happiness” above that of “Life”. Those supporters often decry the portion of the statement that points to those rights being derived from “their Creator” asserting that the belief in a creator is an outmoded religious belief that they decline to embrace. The questions that immediately arise are: If no creator where do these rights come from? And do those rights exist at all? This treatise is to frame part of the discussion/conflict that our society is now involved in. The central question often not addressed or debated is simply “Do you have a Soul?” The discussion/conflict is not new. There are forces at play that shout the lie echoed from the beginning “You Shall Not Die”. The conflict is real, and the decision is between believing in Life or accepting meaningless and Death. Your answer about “The Soul Of Man” will define what your life and your society will look like for you, your children and your grandchildren.  

Notes From Marlene Buchanan, Snellville Chapter Leader

Prayer Request:

My son James must have a CT guided liver biopsy on the morning on April 20.  I may or may not be at the meeting.  30 years ago James was on a medication that required liver SGOT checkups regularly.  He was on the medication for many years.  it was supposed to help him with his attention and other issues.  James does not drink or do drugs of any kind, but now his liver enzymes are in critical levels and he is looking at all kinds of issues. 

I do not not know if I will be at either meeting, but I think I can make the day one. James will be allowed to come home after April 20 procedure.  Depending on how he is doing I may slip out for the night meeting. Snell will stay with him. 

I ask that you keep James in your prayers. 


Marlene Found Information For the Dahlonega Literary Festival.

booking for 2024 beginning April 2023.  Please check this out if you are interested.


The Decatur Book Festival, one of the largest events in the city’s calendar, announced Monday that there would be no festival this year.

In a brief statement released Monday afternoon, the organizers said “the Decatur Book Festival will be taking a pause for 2023, with a plan to relaunch in 2024.”

Traditionally held on Labor Day weekend, the three-day festival has drawn as many as 80,000 visitors, crowding the square in Decatur and various indoor venues. Previous festivals featured talks and panels by hundreds of authors, while parades, live music and cooking demonstrations gave the event a carnival atmosphere.

Upcoming Scribbler Christian Writers Group Meetings

For The Next Three Months

Upcoming Scribbler Christian Writers Group Meetings For Next Three Months- Remember you may attend as many as you like. Please do register your attendance on our website:

Select Chapter you plan to attend and then fill out your contact information.  It helps greatly to know you are coming.

Summerfield/Orlando Florida Chapters - - Third Monday of each month at 6:00 PM

Meet at Charles de Andrade home – 9741 SE 174th Place Road, Summerfield, FL, 34491


April 17, 2023 May 15, 2023 June 19, 2023

Macon, GA Chapter – Third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM 

Meet at Fountain of Juice- 4123 Forsyth Rd, Macon, GA 31210 (478) 755-5000 

(Charles de Andrade is chapter leader – 772-584-1578)

April 18, 2023 May 16, 2023 June 20, 2023

Lilburn, GA Chapter – Third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM 

Meet at Five Forks Library -2780 Five Forks Trickum Road, LawrencevilleGeorgia, 30044-5865 770-978-5600

( Mike Owens is chapter leader – 225-315-0851)

April 18, 2023 May 16, 2023 June 20, 2023

Norcross/Tucker , GA Chapter – Third Wednesday  of each month at 6:00 PM 

Meet at Always Fresh Restaurant 5394 Five Forks Trickum Rd, Lilburn, GA 30087 


(Charles de Andrade is chapter leader – 772-584-1578)


Snellville, GA Chapter – Third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM

Meet At Journey’s End. Buffett- 4319 Atlanta Hwy 78 Loganville, GA 30052 


(Marlene Buchanan is chapter leader -470-451-7921, Marlene May Not Make The April Meeting But Charles de Andrade will be there ) 

April 20 , 2023 May 18 , 2023 June 22, 2023

Snellville-Daytime, GA Chapter – Third Friday of each month at 10:30 AM

At the Monroe Walton Center for the Arts – MWCA - 205 South Broad St Monroe, Ga 30655


(Marlene Buchanan is chapter leader -470-451-7921, 

April 21 , 2023 May 19 , 2023 June 23, 2023

Virtual ZOOM Chapter – Last Monday of each month at 6:00 PM

Meet at  

(Charles de Andrade is chapter leader – 772-584-1578)

April 24 , 2023 May 29 , 2023 June 26, 2023

You can contribute to the Newsletter!

Do you have a topic you would like to cover in the Newsletter? Do you have a book you will be releasing soon? Do you have an event you would like to report on? Please send your contributions to Charles de Andrade at by the 20th of the month to be considered for the next newsletter.  


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"We All Have A Story To Tell,

To The Glory of God."


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