Hi, Everyone!

Only week four, but the season is going gangbusters! This past weekend saw the EA Silver well contested by a bundle of our Scozzie team. Coach Jason's report is below, and it tells the story of an upbeat, well contested weekend with good sportsmanship shown and a lot of fun on and off the courts!

Next weekend we have the Princeton Gold. While it's not one of our supported events, we may have coaches there, and we have a blurb below to explain how you can have Sam or Jason outside your court.

One of our many Scozzie Traditions has been to take a group of Scozzies to the US Open Semi Finals. This year is no exception and the date to put in your diary is October the 12th. The Friday night matches have been spectacular year after year and a great Scozzie bonding night! Email Lyall directly to indicate your interest and he'll fill you in on costs and arrangements. The pro's are all looking forward to both the matches and the camaraderie!

Finally we are eight days out from the Penn JCT. Approximately 20 of our Scozzies have qualified to contest the ten divisions in three venues! After the superb performances up and down the age groups in Ohio, led by Winston's win, Shaam's semi final and eight top ten performances, let's see if we can go to that next level!

See you all at training!
Best, Paul