Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. #246 | February, 24 2023

俗语 from Xi Jinping

坐冷板凳 zuò lěngbǎndèng

Definition: 1. be patient and wait for a long time in a certain position, especially in a competitive environment

2. hold an unimportant post and be neglected

3. be kept waiting for an assignment or an audience with a VIP

Original: 要完善基础研究人才差异化评价和长周期支持机制,赋予科技领军人才更大的人财物支配权和技术路线选择权,构建符合基础研究规律和人才成长规律的评价体系。要加强科研学风作风建设,引导科技人员摒弃浮夸、祛除浮躁,坐住坐稳“冷板凳”

Background: On Feb 21 Xi Jinping presided over a study session and emphasized China's need to strengthen basic science research to shore up high-tech supply chain vulnerabilities. 

He used this suyu in talking about the importance of improving scientific research style and conduct, saying that in their research endeavors, scientists and technologists should "abandon exaggeration and impatience," and sit steadily on the "cold bench" to promote the project of improving basic science research as a nation.

Source: 习近平:切实加强基础研究 夯实科技自立自强根基

Weekly Reading: ChatGPT Decried as a Vector for Fake News and U.S. Propaganda

Concerns over ChatGPT's potential to spread fake news and disinformation – including US government propaganda, as argued in this video from state-media outlet China Daily – have prompted its removal from WeChat mini-programs and other apps.

Until now, these provided easy workarounds for Chinese citizens to access ChatGPT despite it not being officially available in China. This article from Shanghai Observer references NewsGuard, the Stanford Internet Observatory, and Georgetown's CSET for building a case to the Chinese public for being wary of information originating from ChatGPT.

Alongside the more nationalistic China Daily narrative of ChatGPT as a tool for US government meddling, we think the Shanghai Observer piece is a useful window into another area of the Chinese conversation around this technology.


African-American China Leadership Fellows Applications Are Now Open!

Exciting news! Applications are now open for the 2023 African-American China Leadership Fellows program, now in its third year. This amazing mentorship opportunity is for mid-career, China-focused African-American professionals.

Our growing network includes accomplished professionals in foreign policy, business, cybersecurity, and law. Apply now to have the chance to have targeted career support and mentorship from our impressive group of mentors and alumni:

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Job Opportunity - Select Committee

Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - Professional Staff Member

The Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is seeking Professional Staff Members to serve on the Democratic staff of the committee. Interested candidates should have strong research, writing, and communication skills with an academic background in Asian and Chinese studies. The committee is seeking senior, mid, and entry level candidates with specific China-related expertise in national security; foreign relations; economics, trade and finance; high-technology competition; and/or transnational repression and human rights.

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