June 22, 2020
Our June Vol. 1 newsletter included professional development offerings available through SCCI as well as various resources related to anti-racism, cultural competence and social justice.
The purpose of the panel discussion was to provide the school community with a research-based framework on racism, to engage in meaningful conversations about addressing racial trauma to support our commitment to an inclusive environment that is safe and welcoming for all.
The Academy for SEL in Schools , a partnership between Rutgers University and the College of Saint Elizabeth, offers certificate programs for educators and educational leaders in social-emotional and character development.
SEL4NJ is a state-wide coalition that promotes high-quality SEL throughout the state. Sign up now to join this effort and to stay informed about national and state SEL news!
Summer Series Offered by the School Culture and Climate Initiative
The following series of virtual sessions are interactive professional development workshops that take place in real time. There will be a modest fee for each of these. More information will be available soon!
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Maximize School Re-Entry – PART 1
July 23, 2020
Childhood trauma can have a direct and immediate impact on the social, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive development of children. Many of our students are exposed to trauma early in life and they struggle to accurately perceive safety and self-worth, to self-regulate and to succeed socially or academically. In fact, the groundbreaking ACE study illuminated the surprising universality of trauma. This reality, coupled with the fact that many students and their families have experienced high levels of stress and anxiety due to the current environment, requires us to thoughtfully consider school re-entry for the fall and what changes need to be made in order to establish classrooms that promote safety, trust and collaboration. This interactive virtual workshop, part one in a two-part series, is specifically designed for administrators who are in the midst of planning for re-entry and acknowledge that now, more than ever, we must examine and focus on transforming our schools in order to create the right conditions for learning. Part one will focus on understanding trauma, its impact, particularly when exacerbated by additional stress, and what role the school plays in establishing an infrastructure for social and emotional well-being and academic success.
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Maximize School Re-Entry – PART 2
July 30, 2020
This session will build on the preliminary concepts established in part one. Although participation in both sessions is not required, it is highly recommended. Understanding trauma, and its impact on childhood development, is crucial in order for appropriate interventions to be implemented. Administrators who attend this session will explore how trauma manifests in the classroom and how adults are inclined to respond. As we begin to understand more about traumatized children, and how the last few months may have impacted them, we can begin to make shifts in our thinking followed by shifts in our policies and practices. The components of a trauma-sensitive school will be examined through a systems lens. This session will delve into discipline policies and practices and effective referral response plans. A variety of useful interventions will be shared that support all student behavior but especially our students who have experienced trauma. The format for this workshop will be interactive and virtual and the concepts and strategies offered in this two-part series will assist administrators in developing a school re-entry plan that prioritizes the safety and well-being of students and sets the stage for academic and lifelong success. 
Getting Ready for the Fall
Social-emotional skills, a positive school climate, and data informed decision making are more important now than ever as schools begin to plan for the upcoming fall. The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) offers a wide range of supports and resources that can be customized to help schools become places where the learning environment is positive and engaging for all - whether teaching is in-person, virtual or a hybrid model. SCCI, housed at the Center for Human and Social Development at the College of Saint Elizabeth, has a wide range of resources centered around SEL and school climate including: long-term improvement planning, surveys and assessment tools, SEL teacher coaching, Professional Development and of course Professional Learning Communities such as the School Support Network, the SCAIP PLC and the Learning Network for professionals in the field.  Check out our website for more details or contact Liz Warner .
The School Culture and Climate Initiative offers one-on-one or small group coaching for educators who are interested in honing their skills in incorporating social-emotional learning and creating positive climates in their schools and classrooms. Educators and our coaches form strong coaching partnerships and collaboratively identify personal development goals. Coaches provide modeling, observation and feedback, and spend quality time with educators, ideally, across a full academic year. Contact Liz Warner for more information.
The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) is based at the Center for Human and Social Development at the College of Saint Elizabeth.
For questions about SSN meetings, contact Liz Warner
For questions about or difficulty with registration, contact Leighann Garland