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Sci-News Roundup February 10 - February 16, 2024

General Interest  Cosmos   Innovation   Health  Nature  Environment  Climate

SftPublic programs are recorded, broadcast & distributed by Belmont Media Center TV

SftPublic webinars are produced through the WGBH Forum Network.

The videos are uploaded to SftPublic website.and online channels.

Dec 05 The Urban Future: On Earth...and Elsewhere (ForumNetwork video)

Dec 12 Troubled Waters: Red Tides and Other Algae Blooms (BelmontMedia video)

Jan 09 Frozen in Time: Preserving for Later Revival (ForumNetwork video)

Jan 23 Real Public Health Is More Than Just Healthcare (ForumNetwork video)

Feb 09 Carbon Capture & Storage Will Not Reduce Global Warming (FNetwk webinar)


A New Look at Our Linguistic Roots

Knowable, February 12, 2024

Linguists and archaeologists have argued for decades about where, and when, the first Indo-European languages were spoken, and what kind of lives those first speakers led. A controversial new analytic technique offers a fresh answer.

Stone Tool Innovation Studied

Archaeology, February 12, 2024

Japanese researchers found that Homo sapiens did not start to spread to Eurasia after a quick revolution in stone tool technology, but rather the innovation in the ‘cutting-edge’ productivity occurred later, in tandem with the miniaturization of stone tools like bladelets,

The History of Chocolate: A Treat with a Dark Side?

The Collector, February 04, 2024

Chocolate has become the world’s most valuable addition to the world of confection around the entire globe, but it has a gritty and, at times, unhappy history.

12 Famous Mathematicians and Their Discoveries


Mathematics is a field that some people shy away from, but there are some famous mathematicians who had a passion for numbers throughout our history books.

How Long Did Neanderthals and Modern Humans Co-Exist in Europe? Evidence Is Growing It May Have Been At Least 10,000 Years

The Conversation, February 05, 2024

The idea that two different human species, Homo sapiens (us) and Neanderthals, co-existed in western Eurasia 50–40,000 years ago has long captured the imagination of academics and the public alike.


Dark Matter Detected Dangling from the Cosmic Web for 1st Time

Space, February 13, 2024

Dark matter, indirectly detected in a cluster of thousands of galaxies, could help scientists test theories of cosmic evolution.

Einstein's Predictions Mean Rare 'Gravitational Lasers' Could Exist Throughout the Universe, New Paper Claims

Live Science, February 13, 2024

A new study combining two of Albert Einstein's famous predictions suggests that ripples in space-time can combine into 'gravitational lasers', firing out of black holes in random directions across the cosmos.

Ancient Mars Was Volcanic

Cosmos, February 13, 2024

Young Mars had a period of active volcanism and crust recycling according to new research based on data from satellites orbiting the planet.

The SETI Ellipse Tells Us Where to Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Universe Today, February 13, 2024

Of all the questions that remain unanswered, the question of life in the Universe is surely the one that captures our attention the most.

Astronomer Searching for Clues about the Early Universe

Science Daily, February 6, 2024

Employing massive data sets collected through NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers are unearthing clues to conditions existing in the early universe.


With Retinal Images and Genetic Data, Researchers Predict Cardiovascular, Metabolic, and Other Disease Risks

Broad Institute January 25, 2024

Images commonly taken as part of eye care may provide valuable information about patients' ocular and systemic health

Clean Energy Tech: 6 Trends in 2024

Impakter, January 24, 2024

New S&P Global report unveils a dynamic landscape for clean energy in 2024, showcasing the industry's resilience, innovation, and global commitment to a sustainable future

The ‘Bill Gates Problem’: Do Billionaire Philanthropists Skew Global Health Research?

Nature, February 12, 2024 (book review)

Personal priorities are often trumping real needs and skewing where charitable funding goes.

This Ancient Material Is Displacing Plastics and Creating a Billion-Dollar Industry

Washington Post, February 05, 202I

Cork experiencing a revival as more industries look for sustainable alternatives to plastic and other materials derived from fossil fuels. The bark is now used for flooring and furniture, to make shoes and clothes and as insulation in homes and electric cars.

How to Protect Your Data Privacy: A Digital Media Expert Provides Steps You Can Take and Explains Why You Can’t Go It Alone

The Conversation, January 25, 2024

The dangers you face online take very different forms, and they require different kinds of responses.


The Blood of Exceptionally Long-Lived People Reveals Key Differences

Science Alert, February 09, 2024

Centenarians, once considered rare, have become commonplace. Indeed, they are the fastest-growing demographic group of the world's population, with numbers roughly doubling every ten years since the 1970s.

No More Backaches: 15 Great Exercises for a Stronger Back

Healthline, March 13 2023

You can strengthen your back with exercises that target the different affected muscles. Using equipment like weights and resistance bands can help.

The Art of Doing Nothing: Have the Dutch Found the Answer to Burnout Culture?

The Guardian, February 07, 2024

Interest in the concept of niksen has grown rapidly over the past five years – and it has become a publishing sensation. But just how easy is it to let go of all outcomes?

Secrets of a Healthy Breakfast

New York Times, May 19, 2023

Not only does a morning meal provide the fuel you need to start your day, but numerous studies have found that eating breakfast regularly is associated with a range of health benefits.

Should You Be Worried About the Amount of Coffee or Tea You Drink?

Cosmos, January 20, 2024

Should you be worried about the amount of coffee or tea you drink?


The Chemistry of Love

Chemistry World, February 12, 2024

The emotions we feel when we fall in love, develop attachments, build relationships and even break up are all linked to brain chemistry.

Five Animals That Can Sense Things You Can’t

Popular Science, September 19, 2019

Which mammal can detect a human pregnancy?

19 Surprising Geography Facts That Will Change Your Perspective

Mental Floss, February 12, 2024 (scroll down)

The country on Earth with the most time zones has a whopping 12 … and it’s probably not the country you’re thinking of.

Across the World, Migrating Animal Populations Are Dwindling. Here's Why

NPR, February 12, 2024

More than a fifth of the nearly 1,200 migratory species monitored by the U.N. – whales, sea turtles, apes, songbirds and others – are threatened with extinction.

Tools of the Wild: Unveiling the Crafty Side of Nature

Sapiens, February 07, 2024

Once considered a uniquely human activity, tool use has been spotted across diverse species. It’s time to rethink what tools reveal about their users’ intelligence and evolution.


Foods We Eat May Be Wrapped in Harmful -Plastics Linked to Premature Births

Environmental Health News, February 07, 2024

Despite industry claims of safety, experts call for broader regulation, highlighting the greater risk posed by chemical exposure.

Certified Natural Gas Is ‘Dangerous Greenwashing Scheme’, US Senators Say

The Guardian, February 12, 2024

Group of progressive senators led by Ed Markey call for crackdown on certified natural gas in letter to US federal regulators.

Coral Bleaching: Catalyst for Microbial Mayhem Below the Surface

Sci-Tech Daily, February 13, 2024

When coral bleaching occurs, corals release unique organic compounds into the surrounding water that not only promote bacterial growth overall, but select for opportunistic bacteria that may further stress reefs.

So Much Depends Upon Antarctica

Nautilus, February 08, 2024

The magnificence of the continent that’s changing our world.

Over Two-Thirds of World’s Leading Companies Don’t Have Emissions Reduction Targets

Impakter, January 24, 2024

Finds the World Benchmarking Alliance, calling on these companies and their shareholders to act.


Atlantic Ocean Circulation Nearing ‘Devastating’ Tipping Point, Study Finds

The Guardian, February 09, 2024

Collapse in system of currents that helps regulate global climate would be at such speed that adaptation would be impossible

The First Mega-study of Climate Messages Hints at What Motivates Different Audiences

Anthropocene, February 13, 2024 (scroll down)

Nearly 250 researchers drew more than 59,000 participants from 63 countries to compare climate change messages in a head-to-head test.

El Niño’s End May Be Near. Here’s What’s Coming Next.

Washington Post, February 08, 2024

The National Weather Service predicts El Niño will fade in the coming months and has issued a La Niña watch

Antarctic Tipping Point That Occurred 8,000 Years Ago 'Could Happen Again'

Common Dreams, February 09, 2024

"We now have direct evidence that this ice sheet suffered rapid ice loss in the past," said a Cambridge researcher.

Climate Change: Polar Bears Face Starvation Threat as Ice Melts

BBC, February 13, 2024

As the ice disappears in a warming world, many bears are spending greater amounts of time on shore, eating bird's eggs, berries and grass. However the animals rapidly lose weight on land, increasing the risk of death.

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