In-person worship at 11am on Sundays.
Pastor Tom will continue to post a pre-recorded sermon every
Sunday morning on Facebook & YouTube.
Watch your email for direct links to our on-line worship.
Prayers of the People

  • "Duck" Spradlin and his wife Peggy as he continues his battle with cancer
  • Carter Conrad, Mary Curtis' brother, still seeing specialists trying to find answers for his ongoing pain.
  • Dan Dowdy, friend of the Hamners
  • Agnes Johnson now at home
  • Brian Gastin, brother-in-law of Pastor Tom & Carol
  • Marian Lawhorne for healing after surgery
  • Bev Butler, brother of Ellen Pitts
  • Grady Lassiter, friend of the Hamners, battling cancer
  • Eileen Piller, friend of the Hamners, battling cancer
  • Jim Lloyd, friend of the Frosts, being treated for acute leukemia
  • The ministry participants with Hope Beyond the Bars and their loved ones that worry for their health & safety. The men are experiencing depression, anxiety, and loneliness due to extreme and extended lockdowns.
  • Our women's prayer group is in prayer for a return to in-person worship that feels more welcoming and inviting to neighbors and friends while remaining safe for everyone.
  • All impacted by natural disasters
  • All effected by COVID-19
  • All scientists, medical staff, and researchers who are working to develop a safe COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Those who are recovering at home and those who are their caregivers.
  • Our shut-ins who are dealing with physical pain and the pain of isolation.

Contact Staci or Pastor Tom to add your joys or concerns to our prayer list

Covered on Weds to unload the truck.
Covered on Fri to pack food.
1 volunteer to distribute on Sat the 17th at 7:30am

Thank you for your willingness to serve our neighbors in need.
We are looking for someone willing and able to produce DVDs of Pastor Tom's
on-line Sunday services to be mailed out to shut-ins and those not comfortable returning to in-person worship at this time. If you are interested in taking on this important ministry, please contact Pastor Tom.

Please join us on Wed., Oct. 28th at 10am
 in the Fellowship Hall as we begin the study of Love Does by Bob Goff. Copies of the book will be available to pick up soon. This wonderful book shows us how we can practice our love of God by being there for others in many ways. It also teaches us to learn how to see love does make a difference. Hopefully we can get inspired to do some of this ourselves! Please contact Ann Hamner (962-7799) or Janet Stargell (286-3853) if you are interested in joining us.

November/December 2020
The Upper Room
Copies of the Nov/Dec Upper Room are in the church office if you would like to come by and pick one up.
If you would rather have one sent to you by mail, please call or email Staci in the church office.
New Artist & New Designs at Hope Beyond the Bars.
Check them all out on our website.
Free Shipping on All Orders & debit/credit purchases now available by phone.
You may also come choose your cards or bookmarks from the display in the church office.
If you would like to place an order, call or email Staci in the church office. 434-286-4736
We are adding a pen-pal page to our website.
If you or anyone you know is interested,
stand by for more details.
All correspondence is personal and not subject to ministry review and does not reflect the views of Hope Beyond the Bars.
Thank you for subscribing to our weekly newsletter.

Blessings, Staci